#I am outside I’m tired and tumblr ate all the tags I wrote about it
arcadefloorvibes · 6 years
Dear tumblr
Sit down, grab popcorn and a blanket because I just got back from the second actual leadership camp and I swear to god i cannot stop smiling
First up i took notes on my phone for the first night then didnt even bother the second because i was so fucking tired
Also I'll be doing the same formatting as last time which is each day is a post with reblogs if it doesnt fit
Okay? Okay.
Bus ride
Okay first up, it was fucking pouring so there was none of the usual talking outside
I put my stuff in the bus and get in the bus and find a spot
Now I know some peoples crush tells are stuttering, can't talk in front of said crush and all round can't focus, my best friend is the same
My crush tell is actaully wanting to socialise with them more and I become more of a social person
Meaning it's literally impossible for anyone to be able to tell when I have a crush on them
So I go up and sit next to him by choice this time
It was him or sitting awkwardly with a bunch of girls talking about stuff I don't understand nor care about
We talk about some general stuff, we drive past my house and because I knew most of the highway I pointed out stuff that I thought would be interesting which it was
Now because this is Friday night everyone's kinda tired so he's kind of starting to nod off which I am perfectly fine with because I'm just running on the adrenaline of actually talking to him when he says this
"I feel like you're kind of leading the conversation a bit" which to be honest I kind of was "Considering the fact I know you aren't really a socialable person, I've noticed you tend to talk a lot easier with me."
Shit gets real when even he's noticed
Btw exact words
I just kind of made a joke out of it
I remember just kind if continuing it him mentioning that he had read Maze Runner (OMGOMGOMGYAAAAAAS) and him liking "The Greatest Showman"
For the rest of the camp if we were just sitting and waiting he would sing songs from it
Now I haven't watched it but he sang "This is Me" and all the other songs he sang fit the same sort of theme
Also I want to say I am typing this whole post on a Samsung Galaxy note and this thing is fucking huge so i apologise for any typos
It did get to a point where if you looked out the windows all you could see was darkness and he made a joke out of hiw we could easily be transferring dimensions
Cue half an hour talk about interdimensional travel and whether there are more dimension that our brains cant even think of
Tumblr media
We are massive nerds i know
(Also i used a GIF correctly I'm so proud of myself)
Dinner and literally everything afterwards
All of this camp i hung out with Laurence
Seriously i amaze myself
Dinner was pasta and garlic bread
Thank god i ate before i came i don't like garlic bread and pasta serves were minimal
After dinner was a game of human battleship
Which Laurence did an amazing job at even when he got out
He always wears a hat (i think they're called fedoras hold on googling... yeah fedoras) and whenever the cannonballs/ a pair of gloves flew over the tarp he frisbeed the hat to catch the gloves
Didnt get stopped until we were down to 8:4
We won
Afterwards was trivia which we both sucked at considering it was celebrity gossip for most of the questions
I only helped with answering who wrote walzing matilda (Banjo Patterson)
We lost because we had points deducted for having phones out
Okay glad i got that out
we would have won too
No matter the winner got to go canoeing the next day and i know i would have fallen in
Walking back to the cabins we both noticed a giant chess set
We love chess
Plans to play chess the next day, done
I was seriously excited because that meant i got to spend more time with him
We found a couch randomly lying in the hallway and no one seemed to have either moved it or wanted it so Laurence took it up to his room
It was one of those one seater couches
I got ready for bed slightly disappointed i didn't get to say goodnight properly
I was not disappointed to see him standing in the hallway afterwards waiting for me to come out to say goodnight
I spent way too long overthinking about everything that night
There also was a moment at dinner where I mentioned that I almost wasnt going to able to make it diue to scheduling issues where he replied with
"I'm glad you made it, I enjoyed your company"
Three hours of going over that one sentence on whether that was just a friendly thing or something else
I seriously like him no other crush has me analysing sentences like this
Welm that is the end of Day one and its almost midnight and I'm exhausted so I'll write more tommorrow
Also as requested @cubedtriangle i will tag you for these
These will be under both the Laurence stories tag and the new LC2
Which stands for leadership camp 2
Well i guess I'll write tommorrow
Maze Girl out
(God its been a while since I've written that)
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