#I also feel like we’re all dancing circles around the fact that Stede and Ed were real
kierstenevan · 7 months
Ok I’m just going to say it: that ending was somewhat abrupt. There is no explanation for why Stede suddenly decided to give up his dream of being a pirate. One episode ago he was reveling in it and then suddenly he’s an innkeeper - and the change literally isn’t even acknowledged. Like, Zhang asks them to team up with her and we never even see them say no!! In fact, it’s implied they said yes until suddenly the ship is leaving with out them. And then that’s it, show over???
Which worries me, if there’s going to be a Season 3. Because the difference between Stede’s dreams and Ed’s dreams still hasn’t been addressed, not really. The show and the characters just keep dancing around it. So if there is a Season 3, I’m worried for what that means for them and this implied happily-ever-after. They jumped to the happy ending without doing the work to get there and if there’s a third season, that happy ending is inevitably going to fall apart.
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