#I bought one of my exes flowers but they didn't like the way it wilted... I felt a little discouraged after that.
birdmenmanga · 2 years
so I don't have a motorcycle and I take the bus everywhere, so when we want to get a midnight snack after dance practice this charming lad has been giving me a ride on his motorcycle so I could go with everyone, and he's also been dropping me home. Today there was an older man who joined dance practice, and he thought I was a girl so he was surprised when I gave my name and he went "oh, that's kind of a masculine name, isn't it?" and I STARTED to laugh it off and then I was like "wait. no that's the girl response wrong wrong wrong I say I'm a guy here." and I got as far as going "ahaha... well, ah..." and the guy who's been giving me a ride this whole time goes "well you're a guy, right?" which was really nice and considerate of him??? so I say yes and all.
later on I chat him up while he takes me home, I say my sister's gotten covid and her co-workers have been getting her food and water and meds and everything and she's looking for a gift for them, and it's difficult because in the boondocks there isn't really anything nice you can treat them to and they're at the age where sweets and cakes aren't good anymore (for health and palate reasons). I said I'd just give them tea, but he said "well what if they don't drink tea? I think I'd gift flowers" and I was really surprised by this?? I feel like flowers have a really strong romantic connotation, especially in the states... but maybe not here???
anyways I really wanted to thank him for... not quite sticking up for me, but... well, it was nice, you know??? and when I expressed surprise at his flower suggestion, I went "Wow, really? I've never received flowers for anything!" he went "I've given them as gifts. Never received any, though." in like a mildly sad way. And I know there's a flower shop nearby??? like would it be too much??? to buy him flowers??? like is that too fruity??? like I'm not trying to romance this guy but he's been really nice to me...
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
👋💋🤯 for my boy Riag!!
SORRY IT'S LATE AAAAA Here's the Meeting, Good end, and secret end to Riag our beloved.
Meeting: Riaghael
Celebrating your birthday by yourself was a mixed bag of emotions. On one hand, you could buy yourself exactly what you wanted without having to pretend. On the other, there was part of you that felt a little gloomy at having to buy your own cake and presents. Still though, it was better than not celebrating it at all. You had made up your mind to take yourself out to eat and then buy something to spruce up your living room and make it more inviting. Fresh flowers would do the trick - plus once they start to wilt you don't have to worry about them getting dust. The less cleaning the better!
The Grove had a few vendors who would sell flowers, all of them decently priced though they often had much of the same thing. Pre-made bouquets for specific meanings. A 'Congratulations' here and a 'my condolences' there. They were pretty but also... pretty generic? You weren't sure exactly what meaning you wanted besides something nice to look at and maybe cheer you up when you saw it.
One vendor, who operated a very small and easily missed shop you decided to stop by, on the account that while there were a few flowers here and there- no pre-made bouquets were out. Odd as it might seem, it grabbed your interest. Upon approaching, you noticed a yellow-green Sylvari leaning against the counter - occupying his attention by misting some of the roses that were in color coded vases. He was of a thin build, long branches reaching back from the crown of his head, with vivid pink flowers nestled in and among them. Though a large, harsh looking scar ran down the side of his face, over and down his brow. You couldn't help but wonder what might have caused it. How could a flower vendor get so injured?
Seeing you stare at him, the vendor asks in a half-way amused voice,
"Can I help you?"
"Oh, uh, yes actually. I'm looking to buy some flowers."
"You seem to be at the right place. Anything in mind?"
"Just... happy?"
"Just happy." He scoffs, "Okay. Setting the bar low, I see."
"Well then what do you suggest?" You are a little annoyed by the way he sounded. It was approaching condescending.
"What's the occasion? What are you trying to convey? What colors do you like?"
"My birthday. I don't know, I just wanted something cheerful to look at. And pinks and red?"
You can see him taking notes in his head, he's looking up and nodding in some internal discussion. You realize that the flowers match his eyes, or maybe his eyes match his flowers. Both are a warm, petal pink.
"Alright that's much better. When do you need it by?"
"Well it's my birthday today so... soon? "
"Ah thorns, will have to come up with something quick then. Can you be back here in like an hour? Maybe an hour and a half?"
"Sure." You pause, "Does it really take that long to put something together? And I didn't even get your name!"
He's already started walking towards the back of the small, shop, not turning as he answers you, "It does when you're not just throwing plants together and calling it 'a bouquet'. And I'm Riaghael."
GOOD END: Riaghael
Having heard from the excited chatter of saplings and the anecdotes of the other vendors, you wonder if they were speaking about the same person at all. By all their accounts, the Ex-Commander, as you have now found out, is not one who many seek out. They whisper tales of his deeds and his retirement with an equal part sympathy and gossip. It irritates you in a way you've yet to fully figure out.
You've come to pay him a visit for something beyond buying a gift, the original bouquet you bought having long since wilted. It lasted for a long time, but flowers just do that. Despite his occasionally prickly side, he seemed like a genuine and interesting person. The other flower vendors gave you a rough estimation of where he lived on the bottom level of the Grove following it up with a hasty "But he doesn't like company!" that you roll your eyes at. He may not like it but he's getting it all the same.
The spiral ramp leading down the the lowest level is easy to traverse, the soft patches of moss carpeting it. It's dusk and the lights of the fireflies have started to come awake, bright dots of cheerfully spinning light dotting the whole area. Spotting the house that you think is his - you wonder why it's so far away from the others. It seems secluded even in the somewhat busy area. A large garden in the front of the plot nearly obscure the entrance - you see some types of flowers that were in the shop. And some that weren't. And curiously enough there is a patch of dandelions sown with such precision that you know they are supposed to be there. But why?
While wondering why Riaghael would purposefully allow weeds in his otherwise well tended garden, you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
You turn, to see - well, who else but Riaghael standing several feet away. His arms are crossed as though he's in a bad mood.
"Did I interrupt your snooping? My apologies."
"No, I wasn't, I just... why do you have dandelions?" You can't help but ask as it seems so out of place.
The spring green Sylvari unfolds his arms, sighing. "It's... the greens are edible." You feel like he had been about to say something else but choose not to push the matter.
"Why are you here, again?"
"I wanted to come see you."
"...for what reason exactly?"
"Just to be friendly, alarming as that may sound."
He gives a snort of a laugh and the mask of irritation breaks for a moment. Riaghael smiles, amused if nothing else. Despite his usual sour expression, you can't help but think that he has a nice smile - though it's likely getting rusty at this point. In the approaching of the night, a peach color sneaks around the green of him. It compliments the yellows and pinks, it's strangely... pretty. Though you wouldn't dare say that to him out loud.
"It's going to be dark soon." He says and there's a weight to it you can't fully understand. "As much as I appreciate your 'alarming' friendliness, maybe you should go home?"
You're about to protest when he interrupts you, "You can come alarm and annoy me at my shop tomorrow, if you're so inclined."
You are definitely going to take him up on the offer.
SECRET END: Riaghael
The mistake, you now realize as you are glaring at your hand that offers a few drips in defiance, was not that you grabbed the shelf as you tripped. But that you for some reason decided to put all your plates on it. As the shelf came with you as you fell, so too did the plates. You wonder if maybe the Wardens should switch their weapons to broken plates with how effective they are at cutting through things. Wrapping it up in a piece of gauze as best as you were able, you had made a point of not letting it ruin your day.
It had become part of your weekly, if not daily, routine to go and check on Riaghael, usually when he was in his shop. He wasn't always the most talkative of company or the most outgoing, but hearing him spout off on random gardening topics or soapboxes kept you going back. Even when he'd occasionally fuss that you were getting in the way when there were no customers. Today, as you approach the shop, you notice that it's empty. There are still flowers there but the Sylvari who tends to them is missing.
As hard as you are trying not to let your day be sullied, it does seem to be putting in an effort to do so. Not knowing where else to look, you descend the spiraling path to the lowest level of the Grove once again. Maybe he wasn't feeling well today?
Approaching with less trepidation than last time - you spot him right away in his garden. He seems to be collecting more plants for the shop.
"I wondered where you went." You announce as you get closer.
He didn't seem to hear you. Riaghael is focused intensely on cutting a few different varieties of flowers. Mostly dark red roses and a few pink carnations. His expression is solemn. Part of you considers leaving him to whatever he's occupied with when he spots you. Meeting your gaze you're a little taken aback when you realize just how exhausted he looks and you wonder if he's slept at all recently. For all his insistence of being 'fine' it's very hard to deny the darkened circle that appears around the eye that's not obscured by the scar. Riaghael's eyes flicker to your bandaged hand for a moment and he gives the most exasperated sigh.
"What in the name of the Pale Tree did you do?"
"I tripped."
He looks down at his flowers for a moment and puts away the gardening knife he had been using. "Come on. I have something better you can use than just regular gauze." Riaghael gives a wave at you for you to follow him.
Not sure what else to do, you tip toe through his garden - careful not to step on anything. The inside of his house seems bigger on the inside that it had from the path out front, perhaps it's just because there's so little in it. A leaf hammock, a couple of mushroom stools stacked on top of each other in the corner, a short table, a large wooden chest, and a greatsword hanging on the wall. That's about it.
Riaghael rummages through the wooden chest, pulling out old sheets of paper, empty seed packets, and other odds and ends. He makes a sound of discovery and pulls out a long, thin piece of fabric. It seems to be slightly tan in color which makes you eye it with wariness.
"Hand, please." He asks and you unwind the gauze from your injured palm. You wince as it stings when the open air meets it. It's not a dangerous cut, but it's positioned just so when you try to use your hand it reopens.
The spring green Sylvari frowns in concentration, trying to get his hands to steady. You had seen the scar running down his palm in passing once or twice, but the tremor was new. At least, new to you. With all the precision he can muster, he winds the cloth around the cut and it instantly stops stinging. He doesn't seem overly satisfied but it's an improvement from what you had.
"Gauze that has essence of calendula and yarrow." He supplies, answering the passing question you had. "I used to go through a lot of it, still have spares."
"That's much better."
He huffs tiredly. "Try not to split yourself open again."
Both of you realize at the same time that he hadn't let go of your hand yet - he pulls his own back like he's been electrocuted, crossing his arms. You've come to recognize that as something he does when he's uncomfortable. It's endearing.
"Thanks, Riag." You manage to say, trying to brush over the situation.
There's a very quiet, "... you're welcome."
A soft peach color has come into the room but you're not willing to say anything about it, in case he asks you to leave.
He doesn't.
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