#I didn’t proofread this I just rambled and hit post. sorry if there are errors it is late <3
skelelephant · 6 months
bridglar thoughts of urs?? bridglar thoughts for the poor?? 🥺 👉👈💕
BRIDGLAR THOUGHTS I GOT EM (person who should’ve gone to bed an hour ago voice)
I have sooooo many thoughts about these two it’s unreal
I love the hc that John has a bunch of tattoos. It is canon to ME. I think he’s got stories behind most of them, where he got them and why, and Henry has asked about them all by this point. He loves hearing about John’s life and seeing the tapestry of it
I think when they’re passing books back and forth John will underline or mark certain passages that he thinks Henry will like, or that just remind him of Henry for one reason or another. They never risk any sort of flat out love note, but these passages that John chooses for Henry specifically serve the same purpose
Book Peglar has a heart condition of some kind and I think this worries John immensely, but in an AU where they’re rescued I don’t think that would stop Henry from climbing trees to sit and read in them all day bc he misses being up high on the ships. John has to come find him and bring him back inside but he’ll stand under the tree for a little while just to be with Henry
After rewatching the series again I think Henry and Tom are legitimately just really good friends. Like they’re together in the background of more scenes than you’d think. So I think Tom is one of the few people who knows just how intertwined John and Henry’s lives are. Like you can see in Tom’s face when Henry collapses on the ice that he knows exactly why Henry clings to John so tightly
If they ever decided to have any sort of marriage ceremony I think it would be incredibly small. Honestly I doubt they’d have anyone at all it would probably just be them. They write and tell people afterwards but I think they’re both very private men and would want this to just be their moment together
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