#I Can totally imagine him being pissed about how Alastor viewed his technological enterprise
allastoredeer · 4 months
So we all saw that picture Vox had of Alastor (the one where it was obviously taken with the both of them toward the end of episode 8). And I’ve seen theories about them being something like friends before their falling out.
And it just got me thinking, what if Alastor was interested in the more modern technology Vox was developing. He saw the potential in it. Or was at least intrigued.
But as that technology progress, much like a lot of capitalistic, corporate sludge entertainment nowadays, it starts get lifeless and formulaic. It starts lacking passion.
And Alastor out here, with his radio where all you have to captivate your audience is sound, gets disgusted with it. There’s no capturing the audience. There’s no passion in it. This corporate entertainment follows a formula that creates the same generic, easy to consume content.
And, hating the way Vox’s technology is growing and creating the equivalent of entertainment sludge in Alastors eyes, starts distancing himself from it. So when Vox asks him to join the Vee’s, Alastor is very blunt in his rejection and does sugar coat WHY he’s not interested.
Which pisses Vox off because, essentially, Alastor is insulting all that he’s built and cultivated, and he starts claiming Alastor is just too stuck in the past and he needs to keep up with the times. Thus, their falling out/fight happens, and bitter feelings are harbored well after that friendship (or whatever that relationship) fell apart.
As I’m still on the radiostatic train (one-sided or otherwise) I think it just adds so much delicious potential and drama. I am rolling this around in my head and I love it.
Whether this is true or not (probably not) I think I might ingratiate this into my canon. It’s just so much fun to think about.
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