#I HC Morro as a transfem in this universe!!
zrenxa · 3 months
A Thornless Rose
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“I saw it growing in our backyard despite never having planted roses before, so I want to give it to you, maybe bring it to school?” asked the father tenderly, “Humor, an old man, would you?” Morro only chuckled upon hearing that. She nodded, accepting her father’s request. “Goodbye, Father.” “Be careful, Morro.” Outside, she inspected the rose more carefully. It has already grown but still hasn’t fully bloomed.
Grown but hardly bloom. Never planted in the first place, but still able to grow healthy. How cute…
On the other day, she will overanalyze the strange flower. On another day, she will look at it intensely and try to figure out how the plant can grow despite never being planted. But today, she holds that rose tightly but carefully. Today, she looks at the thornless rose with warm eyes. Today, she accepted that rose fully.
Well!! Look who's decided to post his artwork for the fanfic he's made! Me, the answer is me xD
This Morro artwork is an old artwork that I made back then as a character study!! I turn Morro into a burnt-out gifted child!! It's fun to do and I probably will do another fanfic in the same universe!!
For those who asked!! It's a high school AU (you can say it's just like the Ninjago movie but with some changes) that I made so I can learn how to write and do character studies and trauma dumping if we being honest again! UwU
Well if you interested, you can read my fanfic here!! UwU
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