yccnsikk · 7 years
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( YOU and ME, we made a vow; for better or for worse. I can't believe you LET ME DOWN, but the proof's in the way it HURTS. )   ———  task 001. character questionnaire sheet
general info
full name: yeo yoonsik nickname(s): n/a! gender & pronouns: he/him/they/them sexual & romantic orientation: demiromantic/demisexual age & dob: october 1st, 1992; 24 y/o birthplace/hometown: seoul, south korea parents/siblings: older sister, unnamed, mother & father astrological sign: libra dominant hand: right handwriting style: choppy, lazy language(s) known/spoken: korean religion: none current living arrangements: one bedroom apartment occupation/major: receptionist at the clinic
picture reference: 1 2 3 blood type: A+ nationality: korean skin tone/color: light tanned birthmarks & scars: ( everyone has a birthmark? ) but n/a! height: 182 cm build: 65 kg; pretty slimmed down hair color: blonde hair length: down to ears eye color: brown eye shape: downset parallel (i looked up a chart ok) diet: mediocre; he doesnt eat healthy but he doesnt eat unhealthy, he’s very much a neutral eater exercise & level of fitness: he doesnt work out much, tbh how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? he slouches sometimes, but not enough to do any damage typical style of dress: casual(ish?), usually, nothing too dressy unless he is going to work; but he likes to look flashy if he’s going out to the bar or somewhere he needs to look expensive for ( 1 2 3 ) body modifications: besides a few tattoos and some piercings, nothing really
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk? usually with his hands in his pockets, his eyes shifty and his body a little slouched. if he is wearing a hat, he likes to keep his head down. how does your muse talk? it depends; usually he talks with a very dull-ish tone, but if he’s comfortable around you, he exaggerates his words, sighs a lot, let’s his hands help him talk what accent/dialect does your muse talk with? ( i googled this one? ), gyeonggie dialect how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet? low tone, quiet spoken what is their laugh like? shit, yoonsik’s laugh is probably like? short, sweet, and he usually doesnt laugh so hearing it would be like waking up on christmas morning. how does your muse typically smell? usually like cigarette smoke, but when he doesnt smell like that he probably smells like that first whiff you get when you walk into the doctor’s office what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating? a broadening kind of air, he gives off that leave me alone vibe that often allows him to remain in the background. as for intimidating? probably to some people.
what makes your muse happiest? poetry, the nurses at the clinic, smoking, wine what upsets them the most? his parents, cocky folks, deep conversations does your muse have any quirks? uh, i dont think he does tbh… what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them? he likes to write poetry mostly, and draw a little, but he mostly enjoys smoking (not a hobby ig but), reading magazines, shopping, taking walks through the city, and he does them often, to be honest, because he has nothing better to do with his life do they have any guilty pleasures? fruit flavored wines/vape, also clothes/shoes that make him look like a million bucks is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? introvert for sure do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence? low self-esteem & confidence are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress? he’s not, actually, because he doesn’t really give a fuck about a lot of things in life. very few things make his stomach turn. what is your muses worst fear? forever being that mistake what is your muses biggest dream? probably to just live a happy life he’s proud of. is your muse an early riser? a night owl? early riser; he likes the sunrise.. how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it? he’s dumb as fuck y’all ... and he knows it what is their sense of humour like? he’s okay, not really funny but i feel like everyone has their humorous moments
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic? he is demiromantic/demisexual, and for those who dont know what it means, it basically means he has to be REALLY attached to you in order to fall for you/want to have sex with you. it’s because of his apathetic behavior. are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships? uh, no, he isn’t! what is their experience with relationships? he’s only ever had one relationship, which was with wonjae who he dated for a long time before the two of them called it quits on a bunch of misunderstandings. he has had a few crushes in the past, although it’s not sure if even liked those girls for more than what was between their legs ( it sounds so horrible but it’s true ) how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever? honestly, yoonsik wouldn’t care as much as other people might… he would be up for it, but again, he has to be really into the person before he does anything with them anyway sex, is it important to your muse? very much so, tbh what are their biggest turn on and turn offs? oh ok uh… yoonsik probably would be into slut shaming, pain in almost any form, but also very vanilla sex and body worshipping, while he wouldn’t be into bondage, gagging, and any other type of shaming/bringing someone down during sex .. idk this one is hard to think about does your muse find it easy to make friends? not at all, actually how important is friendship to them? not that important tbh quantity or quality of friends? quality! how important is family? he couldn’t give a flying fuck about his family oops are they close to their family? why or why not ? he isn’t, because he caught his mom admitting that he was only a mistake and was never supposed to be born, and his parents worshipped his sister while putting yoonsik on the back burner. basically, his bio summary was that he got into fights because he was neglected at home and now he carries the weight of not being good enough around with him everywhere he goes.
001. yoonsik is not religious because he just feels like there’s no point to a religion, he was never raised on one 002. relationships are not something yoonsik is very into after his last one ended, mainly because he isn’t over his ex boyfriend and he doesn’t feel good enough anyway 003. he is also very rarely overly attracted to someone anyway, which is why he is unaffected by the way the nurses at the clinic talk to him 004. he has smoked almost anything he could get his hands on, but he is doing well not to get addicted to anything besides cigarettes 005. despite what people may think, he does still keep in contact with his parents, but with nothing more than them sending him money every now and then on special occasions 006. but he does not keep in contact with his sister at all 007. yoonsik doesn’t have his driver's license, permit, or anything like that. he gets around town via the bus or walking 008. holidays that people would normally spend with family, yoonsik spends alone, or with his employees from the clinic through holiday parties at the office 009. he has no social media besides snapchat 010. he listens to a lot of music in general, but he prefers indie and acoustic music 011. he wears reading glasses, although the only time you will see him with them on is either at work or when he is writing
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