#I also can’t wait to see how Joel reacts to this little spark of revenge whenever he gets to see it
cordycepspog · 1 year
God, Ellie has so much anger inside of her. Ever since she saw Joel kill that soldier, there’s been this little spark of revenge that’s slowly been growing bigger and bigger. It comes out in ways that could seem like just her being a kid, like asking for a gun, or the “you get him?” comment when she asks about Joel’s scar. And then comes the scene with the infected trapped under the rubble. You think she’s afraid at first, with the way she freezes.
Then she realizes it’s trapped, and she gets closer. And you’re like, “what? what is she doing?”
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And then you see her face.
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That is not the face of somebody who’s afraid.
Ellie is furious. She lost Riley to these things, and now Tess as well, and she wants it dead. And personally I can’t wait to see where they take it, because this is only the beginning of Ellie’s warpath, and she’s got a long, long road ahead of her.
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