#Hydras RGU watch
hydrajones · 9 months
I am in the middle of third Revolutionary Girl Utena watch. My mom (foolishly) agreed to watch it with me, and is having a lot of really cool insights/theories/reactions that I might post about later. But that's not the point rn-
Because as RGU girlies know, each time you watch this high concept doctoral thesis disguised as an artsy anime disguised as a cute lesbian anime, you have DEEP THOUGHTS (tm) about random shots.
TLDR: I am having losing my mind over the goddamm curry episode and I both love and hate it
I have been sitting here for 30+ mins thinking about what the deeper symbolism of the fricking elephant gag in the body swap curry episode becuase I made ONE (1) offhand comment to my mom of "lol maybe that means something about "the elephant in the room" becuase of the Saonji side plot or something". AND I COULD BE RIGHT ABOUT THAT-
Like, Saonji is clearly a ticking time bomb rn that went completely unaddressed and exploded in the next ep but IT GOES DEEPER.
Because the Saionji situation is being influenced by Touga, so it could be about him too (especially with his connections to Nanami). BUT! That's being influenced by Akio- who to be fair, we don't know about yet, but the make it clear that "The End of the World" is doing SOMETHING behind the scenes, so that could work too
And then you have Anthy Himemiya my beloved, who is ACTIVELY helping with both these manipulations, and LYING to Utena constantly. And this episode actually has one of the best examples of this! We find out she's been sort-of secretly meeting with Saionji and writting in his exchange diary. Which she justifies as being okay becuase Utena never told her NOT to write him. Which only happened becuase Utena isn't a possessive asshat who snooped on Anthy to find out she'd been doing that in the first place. So really, ANTHY is the biggest elephant in the room. Especially with episode 12 quickly approaching.
But like, that might not be the only elephant symbolism interpretation. My brain has been slowly weaving yet ABOTHER exhaustive analysis of a NANAMI FILLER EPISODE. Using elephants as symbols of wisdom and/or memory and just-
Someone, send help. Please. My brain is full of nothing but metaphor heavy visuals and iconic leabiams and I will fail my classes-
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