#I also don’t get the constant love for all things Win and Boun and simultaneous dogging endlessly on Team and Prem 🤷🏻‍♀️ both are great
chibipandaao3 · 1 year
Neither are to blame!
Or both are…
But stop with the “Well if Team waited” “God why’s Team so dramatic” “Team couldn’t sit for another second”
Team’s terrified of that answer! Win hesitated and the few words he got out could go either way - Team absolutely terrified his love is one sided. And if it’s one sided ALL HIS SAFETY DISAPPEARS. His safe space, the person he confides in, the only person he fully trusts, sleep, so much would just vanish and that’s only the “superficial” things - Win would vanish. And yeah, he wouldn’t be dead but he would be a second person who meant so damn much to Team leaving him and ripping away everything Team holds.
He’s absolutely scared to death of what is behind Win’s hesitant response. And if he’d heard a negative…Team is not alright despite what he says to Win early on in this episode. His trauma is breaking through the surface more and more each day - emotionally, mentally Team isn’t alright. He’s good at compartmentalizing things and hiding things.
Is it Win’s fault that Team is this way - No. And Win has his own demons, own insecurities, and he’s also terrified of losing Team. His fear is oddly more tangible though because he did almost lose Team in the pool and he knows how little Team thinks of his own life.
Neither is at fault or both are at fault, but stop the Team slander I swear
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