#I dislike many things about Orthodoxy but daaamn man
alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
my fav byzantine fact is when they would destroy everything that had to do with pagan religion and even killed people who weren't christian <3
Did you forget that Polytheists oppressed, persecuted and killed Christians first, for THREE HUNDRED years.
Hiding in the catacombs, getting murdered, honoring the Christian martyrs... you think Christians did these things as a hobby? 😂In the Roman Empire policy towards Christians was that they would be punished if they refused to worship the emperor and the gods. Christians were actively forced to worship gods they didn't want to worship. By the Polytheists.
Sorry to offend your little uwu cute ancient polytheists but 1) they did bride kidnappings 2) they threw "deformed" kids off cliffs 3) religious stories and depictions of rape were A Thing, endorsing a Rape Culture in many ways (I had a whole post with scientific papers about that) 4) pederasty (with young boys!) existed 5) gay men were literally called "those who drag shame with them" 6) cheating was socially acceptable for Greek men while the less the woman came out of her house, the better 7) slaves were far lesser than them compared to when Christianity came 8) oh and... THEY KILLED PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T POLYTHEISTS. Aka the Christians.
Don't get me wrong, persecution of any type is abominable. I want people to let other people worship in peace. I just listed all the above because you seem to ignore there was great hostility between Polytheists and Christians (which ultimately led to many deaths) for a reason. And the Polytheists started it. The first religious persecution ever in the Helladic area was that of Christians. By the Polytheists.
My point is....Before you completely cancel another group for doing something, maybe consider if "your" group has done it too, and maybe... did it first? Christianity has a long list of bad things but Hellenic Polytheism has a grim past, too, filled with the same crimes if not some more. There was a reason people were becoming Christians in droves*. Underprivileged groups finally saw the prospect of a better life compared to the Polytheistic faiths they were in. The first European to get baptized was a Greek young woman.
*It's estimated that there were fewer than 10,000 Christians in the year 100. Christianity grew to about 200,000 by the year 200, and then to almost 2 million by 250.
I said that I hate that people were killed for their faith (!!!), and this goes for Polytheists too (!!!). I also detest any destroying of buildings and manuscripts (which indeed happened). But, in this case, what would you like me to do??? Start beef with the long-dead Leonid dynasty or something? 😂 Which dynasty do you want me to spank? Tell me and I'll dig them uuup
Okay, hear me out... I will throw away the whole of the Byzantine Empire for the Polytheists it killed if you throw the whole Roman world away for the Christians it killed. Let's cancel EVERY culture for killing Polytheists, Hebrews, Christians, Zoroastrians and Muslims. (note: Persecution of Christianity is still going on in some countries, and it never stopped) Yes?
Also, no, Christians did not destroy everything related to Polytheism. Did you seriously come to my asks with the knowledge of a bitter scorned 16 y/o who read one single sentence from their history book?
The reason ancient Hellenic Epics and other classic works have survived is mainly that Christian Hellenes passed them down and copied them in their libraries and monasteries. The Greeks/and Eastern Romans they were actively reading and discussing the ancient works, and based their own research and philosophy on them. Arabs in the middle ages translated tons of still-existing (!) ancient manuscripts from Greek to their language. The reason Europe remembered these works, too, was the Hellenes who brought the still-existing (!) ancient manuscripts with them in the freaking 15th century to Europe after escaping Constantinople.
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