#I didn’t even know that the Corsair had a parrot
lokittystuckinatree · 3 months
Is it weird that I - a complete Doctor Who newbie, barely into Peter Capaldi’s time as 12 - going merely off of 2 appearances of the Shopkeeper from SJA and a single description of the Corsair, managed to come to the same conclusion as Russell T Davies: that they might be the same character?
I have literally no idea what that means for me but it’s funny
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artistic-writer · 3 years
Sparking the Pavement :: CS Moto GP AU :: Chapter 7
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Title: Sparking the Pavement by @artistic-writer Rating: E Summary: Killian Jones has everything he has ever dreamed of.  He likes fast bikes and even faster women, that is until almost losing his brother makes him rethink his life choices.  And then a chance encounter with a blonde bombshell on the race track gives him the chance to change and find love, but as usual, team politics get in the way and for the first time in his life, Killian can’t just get what he wants.  Moto GP racing AU.
AO3 - FF - Ko-Fi
A/N: I FOUND MY TAG LIST!  But please let me know if you want to be added/removed as its a little out of date.
So, here is ch 7(or ch 8 if you are on ao3) and i can’t thank you guys enough for sticking with this story, especially as this year hasn’t exactly been full of words.  I don’t like this chapter, but my last-minute-ultimate-goddess-beta @resident-of-storybrooke​ said it was okay, so I have to believe her. Massive thanks to her, and like I said, she is awesome, so go show her some love!
Taglist: @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan  @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife @notoriouscs @killian-whump @darkcolinodonorgasm @mariakov81 @strangestarlighttree @shardminds @thisonesatellite
Killian felt hot. Or was it sick? Or was it both? All he knew was that the second he had seen Emma standing beside his boss - their boss - his entire world felt like it had imploded. To stop the room from spinning, and to help stabilize his frayed nerves that were threatening to unravel even more than they had been since Liam’s death, he had fled like some sort of coward without so much as a word to her. The air outside of the garage hadn’t made it any easier to breathe and the haze clouding his vision, a mixture of tears and dizziness, had him bumping into the wall of the corridor down which he had made his escape.
Killian flattened a palm to the pristine white wall, hoping to steady himself long enough to stop himself falling over, but the weight of his boots tripped him up, and he was only saved from toppling by a firm but gentle grip. The familiar warmth in his hand was grounding and like a newborn taking its first breath, Killian inhaled hard and audibly, the sound almost drowned out by the slamming of the door he had been hastily guided through. Eyes closed, he felt like he was floating away but the warm hands on his face chased away the clammy sensation on his skin instantly and when his eyes fluttered open, he already knew to whom they belonged.
“Emma,” he breathed like it was the only word he knew. The mixture of emotions swarmed through him like hornets attacking prey, suffocating him, stinging him, making him wish that he hadn’t fallen so fast and so hard for the woman tenderly cupping his face in her hands like he was made of the finest china.
“I’m sorry, Killian, I meant to tell you,” Emma said softly. Her thumbs brushed over his cheeks and wiped away the tiny amount of salty tears he had let fall. She felt guilty, of course she did, and she was angry at herself for not telling him, but the minute she had found him playing the piano, his pain had become her pain and there was no amount of truth that would ever make that disappear.
“Stop,” he bit out, shaking his head from her grasp.
“Killian, please,” Emma pleaded, his rejection cutting through her.
His silence broke her heart in two. He was conflicted and she could tell just by looking at him that the pain tearing through his soul was more heartache than any man could take. The room they had bundled into was just a small closet of some kind filled with supplies and faintly smelling of fresh oil, but even in the confined space, Killian still managed to take a step back when she stepped forward.
“Killian, I know you are angry,” Emma began, but the harshness of his quick response took her back.
“Do you?” Killian snapped.
“Of course I do!” Emma snapped back, albeit in a hushed voice.
“How could you?” He stared her down, the warmth from her body radiating through her Honda issue shirt that still smelled of the chemicals used to preserve clothes in transit, making him feel sick to know he might never feel her body against his again.
"This is about me taking the job. Liam’s job," Emma surmised quickly and Killian huffed. "Look, I’m sorry. I didn't know things between us would be so intense."
"We can't be together. Not now." Killian was ranting, sliding away from her back into the depths of sorrow that had filled his soul. Having Liam ripped away from him was one thing, and now he would be losing her too. "I told you things, Emma, things I would never tell anyone." Killian looked down at her with sorrowful eyes, like he wanted to ignore the voice in his head telling him to push past her and run further away.
"Killian, stop,” Emma said firmly, patting his cheek until his eyes met hers. “Breathe,” she whispered, sounding out the word on a breath of her own, forcing him to mirror her actions, in and out, until the quiver in his lip ceased. “I can’t give up this job and I take back how I feel.” Emma closed the gap between them and pressed her forehead against his. “What, you think I meant to fall in love with you?"
“I can’t lose you,” Killian whimpered, pulling his head away from hers.
“And you won’t. Me taking the mechanic job changes nothing. I still hear everything you said, every little detail of your pain.” She stepped forward, one hand flattening over his heart, her fingertip caressing the material of his shirt that threatened to dampen the beating of his heart to her touch. “This,” she began, tapping a finger on his shirt, “still has me. All of me.”
Killian, having let his gaze fall to her hand on his body, and taken back by the electricity he swore he could feel shooting from her fingertips, took a breath and lifted his head until their eyes met once more. His eyes filled with water, not quite tears, but threatening to fall nonetheless, and Emma quickly slipped her hand down his arm and grasped ardently at his fingers.
“All of me, Killian Jones,” she repeated, the lump in her throat changing her voice to a husky rasp. Emma lifted his hand and pressed it to where her heartbeat, quickened by panic and fear of losing the man in front of her. “You’re in here, and I couldn’t cast you out even if I wanted to.”
"Then that day on the track-"
"Was just two people having fun. No malicious intent, I promise. Well, unless you count me taking your bike.” Emma paused, watching the corner of his lips tick up into a glimmer of a smile. “I'll admit, I came to meet you to soften the blow of me taking Liam's job. I just wanted us to get on...” She continued but Killian cut her off with a snort of laughter and a quirk of his eyebrow as he recalled how they had indeed meshed quite well.
“We got on rather swimmingly if I recall.” He smirked and Emma gave his arm a playful slap, glad he was feeling more at ease.
“And to tell you about how I meant no disrespect, but then you kissed me and…"
"I think you'll find, love, that it was you who kissed me," he sassed cheekily.
“Will you stop interrupting me!” Emma chuckled. “I’m trying to make amends here,” she smiled, the apple of her cheeks tinting a rosy shade of pink under his scrutinous gaze. "Does it matter anyway? We have to stop seeing each other now."
"Why?" Killian frowned, clutching onto her elbows to stop her from pulling away from him.
"Our contracts, Killian, you said so yourself. The 'no relationships with colleagues' or instant dismissal clause." Emma wracked her brains for something, anything, that could keep them together, but her close proximity to him made her concentration wane, and all she could focus on was the smell of his aftershave and how much she would miss the scent of wood spice and sea salt on her skin.
"Oh, that little thing." He stepped forward, a sly smirk spreading across his lips as he took her by the hand and pulled her body flush with his. “Little details.”
"I'm serious,” Emma tried to convey, wriggling out of his grasp. “I need this job."
Killian caught her hand in his again and stopped her from retreating to the other side of the supply cupboard. "And I need you, Emma Swan,” he said when her gaze met his once more. Her heart stopped, the lump in her throat catching as she tried to swallow. “This team is built on my success-,”
“Not Will’s?” Emma teased.
Killian narrowed his eyes at her. “You’ve met Will?” he asked with jealousy.
“This team is built on my success,” Emma parroted, prompting him to continue. She looped her arms around his neck and let her body fall against his.
“My point is,” Killian began, gulping hard when the feel of Emma’s body against his made his skin prickle with the sensation of arousal he had come to realise only she could pry out of him.
“Yes?” Emma asked innocently, her fingers stroking the soft, downy hair at the base of his skull and enjoying the way goosebumps appeared in the wake of her fingertips.
Killian clenched his jaw and could hear his teeth squeaking together. “I'm sorry I was a wanker-"
"Yes, you were," she grinned.
"I just didn't want to lose you too, alright?" Killian’s hands snaked around her waist, roughened palms pressing into the flesh of her hip and holding her in place, silently begging her to stay within arms reach.
“You won’t,” Emma promised with a shake of her head. Pushing herself up on her toes as she pulled his head down, she seized his lips in a kiss that was neither needy nor chaste; it just was and the world seemed to stop around them until their lips parted and reality was there once more. "So what do we do now? As cosy as this cupboard is, we are not going to meet in here for our secret workplace rendezvous," Emma said defiantly.
"Quite," Killian agreed, pushing aside something that was jamming him in the back.
"Think you can control yourself around me so we can keep this thing a secret?" Emma tilted her head to one side, somehow not quite believing that she was plotting to secretly date a work colleague on her first day.
"Oh, look at you, already breaking the rules," Killian grinned proudly but Emma just glared at him. "Alright, alright, I'll try."
Stepping forward again, Emma tiptoed to whisper in his ear. "Try hard," she breathed, her hand sliding over the front of his pants until she felt him harden beneath the fabric.
Killian gulped, the falling sensation in his stomach back again, but this time it was driven by lust. His eyes rolled back in his head, tongue darting out to lick at his lips, desperate to remember the taste of her skin. "Hard, aye," he mumbled before a groan reverberated deep in his throat.
"Nope," Emma said suddenly, snatching her hand away from the heat of his length pressing against her palm. "You failed."
"What?" Killian groaned achingly, eyes wide with disbelief.
"You can't even stop yourself from getting an erection, how are we supposed to keep us a secret?" Emma stepped back, arms crossed over her chest but a wry smirk across her face.
"Love, you were rubbing my cock," Killian said defensively, that sly smirk returning as he accentuated the last word with a honey laced timbre to his tone.
"And stop that," Emma quipped with a point of her finger. "Stop pulling that face around me. People will know."
"How will they know?" Killian challenged with a chuckle.
"It's feral and dirty, and so, so…” Emma words trailed off and she hadn’t even noticed the effect touching him had on her own body until her gaze shifted to his slightly parted lips that were still wet from where he had licked them, and she suddenly wished his head was between her legs fixing the ache that had settled between her thighs.
Emma only vaguely remembered seeing him smirk, tongue running over the point of his canine, before she was grabbing the collar of his neatly pressed shirt and was crushing his lips with hers. She heard a clatter, of what she had no idea, but it must have been where Killian had stumbled backwards with the ferocity of her kiss, and she readily ignored it in favour of forcing her tongue into his mouth for a taste of him. Killian pushed back after a beat, hands skimming up her back and cradling the back of her head in one hand, holding her to him as he devoured her kiss, inhaling the scent of her and wishing he was anywhere but at work at that exact moment.
"Can we finish this later on at my place?” He rasped breathlessly, breaking the kiss before his eyes had even fully reopened. “It's bad form to rouse a full mast out of a man and then leave him to fend for himself,” he groaned, the tent in his pants painfully obvious.
Emma grinned slyly but gave him no answer, instead, pulling him in for another kiss, tongue diving into his mouth for another duel with his own. Killian groaned again, anguished by the fact he knew there would be no release for him despite how turned on he was. This time it was Emma who broke the kiss and she sucked on his bottom lip with a feral growl of her own.
"Leave five minutes after me," she rasped, pushing him away from her in an attempt to re-acclimatize to her senses.
“And later?” Killian asked eagerly to which he only received a smirk over her shoulder as Emma slipped out of the doorway, teeth biting her bottom lip hungrily as she winked at him. Killian sucked in a breath, shaking his head to clear the fog of lust in his brain whilst looking down at the state of himself, erection poking out proudly as if it was trying to follow it’s mistress out the door. “Five minutes,” he laughed to himself, letting his head fall back so he could stare at a spot on the ceiling on the cupboard, willing away the blood in his cock keeping him as hard as marble at the mere thought of seeing Emma later on. “Maybe ten,” he shrugged, fist clenched at his side with no sign of his manhood retreating. “Alright, fifteen,” he conceded with a small smirk.
The day had been tough. Not only were there a million people asking a million questions and still offering a million condolences about Liam - how big was this building anyway? - but it seemed around every corner was someone else Killian needed to avoid. His return to work hadn’t gone unnoticed by the media, who constantly hounded him for a comment about Liam, like vultures over a still warm carcass. Overwhelmed wasn’t even the word for it. Will had tried his hardest to stave off the rabble, but in the end, Killian had been forced to retreat to his driver’s trailer, one he normally used on the road as the team travelled between race circuits. It was calm and quiet and had offered him the solace he needed, and he had managed to completely forget about his earlier rendezvous with the lovely Miss Swan until after lunch, when both he and Will were summoned to the garage.
Nothing short of thorough on her first day, Emma had made short work of Ruby’s paperwork and had dived straight into the more hands on side of her job role. Belle, Will’s primary mechanic, had helped her find her feet and move her tools into the garage. There was a workspace waiting for her, cleaned and newly painted by the faint smell of fresh paint that had yet to disappear, with her name etched into a plaque above where her toolbox would go. Belle had helped her manoeuvre the brand new huge, red metal chest into place and was busy showing her all of the pristine, metallic tools inside that were all just for her.
It felt somewhat paradoxical, a fully trained mechanic, having honed their craft with their own set of tools which they could tell apart with their eyes closed, getting a brand new set, but Honda had rules, and one of them was that they only used certain brands of tools. Of course, Emma knew it was all based on sponsors and maybe even next season would deliver her a new set of tools, but for now, she couldn’t wait to break in the ones right in front of her. She pulled open a drawer, the shallowest one at the top, fingers hooking under the chromed lip with the same glee as a kid at Christmas before revealing a set of immaculate wrenches and specialist tools that made her giddy with excitement.
“Can’t wait to get going, huh?” Belle appeared behind her and made her jump a little.
“Is it wrong that I am thinking about sabotage just so I can fix something?” Emma laughed, her fingers running over the biggest wrench in the set.
“Trust me,” Belle quipped. “With the way these guys race, there will be plenty of fixing to do.”
“Oi!” Will yelled, his voice echoing around them as he entered the garage at exactly the moment Belle had been insinuating his lack of skill. “I for one am offended.”
Belle spun around to follow his voice and shifted her weight onto one hip, her hand resting on the curve of her hip. “Will, hun,” she began with a playful smirk. “Following the guy in front of you isn’t racing. That’s just driving.”
Emma stifled a laugh and pushed the tool chest drawer closed.
Will narrowed his eyes at his mechanic. “I thought we were friends.”
“Whatever gave you that idea?” Belle laughed, giving him a wink.
“You hear this, Killian? Belle is teaching the new girl her bad habits already.”
At the mention of his name, Emma’s ear perked up and she tried not to look so desperate to see him as she turned around and saw him enter the garage behind Will. He looked tired but they had been at it for the majority of the night before and his hair was still a little dishevelled from their cupboard tryst. His hands were in his pockets, probably to remove the temptation of touching her, and the way he licked at his lips before replying to his teammate was sinful. She wasn’t sure, but Emma could have sworn there was a whimper in her throat, but she hoped she had managed to swallow it before Belle heard.
And then he lifted his head, looked her dead in the eye and smirked like a predator who had thoroughly exhausted it’s quarry and was about ready for the take down.
“I’m sure Miss Nolan,” Killian began, emphasizing her name as he toyed with the words on his tongue as he advanced on her. “Has a few naughty habits of her own.”
Will’s laughter managed to disguise the nervous chirp that tumbled from her lips but it was useless in hiding the fact her cheeks were abloom with a red blush. Killian spotted it immediately and raised an eyebrow in her direction, the corner of his
mouth tugging into that boyish smirk only she would know meant he was implying something else. She mirrored his smirk slyly, averting her gaze just as quickly as she had caught his eye,lest Will or Belle notice their eye fucking.
“Well then, mate, I’m glad she’s working on your equipment, and not mine,” Will scoffed.
Emma’s eyes widened at his words, and even though she was looking back at her tool chest, trying desperately to distract herself from the choking sensation in her throat, she could feel the burn of Killian’s stare on the back of her head. Covering her mouth with a slightly shaky hand that was very uncharacteristic of a mechanic of her calibre, Emma coughed to clear the dryness that had set itself firmly in the back of her mouth, and when she took the risk of sliding her gaze sideways, Killian was there, waiting, with raw darkness and sex in his eyes that made the apex of her thighs tingle.
“Will you boys stop it? Emma has only just got here and you’re already scarring her.” Belle clipped the back of Will’s head with a playful slap, before pointing an accusatory finger in Killian’s direction. Before he had time to react, she was continuing, a more menacing tone to her voice. “Leave. Her. Alone.”
“Why is your rage directed at me?” Killian asked innocently. “Will’s the sex pest!”
“Oi, fuck off, mate!” Will detested, rubbing the back of his head.
“Language!” Belle screeched, yet again slapping Will but this time across his shoulder.
“Language?!” Will countered, his voice higher than it should have been for a man his age. “Emma’s raced! She knows what swear words are.”
There was a spot of silence, during which Emma tried to busy herself with absolutely nothing in front of her, but it wasn’t long before she could feel a second pair of eyes boring into the back of her head.
“You raced?” Belle asked quickly. “When? Where? Why don’t you race anymore?”
Emma didn’t know Belle that well but she had already worked out that the brunette was the sort of person who had an issue controlling the lilt of her voice when she was engaged by intrigue. She didn’t mind. It was natural to be curious, but she had hoped her colleagues would have remained in the dark a little longer. It wasn’t something she wanted to relive, not yet, but exactly how they had found out was soon revealed when Killian’s head shake of denial turned Will’s cheeks right red as she looked from one to the other.
“I googled you,” Will admitted sheepishly after reading her silent question.
“Will!” Belle’s voice pierced the air again but he was quick to sidestep her intended blow this time.
“You asked!” Will frowned defensively. “How is you asking different to me searching for Emma Nolan online?”
“How did you find me?” Emma piped up suddenly, stepping away from her tool chest and facing Will, her arms folded tightly across her chest. “You shouldn’t have found me.” Her defences had kicked in, whether she wanted them to her not, and Killian noticed them immediately and rushed to intervene.
“Why don’t we save this topic for another time, aye?” Killian slipped in between Emma and Will, his back to his teammate, before his hands were on her shoulders and, as if reading his mind, Belle was directing a confused Will away from Emma’s fury. Killian could feel the tension in her shoulders, despite his gentle coercion, and he almost forgot himself when one of his hands gravitated towards brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. “Belle, Will, why don’t we give Emma a moment alone?”
Belle was quick to nod her head and pushed Will towards the door, muttering angrily about his stupidity. Killian was about to follow his colleagues but just as they exited the garage, Will still grumbling and his voice echoing down the hall, he was stopped when Emma grabbed onto his little finger. He turned quickly, his eyes falling to the way her hands were clutching to his pinky, her slight tremor travelling all the way up his arm.
“Love, what is it?” Killian asked quickly, concern lacing his voice. Casting a quick glance over his shoulder to watch the door to the garage fully close, Killian felt a surge of adrenaline invade his body, his worry for Emma the primary cause. “Emma?” Killian pried again. He brushed the back of his hand over her cheek, slightly bent knuckles stroking her in an attempt to rouse her from her state.
“Swan,” Emma mumbled, swallowing hard.
Killian frowned and shook his head. “I’m sorry, love, I’m not following.”
“Swan,” Emma repeated, finally lifted her head so their eyes met once more. “I raced as Emma Swan, not Nolan. You’re the only person, other than me, who knew this, and yet Will Scarlet managed to google me? How?”
The way she was looking at him for answers, with pleading in her watery eyes, made his heart pained. He couldn’t give her an answer because he simply didn’t know and despite his best efforts, the uncertainty in his own eyes must have been blatantly obvious to her because Emma’s lip quivered, and the dam finally broke, hot, rolling tears spilling from her eyelids. No time passed between the first tear falling and Killian pulling her against the firm planes of his chest, wrapping his arms around her as more than just comfort. It was a protection, a means by which he promised to find out.
“I’ll talk to Will,” Killian offered. “Find out where exactly he found out, alright?” His hands rubbed her back, splayed out over the material of her shirt and letting her cry, her tears lost in the material of his own uniform. He felt her nod against him and moved his head so that he could kiss the top of hers, letting his lips linger against the warmth of her hair while he inhaled the smell of her, traces of his shower gel mixed with her own floral scent invading his nostrils.
“Thank you,” Emma sniffed, lifting her head and relaxing out of his embrace. She shook her head and brushed her hair from her face and Killian’s hands were cupping her face and brushing away the lines tears had left on her cheeks with a softness she hadn’t realised he possessed. Before she had time to realise his intentions, his lips were on hers, preceded by a small smile of assurance, and Emma felt the weight of her worry disappear.
When he broke the kiss, Emma took a second to open her eyes, and only did so prompted by Killian gently rubbing his hand up and down her arm. He smiled at her warmly, a genuine look of content on his face now that he knew she was okay, and took his hand in hers before lifting it to his lips and planting a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“Are you sure you’re alright, darling?” He asked again.
“I’m sure,” Emma nodded, hastily wiping at her cheeks once more. She blew out a breath, letting all of the tension leave her, and clutched at Killian’s hand dangling between them at the same time. “I’ll be better tonight,” she teased. “I have plans.”
Killian smirked, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “Oh, you do? Not with anyone too horrid, I hope.”
“Oh, he’s ghastly,” Emma mocked, faking his accent with a little too much American twang. “But very good in bed. You’d hate him.”
“Well, as your colleague, might I take this opportunity to express my concerns?” Killian raised an eyebrow when she tilted her head and leaned her whole weight against him, her fingers toying with the collar of his shirt.
“Feel free,” Emma shrugged.
“I’m concerned you might be in too deep with this guy.” He grinned, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “Or maybe it is he who is in too deep?” He growled, the words vibrating over her ear.
“If he plays his cards right,” Emma smirked coyly, biting her bottom lip. “That might be exactly where he finds himself.”
Content that Emma was alright, Killian had headed out of the garage and was intent on finding Will. He’d got held up slightly when Robin had wanted to talk to him about the next season - too long, if he was completely honest - and it was way into lunchtime by the time he had caught up with his teammate. Will always ate his lunch on the track, surrounded by bikes and the smell of lubricant and oil tainting his food, his greasy hands unwashed as he tucked into whatever had been on offer in the cafeteria that day. Today, it seemed, had been a cold meal day with a selection of finger foods and sandwiches on offer, much to Killian’s disgust.
“You know we have gloves, right?” Killian asked gingerly, stepping into Will’s garage with a look of disgust on his face.
Will looked up from his bike, mouth full of half the egg sandwich he held in his blackened hand and a smear of grease across his cheek. He chewed and swallowed, giving Killian a shrug.
“I like to feel the parts I work on,” he shrugged, stuffing another mouthful of the sandwich into his gaping maw before swigging from a bottle of coke.
Killian grimaced. “I meant for the sandwich,” he clarified.
Will gave him a grin. “Tastes better with a little Castrol dressing.”
“You truly are the most disgusting human being I have ever had the pleasure of knowing,” Killian told him, not even a little bit surprised by his own words as they left his mouth.
“Why, thank you, squire!” Will gave Killian a little salute, his confusion between medieval terminology and military actions revealing his youth. “What’s up? What brings you out to the second riders area?”
Will patted the chair next to him, offering it to Killian, who plopped down into it without any more prompting.
“I needed to ask you a question,” Killian began, declining Will’s offer of some grease covered potato chips. “Where did you find the name, Emma Swan?”
Will stopped mid chew, holding the shards of chips in his mouth with his tongue. “I googled Emma Nolan and Emma Swan came up,” he mumbled awkwardly.
“Pfft, give over, mate!” Killian scoffed.
“No, really!” Will detested. He shook the bag until all the crumbs fell into one corner, then tipped his head back and emptied the bag into his mouth. A few more crunches later, he was licking his lips and sloppily licking his fingers before unlocking his phone and turning the device towards Killian. “See.”
Killian snatched the phone out of his hand, ignoring the way it was slightly slippery from the potato chip oil coating its side, and ignored Will’s protest as he focused on the screen. His teammate hadn’t been lying. There, in black and white digital print, for the world to see, was a photo of Emma Nolan under a huge bold title that gave away her race name, Emma Swan, to the entire world. Killian felt his blood begin to boil when he read the subtitle that alluded to the fact Emma had tried to hide her identity to get her job, and as he skimmed his thumb up the screen to scroll down, all became somewhat clear.
“Cassidy?” Killian muttered and hadn’t realised out loud until Will snatched his phone back and gave him a nod.
“He used to date her, apparently.” Will shrugged and stuffed his phone back in his pocket.
Killian frowned, a little shaken by Will’s revelation. “When?”
“Did you know she got caught doping?” Will raised his eyebrows whilst trying to dislodge a piece of potato chip from behind his tooth.
“What?! No, she never!” Killian argued, fuming.
“Yeah, see, it’s right here,” Will began, pulling his phone back into Killian’s view and tapping the screen a few times, but he didn’t have time to read any of the articles about Emma Swan/Nolan before Killian was slapping the device out of his hands. “Hey!” Will yelled, watching the love of his life clatter to the floor, screen down. His heart sank. “If that’s broken, mate,” he growled, straightening himself up and puffing out his chest.
“Yeah? What?” Killian snarled, squaring up to his teammate until they almost bumped noses.
“Fuck off!” Will pushed against Killian’s chest, hard, and the other rider stumbled back a little.
“Or what?” Killian challenged, moving back into Will’s space, his heart hammering in his chest.
Will gave him another push, and stopped Killian advancing by holding out an open hand. “Look, I know you’re not Cassidy’s biggest fan, but I’m not to blame for that shitbag said, am I?” Will could see the darkness of rage clouding Killian’s eyes, changing the normally mellow blue colour to a stormy grey, and his teammate was clearly clenching his jaw. “I’m just the messenger, so don’t shoot, alright?”
Killian took a long deep breath and followed it by another, letting his eyes flutter closed. The onslaught of new information was too much, overloading his system and shorting out the already very short fuse he had when anyone mentioned the name Neal Cassidy. Coupled with the fact he had just learned that Emma, the most wholesome woman he had ever known after his mother, had once been in a relationship with Cassidy too? Fury was the only thing he could feel, but given the chance to calm a little, he suddenly realised why Emma’s race days were not a first date sort of conversation.
Will picked up his phone off the garage floor, the sound of shattered glass scraping the concrete and a following tut of disgust leaving his mouth with an added groan, made Killian feel remorseful immediately. Will was his friend, and he had been right; he was just relaying information he had found on the internet. No reason for Killian to lose his cool so quickly, especially over a colleague who, for everyone else’s benefit, was just the new mechanic.
“Bugger it,” Will sighed, tossing his now dead phone onto the tool chest he had been using. “That’s just bloody brilliant.”
“I’ll buy you another,” Killian offered, rubbing his temples.
“Yeah you will,” Will snapped. “What’s gotten into you today? You storm out of the big reveal, and now you’re going all Hulk on my phone?”
“I’m sorry,” Killian said more evenly. “I said I’ll buy you another.”
“I’m worried about you,” Will said quickly, tapping the palm of his greasy hand with the round end of a spanner. “I know losing Liam was the hardest thing you ever had to experience, but I wish you would just talk to us.”
“Us?” Killian narrowed his eyes.
“Me, Elsa, Belle, Robin. Us. Your Team, your family!” Will sounded exasperated, all of his worry for his friend seemingly leaving him all at once. “Mate, I’d even be happy if you started pouring your heart out to the new mechanic because at least then you’d be talking about it!”
The corner of Killian’s lips pulled up into a small smile at Will’s words and he cast his gaze down to his feet, ashamed of the way he had been acting lately. He’d been so wrapped up in mourning his brother, blaming himself, that he hadn’t stopped to realise how it was affecting the people around him. These people had known Liam too. They were all a part of his life in one context or another, and Killian had failed to notice their own grief whilst he had been so consumed with his own.
“Will, come here,” Killian ordered softly, taking a step towards his teammate.
“Why?” Will asked suspiciously, frowning at the way Killian had opened his arm as he advanced.
“Just come here,” Killian insisted, waving a hand towards himself to encourage Will.
“No, mate, no…”
Without another word, Killian was pulling him into a crushing hug, and Will only resisted for a few seconds before he let the spanner he was holding clatter to the floor with a metallic echo. He threw his arms around his friend, face buried into the crook of Killian’s neck as a soft, watery sob hitched in his throat. Killian tightened his grip, unable to form the words he was looking for to comfort his teammate.
“I miss him too,” Will whispered, his voice changed by the lump in his throat.
Killian still couldn’t find the words, instead, his hand cradling the back of Will’s head and letting him cry against the collar of his shirt. Will bunched the material of Killian’s shirt in his fists and let out a manly wail, letting out all of his sorrow and anger at the same time, encouraged by Killian gently patting his back. When he felt Will relax, Killian loosened his grip and both men stood back upright, face to face. Will hastily wiped at the tear stains on his cheeks, smearing a big black line of grease across his cheek before wiping his nose on the sleeve of his overalls, which made Killian chuckle.
“You really are disgusting,” he said fondly and Will just grinned cheekily.
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