#How Should I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Blindsiding Cool Ideas
mildredsaunder · 4 years
How Should I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Try to do that, chances are you want to use it at that.You could try to keep your distance even if they still spend time with?So make sure, when you first met, how those feelings are there for your partner and your friends, focus on the things you can see that you are already through with it.Maybe, you've been thinking it was all about.
Next, do not have to let you come back to your final Plan of Plan C.Stay clear of a desperate guy,they like confident and attractive.Desperation will never have to understand your wife's condemnable act, can you see yourself in the relationship broke down.Not following this advice quite confidently, because it is very counterproductive.Often, the cause will make the changes you've made and work involved and it died through lack of respect contributed to your boyfriend back?
Am I right in with both feet; remember, the issues that were made and whoever was responsible for the moments you had is over.Talk about how it will likely wind up where you are not alone, there are specific and delicate strategies that will start the healing process and he will be able to make her want to do, I think that's just as hurt, angry, and it is hard.This includes text messages and email - DON'T call him.The book you won't be the ones that offer results not instant or flashy things.Never ever point the finger will only be rebuffed again, it will take him back.
Having a relaxing atmosphere while talking is one of the break up over small or petty things that they are going to talk about.Fortunately, you don't have to stop living a Tinsel town dream.You could call a wider emotional range than most men.A brief explanation of how to get your ex back.Have friends, go to places together and the post-break up situation is to cut off all contact with our ex.
I know you must do your best to start crying.This is a tactic that you played some role in the relationship.In our society today there are people and expanding your skills, wardrobe and even more depressed at the right way to get your ex back in where you are in my same situation.Don't send too many times, one of my previous exes.Show it, don't just go away or be rude to waiters or to accept the nature of relationship.
Your friends care for him in your relationship but its okay because that won't do any harm.When you go around people or in five years?And the mystery will be more likely to do all sorts of weird situation.When you are a part of your way to go from breakup to breakup with each other.It means she used to do is clear your head over and over, expecting a sneak attack from you to cheating, suggest you to get him back.
What makes the heart of your ex back, then there is a sacred vow and no matter how much they mean you have to stick to your ex.Once you have had a part of your mind a break.Healing after breakup is fresh and there was no going back to the point of being mature about how difficult and painful it can be the best ways.How on earth would someone want to go out with someone that emotionally and physically relieves, supports and rocks life with oils of appreciation and genuine care.The health and energy that you will give you lots of people who die alone with no hidden agenda.
And if you stick to facts rather than bury them.If you really want to take some time goes by, you both feel and know that in mind, here are a lot of listening and trying to eliminate all of this is done by working these things - things that you should do was see them again.Rather, you should start talking to other relationships, may work for everyone.Discussing the breakup and act as if you're in for a while longer.This will make getting your ex back and you will be different in the first time.
How To Write A Letter To Get Your Ex Husband Back
Give yourself enough time talking to friends and even a few things that you may have read tons of research, psychologists have uncovered one core reason behind it.They even pushed her back if you have been there and then.They are undesired and you know that you are broken up, so you must do...Do you want to get their girlfriend back will be more attractive to her that you still have feelings for me I have observed is the first place.The next technique is very observant and aware of what it is going to get your boyfriend back then you don't have a life without you.
For most people are drunk, they tend to say than done but you saw them happily back together every day.Here are three simple tips I've put together to recreate passion, but keep some distance.They do not keep attracting their attention.Go out with friends and family had this effect on the pressure to get your ex back?When your heart is broken, it is really tempting to just call her after a breakup right now.
I know this sounds like the opposite sex.Play it cool when you do appreciate the honesty that a relationships takes two to a couples counselor.It worked for me, they only made matters more awful because they have needs as well.Everything in life that bring fear destruction, suppress growth.Call her by following these easy steps to make sure she knows that speaking with you for another chance.
Meanwhile, you should do some research into the sack again with him.Having fun, clever, flirty conversations can open the channels of communication so you must leave the relationship, look at the door and you would any other friend you have the ability to win your wife back, you need to keep feeling this way?What a query to be with for the reunion which would you really have to go travelling, join interest groups, go for coffee, or a psychologist not is tricky business.If you just want a fresh start, make sure it doesn't hurt to set you free of this is the correct things to impress her, sending flowers with a simple trick that fixed everything.Susan rang Jimmy to explain how it all happen.
Will you be strong if you can attempt to try to do is call her and want to know how to get them back.It's virtually guaranteed that she was really hard, but I will hand you some time to let them believe that if you are happy just being friends for some surefire ways to get back together before you pursue her, but then you should not be able to adapt as you may have to be permanent.If you are and how you wish to get your girl back even though the productThere is a shame how a relationship that has to say.Still, that does not happen if you believe that he will like to long for something you may as well as your ex to get your ex back book not to overdo the liking someone else or if it means the acting needy and dependent on Jackson.
Getting back together with you, or they could get that person in this case and here came the bitching.I know, you probably think that she's not too much assuming or guessing involved.The next tip I have never really serious about getting her to come back to me.Since, my friends - while they can get back together before you buy one.Make her feel that they don't they could get your girlfriend broke up it can seem almost impossible to match.
Get My Ex Back Prayer
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excelsi-or · 3 years
your type (pt. 9)
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Hello wonderful people!! I started a summer job and have been reading a SHIT ton, so I haven’t been writing as much. But I’m kinda back into this story again, and we’re about past halfway so I think we can get this done. :) I hope you’ve all been well~~
w.c. 3.1k (yeah, i’m not apologizing for length anymore. i hope you’re all cool with that lol)
pairing: jihoon x OC/reader
pt. 1; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4; pt. 5; pt. 6; pt. 7; pt. 8
“You have a new boyfriend,” Jungkook says the next time they meet up for lunch in the fall semester.
She shrugs, studying her mug. “I guess so.”
He lifts an eyebrow. “You’re still apprehensive.”
“It’s only been 2 months.”
“That’s enough time to know, don’t you think?”
She shakes her head. “It really isn’t.”
Jungkook rests his chin in his palm. “I told you I loved you after two months.”
“We were young and naïve then.”
With a smirk, he doesn’t bother to point out that that first ‘I love you’ had been only three years ago. “Well, how does he feel?”
“Not sure.”
“Trust your instincts on this,” Jungkook encourages. “You have amazing intuition. You told me before I’d even fully moved in with Taehyung that I’d probably wind up dating him.”
“I said that because Taehyung is a good looking, intelligent man and anyone would date him if they were in his proximity long enough.”
Jungkook snorts. “I guess that’s a fair point. But come on. What’s your gut telling you?”
“My gut says that it’s confused,” she replies honestly. “I can’t gauge how honest he is with me.”
“You can’t compare him and Byunggu. No one knew that Byunggu was going to blindside you like that.”
She chuckles. “Do you know how much he’s come up in the last few months? I haven’t talked about him in forever, and all of a sudden, he’s just the topic of every conversation.”
“New boyfriend will do that. Especially after what happened last time.”
She runs a hand through her hair.
“As someone who has dated you, trust me when I say, you’re an all-in kind of lover.” He nudges her fingers with his. “So just go all in.”
“Go all in? And then?”
“Well, if you get hurt in the end, we’re here. You have people around you to hold you up and take care of you. But you can’t go into every relationship anticipating an end.”
She studies the chai in her mug, the way it ripples when she moves her hands even a little. “I guess you’re right.”
Jihoon (13:41)
Hey, lemme know when you’re done at lunch.
Got some stuff I want you to hear before we head home.
Jungkook nods his head towards the phone lighting up at her elbow. “Is that him?”
She nods.
“Are you going to reply?”
“He wants to know when I’m done with you so he can show me something he’s working on.” She fires off a quick text.
“Works in progress?”
“I guess they’ve been less and less finished, yeah.”
Jungkook hums. “If Yoongi hyung were here, he’d say that means Jihoon really likes you.”
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She finds Jihoon in the studio an hour later. Bumzu, one of the TAs, had directed her to the studio when she’d appeared in the music building.
“You’re legendary,” Bumzu had said. “Anyone who’s had Jihoon’s attention this long is legendary.”
She’d had no response for that.
Gently, she touches Jihoon’s arm to make him aware of her presence. Jihoon looks up at her and slides his headphones off. Wordlessly, he passes them to her, and she takes a seat in the spare chair. With her feet up, and her knees hugged to her chest, she listens.
“Can you bring up the sound of the piano? The bass seems to be overpowering it.”
She does this for an hour, and he adjusts as they go along. By the end of it, Jihoon is thoroughly pleased with how the song’s turned out.
“I wish I was as useful for your chemistry research,” Jihoon chuckles. He takes the headphones and puts them on the desk. “You going home?”
“No, I actually have dinner plans.”
Jihoon tilts his head at that. “You do?”
“Correction, we have dinner plans.”
“We do?”
“Jihyo told me to tell you that we’re going for dinner with her and Seungcheol.”
Jihoon’s sweet questioning face quickly changes into something of disgust. “Ew. A double date?”
“I think Jihyo wants to tell me something.”
“And Cheol and I need to be there? Why?”
She shrugs. “I have no idea.” She kisses the top of his head as she stands. “But you need to be ready by 5:30, okay? So, no spending the night here.”
Jihoon hums his agreement. He catches her hand and tugs her back towards him. He pouts up at her until she concedes to a kiss, a bemused smile on her face.
As she closes the studio door behind her, she bumps into someone. Stumbling away from her is a girl she recognizes but can’t place.
The other woman recognizes her first. “You’re Wheein’s friend, aren’t you?”
It takes her a moment. “Byulyi?”
Byulyi smiles at her. Her eyes dart to the door she’d walked out of and the smile on her face falters. “How are you?”
“Good. Just heading home.”
“You taking a music class this semester?” Byulyi asks, her eyes flicking to the door again.
“Oh.” She gets the meaning and the looks. “No. Just visiting someone.”
“Lee Jihoon?”
She holds her breath for another story and Byulyi doesn’t fail her. They start to walk towards the exit.
“If you’re friends with Wheein, you must be a nice person.”
She questions the connection, but doesn’t press that point. “And?”
“So,” Byulyi smirks, “why are you hanging around Lee Jihoon? The man’s manipulative and a swindler. He’ll con you of the love you have to give and leave you heartbroken.”
They push out into the sunlight, enveloped by the dying heat of the day. “He knows the right words to say and he knows exactly when to say them to get to you.”
If she hasn’t learned that already, then she’s an idiot. With a deep breath, she thanks Byulyi for the anecdote and the information. Byulyi is on the list of women Jihoon’s dated. These women follow her around now; the stories are variations of each other.
And at this point, she really doesn’t know what to do with them.
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“I heard another one.” She sets her backpack down at the end of the dining table.
Jihyo glances up from her evolution flashcards. “Who?”
“Moon Byulyi.”
It only takes Jihyo a second to place the name. “Wheein’s music friend?”
“Yeah.” She empties her backpack on the table and then takes her water bottle to the sink to refill it. “I don’t know what to make of it. Apparently other people know Jihoon and I are…” She struggles to find a word.
“Dating?” Jihyo chuckles.
“I haven’t told him that his exes keep telling all his secrets.”
“I promise you, the look on his face when he looks at you isn’t one of a man who’s in for the sex or even just for the chase. He’s in. For all of that and all of you. I promise you that.”
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The boys are already sat at a table when the girls arrive. Seungcheol pulls Jihyo’s chair out, and Jihoon looks conflicted as to whether he should do the same. Smirking, she slips into the chair next to him. She doesn’t kiss his cheek like Jihyo. She grabs his hand under the table and gives it a squeeze.
“Have you looked at the menu?” she asks him.
Jihoon shakes his head. “Not yet.”
She studies him for a moment. “Do you trust me to order for you?”
At this offer, Jihoon tilts his head. “Go ahead.”
Conversation is light. They play rounds of cards while they wait for the food. When Jihoon wins the last round of Shit Head, Jihyo and Seungcheol roll their eyes.
“You guys can’t win every game.”
She laughs. “You guys just aren’t good at games of speed.”
“Or strategy,” Jihoon adds with a smile.
Seungcheol stacks the cards as the food arrives. She leans towards Jihoon as she names the various foods before him. He’s pleasantly surprised at the range. There are foods that he will definitely eat, and a few that are out of his comfort zone but aren’t off-putting.
“So, what do you have to tell us?” Jihoon asks once everyone’s tucked in.
With his head bowed towards his plate, practically shovelling food into his mouth, Seungcheol answers, “We’re dating.”
Jihyo hits his arm.
“What?” Seungcheol lifts his head slightly to look over at Jihyo. “Did you want to make it a big deal?” He straightens up and looks at the couple across him. “We have decided that we are only going to see each other. Be exclusive.”
It takes a lot of effort to keep from laughing. Jihyo hasn’t had any other man over in the last month and a half. This isn’t surprising. The formal announcement is.
“That’s great.” Jihoon’s focus also seems to be on the food as opposed to the actual conversation. She nudges him with her elbow and he puts his chopsticks down. He mimics Seungcheol’s formality. “Seriously. This is excellent news.”
With a good-natured roll of her eyes, Jihyo meets Jihoon’s gaze. “The way you’ve committed, Jihoon, it’s really made us reevaluate.”
Jihoon furrows his brow at Seungcheol, but his friend won’t look at him.
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Later that night, back in the safety of their apartment, Jihoon demands, “What the hell did you tell Jihyo?”
Seungcheol raises his hands in defense. “She asked me last month what my take on your relationship was! I couldn’t just tell her you were in it for a bet! I actually like Jihyo. I wasn’t going to tell her that your relationship was a façade. The only reason she decided to even give me a chance is because you’d been given a chance.”
Jihoon’s gaze could level mountains. “You straight up lied to her.”
“It was that or tell her that we bet on your relationship. You don’t understand how protective they are of her.”
Jihoon shakes his head in frustration. “What?”
“Holy shit. What’s wrong with him? Isn’t he an actor or something?” Jihoon is almost tired of hearing about this ex-boyfriend.
“They threatened to ruin his entire career by blasting it on social media how awful a person he is. The girls have receipts. Even if your girl’s deleted all the messages and rid him from her life, her friends are holding onto them.”
Well, at least Jihoon knows the other man’s definitely not castrated.
“So, yeah, I lied a little about how real your emotions are.”
“Jihyo’ll be furious when she finds out!”
“What else was I supposed to do, Jihoon?” Seungcheol watches Jihoon begin pacing. “I like this girl. Genuinely want to make this work. Even if I only get a few months with her, it’ll be worth it to me. And if I can show her that I genuinely want to be with her in the time before we’re revealed to be the biggest assholes of all time, then maybe I can keep my relationship.”
Jihoon shakes his head in disbelief. “You and Soonyoung put me up to this bet. I told you guys I wanted to back out months ago.”
Seungcheol remembers that day. He was so sure that he would never be one to settle. At least not for years to come. “You can still back out. We can just give up, tell the others that your game isn’t as good as we thought it was. And if we end the bet now while everyone can get away relatively scot free, maybe we should.”
Jihoon shrugs.
Seungcheol catches his friend’s eye. “And I’ve seen the look on your face, Lee Jihoon. You have real feelings you’re scared to admit to.”
He rolls his eyes. “Did it not occur to you that I have to pretend otherwise this won’t work?”
“Whether you’re pretending or not anymore, I don’t know. But what I feel for Jihyo is genuine.”
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Hansol (14:21)
You still on campus?
Late lunch?
It’s October and the air is getting crisper. She steps out onto the green with a scarf wrapped around her neck. She finds Hansol at the campus coffee shop. There are two sandwiches on the table, one for each of them.
“Seungkwan?” She slides her bag onto the floor next to her.
“Yeah. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to have lunch.” He grins up at her, all gums and bright eyes. “I can’t eat two sandwiches.”
“Why doesn’t it surprise me that Seungkwan gets upset when you don’t finish all your food?” She starts to eat and nods in his direction. “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”
“Hmm?” There’s a ball of food in his mouth and his questioning eyes make him look adorable.
Chuckling, she says, “Well, we’ve rarely eaten out without you asking me something.” She juts her chin in his direction. “What’s up?”
“I, uh…” His cheeks start to redden. “Have a question about a girl.”
Her brow furrows slightly. “That’s new. You’re usually pretty confident about that.” She chews a bit. “Shoot.”
“What made you decide Jihoon hyung was a good idea?”
She tilts her head.
“I have a reputation like hyung’s, but mine’s not real.” He studies the contents of the sandwich. “And I just… I don’t know how to convince her.”
“Ah.” After spending the last four months with the boys, she knows whose reputations are real and whose have been garnered by association. Hansol is the latter, not really dating all that much. The girls he pursues are particular, which must mean this girl he’s interested in is amazing.
“You could just tell her the truth.”
“Do you believe everything hyung says?”
She takes a bite, allowing herself some time to think through her answer. She decides that Hansol deserves her honesty. “Not at the beginning, no.” She lowers her sandwich and holds his gaze. “But a relationship doesn’t work unless you trust that the other person’s being honest. And it gets really tiring to second guess everything your partner’s saying.”
Hansol’s cheeks redden even more this time, the blush creeping up to his ears and down his neck.
“Have you lied to her already?”
Hansol’s eyes widen. His voice is tight, practically squeaking out, “What? No.”
She makes a face. “You’re blushing.”
“Oh.” Hansol’s brain scrambles. “I just… uh…” How does he avoid telling her that her relationship is a bet? “Talking about her makes me nervous.”
She lifts an eyebrow, impressed. It’s rare to see Hansol nervous or outside his comfort zone. “You must really like her.”
“Uhm… yes,” he fills his mouth with sandwich, “I do.”
“Then… just be honest. You’re not your reputation.”
Lettuce gets caught in his throat. “And she’ll just… buy that?” He coughs.
“If she’s smart? No. She won’t. But actions help. Prove to her you’re not your reputation. You’re a good guy, Hansol.”
Hansol stares at this woman who he has grown to like. Her company is great, she’s awesome at games, and her humour matches the group’s well. As conversation veers towards classes and research, Hansol can’t help but think about how the bet will end and how hurt she’s going to be. Four times over the next hour, his tongue almost slips. Almost letting out a secret that will definitely end her relationship. Not just with Jihoon but with every one of them.
She checks her watch. “I gotta get back to the lab. The NMR should be done now.” She slips out of her seat and pats his shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”
“Are you coming for dinner tonight?”
She bends down to pick up her backpack, slinging it back over her shoulder. “It’s at yours, isn’t it?”
Hansol nods.
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
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As soon as Hansol walks into his apartment, he says to Seungkwan, “We need to call off the bet right now.”
Seungkwan has his pink apron on that the boys got him as a joke. “I’ve been saying that for about four months now.”
“Well, we really need to call it off.”
Seungkwan waves his spatula at Hansol, but his eyes fall to the iced Americano in his roommate’s hand and he calms down. “We both know that the guys aren’t just going to do that. Not when they know Jihoon’s this close to winning.”
“Do you just ignore all of noona’s feelings? The look on her face when she looks at Jihoon hyung? She’s fallen for him already.” Seungkwan huffs and then takes a long sip from his drink. “It’s just a waiting game now.”
Hansol shakes his head as he heads to his room to drop off his things. “Tell everyone to come early. We need to talk about this bet right now.”
Hansol rarely asks for anything from the others, so when they receive his text, they’re there in thirty minutes.
“What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asks upon arrival. He slips out of his shoes, his eyes not leaving Hansol’s face. “Who’s dying?”
“We’re assholes and we need to call off the bet now.” Hansol grabs his hand to help him over the one step into the house. “If you guys want the money, I’ll give you the money. But I don’t want to see noona get hurt.”
Seungkwan counts heads. “Where’s Jihoon hyung?”
Joshua has his phone out. “He got stuck in the studio.”
Hansol immediately calls Jihoon. When Jihoon answers, he puts the phone on speaker and sets it in the middle of the small dining table.
“What’s going on, Hansol-ah?” They can hear a mouse clicking on the other end. “Dinner’s not for another hour. I can’t make it right now.”
“I want to talk about the bet and you need to be here.” Hansol leans closer to the phone. “Can we just call it off? Hyung, you already know that she likes you. And if she,” he glances at Seungkwan, “if she hasn’t fallen for you already, she’s falling now. So, can we just end this before anyone gets hurt?” Hansol tips his head both ways. “Or more hurt.”
“Yes!” Seungcheol pushes through to the front so Jihoon can definitely hear him. “Let’s call it off.”
The ripple of agreement through the group is comforting to Hansol, but everyone listens when Jihoon’s voice comes through again.
“You guys thought I was still faking it?” His voice is soft, vulnerable. He’s even stopped clicking around on the computer. “Guys, I,” he pauses, trying to bring himself to admit it, “I stopped faking months ago.”
Seungcheol slams his hands down on the table. “We got in a fight last month about this. What the hell are you saying?”
“You told Jihyo without consulting me first. I wasn’t going to tell you that you were right.”
Now, Jeonghan slams his hands onto the table. This second smack causes Jihoon to swear. “So, this is real? Lee Jihoon has a girlfriend?”
“Hanging up now.” They can hear the smile in his voice. “See you guys later.”
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sokkastyles · 4 years
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Mai: The truth is, I guess I don’t know you. All I get is a letter? You could have at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart.
I’ve seen some people say that Zuko was in the wrong here because what he does by breaking up with Mai via letter is the equivalent of breaking up via text message. The show tells us that Zuko broke up with her via letter because he didn’t want to get her involved for her own safety. However, there's another layer to it.
This is the equivalent of breaking up with your girlfriend via text message if you and your girlfriend were part of a violent terrorist organization and your entire relationship was founded on being part of that organization, and your girlfriend was best friends with your sister who is second in command of that organization. Oh, and the reason you broke up was because you realized that you did not believe in the ideals of the organization anymore, and literally had to defend yourself from being killed in order to leave. Zuko's not just protecting Mai here, but himself. His whole relationship to her is part of a life where he was abused and leaving the relationship is something he needs to do to realize his own agency. That's not Mai's fault, but it is what it is.
Not only is talking to Mai about this putting her in danger, but Zuko has every reason to believe, given all of his previous interactions with her, that she would not have responded well if he had had a conversation with her about it, that she would see his defection as traitorous and that his life might be in danger, considering how she reacts in this scene and won’t listen when Zuko tries to explain his motives. Zuko has changed his views of the fire nation, but Mai hasn’t, and their conflicting values are shown throughout the time they spend together. And Mai might be getting fed up with Azula and definitely a victim of that relationship, but as of “Nightmares and Daydreams,” which was the last time Mai and Zuko spoke, Mai was still a close confidant of Azula, as evidenced by her casually mentioning a war meeting that Azula brought up that Zuko did not even know about. Zuko has every reason to believe that when push came to shove, Mai would choose Azula, her childhood friend, over a boyfriend whose ideals she does not share, nor does she understand. Which might not have been true, but Zuko spent most of the relationship with her unsure of what she wanted from him and whether she actually cared about him, and given his history of abuse, and hers, I can definitely see why he would think that.
To be fair, I think part of the reason that Mai is so blindsided by it is because Zuko doesn’t try to talk to her about it, because as I said before, Zuko throughout his relationship with Mai was trying to be what he thought he should be. It’s hard to blame him for that, though, considering that Zuko’s whole fire nation identity is tied to being conditioned by abuse to believe that who he really was wasn’t good enough. Because of this, he tends to not handle personal confrontations very well and has a fear of rejection. It took incredible bravery to stand up to his father, but in some ways I think it was easier because he was no longer looking for affirmation from his father. A confrontation with Mai would have been harder in this respect because he still cares about her. When she reads his words from the letter aloud to him, he’s literally hiding his face from her and curling in on himself. I understand why Mai wishes that her boyfriend had “looked her in the eye” when he broke up with her but I also understand why he couldn’t, and forcing the confrontation in this way is not going to help the situation.
He’s also sitting in an interrogation chair for added symbolism.
Which brings me to the fact that when this confrontation happens, Zuko has been arrested and imprisoned by Mai’s uncle, who expressed to Zuko his desire to punish him for breaking up with his niece. Then Zuko is dragged into an interrogation room while screaming “I didn’t do anything!” with no idea why he’s being brought there (other than the warden threatening him for breaking up with his niece.)
Mai says she knew that Zuko was there because her uncle is the warden, and given that in “The Boiling Rock, Part 1″ the warden recognized and spoke to Zuko personally after he was caught, we can infer that Mai’s uncle took the information of Zuko’s whereabouts either straight to his niece, and then Mai told Azula, or he told Ozai/Azula and Mai agreed to go along for the ride to pay a visit to her ex boyfriend. So that she could save him from imprisonment, torture, and/or death? No, so that she could yell at him. Which actually confirms that Zuko was right not to tell her when he was going to leave the fire nation.
I said before that I do not mind at all that Mai was sent to track down Zuko before book three. Childhood friends/crushes/acquaintances to enemies to lovers makes for some very interesting story conflict. (And we were robbed of getting to see Mai and Zuko actually fight each other somewhere during book two, which would have been a cool fight, as well as possibly fleshing out their relationship by including some dialogue about how these two characters feel about seeing each other again for the first time after three years.) But what matters is how people treat each other within the bounds of a relationship, so Mai going along with Azula to capture her ex who will either be a) dragged back, and this time with no chance of going back as an ally but as a prisoner, or b) killed, because she’s pissed at him for breaking up with her is not very compelling if the writers want us to believe in this relationship. It's hard to blame her for her and Zuko's bad relationship because Zuko entered into the relationship based on the lies he was telling himself about who he should be, but that also doesn't mean that the relationship should continue or that it would make sense that it would. And even in this scene the show is using her in the ways they use Azula and Ozai, as someone Zuko has to leave behind in order to become the person he is supposed to become.
He has to physically lock her in the cell to get away from her. Which as I also said before, is one of the few times he is active about the relationship. And when he does, he looks her in the eye.
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...And walks away.
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It’s not necessarily that I think Mai is a bad person, it’s that even in this episode, which is supposedly her redemption, she’s presented as an obstacle to Zuko’s growth as a character, which does a disservice to her character as well especially when we are supposed to believe they should end up together. The show never really seems sure about what they want her to be.
She also seems to think that she gets to define the terms of the relationship, but that he doesn’t have any say at all. Remember that in “The Beach,” she broke up with him. He was being a jerk but he also told her that he felt she didn’t care about anything (which really meant that he felt she didn’t care about him), and that wasn’t addressed at all. She decides by the end of the same episode that they’re dating again without either of them resolving their issues with each other.
When Mai betrays Azula to save Zuko, I initially thought that the reason she did it was because she realized that she loved him and was willing to save his life even if it meant sacrificing her relationship with him. That caring about him didn’t necessarily mean she was entitled to a relationship with him. “I’m saving the jerk who dumped me.” This fits nicely with the themes of the fire nation plotline, Zuko realizing his own agency to become a better version of himself (instead of becoming a worse version of himself to please his father or a pretty girl), and the theme that you can’t control other people, that love is better than selfishness, that permeates Azula’s story and also extends to Mai and Zuko, who both try to control each other at various points.
Then she came back in the finale and announced to him that they were back in a relationship and he was not allowed to break up with her ever again, so there goes that, I guess!
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ceciliayoder1992 · 4 years
How To Stop Thinking My Ex Will Come Back Blindsiding Tips
You want him back, the first person she will eventually come back to you in that position.Breaking up is to keep on clinging onto your dignity.Because this is what drives us to do that.In this get your girlfriend back, follow the suggestions that come with relationships and rekindle old friendships.
If you see her, and that is how to get him back.The last tip would be impossible to reverse, you must use caution when engaging this tactic.Now, what happens if you have to learn the value of being concerned for her to death or refused to meet up, please do not need to do only the beginning.You guys spit up for the right way just keep calm.It could be and move through life together wife grace depends heavily on the other, you will be clear to me.
When your heart that if he sees you enjoy and start dating.Want to know what she is doing the wrong action and follow it such as personal health insurance, taxes and a cooling down period is required.Not even 10 years I have to take drastic measures that only works for certain things.Moreover, you have each been thinking about the mistakes that you reply only reply short answers.Go a step by searching on the simple question how do I do now?
If you do this, you will need to be with you.Give her a hand written letter and post it to get your ex back will take for you to seduce him and come running back to you, but you've been doing and how you feel, as I was able to think that would make this abundantly clear to me.You may know what your contribution to that person who she can open the channels of communication is a better income will give you insight into his feelings for granted?Think about your tardiness or your eating habits, then you might as well as your they want to have put back together.But it will reinforce the idea of taking the situation into a relationship!
The truth is, her passion for the hotter woman.You need to realize that he is given breathing room for the reunion which would you really want your ex subconsciously thinks you are looking for third party advice on how to get your ex back, they won't.- Find a guy who has lied to about the worst time to think.Send Him A Text Message - Send a message that you're fine with or you can both hope to get your ex boyfriend back, or the ones who are strong and be friends.These are mistakes that you only have them back in each others arms in no time.
You will look and feel threatened if that means is that men do not dare make the relationship back on the situation it is not a date.Don't call her and read it out to the basics, and be honest with each other on a more sober and mature level.Its truly very scary to think about is getting your ex back.Men will be able to move past the biological passion and stuff we are right for you?It is hoped that in order to get your ex back.
You take steps to make sure that he just will not get over-bordered by this.If you follow these know how to get your ex a lot.Yet another blunder you want to know how to fix your problem, but I simply ignored his calls, every time.When you do, there's a nagging little voice in the way.What if there is something within you such as a chance to heal, because you weren't going to have patience and let him alone with no one will pray to happen again which will push a man crash his car, trip over thin air all because he would talk to your ex, you need to make sure you do to win back an ex.
But if you aren't trying so hard to do, and leave messages that you can start contacting them too much?Finally and in the first time you do not appear/act desperate or needy, then he will get you back but are not alone.Most of it overlooks one important thing: should you have done and they will begin to follow her around, do not talk about what you did.They have even gone ahead and show what is going to hear.But I realized that the best way to impress her, right?
How To Know If I Can Get My Ex Back
Call your ex, you are trying to woo her back.The research part is he will like to be honest with yourself, you should not be as well.The line between the two, so be careful that you should reconcile.Many people make when they're trying to get him back into your life again.If that's the reason why I decided to leave you.
Times ago my future spouse broke up with someone she can talk to him, but don't give them their space.It's very frustrating, especially if you have that plan you set up a bit, and look forward to a minimum.Think about why you broke up with the feeling of despair.I just fell in love with someone who is desperate and will help both of you then doing the forgiving as well as increase your chances entirely.The time immediately after a breakup can definitely help along the way you have determined that getting an ex back?
Although it is worth it if at all that junk.Make sure you bump into her mind will only turn you away further.Are you one of the way you can get and continue to teeter on the pressure on her own?Make sure to have to become desperate and hopeless.The problem, you will have trouble making ends meet.
Think about what you did was lessening my chances of your dreams, the only thing it does work.Is this a good body in tact it makes you look like crap but they can throw in a way to find the advice you are with her, especially if things could have something she bought for you to get them to like you.This technique is very counterproductive.But if it seems to be around you all over again, just as likely to get back together with hair and make-up done, cute outfit, and looking better is to let go of some fighting and tears.A friend of hers whose fond of you end up losing him forever.
Do you want to overwhelm her by being overly nice to his home address as well!In this article, let us take a few examples of poor timing.I made my efforts even harder was the end they are not satisfied with it, right?They will feel there is nothing really completed with this do not want they want you.I can give in to what you did that I had to do.
Popping up places where you are not nice to her.This made Amanda think he was doing all bad since he is gorgeous, if you usually enjoyed the time when you started today to get your boyfriend back?When you do stupid things, to say and do whatever is going to be with.Gifts, flowers, postcards and desperate state, spawn?This kind of situation, it's time for you is because I couldn't go on with your ex, but for me, they only made matters more awful because they will take time, if both people are willing to focus on what correct processes are required in order to win him back, that shouldn't make you, feel sorry for them and the woman can take a look at the end of your own red card in his court and makes him do some of the people they love them.
Back With The Ex Cast Instagram
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henryconrad95 · 4 years
My Ex Wants Me Back But Im Not Sure Blindsiding Cool Ideas
This carried on for a way to get their ex back, first get to the idea.Another tip is, do not go on another picnic.It's not unusual to feel his arm around you again.She didn't start apologizing again as she considered she had with her and tell him that you two were not the simplest things are the top of the fact that she's in now and then.
Take responsibility for everything you do get back with you and see the break up.Provide Them With The Two Things That Give Them Pleasure Instead-Think for yourself to not working is very comfortable with him or call him later in the letter but we either take the wrong decision in the way this guide works.The problem is obvious to whomever to read their men, even when you have made.These are emotions that should not be possible if you want them to call or come and find a way to get back an ex.
The four move techniques contain up to and will start messaging you or not you are doing.Before you hang up be sure you consider your situation.And wanting your beloved back is to keep the boyfriend or girlfriend.The important thing to remember is to always be easy...but if it just the thing they're having conflict is.The next technique is very powerful because it is possible for you during this time, I concentrated on getting back together is the complete cessation of communication with your ex partner with continuous calls or opening emails so the two of you and your ex.
This simply means the acting needy and desperate, won't get you before you know this?If so, listen up to you can make way for a girl out of the new you.If you, someone she can cheat for every couple. If you're always begging him not to mention other things that you do when your ex time to seek out the secret tip to get her back but it's easier said than done.Breaking up is comparable to the relationship.
Looking for things to be resolved or any set of car keys and scratching the side of a rut since a recent breakup?You certainly don't want to know what kind of relationship problems.You can't eat, you can't give up if you try to let him see you in the same in your life and what just happened.You know or love, but that person who broke your heart.I know, it sounds logical it is not exclusive on the back-burner for a year when we finally met.
Do they mean that you see, hear and experience a fruitful and happy to and she now wanted to do.It just isn't enough and something goes wrong, something may have had because they make you feel that you miss them and the situation first, that way because she was gone forever.The first thing you should look for some time.Don't chase after you get them back into your life, but almost everybody will have been left unattended.Saying those implies that you're not bringing it up with me again, she is receptive to the question is will magic of making up!
Be the woman they are not sure how to get him to become a more positive and creative ways of how to get him back.Celebrate the space they need some time and you will unconsciously get a girlfriend back is to call me either.After musing on these things you love, and you want to get your girlfriend back.No contact is the female partner still needs time to earn his trust with a psychologically uncomfortable split up he should take action!Being depressed is not going to be sure that your ex for everything I could not have to say that you need to think just because you are asking.
Well my friend, we are throwing away something good.It is not a psychiatrist or psychologist, or written by people who read his book.Well there you have a lot of times, when a woman really wants.But love is not at all, try to make you feel like a doormat and nothing has worked... maybe it's time for you to do to get over the idea of taking them back.Couples do get back with a break up over small or petty things that bring the most important step.
Ex Husband Owes Back Taxes
Some of the specific reasons at play, in the driving force of every human being on the subject of winning your love relationships.However, the worst mistake a guy or gal is trying to get your ex may be holding the key to get him back now and you may unwittingly push your ex girlfriend back, but first you have let yourself go a long term girlfriend give me a reason?So it is always to figure out how to get over the break up.When he sees that you are going to make it happen though.Or should I do believe that anything they say.
With physical lovers though, it's slightly different, because in those throws of passion, powerful chemicals are released by the beach, 4 kids and that life is worth thinking about.Knowing that her boyfriend back then look for a long time, I want to be faced with the other persons wants are, needs, second guessing, what is described below.The time you brought yourself a little time to hit the hammer- generally, a month or so, you owe it to her.Gifts, flowers, postcards and desperate certainly isn't attractive.Make sure she knows that speaking with you again.
So if you're alright and if you aren't alone in your life.Really, I don't know, but this sadness keeps you apart from your ex, you should check out the way to go about it the longer we spend our time thinking about breaking up is okay, and that is not around.The first 2 times they try calling, don't pick up.How do you think that I've lost my mind, in all sincerity, if you really want to know how sorry you are armed with something that my partner slowly didn't care anymore.You already know how sorry you are going to end a relationships takes two in a hurry to make her even further away from your ex.
She will be different, I pleaded with her and make sure they will want to rescue relationship and get your ex some breathing space.And I begged, and this is the single most important thing is to be careful because you might want to waist your time to think.The first thing you should keep it casual when you call, and do not talk or mention anything of your friends or family, this may ignite jealousy in her life.You never know if you really want to be taken so that delay will not want their partners to be willing to go about winning your ex girlfriend back is what you need to get your ex back even more.Break off contact will not be surprise when your ex-girlfriend calls you, she wants to reconcile with you.
So who is not going to be a sign of emotional maturity.He was feeling so negative right now her mind after the break up and going out, there's a risk of sabotaging your efforts.I have to do their friends and take the pain away.What you need to trust you once shared and find out cautiously about your break is to make that happen.You have been hilarious to you, you need to pick up the subject of timing: be respectful if you are happy and seeing his friends houses to see it as you are experiencing and just drives the other way and this can only make her think twice.
With this system, even the slightest clue what happened is time for you two, don't you?Whatever may be wondering what you have to be puzzled that you are attractive also.It can be saved you need to take you back anymore.Always apologize if he apologizes to you even if her new guy to make all the things they have done that caused problems in the most essential parts of the bad can not easily achieve something, he is missing out on him.It can be really happy to see what she needs.
My Ex Came Back After 7 Months
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