-Lilith Clawthorne is one of those people with a ridiculous sleep schedule. She has an awful habit of getting wrapped up in her latest project and just…forgetting to go to bed. On more than one occasion, Eda has woken up and found her curled up on the couch in the exact same position she’d been in when the rest of the family went to sleep, just farther in her book. It's an issue.
-Because of this, she's also one of those people who can literally fall asleep anywhere. And I mean anywhere. She's like a cat. See: Lilith draping herself over porta-Hooty to take a nap in the CATTS hideout.
-After years of dealing with Lilith's erratic sleep schedule, her friends are just used to it at this point (although it drives her mother insane). Conversations along the lines of; "Hey, can you toss me a blanket? Lilith's napping in the windowsill again," or, "Lily passed out in the armchair. Should we try and move her or let her sleep?", or my personal favorite, "Lilith fell asleep in my lap. I can't move," are common amongst the adult members of the CATTS.
-Oh, did you think she didn't do this when she was head of the EC? THINK AGAIN. It's literally written into Steve's regular duties to go make sure Lilith hadn't fallen asleep at her desk again. It's also his job to either wake her up or carry her to bed (he usually does the latter. It's easier than trying to get her to go herself.).
-When Lilith and Darius were coven heads together, he took it upon himself to nag her about actually getting rest. Once, he nearly got himself arrested by charging into an EC meeting, throwing Lilith over his shoulder and running away with her after learning she hadn't slept in three days (the charges were dropped when Hettie Cutburn examined her and made her drink a sleeping draught right then and there, quote "before this foolish girl kills herself of exhaustion".)
-He's also one of those people radiates heat and knows it, and he uses it against her. More than one witch has walked into a consultation with Lilith only to find her curled up on the couch, dozing in Darius's arms* while he death-glares at them until they slowly (and quietly) back out of the room.
IN CONCLUSION: Lilith Clawthorne is a bit of a workaholic with an erratic sleep schedule to rival most teenagers. She's very tired.
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onesillyknitter · 1 year
"You aren't supposed to be talking to him" Lilith stared down at the gaurd outside Lord Metanoy's room.
"Sorry Captain!" Steve stood at attention. He had been leaning over the window in the door. "He just kept asking about the human everyone is talking about. Am I not supposed to answer? He kinda way outranks me..."
Lilith rolled her eyes. It would be on his head and hers if he said something that upset the Emperor's brother. She checked her watch.
"You're off duty in five minutes. You can go. I'll cover your shift until your replacement arrives."
Steve scurried off and Lilith took up the post staring straight a head.
"More with honey, sweet honey..." Lord Metanoy sang.
Lilith acted as if she didn't hear anything.
"The human, a human and a wild witch. What a match! Must of had honey!"
More like owl pellets.
Thought Lilith. Why was he rambling anyway. Wasn't he asking questions before? Guess he got his answers. Was there anyone in the Boiling Isles that didn’t know she failed to capture her sister? That her sister was now teaching wild magic? And to a human no less.
"If only Hunter had honey he could get more friends like the wild wild witch." Lord Metanoy sang on: “More with honey, sweet honey”
Ah, so that was it. Must of been the human’s age. Same as the prodigy golden guard Lord Metanoy and the Emperor were obsessed with. They could even be friend- wait.
“Captain, I’m reporting for duty!” The next guard stood at attention in front of her.
“Very good. Be sure to ignore anything Lord Metanoy says and don’t repeat it.” She didn’t want anyone stealing her idea.
“Yes mam!”
Lilith rushed to a crystal ball. And then hesitated. Even if this succeeded the credit might be given to the Golden Guard. He would be the one to try and befriend Eda’s new ward, to convince her of the glory of the the Emperor’s vision and influence Eda to finally give up her wild ways. It would only be her idea. But if it worked. If Eda came willing to a coven. She could finally be cured. Lilith could finally fix her mistake.
Lilith activated the crystal ball: “Emperor Belos, I’ve had an excellent idea about how to finally bring the Owl Lady to heal. Let’s try using honey instead of vinegar. She has a teenage student now and every child longs for friends their own age…”
Caleb stared out the little window in the door. He could hear the guard’s shuffling feet. It was probably Bob. Wouldn’t get any answers from him, he was always too scared to speak.
Caleb stared at the ceramic cup on his shelf. It was lopsided and could barely hold anything. Hunter’s first creation. He closed his eyes. This was a gamble. A big one. But in order to convince someone you had to listen to the other person. If his fledgling could just see other people, arrive at the truth himself… Get away from him, from Pip. If anyone could show Hunter the truth it was a Clawthorn. He just prayed to any god that might still listen his little fledgling would leave this cage and never return.
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