#I always get super conscious at supermarkets if I hear German and am wearing dä or Rammstein merch
mcrmadness · 1 year
I was in Lidl today and while I was in the line waiting for my turn at the checkout(??? I never know how to call this in english!), I already head loud talking in German behind one of the shelves. And I'm from and in Finland, so it happens sometimes but not that often.
It was an older couple, maybe on their 60s and based on the woman's accent, she was probably Finnish who just married this German man. And the German man was talking nonstop. They stood behind me in the line and he was just talking nonstop lmao (And I understood most of what he said which was like, yay for my German skills, but I also kept thinking whether he was thinking no one understands him there lol)
And then when I was packing my groceries and right before I left, I looked at their direction and noticed this man looking at me and smiling or almost grinning, and now I keep wondering whether he saw and recognized the small logo on my hoodie that says "die ärzte".
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