arrowpunk · 2 months
Me: Hmmmm I think I need to start watching/reading/listening to more silly lighthearted media. I've been consuming too much heavy stuff lately and I don't think this is good for my overall mental wellbeing without something to balance it out
Also me: OOOO you know what I want to try watching again? Black Sails
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chilled-ice-cubes · 1 year
HI! what are your favourite chapters in pandora hearts?
im bad at remembering like, chapter names and numbers sorry. but my favourite moments/scenes would be, in no particular order:
elliot’s death scene
the sequence of chapters where oz sees jack’s memories, ending with the rabbit reveal
break’s death scene (the deaths in this manga are top-notch. —local tragedy enjoyer.) + lottie saying that maybe they couldn’t have been on the same side while he was alive but she’ll protect the kids for him. that was just so melancholy and sweet....
the chapter where barma exposes break’s past
oz’s conversation with his father in sablier
oz’s conversation with uncle oscar in the tunnels
gilbert telling vincent that if vince hadn’t been his brother, he wouldn’t have been the same gilbert either
alice telling intention “i am you and you are me”
ada and vincent in the past dimension
literally the entire last 10-15 pages of the final chapter. oof. special shoutout to vincent’s death 😭
echo’s conversation with oz in the pandora hq prison
jack finally being honest for the first time in his life and telling intention the truth about himself
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