#I bet canon timeline Gortash had a lot of thoughts about this 10 years before the game though huh
anderstrevelyan · 2 months
Realizing I've accidentally created an extra character layer for how Gortash presents himself—
This normally happens in 1482, but in moving the death of Gorion's Ward up to 1456 in my own fic canon, for me it happens much closer to then. (It wouldn't be Torlin as pictured, he would have been too young then for me, but maybe an ancestor of his?)
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(screenshot from the Murder in Baldur's Gate campaign)
I have Gortash born around 1450, so this is the Baldur's Gate he would have grown up in as a child before going to the hells. People were literally having jewels ripped off their clothes or lace collars cut off, if they weren't born into nobility!!
Hmm, the birth of an extra layer of hereditary patriar resentment right there (and no wonder he goes on to wear so much gold)
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