#Hr matrimony brides and grooms
truelymarry · 1 year
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
The Wedding
In celebration of breaking 1000 followers, we decided to treat you all to a glimpse of the future. As AdminRue said we are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU. We hope you continue to enjoy following us and look forward to continuing to grow this AU.
The Wedding
Various shuttles arrived at the lake in the forest. A platform was floating in the lake but connected to the shore. On the platform was seating as well as the altar.
Guests from all backgrounds stepped out of the shuttles and were lead to their seats.
King Alfor and Coran went to greet the rulers of Daibazaal and their son.
“Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor,” King Alfor greeted. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“We are pleased to be invited,” Zarkon replied. “Though I am surprised the wedding would be here and not at the capital.”
“That was at the request of the bride and groom,” Alfor replied. “They wanted it held here so two of their close friends could be present. Speaking of which here comes one now.”
A large creature rose out of the lake.
“What is that?” Zarkon demanded.
“That is the Gombash,” Coran explained. “Don’t worry, he’s a peaceful creature. Unless of course he senses you having malicious intent in which case he will kill you where you stand.”
Zarkon looked at the Gombash with fear and uncertainty until Honerva gave him a reassuring pat on the arm.
“It’s fine dear.”
The three went to their seats. Lotor suddenly felt a light tugging on his hair. As he turned he saw a small Altean girl.
“Hi I’m Nadia,” The girl said brightly.
“Prince Lotor, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lotor replied.
“You have really nice hair.”
“Thank you.”
“Can I braid it for you?”
Lotor was thankfully spared having to give an answer when the Nadia was called back by her mother.
“Nadia! Get back here!”
“Ok, bye Prince Lotor.”
As the girl left Honerva commented. “I think you’d look good with a braid.”
Lotor could only give his mother a half-hearted glare.
Keith and Krolia sat nearby seat watching the everything going on.
“Thank you for bringing me along,” Krolia said to her son.
“The invitation allowed for a plus one,” Keith answered. “There’s no one else I’d want to bring.”
“True,” Krolia developed a sly grin. “Though you know, it might have been a good opportunity to bring a date.”
“Just saying.”
As Alfor was at the Altar going over the notes of the ceremony Blaytz approached and gave the king a hearty pat on the back.
“Today’s the big day, and to think you’re now well on your way to having grandkids.”
“Blaytz, it’s my niece, not my daughter, getting married today.”
“Oh,” Blaytz replied. He then gave Alfor another hard pat on the back. “Well that means you’re well on your way to having grand nephews and nieces.”
In a nearby tent Lance was putting the final touches to his outfit. It was a suit of armour but far more impressive than his normal attire. Not only was it more intricately made and bore his family crest and the metal was gleaming. He attached his clock and gave himself a final look over as Hunk let out a whistle of approval.
“Not gonna lie buddy,” He said. “You’ve never looked better.”
“Come on Hunk, you know I look good in anything.”
“Really? How about that time you lost that bet and had to wear that Snargle herder outfit?”
“Alright,” Lance conceded. “I look good in most things.”
“Though Hunk’s not wrong little brother,” Luis said. “You’ve never looked better.”
Lance smiled as the men present nodded in agreement. It was no surprise that Hunk was chosen to be best man. Filling out the ranks of Groomsmen were his two brothers Luis and Marco as well as Matt.
“Alright you’re ready,” Hunk declare. “Now before go out there I want you to remember three things. I love you, I’m proud of you and if you screw this up I’ll never forgive.”
“Love you too,” Lance replied as they gave each other a hug.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Everyone turned and saw Shiro enter the tent. “Just wanted to make sure you were almost ready. We’re starting soon.”
“Shiro!” Lance exclaimed. “How do I look?”
“Really good. Though there is one thing missing.”
“Really? What?”
“This.” Shiro pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a medal.
“Is that…?”
“Lance McClain, You have served Altea and the Crown diligently and nobly. You have upheld the principles this world is found on and are an example for others to aspire to. As your Captain I could not be prouder. In recognition of your continued service and valor, It is my honour to present you with the Star of Mefral.”
Lance was dumbfounded as Shiro pinned the medal on to the breastplate of his armour.
“There will be a formal ceremony for it later on but I thought it would only be right that you get to wear it on your wedding day.”
“Wow, Shiro this is amazing, thank you,” Lance stated. “Though is it wrong to say this is only the second best thing to be happening to me today.”
Shiro smirked as he gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. “There’d be something wrong with you if that wasn’t your response. Now all of you finish up. The last thing we want is to make this man late for his own wedding.
Once they all were prepared they stepped out and headed to the altar. As Lance walked up aisle he got various hugs and handshakes (in the case of Blaytz a high five) from the people he walked passed. He lingered with his parents, hugging them tightly as they told him how proud they were.
As he made it to the Altar, he turned his attention towards the Gombash.
“Gommy! I’m glad you could make it.”
Gommy trilled happily as he leaned in to briefly nuzzle Lance.
“Alright then,” Lance declared. “Razzle Dazzle Time!”
The under the shade of the Father Tree, the female party was set up in a tent doing the final preparations.
“There, finished,” Veronica stated as she put down the makeup brush. “Take a look.”
Pidge stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore an elegant flowing emerald dress. Atop her head was a tiara more detailed than her usual one.
“You look amazing,” Allura commented.
“She had better,” Veronica stated. “Lance would never let me hear the end of it if I got the makeup wrong.”
For the bridal party Allura was Maid of honour with the positions of bridesmaids going her cousin Mia as well as Lances sisters Veronica and Rachel. Pidge’s mother and father entered the tent.
“Pidge you look amazing,” Samuel stated.
“Thanks Dad.” Pidge replied.
“How do you feel?” Colleen asked.
“Good,” Pidge replied, when Colleen raised a skeptical eyebrow Pidge amended. “Absolutely terrified but I love Lance and want to be with him.”
Colleen smiled as she gave her daughter a hug.
Finally the bridal party was all prepared but before they left Pidge asked for a moment to do one last thing.
She walked up to Father Tree and placed a hand on the trunk. Her markings glowed as she connected with the ancient tree.  
“So what do you think old timer, am I doing the right thing?”
In reply there was a low rumble and the sensation of the ground shifting beneath her. Suddenly two roots shot out from either side of Pidge. The roots then ran along ground, creating a path that was clearly heading towards the lake. The flowers then burst out of the roots to decorate the path.
“Well,” Pidge commented. “I can’t argue with that.”
There were more than a few gasps of surprise as two roots grew out from the forest. The roots ran up the either side of the aisle, stopping just short of the altar before beautiful flowers burst out of the roots.
“You think this is Pidge’s handiwork?” Hunk asked.
“Actually I think it might be an old timer giving his blessing,” He bent down to give one the roots a pat. “Thanks Pappy.”
The root wrapped around Lances hand and squeezed lightly before releasing it. Lance stood back up and got into position as the music started. Everyone in the audience got their feet as the bridal party entered from forest.
Pidge lead the way, her flowing green dressing glowing with golden symbols. Allura carried the train as they exited the forest but released it as they got to the platform. The audience looked on in awe as Pidge walked up the aisle. Lance looked on in unbridled joyed.
The bride arrived at the altar and as she clasped hands with the groom the two became lost in each others eyes.
Hunk meanwhile had become misty-eyed and muttering to himself to “keep it together”.
Coran on the other hand was bawling his eyes out.
King Alfor allowed the couple a brief moment before he began the ceremony.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lance and Katie in holy matrimony. which is an honorable estate. This is not an institution that they have decided to enter lightly but out of their love and devotion for each other.Ifany one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
At that moment the Gombash raised himself to his full height and glared down at the audience.
“Although you may have to answer to him,” King Alfor added dryly.
This earned a chuckle from the audience, some more nervous than the rest. When it was clear no one was going to object, the Gombash settled back down.
“The union two souls is a moment great joy and celebration. It is with great pleasure that I now ask you two take these vows.”
“Lance, do you take Katie as your wife? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Katie, do you take Lance as your husband? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Then it is my honour, as ruler of Altea, to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
As Lance and Pidge kissed, the audience erupted in applause.
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I just returned from the most amazing trip to Pakistan, where I met many absolutely wonderful people. My uniqueness was embraced – I wasn’t treated differently because of my brown skin or my short grey hair – I was WELCOMED!
I spent 15 days in Pakistan (specifically, Lahore and Faisalabad), and had an absolutely wonderful time and will hold this experience and the people I met (now extended family) close to my heart for the remainder of my life.
I can’t speak on politics and the general climate of Pakistan as a whole. However, I can share with everyone this reaches my first-hand experience in Pakistan.
Never have I experienced such genuine warmth from complete strangers. I was welcomed into homes with open arms and yes, there was some curiosity as to how I felt about the country. My response was always it’s amazing or wonderful. My vocabulary is limited as there isn’t a single word that can express how I felt. What I saw of Pakistan was amazing, even the traffic though chaotic was somehow organized chaos.
There’s so much to see, eat and experience that it’s sensory overload. I have a 2 year visa and we’re already making plans for our return visit in 2020. That in itself is a testament to the wonderful time I had.
Speaking of sensory overload, creating a comprehensive blog of this experience is impossible. As a result, I’ve sectioned areas off to create mini-stories of my experiences to cutback on what appears to be rambling…
Additionally, I’m finding it difficult to share this experience in such a way that the nuances of the morning walks through the orchard, the early morning (3:00a) drives for chai or kababs, the visit to a village and let’s not forget the over-the-top wedding are shared in such a way that you (the reader) are also in awe.
All of these things coupled with the hospitality and love felt from everyone met doesn’t seem to translate well. However, I’ll do my best.
Let’s start from the beginning…
When my friend of over 17+ years asked if I’d like to go with her to a wedding in Pakistan – I immediately thought “YES”, however, this was a discussion with hubby before giving a definitive answer.
Of course he agreed that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he encouraged me to go for it!
How many times does a person have the opportunity to attend a lavish Pakistani wedding IN Pakistan? Trusting my friend to make all the plans and ultimately dress me like dress-up barbie – that’s another story… I was off on what so far has been the best experience of my lifetime.
I didn’t just visit Pakistan, I was immersed into the culture as the host families have ultimately become my extended family. I didn’t sit back idly as a guest at the wedding events, I actually took part in some of the ceremonies.
I have over 900 pictures that truly tell the story. I feel that through these pics, I was able to capture an essence of Pakistan that is never seen nor considered to an outsider. As a result, I have created collages and written captions to aide you in taking part in this experience.
To say I had a wonderful time and met some wonderful people is an understatement. I know I’ve said this repeatedly… “Words can not begin to capture the true essence of my experience.”
We departed Dulles International Airport (IAD) December 13, 2018 @10:40p
December 15 – Day 1: Arrived in Lahore, Pakistan – freshened up, then took the local commuter bus (Daewoo Express) to Faisalabad, Pakistan (2-hr bus ride cost: approx. $8/per person).
First Impressions –
With any third world country the pollution is the first thing you notice.  Then you see the poverty and what appears to be chaos.  We arrived during the morning RUSH.   The traffic in Lahore is 10x worst than NY and Atlanta combined. However, with all the madness, there’s a rhythm to the traffic.  As mentioned earlier, I called it organized chaos.
Faisalabad here we come…
On the Daewoo Bus from Lahore to Faisalabad –  this is a 2-hr trip and costs approx. $8 per person
While in Faisalabad, we were fortunate enough to stay with my friends’ family. Their home sits next to the family farm/orchard. This time of the year fresh guava, oranges, and lemons were plentiful.
There was always an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables – I’m sure walking through groves of fruit trees isn’t something pictured when you think of Pakistan? However, each morning the host would take his morning walk (we were fortunate enough to take a stroll with him one morning) and return with bags of fresh picked oranges and guava…
Strolling through the Orchards
This simple walk brought about a sense of inner peace.
Quiet Morning…
Sorting fresh cilantro
Fresh Roti anyone?
Faisalabad Family
Faisalabad – Captured moments…
Foodies! Pakistanis are the ultimate foodies…
EVERYTHING is fresh and delicious. A foodies paradise.
  I tried and enjoyed everything. Well, there is one exception – pickled mango. My friend says that this is an acquired taste. Doubt that I’ll ever acquire the taste – lol…
However, CHAI on the other hand – I don’t think that there is a standard recipe. Each cup I tasted was slightly different. One pink chai would taste different from another pink chai. The common denominator – they were ALL delicious.
Did someone say “CHAI”?
Pink Chai, regular Chai, the Best Chai… YES!!! Life revolves around a delicious cup of CHAI
Seriously, life does revolve around CHAI…
Picture taken around 3:00 am. Yes, we were out for a delicious cup of pink chai. No, there aren’t any women around that time of morning. OK, I was out with the guys
Yes, we’re sitting in the cold waiting for CHAI
…and we had fun waiting
Yes, you can get a message while waiting for your chai
Rusk! Did I mention, it’s delicious w/Chai
A quick Lahore breakfast would include a cup of chai and 3-4 ok more like 5-6 slices of rusk
Teachable Moments…
I learned that orange slices dipped in salt and pepper is actually very good.
Can you catch an Uber in Pakistan? YES!!!!
Pakistan has approx. 10% christian population. The schools are closed for Christmas to respect this 10% of their population
The government pays for ALL education. Yes, they’ll even pay for a PhD…
Drive your car up to the gate, pop your hood and trunk for inspection. Exit your car, walk up to gate – open purse, show contents. Walk into building, pass purse through x-ray, you walk through metal detector. Finally, welcome to Emporium Mall, Lahore, Pakistan.
Emporium Mall: The safest mall on the planet. Here’s a list of MY favorite stores:
Sana Safina
Cross Stitch
Disclosure: I absolutely HATE shopping and trying on clothing. However, thanks to my friends and their patience I muddled through and purchased the most beautiful outfits for the wedding events – the embroidery and beadwork on the clothing is phenomenal. Added bonus, the pricing is great. Next time, I’ll focus on more everyday pieces.
Confession: Yes, I shopped til I dropped. The bazaars have LOTs of deals, however, you truly need someone that speaks the language and knows how to negotiate to get the best deals. I had a grand time selecting shawls.
Decisions, decisions…
I’ll take them ALL
Don’t Judge…
Yes, I purchased most of the shawls in front of him
Aren’t they beautiful?
In addition to the heartfelt hospitality, I received dresses, necklaces and even a bouquet of flowers from the village we visited – I’m not much for showing my emotions, however, I’ve never cried so much in my life. Happy tears for the kindness that was shown me was astonishing.
Pakistanis bring a whole new meaning to our (US) definition of southern hospitality. EVERY home (no matter how meager or grand) will offer you something to eat and drink.
Even when shopping at the bazaars, the shop keepers will offer you meals. We had delicious samosa’s and mango juice when purchasing our custom gowns, we had mango ice cream while picking out shawls. Basically, you can sit and review (okay, haggle) prices and eat an entire meal during the process. Can we say customer service.
Here are some pics from my visit to the village. 
The day was spent eating and walking through the village and surrounding fields. THIS was a truly amazing experience. Enjoy the experience with me.
Welcome to the Village…
I was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers
By the way, I’m wearing a dress gifted to me by our host family in Faisalabad.
It’s all about family and food. You can’t ask for more.
Strolling thru Sugar cane
Eating sugar cane and oranges, while strolling through sugar cane fields – PRICELESS
Picking oranges – fresh from the tree – Delish…
A field of mustard seeds…
Just chillin’
These ladies had enough of us walking them through the fields.
The lady next to me is the oldest person in the village.
Village traffic
Okay… the original purpose of our trip: The Wedding…
Yes, I attended ALL of the events below. Additionally, I participated in some of the events too. The wedding was spectacular! It was like attending a royal wedding with absolutely nothing spared.
Listed as follows are the events I attended with pictures from the events.
However, please note – the definition of each event was obtained from this link https://www.desiblitz.com/content/the-pakistani-wedding-ceremony
December 19, 2018 – Dholki
Singing, dancing, and just usual gupshup are part of dholki sessions. The dhol, a large skinned drum, is played along with a metal spoon. Ladies of the family gather around in a circle around the dhol and sing traditional Bollywood and Mehndi songs about the bride and groom.
Our Lahore family. Having Chai after the Dholki
Friday, December 21, 2018 – Nikkah
The most important part of the whole ceremony is the Nikkah. Here the exchanging of the vows and the acceptance of marriage by both the bride and groom takes place. The nikkah is the most sacred matrimonial tie between a man and a woman. It forms an everlasting relationship between two people on the basis of two words, “I do”, said thrice by each of them.
The couple also sign the marriage contract or Nikkah-naama which contains all the terms and conditions agreed by both sides which they have to adhere too. Usually the fathers of both the bride and groom will stand as witnesses. Immediately following this, the groom’s side hand out wedding favours, or bidh, to all the guests.
I actually helped fill over 200 goodie bags for this event
Saturday, December 22, 2018 Mehndi 
usually the most anticipated events, because they are supposed to be the most fun-filled events of the entire wedding. Usually it depends upon the preferences of people, but mehndis are mostly are filled with dance numbers. Youngsters prepare dances for mehndis which are usually presented to the couple. Often times couples will dance on their mehndi’s too. Elders will put mehndi and oil on leaves in the bride and groom’s hands, and feed them mithai. The traditional colour for mehndi is yellow. The bride is supposed to wear yellow clothes, or have a touch of yellow in her outfit. Along with that her hands are covered with different designs of henna. Some brides also prefer their arms and feet to be covered with beautiful henna designs.
December 24, 2018 – Baraat
The Baraat comes next, which involves the ‘departing ceremony’ for the bride following the arrival of the groom in a procession to take her away. This event is held and organized by the bride’s family.
The most important part of the baraat is the Rukhsati. It can rather be a sad moment for the family of the bride, and the bride herself. The food on baraat is usually lavish and rich. Pakistani food items usually include pulao, biryani, chicken curry, kebabs etc. Kheers and halwas are usually part of desserts.
Baraats can be rather stressful occasions for the bride and her family. This is because it is a kind of goodbye between them. Also stress gets built up from all past preparations and events, which adds to it. Slow music is usually played on baraats. More focus is made on the décor and presentation of the event. Such is done because a lot of pictures are to be taken on Baraat day.
All in all, baraats are fun events with a little touch of teary and emotional moments. The most painful moment is when the father of the bride sends off his daughter to a completely new home and environment.
Makeup aka setup- lol
Horrible make-up day. Lesson learned – take your foundation to the salon.
Loved my outfit and the company I kept
We look beautiful despite my makeup
December 25, 2018 – Walima
The last main event is the Walima. This event is a grand dinner and reception hosted by the groom. This event is usually all about putting an end to the long series of wedding events, and to say thanks to guests and family. The dress and make-up of this event for the bride is usually chosen by the groom’s side. The food on the walima is almost the same as the baraat. The focus on this event is again on picture taking and just light gupshup.
When the walima is over, the wedding officially comes to an end. After this, the series of dinners and lunches start for the fresh couple. Makhlawa is one of them, where all family members and friends invite the newlywed couple to different dinners, lunches and brunches.
All of these events combined are what make the Pakistani wedding ceremony unique. The purpose of them is to make the bride and groom feel special, and to celebrate their future marriage wholeheartedly.
Love these two
Thanks so much for opening your home to me.
Our hosts while in Lahore.
What have I done since my return? Talk about my trip.
Coming soon…
I’m currently planning an evening with friends to share foods, pics, stories… of this experience. I will post pics soon.
Pakistan: Viewed thru the eyes of a Mature Black American Female I just returned from the most amazing trip to Pakistan, where I met many absolutely wonderful people.
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Daughter Relationships As Shown In African American Lit.
NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Base) - A 57-year-old mom has maded India's initial gay matrimonial ad, seeking a groom for her boy, yet it was actually certainly not a very easy job in a country where homosexuality is actually illegal, stated her kid on Wednesday. Mamas are actually indicated to become the supporters of their youngsters, sometimes in loud and noticeable means, sometimes in sublet or even overlooked methods the history. Revealing 1 to 19 from 19 Contents matching 'eco helpful bags' in similar articles. Folks Journal mentions the little one is actually 3 years of ages and the mom was actually aged 41. If your consultant claims they entered Consulting becasue Topsupplement4U-17.Info they like to go shopping or even such as clothes, manage as fast as you can. Obviously, I failed to discuss earlier that my mama likewise appreciated hours as well as hrs of stacking as well as re-stacking the little mah-jong floor tiles between stories of conquest regarding the children. For example, I want to produce a framed fine art banner this memorial poem at Zazzle for my mother. When you first begin this method, only perform that for a few mins out loud just before you devote a few minutes duplicating the song quietly. Primarily, If you have a horrible urinary tract contamination as well as are actually trying to find a quick as well as low-cost cure, then you know the right write-up. The self-respect from motherhood is so wonderful that it is challenging to know it. A woman's motherhood is actually the best wonder of creation by yielding an individual being into the world.
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Your general wellness will enhance as well as you would certainly experience better as you free your body system of toxic substances by means of fast in lost. Omega-3 Fat Insufficiency: Having an Omega-3 deficiency during pregnancy may be harmful to the mommy as well as baby. I agreed to visit Mom as her key care-giver, and that was actually one of the most difficult, trying point I have actually ever before carried out. As the characteristic is actually handed down from untouched mother to affected son to unaltered granddaughter, the attribute often tends to neglect generations. A research by the American Diary from Clinical Nutrition found that our body systems pay attention to delivering health and nutrition and fats on the mother prior to the baby. Never mind the in-law problem, the mom of the bridegroom should acquire equivalent billing along with the mom from the bride! A mom and also child may discover how you can crochet together by following a straightforward afghan embroidery design. This is actually just how I knew for sure the mommy had not been nearby, or else she will have chased this away. If you perform speak or find to you mama though, a text message then may be the cherry ahead. They express concern for a pet, when laid off, when they satisfy an unknown person, most likely to strange places when they hear an abrupt bang. Almost all leaders could speak about where they are having their service; speaking is easy. That is an effortless way to lug your little one around and also offer him the distance that babies need to increase correctly literally and mentally.
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Markets along with just about non-existent prime sites excellent initially as this indicates that the moment you acquire a prime site, it will certainly pay off very quickly as advertisers trumped a road to your residence for your important property. There were not a surprises in our lifestyle, till the day I surprised my reserved and also unsuspecting mama through outing her to a prejudiced and oblivious civics educator my senior year from secondary school.
In July of 2014, I had my mom to the Mayonnaise Medical clinic to act on an unconnected wellness condition she had possessed the previous year. You can easily also determine more about Mother The lord in Sylvia Browne's book, Mom God as well as if your fascinated she has additionally written a publication called, Daddy The lord which informs more concerning our beautiful Daddy.
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elizabethcariasa · 6 years
Make time in jam-packed June for some tax tasks
It's June! That means summer is here, both temperature-wise (more like mid-summer here in Texas!) and officially later this month.
The arrival of the Summer Solstice — it's June 21 this year — is just one of the many special days in this sixth month of the year.
There's Father's Day, Flag Day, D-Day, Juneteenth and, of course, the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Then we have (or had) Doughnut Day (that was last Friday, June 1), Chocolate Ice Cream Day, International Yoga Day and for pet lovers, separate cat (today, June 4, is Hug Your Cat Day) and dog (Take Your Dog to Work Day on Friday, June 22) days.
As I'm sure you've already noticed from the links in the earlier paragraphs, there are tax connections to just about everything, including all the real and wacky days that jam-pack June.
I'll let you explore those more madcap June tax ties when you have some spare moments. For this post, though, I do want to highlight some of the tax tasks that really should be top of mind this month.
Here are a few tax-specific ones to consider in June.
Mid-month deadline: Let's start in the middle of the month. June 15 is a major tax deadline.
On this day, certain taxpayers need to:
Pay the second installment of estimated tax for the 2018 tax year
File individual tax returns or Form 4868 for an automatic four-month extension if they're U.S. citizens living abroad or members of the armed forces who are stationed outside the country.
Marriage tax tasks: Any June day is a special one for brides (and grooms!) tying the knot in this traditional month of matrimony. If you're one of the happy couples, congratulations!
Now be sure to take care of marriage-related tax tasks.
A key post-vows action is adjusting your workplace withholding to account for your new joint filing status.
Also stop by your HR office to tweak your flexible spending account (FSA) contribution. Marriage is one of those major life changes that lets you make changes to this tax-favored workplace benefit outside of the open enrollment period.
And don't forget to touch base with the Social Security Administration if either or both of you change your name after saying "I do." You want to make sure that your new name and nine-digit identification number match so that you won't run into any trouble when you file your first return together next year.
Young people and taxes: The start of summer in June is welcomed by all, but especially youngsters who are out of class for a few months.
Many will go to camp. If your kiddos are at a day camp this month, remember that cost counts toward claiming the child and dependent care tax credit.
If your children are older and getting a summer job, it's also a good time to go over what that means to them (and mom and dad) when it comes to taxes on young workers' earnings.
More June tax moves: OK, I fear I'm starting to dim the June sunshine you were just starting to enjoy by harping focusing on tax tasks. So I'll stop and simply point you to a few more June Tax Moves over, as usual, in the ol' blog's right column.
They're just below the ticking tax extension countdown clock where you can peruse them at your leisure. FYI, the ol' blog is mobile device optimized so you can check it out on your tablet as you catch a few rays poolside. Or not. Hey, you can't blame a tax gal for trying!
But do eventually make some time this month for at least a quick tax review.
Taking care of the June Tax Moves that apply to you as summer starts could save you some money you'll be able to spend on more fun seasonal pursuits.
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christophergill8 · 6 years
Make time in jam-packed June for some tax tasks
It's June! That means summer is here, both temperature-wise (more like mid-summer here in Texas!) and officially later this month.
The arrival of the Summer Solstice — it's June 21 this year — is just one of the many special days in this sixth month of the year.
There's Father's Day, Flag Day, D-Day, Juneteenth and, of course, the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Then we have (or had) Doughnut Day (that was last Friday, June 1), Chocolate Ice Cream Day, International Yoga Day and for pet lovers, separate cat (today, June 4, is Hug Your Cat Day) and dog (Take Your Dog to Work Day on Friday, June 22) days.
As I'm sure you've already noticed from the links in the earlier paragraphs, there are tax connections to just about everything, including all the real and wacky days that jam-pack June.
I'll let you explore those more madcap June tax ties when you have some spare moments. For this post, though, I do want to highlight some of the tax tasks that really should be top of mind this month.
Here are a few tax-specific ones to consider in June.
Mid-month deadline: Let's start in the middle of the month. June 15 is a major tax deadline.
On this day, certain taxpayers need to:
Pay the second installment of estimated tax for the 2018 tax year
File individual tax returns or Form 4868 for an automatic four-month extension if they're U.S. citizens living abroad or members of the armed forces who are stationed outside the country.
Marriage tax tasks: Any June day is a special one for brides (and grooms!) tying the knot in this traditional month of matrimony. If you're one of the happy couples, congratulations!
Now be sure to take care of marriage-related tax tasks.
A key post-vows action is adjusting your workplace withholding to account for your new joint filing status.
Also stop by your HR office to tweak your flexible spending account (FSA) contribution. Marriage is one of those major life changes that lets you make changes to this tax-favored workplace benefit outside of the open enrollment period.
And don't forget to touch base with the Social Security Administration if either or both of you change your name after saying "I do." You want to make sure that your new name and nine-digit identification number match so that you won't run into any trouble when you file your first return together next year.
Young people and taxes: The start of summer in June is welcomed by all, but especially youngsters who are out of class for a few months.
Many will go to camp. If your kiddos are at a day camp this month, remember that cost counts toward claiming the child and dependent care tax credit.
If your children are older and getting a summer job, it's also a good time to go over what that means to them (and mom and dad) when it comes to taxes on young workers' earnings.
More June tax moves: OK, I fear I'm starting to dim the June sunshine you were just starting to enjoy by harping focusing on tax tasks. So I'll stop and simply point you to a few more June Tax Moves over, as usual, in the ol' blog's right column.
They're just below the ticking tax extension countdown clock where you can peruse them at your leisure. FYI, the ol' blog is mobile device optimized so you can check it out on your tablet as you catch a few rays poolside. Or not. Hey, you can't blame a tax gal for trying!
But do eventually make some time this month for at least a quick tax review.
Taking care of the June Tax Moves that apply to you as summer starts could save you some money you'll be able to spend on more fun seasonal pursuits.
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from Tax News By Christopher http://www.dontmesswithtaxes.com/2018/06/make-time-in-jam-packed-june-for-these-tax-tasks.html
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rudarastroa-blog · 6 years
What the Best Love Problem Solution Pros Do (and You Should Too)
Random Residence Unabridged Dictionary defines Horoscope like a diagram of heavens, exhibiting the relative position of planets as well as the indications of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling gatherings in someone's existence etc. The dictionary additional defines Horoscope for a prediction of potential gatherings or information for long term behavior according to such a diagram.
American Heritage Dictionary defines Horoscope being an astrological forecast, as of somebody's potential, dependant on a diagram with the element of the planets and stars in a provided instant. The phrase Horoscope is derived from the Greek name this means "a think about the hrs.
Horoscope is also referred to as as astrological chart, delivery chart, astro-chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart, cosmogram, vitasphere, radical chart, radix, or just chart. Horoscope varieties the basis of horoscope traditions of astrology. In layman's terminology, horoscope implies an astrologer's interpretations of the chart via a technique often called Sunlight indication astrology.
Now-a-times, quite a few news papers and magazines have every day horoscopes with regards to the zodiac signals. It is now increasingly well known One of the masses as it provides them some insights into their life and they might have a peek into their immediate foreseeable future. But most astrologers regard these as worthless as horoscopes are really customized as well as their interpretations cannot be generalized to A large number of readers just by a single planetary placement.
Astrological interpretations are derived from a horoscope diagram. From the diagram, the earth is put during the centre and it is actually surrounded via the planets. To construct a horoscope, an astrologer has to Vashikaran Specialist the exact time and area of the topic's birth, or the initiation of an occasion. The time is then translated into GMT.
The astrologer works by using time difference between the GMT and local time in the location of beginning to show wherever the planets are going to be obvious above the horizon at some time and area in concern. Then, a table of properties is used to divide the horoscope into 12 divisions within the circle of the ecliptic.
Besides these houses, the astrologers even have to take into account the elements or relative angles concerning planets to build a horoscope. Indian and Chinese zodiac signals are pretty distinct within the recognized western astrological signals.
Western astrological indicators are divided into twelve zodiac indications like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Most cancers, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. This division is completed according to the date of births of your subjects. For example, individuals born amongst the dates of July 24 and August 23 are specified the Leo zodiac indicator.
The horoscopes offered in the newspapers and Journals will not be that responsible. Continue to, individuals from all walks of lifestyle and all ages seem to be obsessive about it. It is now a part of the every day early morning rituals of numerous.
In a rustic like India, astrological consultations to analyze the horoscope are a necessity For a lot of significant occasions. It is relevant to all the main activities of each day lifetime, just like the delivery of a kid, setting up a brand new enterprise, acquiring married, selecting a occupation etc. Indians think that one's horoscope can impact a single's small business or individual lifestyle.
So, horoscope consultations are essential just before any this kind of essential activities. Any defects can be rectified with the help of specific rituals. Horoscopes may also be important in picking out the proper match for a man or lady.
If the horoscopes from the bride and also the groom match, it is believed that the couple should have a happy married daily life. For matrimonial matching, a handful of paperwork are important. Horoscopes of both equally the bride along with the bridegroom, Day of delivery, and time of beginning, and spot of start of both equally.
If horoscope is not really available, then names in the bride as well as the bridegroom really should be taken. Horoscopes may be used for predictions, longevity, health and fitness, marriage, business enterprise, training, position, little ones, divorce, court scenarios, and partnership in enterprise etcetera.
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