#Hills johannes(useless boss)
uselessboss · 2 years
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People didn’t look like “people” to him.
“Did the boss put you up to do menial tasks again? You seriously need to stop provoking him you know?” One of his colleagues told him, snickering.
“I merely asked him to expand more on his reasoning behind the latest strategy employed, nothing wrong about that, his outburst was unwarranted” Johannes explained.
What a small and insignificant man. He thought with disdain.
Unwilling to listen to suggestions and advices, unwilling to improve and optimize things if they can make do with mediocre results and getting angry when asked to explain his reasoning behind his actions.
It was quite pathetic how he thought that shouting, trying to downplay his opinions and relegating him to less important tasks was a good show of his “power”.
Men talk and dog barks.
“You should really stop making things hard for yourself by acting high and mighty” 
He had the same eyes as his boss. Everyone around him did.
Greedy, ressentful, jealous and insecure to the point of trying to drag others down to their level because they are unable or unwilling to think of ways to improve themselves.
“Are you suggesting me to act like you and everyone else? Sucking off to the boss and ‘whoring’ myself out for someone who doesn’t deserve my respect?”
“You are fucking arrogant Johannes” his colleague pulled him by the front of his shirt.
“Pride measures our worth as humans. I won’t bend my knee, otherwise they would have succeeded in turning me into a pathetic and worthless being”. he scoffs, unfazed as he takes away the hand gripping his shirt. “Now, if you excuse me I have to finish this task so I can focus on other more important things”
That was a total waste of time. He couldn’t wait until he found a way to rise above all this scum.
Then again, what should he expect from someone that lacked the qualifications to be even considered as a “person”?
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“For this case we are going to work with Miller’s team” his boss presented the leader of the other team, voice filled with contempt.
He wasn’t even bothering to hide his dislike and disdain towards the younger leader of the other team. It was an embarrassing display. Acting like an immature and petulant child instead of a grown ass man.
In contrast, Johannes noted, the person by his side stood tall under all the malicious and dirty looks throw at her direction, unfazed and unbothered, carrying herself with dignity.
Crowa Miller.
According to rumors she was a deranged lunatic that, unable to accept that she failed to convict a criminal, would later on go on a crusade to kill them and almost stupidly got herself killed in the process.
That should make her the lowest of the most irrational beasts but curiously and ironically enough, among all the sea of indistiguishable envy, ressentment and other lower emotions her eyes sparkled human.
Honestly he didn’t care if the rumors were true or not, that alone made her a much desirable footing to rise up from. 
(It also helped that she probably had great connections otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to get her position what with the way odds were stacked against her.)
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He was probably staring too much because suddenly, as if she had sensed his gaze, Miller turned to look straight at him.
The people that were looking at her with disdain were quick to lower their gaze as soon as they thought she was looking their way like the cowards they were.
He, in turn, didn’t even flinch, keeping his eyes on her in defiance as well as to properly take them in.
She also had green eyes, albeit different from his and unlike anything he ever saw.
While his were almost gold and electric like light itself hers were profound and mysterious like the most secret parts of a forest or the unknown depths of the ocean.
Among the masses of faceless people who threw away their pride and became dolls that lacked identity she stood up as the first person he acknowledged as an individual.
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“You have been staring at me an awful lot, can I help you?” she approached him.
“My apologies, I just found you interesting”
They kept their gazes locked at each other again, in an intense staring contest that went for several seconds.
Her eyes twinkled.
“What’s your name?”
“Hills Johannes”
“Johannes huh? I like your eyes” she smiled. “They are pretty vibrant, full of drive and for once it’s not eyes that look at me with jealousy, disdain or fear”
“Was I supposed to fear you?” he smirked, eliciting a laugh from her.
“No, not really. You or anyone else that isn’t a criminal for that matter”
What an interesting person.
“This was an enjoyable small talk. I hope to see you later Mr.Johannes”
He volunteered himself to work with her team. After their small exchange he got curious and craved for more, to know more about this unique and special individual.
The way she worked was intriguing.
She had great eyes for details and was incredible perceptive to the point of picking on the most subtle of clues or perceiving tells in interrogations in a way even he was unable to figure out.
She didn’t explain herself and if it was anyone else it would have peeved him but the way she carefully considered everything and the sheer accuracy of her guesses made it clear that it wasn’t luck or a shot in the dark, she had a criteria to guide her actions even if he couldn’t understand what they were.
And on the field...
He clapped his hands as she had just finished kicking a guy down in submission.
“You are quite something else” he praised. “Not only for having good and discerning eyes for solving cases but also formidable when fighting. It’s incredible how sharp your instincts and reflexes are”
“...However?” she replied. “I’m sensing a follow-up there”
Ah so she had noticed it.
Didn’t seem offended or mad about it, if anything she seemed amused.
“I think this wouldn’t be an appropriate time to go more in-depth about it, perhaps later when you have spare time?”
He knew he was pushing it, blatantly implying that he had a lot of so not flattering words to say, veering on the line of almost being considered disrespectful and insulting towards someone of a higher authority.
“True, we are still not done with things here” she conceded, not missing a beat.
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Now it was her turn challenging him.
She wanted to see if he had anything worth listening for. If he could back up all the words he was implying earlier.
He smiled at that. This felt so refreshing and gratifying.
“Yes, I do have a few suggestions in mind.”
He had been organizing and compiling his data of the joint case for the last hour, barely able to contain his impatience as he looked at the clock.
The time they spent together felt too short so he was elated when she offered to extend their interactions, mentioning their earlier talk and making a witty remark about looking forward to hearing the rest of what he had to say.
Last check-ups done, he went to meet her at the place they had agreed upon.
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“Hello Mr. Johannes, your timing is impeccable, we just finished things here”
She was sitting in a table with bosses of other units, he thought he might have vaguely recognized even his own boss there.
“Shall we continue our talk now?” She quipped.
Usually this would be used as a tactic of intimidation, putting someone on the spot in front of others, even more under the scrutinity of people of higher position that didn’t tolerate an affront to their power so you would cower under the pressure.
That said, a quick glance at her expression told him that it wasn’t her goal. Whatever she was scheming she seemed confident he was going to follow along.
It was infuriatingly amazing how, despite knowing that, he was still willing to fall into her goading, the promise of something interesting happening if he did so being far too intriguing and alluring for him to ignore.
“Ah yes, I was talking about how your talents as an individual were outstanding right?” Fine, he was taking the bait, sink and all. “Emphasis on ‘individual’, you’re not much of a leader material and if you allow me to say it, quite the worst at it from what I have seen”
The men at the table looked horrorized at what he said, getting comically even more mortified and appalled the longer his observations and criticism went on as if fearing for Miller’s reaction.
Meanwhile the person in question just smiled, her grin increasing as she found everyone’s scandalized reactions hilarious and entertaining.
“Those are valid points” she chuckles in good humor as she stands up. “Excuse me gentlemen but I have to retire first, I have some important matters to attend.
He slight bows at them in mockery and follows after Miller as she exit he table, schooling his features the best he could so it wouldn’t become apparent how smug he felt at her giving so much importance in spending time with him in front of everyone.
“I gathered all the information I could about our last joint case, I hope you don’t mind if you could give me your opinion on it” Miller’s face turned serious as soon as they sat down on the empty meeting room.
There were piles of folders, maps, layouts of buildings, photos and a detailed written report of everyone’s movements from her team.
It was a throve of information, some of which he would never ever get a chance to access himself.
It was impressive. For the first time he was left speechless.
He had to take back his earlier thoughts about considering her as a “footing” to rise up in the ranks.
That was not a treatment befitting of someone of her caliber. Crowa Miller truly was someone that earned his admiration and respect.
Even now it continued to increase as they oversaw everything, discussing about it in a civilized manner, her asking questions when fitting and taking criticisms and suggestions in stride, not once acting condescending towards him nor reacting to the negative feedback as the old, insecure people he had to contend for so long.
“Thank you for your time and for giving me constructive words, it will be very helpful” she tidied everything out after they finished.
“I saw the reports of other cases you were in and surprisingly you did well despite your weird directing and even have the highest safety rate of every team for that matter” he couldn’t keep his curiosity back. “Why would you want to change the way you do things?”
“Because that’s not good enough” she calmly replied. “As you pointed I lack the experience and skill to properly guide the people under my care. I had to make do with what I had to make it work as no one seems keen to teach me properly but that’s... Too sloppy”
She sighed, aggravated as she massaged her temples.
“I’m used to do things relying on my intuition and instincts but I can’t ask for people to trust their safety and their very own lives on something that amounts to a ‘hunch’”. It sounded like something that she kept mulling about for a while. “But a plan, something that has logic and reason behind it is something that they can accept and put their trust on”
She looks straight at his eyes at that.
He guessed as much. She didn’t seem the type to uselessly flaunt her “authority” like that just to force people to listen to her.
 She sought to be worth of it and took the responsabilities of her position very seriously unlike anyone else he ever met.
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“Huh?” He sputtered, lacking eloquence, another first for him.
“To be more accurate I want you take charge in directing my unit” Miller chuckles at his astonishment. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on stealing your credit for it, you would be doing that directly”
“For what reason?”
“Even without the problem of my lack of leadership skills I have the issue of my bad reputation to deal with” she explains, refering to all the rumors and general derision people have towards her. “They would feel far more comfortable if they listened to someone like you”
She was very blasé and nonchalant about it, as if it was no big deal to be giving her status away like that and quite possibly making her look worse for it.
“Of course I don’t plan to twindle my thumbs in the meantime. I want to learn from you as much as I can until I earn your approval so I can stand on my own legs when the time you get promoted comes”
“... You make it sound as if our roles are reversed.”
“It’s basically what it is. You earn their trust by showing how reliable you are and if I earn your approval they know they can rely on your sound jugdment and believe in me too... To a degree”
Her smiles widen.
“At least people would know for sure that fear is not a factor in it, what with that splendid showing you did there right in front of the rest of the suited men that didn’t had the balls to diss me to my face despite how obvious they hate me” she extended her hand.
Ah so that was what she was doing there.
She was far more cunning than he had expected.
What a fascinating person. 
Unpredictable and unexpected in ways that managed to blindside him, earning his utter respect and admiration upfront, evoking loyalty and obedience towards her without use of underhanded tricks or bringing him down for it.
There was no hesitation nor doubts in his mind when he grasped that hand.
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uselessboss · 3 months
Character Bio - Hills Johannes
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For Johannes everything in life was to be held in high standards. To be human is to have the capacity to grow and excel so to settle for less was, in his view, total abdication at considering yourself "human".
And he considers himself "human".
Johannes is a very talented and capable individual. His dedication towards bettering himself could have been seen as a great virtue if not for his incredibly anti-social personality. If someone wasn't up to the same work ethic and disposition as him then he didn't even bother to acknowledge them. Prideful and unwilling to compromise or make concessions, his propensity to criticize or make unmprompted sardonical observations evoked dislike and enmity from his peers who tried to bring him down or deride him in retaliation, which made Johannes, in turn, hold an even bigger contempt toward others.
Then he met Miller.
The first person he ever saw as an equal and worth of his respect and admiration. Someone that finally listened to reason and wasn't afraid at acknowledging their shortcomings for the sake of their growth. A dignified and strong person who encompased- No. Who defined the concept of "power" to him.
An incredible, unparalleled and desirable woman.
It started from simple respect and admiration, but with time it grew into an intense fixation and yearning. A possessive hunger, an uncontrollable want, a mad and obsessive love that would led to his ruin when, crazed by his intense paranoia and jealousy towards Hunter's bond with Miller, he would end, with his own hands, destroying everything he had with her.
And yet, despite what he did, Miller didn't abandon him.
It's what made Johannes finally realize how utterly selfish he was. How disrespectful he was towards Miller's feelings and even his own.
While still not the easiest person to be around Johannes became less antagonic after his death, choosing to focus his efforts in aiding and supporting Miller from this point on.
Crowa Miller
The first person he grew to respect and admire. Someone he had a rather unusual "boss and subordinate" dynamic with as they treated each other more akin to equals, which developed in time in an intense and all consuming passion and love fueled by desire.
He wasn't aware that his feelings were reciprocrated due to his jealousy. ONLY after his death that he became aware of it. However he doesn't press the issue and doesn't try to pursue her afterwards out of a desire to not have Miller's future be wasted on someone that doesn't have one and CAN'T provide one for her.
Wolf Hunter
A man he detested at first for disrespecting and antagonizing Miller and then later on for the perceived notion of him being a potential rival for Miller's heart.
After his death he's in more cordial terms with Hunter because he acknowledges that if there's someone capable of giving Miller the future she deserves then it's him.
Daniel Andrews
He looks down on Andrews for being everything he abhors. Namely "losers that had given up and can't be half-assed to try"
And that's not only because of how he was as Miller's partner in the past.
The only reason to why Johannes had forwent pursuing Miller was for being dead otherwise he would still kept trying until it was made clear to him that he had no chance so to have Andrews deciding on not doing anything about his feelings despite being alive and even pushing for a rival to succeed made him a "coward" in Johannes eyes.
Svi Morrigan
Despite being a personal enemy for both him and Miller Johannes oddly enough has a weird sense of respect for him.
Perhaps for their kindred dislike at displays of "false power" or maybe for their unwillingness to debase themselves at the cost of their own pride. Regardless of the motive Johannes does acknowledge that their interests align enough that had they met in different circumstances and before he had met Miller he would have probably considered dating Morrigan.
Howl Miller-Hunter
Contrary to Andrews' consternation, Johannes is deeply amused by Howl regarding him as a "father" and isn't half bad at acting "parental" either. He can be surprisingly patient and good at teaching whenever Howl seeks his advice.
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uselessboss · 10 months
Father's Day!
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Happy day for the super doting and loving dad Hunter o7o
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uselessboss · 1 year
Johannes in Kitty Glasses
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Drew this after Dino shared a pic of cute kitty glasses.
Johannes is pretty much a cat with sleek body, sharp eyes and very feisty personality.
His affection doesn’t come for cheap, that’s for sure. 
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uselessboss · 1 year
How Papa was before
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You could say this is kind a follow up to this comic:
Hunter cringes every time he remembers how he was and Johannes find is funny and amusing to dig all his dirty out.
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uselessboss · 1 year
A Flower that Could Never Bloom(3/3)
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Even if she hadn’t made that promise to help him get a promotion in exchange for his support she knew that the result would remain the same.
Johannes was amazing.
Driven, dedicated and committed. Johannes was blessed with a lot of talent yet he didn’t let it get to his head and grow complacent from it. His bottomless potential wasn’t earned out of crossed arms. She knew better than anyone how hard he worked to perfect his craft and how much thought and effort he put to nurture it.
It was why he couldn’t, wouldn’t, stay.
Because it wouldn’t take long for him to learn all there is to learn as her subordinate. Soon enough her world would feel too small and limited to him. If he wanted to continue in his path of improvement he had to leave.
And she couldn’t follow him.
Because of her duty to protect people from the threat of the paranormal beings she had to stay in the frontlines. An increase of rank would mean overseeing more people, taking more responsabilites and that wouldn’t be feasible when she had to prioritize her duties.
She couldn’t become his subordinate either.
Because she needed the authority to be listened to. From people bellow her and of equal rank. In a moment of crisis, it was crucial for them to heed to her words to be kept safe and having the role of a “leader” was the only way to assure that.
Saying goodbye was inevitable.
But she would be fine.
Because of the things he left her. 
He gave her stability, helped her to adjust to her role thanks to his guidance, gave her self-assurance, pride to walk with her head held up high like she was worth of having dignity and, most important of all, he gave her hope.
She had resigned herself to be miserable until the end of her life to atone for her mistakes and to protect what was left of importance to her but he showed that her path didn’t need to be taken in solitude. That people who would accept her... 
They existed.
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Hunter came like a storm.
She wasn’t new to people insulting her or regarding her with contempt but no one had dared to be so brazen about it. He was practically in her face as he glared at her.
Yet there was something different about him.
As much as people tried to mask it she could pick on their underlying envy and greed. People tried to pass it off as if they were judging her conduct but in truth they ressented and vyed for her position. If they could find a crack, a weakness, she knew they would merciless exploit it just for the chance of taking it from her.
But Hunter didn’t have any of that. He spoke like someone with conviction, someone willing to face her head on. A pure and honest soul.
He really made a big impression on her.
So she tried to find more about him.
“Wolf Hunter? That boy is a troublemaker” her superior sighed, sounding heavily aggravated.
Huh, that sounded familiar.
Did she have a type or something?
“He caused a ruckus when he exposed his superior for harrassing their subordinates” he explained. “The board promised to address it in private, have a talk with them and withold his right to get promoted but Hunter thought it was too light of a punishment so he leaked his findings to the the press. It was a mess”
Miller vaguely remembers seeing that on the news. It generated a huge backlash, enough to get the guy’s reputation dragged to the mud and get him fired from the force.
“The scandal really soured public’s opinion on us and there was a lot of repercussions from it. Very negative ones. Hunter was transferred here because it was the furthest away from the “eyes of the hurricane”. We are waiting until things cooldown so we can kick him out of the force”
That made Miller frown.
Hunter might have been a bit rash about it but his actions were guided out of a strong sense of moral and justice. 
It was rare to find someone that was as brave and valorous as him, even among cops, so to have his act of standing up to what was wrong be met with a severe punishment like that... It was wholy unfair.
“I request to have Wolf Hunter placed on my unit”
“...I can’t make any sense of it” Johannes shook his head as he walked alongside her. “Why did you bring Hunter to our unit? Even if he’s skilled enough on the field I hardly think it’s worth the grievance”
She wasn’t surprised in the least that Johannes didn't like it.
“I thought it would be a shame if our force lost someone as brave and upstanding as him.” she laughed it off. “He has the heart in the right place. It’s rare to find someone like him who wouldn’t back down from doing the right thing no matter what you know?”
“... I think you are giving him way too much credit Miller.” he frowns. “In my opinion he’s nothing but a holier than thou asshole who thinks it’s his righteous mission to persecute yo- Oh God. What is this asshole doing here?”
Usually she and Johannes went to check the evidence room at this time because it was less crowded. It just made it easier for them to examine the evidence when they could scatter everything and the discussion flowed better with the peace and quiet. It was their routine to spend time together like this ever since Johannes first accompanied her.
But she guessed they would have company today.
“I’m looking over the past cases Miller solved. Namely the cold cases” Hunter emphasized the last point looking straight at her.
“Oh and pray tell the reason of why you are doing that?” Johannes sarcastically quipped.
“It’s very suspicious how Miller was able to solve these cases that no one else could.” Hunter raised an eyebrow. “She could have fabricated evidence and faked results just to earn renow from it”
“Listen here you insolent br-”
“Huh, he does have a point”
Both men turn to her in flabbergasted surprise.
“I never thought of it that way before but when you put it like that it does look suspicious huh?”
“Are you... Admiting it?” Hunter hesintantly asks, probably getting blindsided by her responde to his accusation.
“Not at all. I never meant for my actions to come off like that” she shots it down point blank. “But it does give me something to think about...”
It was a pretty reasonable conclusion to reach.
So that brings the question to why “he” never brought it up.
“You really are something else Miller” Johannes smirked in amusement. “I can’t really predict you. The way you shut that brat down was nothing short of amazing”
“Well, I thought that what he was saying made a lot of sense. Perhaps even too logical” she taps her chin in deep thought. “Which brings me to the next question”
She pauses and turns to him.
“Did you ever have similar thoughts to it Johannes?”
“Not in the least. I know you don’t have it in you to do something as underhanded as that”
“I could be fooling you just as Hunter said”
“I doubt it. You never resorted to dirty trickery like cowards do and we both know I once had a coward for a boss before” Johannes laughs.”One that would make use of threats, bellitllement and even resorting to kill me if it came to it to secure his frail position."
He smiles, smugly as he regards her.
“You, on the other hand was the total opposite. You didn’t shy away from criticism, always willing to listen to me, bringing me up and even moving your entire unit to rescue me and personally bringing me to safety. There’s no one as noble and deserving of respect as you Miller”
“I... Thank you Johannes” she felt her cheeks flush, touched by his words and vote of trust.
Johannes was right.
If she wasn’t doing anything wrong then by all means she should walk with her head held high. If she wanted to show who she really was then she would let her actions speak for themselves. If Hunter, or anyone else for that matter, cared enough about the truth then the truth is what they would find.
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“You are... Being more cooperative than I expected” she comments as they finish the operation with no setbacks.
“I told you. It’s because you hadn’t done anything suspcious. “YET”"he emphasizes. “But don’t think you are fooling me, you won’t be able to keep the act for lo- Your hand. It’s bleeding”
She looks at her hand. The burnt one where her sensitivity was dulled.
“Oh, I completely forgot about that, must have been from when I had to stop a knife swing with it”
“Are you nuts Miller?!” Hunter sighs with an exasperated tone. “Wait a moment, I have a first aid-kit on my car”
“Open your hand, let me see your wound”
She did as he said and extended her hand.
With how brash he usually was Miller expected Hunter to treat her roughly but he was surprisingly... Very gentle.
He walked closer to her and carefully opened her hand, wincing at the gash that crossed from one side to another he started to clean the wound, being mindful to not apply too much pressure on it to make it as painless as possible and then neatly wrapping everything with a clean bandage, the whole time checking with her to make sure that he wasn’t wrapping it too tightly nor bringing her any discomfort.
Talk about mixed signals.
“That’s unexpected.” she comments as he finishes treating her. “Why would you do that?”
“It doesn’t matter what kind of person you are. That’s no reason for me to shirk off my duties”
So she was right in her earlier assessment of him. 
He was a good man.
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She had seen a glimpse of it before, but as we watched from afar as Hunter’s expression and voice softened to comfort the kid after they just rescue she realized how truly kind Hunter was.
She thought of him as only strong headed and brash but maybe being gentle and caring was his true nature?
“True nature huh?”
She remembers the day he had treated her wound, how he was willing to put aside his prejudices just to be kind to her.
Maybe... Maybe Hunter was the same as Johannes?
Someone that could also accept her?
‘Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this stuff’
‘I have a compilation with notes on all the cold cases I worked on, if you want I can send you a copy for you to look at’
 ‘If you have any grievances towards my conduct feel free to tell me so, I am willing to listen.’
If Hunter was obstinate in his attempts to prove her “foulness” then she was equally as stubborn in her attempts at befriending him.
It was a bit rough at first. Hunter still distrusted her a lot and held a lot of suspicion over her but as she kept proving herself he began to mellow out.
Or, at least, he wasn’t as hostile anymore. He didn’t antagonize her as much and even began to be overtly kinder and gentle around her.
Still, as much as their relationship had improved, she couldn't say that he completely believed her now. 
He still questioned her about her past. He still went over the documents and evidence of the “incident” and when he noticed he was being too friendly with her he backed down immediately with a complicated expression in his face.
He was hard to read. She couldn’t tell what his intentions really were.
If he was trying to find proof to her innocence or to remind himself to not trust her.
She was feeling slight light headed.
She really should have taken up to Johannes’ offer to wrap things earlier the day before and rest.
Miller smiles fondly at the memory of Johannes looking at in her concern.
It wasn’t anything new, Johannes always had supported her in one way or another, but it was nice to see him openly show concern towards her.
Intimately she had hoped to be the case. That he didn’t do it out of a courtesy between a boss and her second-in-command, but out of his personal desire to do so.
“Miller are you… ok?” Hunter asked, concerned. “It’s subtle but… Your movements seem less smooth than usual”
“Oh I wonder what could be the reason” Johannes’ voice was scathing, dripping with anger and sarcasm. “Whose fault it is that she gets held so late at work that she misses on getting a proper rest?”
Hunters flinches.
“If Miller gets hurt, or worse, killed because of that it will be absolutely your fault”
Okay, maybe she should intervene before the situation gets ugly.
“I was trying to hide it, but if my drop in perfomance is THAT noticeable then I guess Johannes is right” Miller tries to mediate. “It would be bad if it made me unable to protect others in their time of need”
Johannes might have been a bit too harsh but she didn’t feel like it would be right of her to chide him when he was clearly doing it out of his desire to look after her well being. Besides, it was her fault for letting things reach this point so she should be the one shouldering the consequences.
She only hoped that Hunter wouldn’t think she was trying to bail out and all her hard work to earn his trust won’t come undone with this.
Hunter kept finding ways to surprise her.
“I came to apologize”
Hunter was truly remorseful for what he did. He apologized for not being mindful of her well being and didn’t make any excuses for his behavior, he took full responsability for it. His eyes were honest and soulful as he asked her to believe in him when he told her that it wasn’t his intention to bring harm nor hurt to her.
His earnest words touched her.
Usually when people said or did something hurtful to her they didn’t care nor think anything of it.
After all why apologize to a beast, a monster like her?
So the fact that Hunter did meant a lot to her. That told her that no matter what his stance was, he would always see her as a human too.
“I know that” her face softens. “It would not be in your nature to wish that when you are such a good person”
That day marked the biggest shift so far in their relationship. Hunter didn’t make accusations anymore and he seemed to genuinely want to believe in her. In her innocence, that she was a good person.
It made her happy. She was glad that she had taken that step, it was proof that she could change people’s opinion on her if she just tried, if she allowed herself to open up and bare her heart to them.
And it wasn’t only Hunter.
She didn’t know what was the trigger for his change, but Johannes started to behave differently around her too.
“Are you free right now Miller?”
“Yes, I was about to take a break”
“Would you like to play a few matches of chess?”
“Sure. I have some plays in mind to test out. Maybe I can even catch you off guard today”
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She wouldn’t say that they didn’t spend a lot of time together in the past, because they did, but it was mostly on work related duties and under the role of being a boss with her second-in-command subordinate. It was strictly professional.
Johannes started to seek her out of that context.
Playing chess, sharing meals together, chatting or simply relaxing in silence as they made company to each other.
It might not be anything fancy or worth of note to others but she thought it was nice.
In fact, it was so nice that she was starting to feel conflicted about it.
“If… I wasn’t your second-in-command anymore who would you pick to fill my spot?”
She felt herself freeze.
“Why… Are you asking that?” she licked her lips, suddenly feeling her mouth go dry.
“…Would you pick Hunter?” He pressed.
“Hunter? Why would… Oh.” She arched one of her eyebrows before something clicked in her mind. “Is this because of the rumors circulating around? Don’t worry, I don’t have any plans to replace you and Hunter would be the last person I would consider for such a role. He becomes too awkward whenever put in the spotlight for that to work"
She heard the rumors about her and Hunter.
Hunter might be the closest to her “equal” on the field and they had been getting on better terms recently but it was nowhere closer to the amount of trust she had on her second-in-command. She might play along a bit with the rumors about them dating, but that was mostly as a joke to tease Hunter because it was fun to mess with him. 
In truth they weren’t really even THAT close. 
She might wish to befriend him but she was unsure if Hunter thought the same of her. There was a need to first overcome some barriers they had around them until they could take that step.
“Oh. I see"
Johannes didn’t seem satisfied with her answer.
Maybe he was expecting something else from her? But what else could be?
Unless... Unless he was expecting updates on how she was going to help him on his promotion?
‘I... I don’t want that. I don’t want him to leave.’
She felt her body jolt violently as that through pierced her mind like a sharp needle.
The reason to why she had become so uneasy when Johannes started to spend more time with her was because she felt her resolve wavering. The closer they got, the more attached she became and that made it harder for her to let go of him.
Her body trembled with the stregth of her emotions. She felt her heart be throw in complete disarray and anguish.
How could she wish for something so... So selfish! 
Johannes had already given so much for her already, more than she even deserved and she wanted more? How could she be so greedy?
‘Johannes became pretty tame after he started working under Miller don’t you think?’
‘He might have been an arrogant asshole but at least I can admit he had drive and ambition. That is, until he started working with the demon woman. A shame really’
At first she didn’t think nothing of it as Johannes reassured her that he took pride at being acknowledged as a loyal subordinate of hers and it had made her happy that he felt that way about her.
But now she was questioning her own feelings and actions.
Was she happy because of his show of trust or because she was elated that she binding him more and more to her?
Like caging up a bird by clipping his wings, discouraging him to leave outside and forcing him to stay by her side so he could quell her pathetic need to fill her lonely existence.
Like the Almagamation of vengeful souls that had clipped her own wings in order to make her do their bidding, not caring in the least about the kind of pain they are inflicting to her as long as they got what they wanted.
‘I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t bring them to justice, I am powerless here’
Was she doing the same thing as them?
It frightened her.
Hideous... Her heart was so hideous.
She won’t allow it. 
She won’t let those wicked feelings consume and destroy him. She has to protect him.
Even if it means from herself.
“I got you an opportunity to get you promoted”
“I did promise that I would help you to rise in the ranks right?”
“I don’t want that” Johannes rejected her offer as she expected. “I changed my mind. I prefer to work with you Miller”
Thump. Thump.
‘Stop it stupid heart, don’t falter now. Do it for his sake while there’s still rationality left on you’
“Johannes you shouldn’t let your admiration for me get in the way of your progress. You are meant for greater things than being my subordinate”
“I didn’t consider even once as if I was lowering myself for getting this position” he furrowed his eyebrows. “Where did you even get such a ludicrous idea in the first place?”
“Then why did you ask me that day about your substitute?”
Did you find out about this ugly part of myself? Were you disappointed by it? Did you feel disgust at finding it?
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“Huh?” Miller snapped her head back in surprise.
“If it was Hunter you would make excuses to forgive and vouch for his “goodness”. He spats bitterly. “Yet you treat me, someone that has been nothing but loyal to you, as a untrustworthy backstabber”
“Johannes that’s not what-”
“Oh but it is”. He cuts her off. “You didn’t even try to argue against it and you sure was very quick to find a way to kick me out.”
She flinches.
“Don’t” he cuts again, voice curt. “I don’t feel like talking any longer with you right now, leave me alone, at least for today Crowa”
She immediately shuts her mouth.
His eyes... For the first time since they met he was angry at her. 
Angry, disappointed and incredibly hurt.
She dropped her head in shame as he shut the door with a loud thud.
What... What she has done?
...Paranormal Activity. And a strong one at that.
What’s up with her rotten luck. Of all days, of all times it had to be the first case of the next day to their fight.
She had spent the entire night awake thinking about it. About their fight, about how much of a screw up she was and how she had messed up and hurt Johannes’ feelings. 
All because of her stupid insecurities.
She feared rejection. She feared being abandoned. She feared being left behind. She was deeply afraid, above all things, of being alone.
... And yet, at the same time, she also believed that it was an inevitable and inescapable outcome so she pushed people away, turning it into a sick self-fulffiling phophecy.
“I was briefed about the case. Missing people and the search party didn’t return yet right?” Miller asked the officer keeping watch over the place.
It would be better if she finished things quickly so she could properly consider her next step.
“What are your instructions Miller?” Hunter asked her, but she didn’t reply, too lost in her own thoughts to notice.
“Johannes, it’s another of “those cases”” she briefed him, trying to at least not fail him as his superior and further disappoint him. “Tell everyone to stay, I have to go alone”.
She felt someone grab her shoulder.
“Are you NUTS Miller?! Even an entire search party went missing and you want to go ALONE?!”
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She thought that they were starting to understand each other, that they could even one day call each other friends.
Or, perhaps, at bare minimum, to be regarded as his comrade.
But those accusing eyes... In the end he still thought of her as a criminal.
She was so naive.
She slapped his hand away and put her mask again. The mask she always wore to protect herself from the world.
“Stay.” Her voice goes cold. “That’s an ORDER Hunter”
Hunter flinches and internally she does as well.
‘I will probably need to request his transfer to another unit’
She is sad.
If Hunter was unable to trust her then working with her would only put him in danger.
If one day he was to disobey her orders during a critical moment, all because her very existence would taunt him to do so... 
He could end up seriously injured.
Or worse, killed.
Specially if it involved a supernatural case like this one.
“Johannes, if he tries anything stop him”.
Johannes was right.
She was a fool for doubting him.
“Then I will do as you say and won’t question you about it. Your assessment has yet to fail me so if you say this is the best way then I believe it��
He was the only one that always had her back and unconditionally supported her. He even put aside his beliefs, defied his own principles for the sake of believing in her.
Never once he had failed nor denied her anything. Whenever she opened up, allowed herself to be vulnerable with him he never betrayed her trust.
She thinks back to the day when he took her hand. When they were nothing but mere acquaintances at that point and he still reached for it without hesitation.
How could she ever question his loyalty?
After this mission was over she will have... A proper talk with him. She will apologize and listen to what HE wants this time. She won’t run away.
She will ask...
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0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
A Flower that Could Never Bloom(2/3)
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“Not only you are the youngest boss to date to own your unit but you also use your spare time to solve old cases. You are truly an overachiever Crowa Miller".
“Are you insinuating that I need to touch grass and find a better hobby Mr. Hills Johannes?"
That earns a chuckle from him.
She smiles.
It was fun bantering with him.
“That would have been hypocrisy from my part to make such a claim as I don't like going out either”.
“What about chess? You seem the type to enjoy this kind of thing"
“How so?”
“According to the knowledge I acquired from watching movies and reading books it seems that Chess is a game for smart people" she jokes.
“Yes, I do enjoy it" Johannes admits, amused. “What about you? Do you like it Miller?”
“I know the rules" she nods, thanking Johannes for picking the box for her. “But I wouldn't say that I know how to properly play it”.
“Would you like me to teach you?”
“You mean thoroughly kicking my ass right?”
“Just as much as the literal asskicking you give me in our combat training”.
“You are so petty Johannes".
They laugh together.
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Clap clap
“I saw it many times already and yet it never fails to amaze me.” Johannes smiles, giving her a towel to wipe her sweat. “How you are able to solve missing cases that no one else could"
When Johannes had asked her to bring him along on her “extra cases" she had been hesitant at first.
‘Give me some time to think’
It hadn’t been an easy decision for her. She had so many things to think about and several factors to consider.
First of all how he would take it.
People usually found her “skills” disturbing. 
The ability to find bodies in the most unlikely places, sometimes in the literal middle of nowhere with no landmarks in sight unsettled them. The uncanny way she was able to pick on a tell when no human possibly could was unnverving. Her accuracy at predicting that an unassuming and innocuous random object turning up as an important clue to a case was thought as eerie.
It frightened her peers. They found no logic, rhyme or reason to her actions. From their point of view she must have looked like a crazy, erratic and nonsensical woman, someone to not be associated with and to be avoided at all cost.
From what she could garther Johannes didn’t seem the type to be fazed by anything but still, she could not be sure. Moreover there was another far more pressing problem that she knew for a fact that he DID take issue with.
Namely, reasoning.
Or, in this case, lack of thereof.
Because how do you explain what she did in a way that appealed to common sensibilites?
She knew where the corpse was because she can see spirits and they tell her where their body is. Being able to pick on tells isn’t due to any visual or auditory clues, it’s because she cheats by reading emotional reactions to things and the zeroing in an seemingly ordinary object was because people leave “emotional imprints” on them and she has the power to perceive it.
Yeah, that wouldn’t fly. 
Johannes would think she was either out of her mind or that she was mocking him. Whichever would be the worst option, she didn’t know, but regardless, he would lose respect for her.
This spelt disaster no matter how you looked at it.
...And yet she allowed him in.
“It’s incredible how precise your “intuition” is”. He edges the hole she had dug, leaning closer to take a look. “Of course we have to wait for results from the analysis to determine if it’s the person we were looking for but it wouldn’t surprise me if you were right once again”
“Anything else you want to put to test Johannes?” she sat besides him, looking above the water bottle she was drinking, taking a peek at the neat handwriting of her second-in-command as he took notes about the case.
She had preemptively told him about how she directed her forces by intuition and instinct but it still felt embarrassing and mortifying to show him firsthand what it looked like.
Thankfully he hadn’t been too put off by it. It may have caused him to raise an eyebrow on occasion but he didn’t look disgusted nor freaked out by it. If anything he looked intrigued.
‘I can’t explain to you how it works but I can show you that it works.’
No matter how much she thought about it she couldn’t find a plausible enough explanation to give to him. She could lie and make up an excuse but she knew that Johannes was far too perceptive for that to work. 
She could have denied his request but then what would that do? As long as he worked under her she couldn’t hide this side of hers from him, it would come up one way or another to some extent while they worked together on the field.
She could tell him to just accept things as they are and not question it but that didn’t sit well with her either.
So, the only thing she could do was to double down, expose everything and let him be the judge of it.
“That day... When you saved me it was thanks to that “hunch” of yours right?” he suddenly spoke. “Even the guys that left me to die couldn’t possible know my exact whereabouts yet you managed to find me in the nick of time”
“I guess I sensed you calling for help”
“Oh? So does that mean that if I think hard enough about you there’s a likehood of you coming to my aid?” he smirked. “Now that’s something I would like to test”
“Please don’t. You shouldn’t needlessly risk your life like that”.
“Why not? After all, aren’t you trying to show me how reliable you are?” His smirk widened.
“It’s not like you to be reckless Johannes”
“That’s true” he conceded. “But that just shows how much faith I have in you. In fact, maybe moreso than myself”
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She was glad that Johannes was taking her demands well.
She was aware of how he was treated before. How his ideas were constantly shot down and snubbed, how he was assigned menial and unimportant tasks to put him in his place and the kind of condescension he had to face before joining her unit.
She had considered the possibility of him taking her criticisms the wrong way due to his bad experiences but soon enough he proved her fears to be unfounded. 
He took her words with a level headed consideration. Always up to the challenge, it was a testament of how smart and talented he was as he was quick to learn and adapt to unexpected situations.
It came to a point where she didn’t need to intervene anymore and when she did he didn’t take issue nor ressented her for it. They knew what the other was capable of and held a mutual respect over it. There was no “lesser” between them, only equals that pushed each other to flourish to greater heights.
Johannes was a man of action.
“Miller, we need your help to interrogate this susp-”
“Let me have a look at it”
“Huh, it seems simple enough, I can handle this in her stead” he nods. “Besides, it would be a perfect opportunity to put in practice what she taught me”
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She leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes, soaking in the feeling and getting lost in her own thoughts.
She never had this opportunity before, the chance of having time for herself.
Johannes was probably doing all of this for the sake of improvement and perfecting his craft but still.
No one had done that before. To offer to do something for her sake on their own initiative without her needing to ask for it.
It made her happy.
Her peers constantly demanded something from her, pilling more responsabilities, requesting her to do this or that without regards towards whether or not she could take it. They did not care if she was busy, if she was tired, if she was overwhelmed by everything, they kept pushing everything on her back.
But Johannes was different. He was the first person to try and share her burden.
He asked for help but also payed back in kind.
He readied detailed data for her, helped her to fill in reports and troublesome bureaucratic documents, delegated orders while on the field and even took some investigations and interrogations requests dumped on her. He took a massive weight out of her shoulders. She found she could breath again, all thanks to him.
She was truly fortunate to have someone like him by her side.
“Johannes certainly became docile”
“It’s kind ironic. He always made such a big fuss about not bending the knee to someone he considered bellow him and yet he became a tamed mutt to Miller of all people”
“How low he has fallen, he completely lost any sense of pride he had. Unfortunate, really”
She was naive.
She had dropped her guard, thinking it would be safe to take her mask off becase unlike with Andrews Johannes wasn’t related to the “incident”.
She hadn’t accounted for the fact that people would look down on him, subject him to slander just because oh him being associated with her.
She chanced a glance at him.
Johannes stood tall among the gossip, carrying himself with pride just as always, his confidence not shaken in the slighest.
She looked him in admiration.
“Johannes what do you think about the gossip going around?”
“What about it?”
“People calling you “my dog” or something” she elaborates. “Doesn’t that bother you?”
“Not really. In fact, I kind like it”
He chuckles at her perplexed reaction.
“I want to make clear to everyone how highly I regard and respect you” he explains. “Nothing makes me prouder than being your most trusted person Miller”
He bows, leaning closer to her ear, voice low as if was sharing a secret only meant for her to hear.
“If anyone else thinks I will bow my head to them they will be in for a rude awakening” he laughs breathly. “My devotion is meant only for you. No one else has the right nor deserve to have this claim over me like you do”
She flusters at his pledge, his warm breath still tingling on her ear as he leans back to look straight into her eyes.
His gaze was intense. She could feel the strength of his conviction, she can tell that he’s being sincere.
She feels her heart beating faster.
Does that means he cares about her?
...It had been a while since she last sensed supernatural activity.
“A rescue mission huh? I have the layout of the place, I think-”
“Johannes” she cuts him off.
“Yes Miller?” He immediately replies.
“I have to go. Alone”
She wasn’t new to this, she had to deal with a fair share of them already.
But this one would be the first time she had one since Johannes joined.
“Why is that?” he asked her.
“…Remember when I once told you about a situation that would require me to use my 'Authority’? This would be it”
She felt her mouth go dry.
Usually she allowed him to execute his plan and then change it accordingly if necessary but that day she couldn’t afford to do that. She had to go in, alone, and couldn’t offer him a plausible explanation, she had to keep him in the dark.
She would have to order him to stay. For the sake of keeping him and everyone else safe.
But... She would rather not do that.
She knows she’s asking too much. 
There was no reassurance nor logical reasoning to her actions. From his point of view it probably looked like a suicidal and reckless move.
And she was asking him to put his principles aside, everything he believed in, for the sake of trusting in her.
“…Are those one of your 'hunches’?”
“No.” She denied, face turning serious. “ It’s a certainty”
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She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in.
She could almost laugh and cry in relief right now.
“Thanks Johannes. Make sure no one enters the perimeter until I get back alright?”
Everything went well on the rescue mission. She got everyone out safely and severed the spiritual connection so everything could go back to normal.
She looked at Johannes at the corner of her eye.
She was that glad that nothing went wrong. That she didn’t betray the trust he had placed on her.
Everything was alright now.
“I’m truly grateful for what you did Johannes”
“I did nothing in special to deserve such compliment, I only did what you told me to do”
“Still, that made me really happy” her eyes lightned up, voice going soft. “…You became someone I grew to cherish so the fact that you did it out of trust really means a lot to me”
It was true.
She truly cherished him.
Directly or Indirectly by the plea of their hearts, people always expected her to “be something” or to “think of their needs”. She always had to think of other’s sake and never hers. She was asked to put herself aside, to never be a priority here.
Johannes had asked what she needed. He didn’t take from her but gifted her instead. His heart... It wasn’t made of only demands, he shared things with her. 
Not only requests like others, but contentment, accomplishment and pride- At himself and at her too.
Maybe it was why, despite her previous experiences, despite closing off to the world due to her traumas that she was so willing to open up and trust in him.
He was fair to her. Since the first time they met.
You accept his criticisms so he gives you advice. You share in your knowledge with him and he helps you back. You are honest with him and he will answer with sincerity.
Even if his actions were done for the sake of his job it still touched her in a way no else did before.
It might be foolish of her to think of it like this but...
“I think the same of you”
Her eyes widened in surprise.
“I never cared about seeking companionship or comradery with anyone until I met you” He speaks, unchacteristically soft. “The bond I have you, I cherish it, because you are “special” to me”
Thump Thump.
Ah... What should she do?
His words... It made her so happy. She didn’t know how to react. What to say.
‘You are special to me’
She didn’t know why, but the idea of being important to him made her chest warm with an unknown and indescriptible feeling. 
Something gentle, kind and soft.
Like the bloom of a flower.
0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
A Flower that Could Never Bloom(1/3)
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She had to wear a featureless mask.
“Did you hear about Andrews? He practically skyrocket as one of the best in the district!”
“It's almost unbelievable. Who would have guessed that someone as lazy and unmotivated as him would turn a new leaf like that right?”
They gossiped loud and clear as they passed her, throwing glances in her direction to check her reaction.
She didn't turn. Her gaze was fixed on the screen of her laptop as her deft fingers tapped on the keys, the click and clack beating rhythmically and unwavering. Her expression emotionless and uncaring much like a cold stone.
Those “news" were of no surprise to her. She was already aware of her partner's feats, more so than the gossipers could ever know as she secretly kept tabs on him even after they cut contact with each other.
By her calculations, the anonymous congratulatory bouquet of flowers must have arrived at his desk by now.
That was the extent her emotions were allowed to reach.
Because she couldn't show that she cared. She needed to have everyone believe in the narrative of her being indifferent and distant – A person that could not confide nor rely on others for anything. 
She wanted people to believe in her partner's innocence.
‘You should never allow anyone to find out what really happened that day Crowa Miller. We could face chaos and mass panic if the existence of such “things” were found out or if people knew that you are not infallible against such threats. You have to be the symbol of hope, protection and safety’
“Look at how she doesn’t even react in the slightest to her ex-partner’s name. Perhaps he's working extra hard because he has to clear his name after she ruined it. Poor guy”
If she had to be a villain then she hoped they would think her partner was at least a victim in this mess.
Which, to be frank, he was. He had been caught in the crossfire of her bad decisions - Her weakness for allowing herself to be used as a tool of murder just so she could allow respite for herself. The blood and lives lost were a sin she should carry alone, it was not his burden and karma to bear.
She got up, startling the person bad mouthing her.
But she didn’t acknowledge nor address them. She picked her cellphone, voice calm and controlled as she answered the call requesting her presence, and of her team, to arms.
She walked away, passing by the earlier gossipers, the stares of disapproval and disgust boring on her back the whole way out as she held tighter to her mask- her steps measured and her voice controlled to not falter. Her head was held up to not reveal any weakness nor any signs that she was affected by the hostility directed at her.
She felt nauseous.
The power to perceive and feel other people’s emotions were a curse in moments like these. She tried her best to tune it out but there was not much she was able to do when they were this overwhelming violent, overpowering and all consuming.
That was what her new routine was like after the incident.
It was awful.
And yet that wasn’t the worst of it.
She clicked the door shut behind her, resting the back of her head on the wooden surface as she let out a sigh that she had been holding back for the entire day.
She stared at the sterile place she called home.
This silence was so much worse.
The cacophony was bad but at least it distracted her from own intrusive thoughts, from things she didn’t want to see, from the reminder that this situation was her fault.
She slid away to the floor as she held her knees close to her body, tucking her head between her arms, shielding her vision away from everything.
She couldn’t say that things were happier for her before the incident but at least she had Saramsrein to be there for her. Even if he could not understand everything, or do anything, at least she could take comfort in having his presence by her side.
He was... No longer there.
And she had only herself to blame for that.
She couldn’t forget the fear she felt that day. The wounds and trauma was still fresh in her mind - THEIR voices, a legion of bitter and vengeful spirits torturing her to compliance, forcing her to enact heinous acts under the guise of being in their rights to do so. 
When Saram tried to justify breaking his promise to her grandfather, adding even more to the pile of deaths she stopped seeing him as her old friend. She saw a monster. She saw THEM.
But that was not the only reason to why she couldn’t reach for him anymore.
‘Maybe it would be better if he was sealed again. Maybe... What if grandfather was wrong? That he shouldn’t be allowed to roam free? Perhaps he’s too much of a threat to be left alone, perhaps... Would I even be able to do it? I’m not nearly as strong as grandfather was, I’m weak. I can’t do anything! I can’t do anything! I CAN’T DO ANYTHING!’
The trauma of being rendered powerless blinded her to everything else.
Saramsrein was her friend, someone she knew since her earlier childhood and that had been there for her when her grandfather and her parents had passed away. He was the reason to why she wasn’t completely alone. She knew him better than anyone and yet she faltered, she doubted and felt fear.
It filled her with shame.
She couldn’t bring herself to face him when she still felt like that. When, despite knowing all of this, she couldn’t help but still tremble.
She wished she could cry.
But she knew it would be pointless.
After all who would be there to comfort her? It would only feel worse, it would only make her feel more lonely than she already was.
“For this case we are going to work with Miller’s team”
She really disliked working with this guy.
Out of everyone, his jealousy, ressentment and envy was the worst. He didn’t even make an effort to hide his contempt towards her, not even because of her being a “criminal”, but more so for having the same rank and authority as him despite being younger. It was disgusting.
As always, she tried to tune it out. His feelings, everyone’s glowering glares at her, the same as always.
Yet something was different this time.
She felt a different gaze.
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This man stood tall and proud amidst everyone. The people around him lowered their gazes in fright when they thought she was staring at them but not him. His gaze was unfaltering. It challenged her but not in a disdainful way, if anything, and oddly enough, she thought she even saw a hint of respect in them?
It felt as if she was under a spell. Both of them. They couldn’t take their eyes out of each other the entire time, the world seemingly to disappear as they were captivated by the feeling of intrigue they had towards each other.
“You have been staring at me an awful lot. Can I help you?” she approached him.
“My apologies, I just found you interesting”
“What’s your name?”
“Hills Johannes”
“Johannes huh? I like your eyes” she smiled. “They are pretty vibrant, full of drive and for once it’s not eyes that look at me with jealousy, disdain or fear”
“Was I supposed to fear you?” he smirked, eliciting a genuine laugh from her.
When people said things like that, things like “I don’t fear you”, “You don’t scare me!”, “You are not as threatening as you think you are!” it was under the intention of treating her like a pariah, a monster.
But this man... Johannes, did the exact oppositve. It was as if he was saying that she was no Bogeyman, just a regular human.
What a sassy and witty person.
She thinks she likes him.
“This was an enjoyable small talk. I hope to see you later Mr. Johannes”
He was full of surprises.
She didn’t expect him to volunteer to work with her, to take interest in what she did and engage in small but pleasant interactions with her, initiated on his own accord.
It was... A first for her.
No one had done that before. Even before the incident, no one had tried to reach, to seek her out out of their own volition, because it was something they actually wanted.
“You are quite something else” he praised. “Not only for having good and discerning eyes for solving cases but also formidable when fighting. It’s incredible how sharp your instincts and reflexes are”
“…However?” she replied. “I’m sensing a follow-up there”
“I think this wouldn’t be an appropriate time to go more in-depth about it, perhaps later when you have spare time?”
He wanted to extend their time together!
She felt her heart drum in nerves and antecipation at the prospect of someone genuinely wanting her company.
Who was this man?
“Hills Johannes? He’s a dick”
Huh. That was unexpected.
“That guy is an insufferable prick that thinks he’s better than everyone else”
“Yeah, he also looks down on everyone as if we are lesser than worms”
She asked everywhere but the answers remained consistently the same.
Which made it even more puzzling.
She was know as a deranged criminal that was rumored to have earned her position by foul play. She, out of everyone, should evoke the most repulse, derision and scorn from him and yet he did not regard her with contempt nor disdain. 
He had a sharp tongue. He did challenge and provoke her at every chance he got and he did watch for her reactions but she wouldn’t call those an attempt at tripping and humilliating her. 
Because if that was his intention then what would explain the twinkle in his eyes and the smile in his lips as she answered in kind to his challenge?
“Hello Mr. Johannes, your timing is impeccable, we just finished things here”
She timed it so the agreed place to encounter each other happened at the end of her meeting with the other higher ups.
As she suspected Johannes didn’t seem intimidated at all by their presence. If anything his smirk seemed to widen as they exchanged looks between each other.in complicity.
The scandalized looks around the table as Johannes openly criticized and questioned her leadership were hilarious.
 To an outsider it might look as if he was only being disrespectful to her, but she knew better than that.
“Those are valid points” she conceded in good humor as she stood up. “Excuse me gentlemen but I have to retire first, I have some important matters to attend.”
His eyes sparkled in approval. That was the reaction he was looking for.
She might have said that as a banter but at the same time she really meant what she said. As they sat together and perused through the files and records she saw how Johannes assumed a serious and focused gaze, taking notes, making observations, giving her constructive criticism and solid advice.
Maybe it was because she was tired of struggling by herself, maybe it was because she was relieved to finally have someone there for her, maybe she was simply lonely.
“Say... Would you like to be my second-in-command Johannes?”
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He showed interest on her but that wasn’t to say that he would be willing to take on her offer, she knew that. Even if she tried to give her best arguments, even if she allowed him to crack her mask.
They were nothing to each other. Not partners, not friends, anything. There was no reason for him to accept her.
“Very well, Crowa Miller”
He grasps her hand.
“I accept your offer”
She felt her heart thud in her chest.
Did someone finally...?
No. Not yet, she couldn’t totally drop her guard, it was still too early, she had to wait and see more, see where this road would take her. She needed to know more about him before making her final judgment.
“I think I got a good grasp of what you are capable of, but now I need to know more about what you CAN’T do. Is there any limitations or reservations I should be aware of?” Miller asked.
He had responded well when she displayed she was up to the challenge he was presenting to her, but what would happen if she the one doing the challenging?
“I suppose you could say that my weakness is my inability to get along with other people” he states, very matter-of-fact. “The people around me… They are small, pathetic and worthless".
Huh, so there was some truth to the rumors spoken about him. Johannes really did not think highly of his peers.
Still, despite how it looked she couldn’t help but feel like there was more to it than a simple case of arrogance.
“Well, besides you, of course"
“And why is that?”
It was a question that she wondered for a while since they first met.
“Your eyes. They are different from everyone’s else. You don’t look down on me, you listen to me and treat me as if I am your equal".
She thinks she’s starting to get it.
His face shifts into a frown as he leans close to her, voice low as his eyes meet with hers.
“You understand right? Because you are also surrounded by it. The jealousy, the resentment, people that would rejoice in seeing our downfall, spewing nothing but trash out of their mouths.”
Johannes was, to put simply, a man moved by pride, logic and ambition.
To someone like him, that always aimed to improve and sharpen his craft and skills he saw any sign of mediocrity, of “settling for less” as an affront. He expected people to answer to his inquiries with arguments so words spoken out of an emotional outburst and derison to bring him down had a very averse effect on him.
She could sympathize a bit with his frustrations but she knew that things were not as simple as that.
She thought about her partner, Andrews.
“Just because they don’t say anything it doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say”. She cuts in. “There could be several reasons for them to not voice their opinions, up to, and including, not being given the opportunity or being discouraged from doing it”.
She looks straight into his eyes as she emphasizes the last point.
“Your argument does not convince me.” Her features get severe. “It’s nothing but conjecture unless you give me proof to back this claim up".
It was a dangerous thing, to think of speculations as definitives.
Her partner was proof of that. If it depended on the people that were unwilling to give him a chance then he would never been able to flourish, never been able to show where his potential truly lied on.
“You are also an example of that you know?”
“You have quite a lot of bad rumors surrounding you. About you being an arrogant asshole that is full of hot air, acting high and mighty all the time”. Her lips quirky up in amusement as she relays everything she heard about him. “If I believed that this was all you had going for you I wouldn’t have bothered to seek you out at all"
So, how was he going to respond to this argument?
“I still stand that I did the right call when I sought to find out who you were with my own eyes. Otherwise I would have missed on meeting an interesting and intelligent person with a penchant of amusing shit-talking and that would have been my loss”
“What would you like me to do?”
He responded... Surprisingly well.
It shouldn’t really be a surprise as he had encouraged her to be equally as frank with him in all their interactions, but still, that was reassuring to know.
That he was so self-assured of himself, that he was willing to listen to her and put so much stock in her opinion as well.
“Your words also got me to wonder about something as well”
“What would that be?”
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“You have quite a lot of rumors surrounding yourself too Ms. Miller”
“... And what do you think about them?”
That was another mystery that has been plaguing her thoughts.
Everyone knew about her bad reputation. Johannes had to know about them so why he acted as if they were of no matter to him?
“To me it sounds like a farce”
“There’s evidence for it”
“Yes, I checked the reports" he concurs. “But there are some discrepancies about it that leads me to doubt the veracity of the report”
“Namely, your behavior” Johannes’ sharp cat eyes stared directly into hers. “You don’t act like someone who did it”
“And what’s that supposed to be?”
“You don’t try to justify yourself as if you are in the right and yet you also do not apologize enough to pass as a remorseful criminal that had seen the errors of their ways” He explains. “You don’t do anything to address the claims nor the disparaging people does to you, which leads me to conclude that you were set up for it. Like a scapegoat”
Her breath stuttered in her lungs.
She knew Johannes was very smart, but still. He was very perceptive.
“Seems like I was right in my assertions” he chuckles. “But don’t worry, I won’t prod further, I surmise that you are willing to take the blame for a reason right?”
“Unless this secret is one those ‘conspiracy’ types that requires me to be “silenced”” he snarks, making her laugh.
“No, it’s nothing like that. Don’t worry, you are safe with me”
She wasn’t a confrotational person. She was bad at putting herself “out there” and voicing her inner grievances, but around Johannes she felt it was easier to do so. She felt bolder, more confident and perhaps even more self-assured. The way he looked at her... Treating her like she was worth of respect, she couldn’t help but want to reciprocate those beliefs and expectations.
It brought her no small amount of joy when she started to hear the new rumors about him, that people are starting to see him in a more positive light and recognizing his skills.
Everyone but his boss.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“You know what I am talking about. You are feeding these...THESE DELUSIONS to that arrogant brat and now he thinks HE IS the boss of my unit”
“According to what his peers say that is not what’s happening” she answers in an even voice. “He’s merely giving advice”
“Yeah, right, people are disobeying MY direct orders because of that br-”
“I have been hearing a lot of praise about his growth from everyone” She cuts him out. “You seem to be the only one taking issue with that so maybe YOU should be the one that has to rethink your approach?”
That shut the older man up on the spot.
He was not expecting her to talk back.
Maybe Johannes really is rubbing off on her.
The man glared at her, but did not say more after that. Cursing under his breath, he stomped away and violently shut the door on his way out.
That would be not the last time she saw him.
Maybe she shouldn’t have openly disparaged him like this.
With the passing of the days and with each time she crossed his path she felt a sense of unease at the pit of her stomach. The malice, hatred, pettiness and envy was oozing out of him like waves, so strong and putrid that she had to control herself to not retch at it.
She had warned Johannes about it and she knew how smart he really was but she couldn’t help but worry.
She had a bad feeling about this.
Not being able to ignore her worries, she went to check on him.
“Where’s Johannes?”
“What happened to him?” Her voice dropped deadly serious, almost to a menacing growl.
"I-It's not my fault! If I hadn't done that my boss would have fired me and I need to keep my job! I.."
"Where' s Johannes?"
She started to jump from roof to roof as she tried to find him.
His boss, that unscrupulous and coward swine had set him up.
Through bribery and threats, he made Johannes’ colleagues lead him to a trap, abandoning him in the heart of the lion’s den of the criminal group, with no support coming to rescue him.
Focus. Focus. Focus
Her glowed.
She would use every once of her power to find him. To save him.
‘Call for me Johannes. Please...’
A call for help.
She found it! It was close by!
But why was his distress and fear increasing?
With her heartbeat deafening to her own ears she dove through the concrete of the building, protecting her arms from the impact and immediately springing back to run in the direction of the source of the distress.
“I found the police dog!”
Johannes was on the floor, wounded, his eyes closed as he braced himself as a man pointed his gun at him.
She saw red at this moment.
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She broke the assailant’s bones.
“I am glad I came just in time”
She... Had arrived on time.
Thank goodness.
“I think this will help hold everything together” she nods as she finishes bandaging his wounds up “ But just in case it’s better to bring you for a check up to make sure there are no infec-”
She recognized that voice.
“What kind of lowlife are you?” She growled as she gripped the front of his shirt single handed, raising him up in the air, the feet of the older man flailing in panic as she started to shake him like a ragdoll.
She was so mad.
It was the first time in her entire life that she felt a boiling anger and rage like this.
When she remembers his wounds, his distress, his fear, how he was seconds away from dying... She saw red. She wanted to crush whoever was the fool that dared to hurt him.
“I will make sure you lose your position.” That was not a warning, it was a promise. “I will make sure that you will never be able to hurt a single hair of Johannes' ever again”
“Thank you for saving my life” Johannes greets from his hospital bed.
“How are you doing?”
“Thankfully no lasting damage, I just need to wait for the wound on my leg to close properly and then I will be good to go”
“That’s a relief to hear” she sagged her shoulders as she sat on the chair nearby, scootting closer to him.
“Do you personally come to check on your future subordinates and mobilize an entire team to guarantee their safety or should I consider this a special treatment?” Johannes quips, amused.
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She laughs.
She thinks over the myriad of emotions she had experienced and expressed ever since she met him. Even things she thought she would never be able to feel like pride and anger.
It seemed that she’s unable to hold herself back when around him.
What a man. An unbeliveable and extraordinary man.
“Perhaps so” she grins. 
“After all you are Hills Johannes, my right hand man”
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uselessboss · 1 year
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I like drawing Miller with her harem :V
But real talk she’s unaware she has a “harem” in the first place XD
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uselessboss · 2 years
Sexy Halloween
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Kitsune Youkai Andrews
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Inccubus Johannes
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Werewolf Hunter
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Phantom of the Opera Miller
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uselessboss · 2 years
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He hated Hunter since he first met him. An insolent who arrogantly believed it was in his rights to disrespect and disregard such as illustrious person as “her” just because he read some biased articles and reports. He honestly didn’t understand what Miller saw in this guy. Despite Miller being the one to bring him to the unit Hunter didn’t even try to hide his disapproval and hostility towards her. He spouted nonsense about watching her every move, acting like as if he was someone responsible at keeping tabs over a monitored criminal. This display of sheer stupidity made him roll his eyes. The only reason to why he didn’t openly give the fool a verbal lashing was because he knew that if Miller deigned it of any importance she could very well put the idiot in his place.. The fact that she didn’t even acknowledge his efforts showed how futile they were. So he tried to do the same. ...In hindsight maybe he should have followed up to what he wanted and told that trash off as things came up to a head when Miller started spending more time wtih Hunter until very late in the night because that bastard wanted to “check” the documents under Miller’s care. “You seem tired” Johannes frows as Miller tries to hold back an yawn. “Don’t worry, I’m ok” Miller assures him. “More importantly we still need to oversee this part here” “...Isn’t it because you are spending time with Hunter untill the late hours recently?” He couldn’t hold back anymore. “Miller, there’s no need to indulge that bastard! He doesn’t deserve your consideration” “I guess...” Miller tentatively spoke. “ I guess that seeing him try so hard to prove my “wickedness” got me feeling a bit stubborn myself” She sounded far more tired as her voice dropped to a mutter. Not because of a few sleepless hours, but for something that was going for far much longer. She had to endure this kind of treatment with no rest nor respite, so it was bound to have a breaking point. A very quiet breaking down. “... Should we wrap this session earlier? Maybe this way you can finish things earlier on your side and get more rest then?” He hated having to cut short their time together but he had to do it. For her sake. “No need for that” she shook her head, smiling kindly at his offer. “It wouldn’t be fair to ask you to accomodate to what amounts to a “childish tantrum” from my part” Her eyes sparkle mischiveously for a moment. “Unless... It’s you who would rather be somewhere else, in which case I wouldn’t mind” “Of course not” was his immediate answer. “If anything I would rather spend MORE time with you” It took a few seconds for his brain to process what he just said.
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“My apologies” Miller chuckled. “I guess I got that habit after spending so much time with Hunter” Johannes feels himself freeze at that. “You wouldn’t believe how easily flustered he gets” Her voice sounds fond. “You should have seen his reaction to when he found out I knew he was looking over my stuff, he was panicking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, it was kind endearing in a way” Usually he enjoyed witnessing any moment Miller dropped her guard and showed this side of hers around him but for some reason, this time, it only made his insides turn. He didn’t know why but that made him hate “that man” even more.
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It was testament of Miller’s strenght that she could fight so well despite the lack of proper rest on top of her already numerous duties. She was really built different. “Miller are you... ok?” Hunter approached them. “It’s subtle but... Your movements seem less smooth than usual” Johannes felt his temper flare at that. “Oh I wonder what could be the reason” his voice was dripping with as much sarcasm as he could muster. “Whose fault it is that she gets held so late at work that she misses on getting a proper rest?” He turns to glare at Hunter. “If Miller gets hurt, or worse, killed because of that it will be absolutely your fault” It felt so satisfying to see that self-righteous bastard look so guilty. Hunter was about to to say something, but was interrupted as they both looked at Miller, who let a long sigh. “I was trying to hide it, but if my drop in perfomance is THAT noticeable then I guess Johannes is right” Miller rubs her face, dropping the act and showing how exhausted she actually looked. “It would be bad if it made me unable to protect others in their time of need” Hunter flinches. “Hunter” Miller calls him, the man in question quickly snapping to look at her. “If you still want to keep checking the documents I can drop them at your desk after shift is over” “That... Won’t be necessary” Johannes could barely hide how smug he felt at the sensation of Miller openly taking his side. That day promised to be a good day. ...It was what he thought, but again, as always, Hunter had to find a way to ruin it. “Miller, may I talk with you?” Hunter asked Miller as soon as they opened the door to exit their meeting room. “Did you change your mind?” Hunter is taken aback by how very matter-of-fact Miller is. She wasn’t being sarcastic or accusing. She honestly believed he wanted to follow through his earlier behavior. It made him look more guilty if that was even possible. “No. I came to apologize” Now it was Miller’s turn to look surprised. “I noticed that you were getting tired but I paid no regard to your well being” Hunter’s face dropped. “My behavior was inexcusable. I had no right to treat you like that” “Glad you finally noticed that”. “Johannes!” Miller chides him. “Miller” Hunter calls her name, for the first time without a speck of animosity. “I want you to believe me when I say that it was not my intention to get you hurt or... Worse” “I know that” her face softens. “It would be not in your nature to wish that when you are such a good person” That day marked a shift in the relationship between these two and as for him... For him it was the start of his world crumbling apart.
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Nowadays was the only thing talked in the force. In the news. Everywhere.
Miller and Hunter had gotten much closer than before.
These two already worked pretty well together while on the field before but now that Hunter stopped being hostile towards her and Miller opened up more to him they became more in synch than ever.
It was already frustrating enough but what made it worse was everyone's reaction whenever he appeared and caught tail of their whispering. It was their pitying looks.
They treated it as if it was a foregone conclusion that he was going to be ousted from his position as Miller's second-in-command.
As her closest confidant.
He couldn't take this anymore.
"Miller can I ask you something?" He frowned as he saw Hunter next to her. "Alone"
Miller blinked at the emphasis of the last word but didn't argue agaisnt it, nodding in agreement as they went to their usual meeting place, a quiet room where there was only the two of them.
"Is something wrong Johannes?" She asked, concerned.
"If... I wasn't your second-in-command anymore who would you pick to fill my spot?" He shot straight away.
Miller froze.
"Why... Are you asking that?"
“…Would you pick Hunter?” He pressed.
“Hunter? Why would… Oh.” She arched one of her eyebrows before something clicked in her mind. “Is this because of the rumors circulating around? Don't worry, I don't have any plans to replace you and Hunter would be the last person I would consider for such a role. He becomes too awkward whenever put in the spotlight for that to work"
“Oh. I see"
He should feel relieved with the reassurance but for some reason her words did little to quell the inquietude he felt. 
He still felt troubled.
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He was so caught on his thoughts that he failed to notice Miller's worried expression as she looked at him.
This unnamed feeling bothered him.
It wasn't like the greediness he felt whenever Miller was concerned, that motivated and spurned him to reach even greater heights in order to earn her attention.
It was something ugly. Hideous. Unbecoming.
He felt threatened.
Of what, he wasn't sure, and that's why it troubled him so much.
He couldn't understand how he could feel jealous of someone sorely lacking like Hunter when he excelled above him in everything that mattered in order to support her.
(Besides fighting prowess but it was a nonissue when Miller was clearly better than both of them at that and didn't seem to need protection)
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The moment when he saw HIS coat hanging over her shoulders as she gripped the corner tighter to cover her body was when he finally understood his irrational emotions.
She acted vulnerable around him. She bared herself, expression adoring, filled with a sweet affection like a… Like a…
Like a woman.
He felt himself go in shock as this realization dawned on him.
It should have been something obvious but he was so caught up in his admiration, thinking of her qualities as his superior that he never stopped to think about how he felt about her in that regard.
Miller was a woman.
And a desirable one at that.
Earnest, genuine, humble and attentive. She listened to what you had to say and treated it as if it was something WORTH to listen to.
He blinked quickly, briefly snapping out of his reverie as his eyes accompanied the movement of Miller’s hand as it brushed the wet locks out of her forehead, uncovering her old burn scars.
Nimble, elegant and sharp. 
Powerful, indomitable and imposing.
They sounded like paradoxical concepts but Miller’s body was crafted to embody them to perfection.
It made her mesmerizing to watch, even when she wasn’t figthing.
Because Miller knew how to make use of every single aspect of herself to appeal to her ends. 
She knew to look confident, she knew how to look majestic and she even knew how to make use of her scars to bring her experience and intimidation upfront.
Miller was really someone stunning in each and every way possible.
Now that he finally figured out the true nature of his feelings the path he had to take was clear:
He was going to make Miller notice him. But not as her second-in-command like before.
He was going to make her notice him as a man.
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Fate was a cruel mistress.
“What.” he said flatly.
Now that he finally realized his feelings and was finally prepared to fight tooth and nail to make her notice him “that way” she dropped a bomb like that.
“I did promise that I would help you to rise in the ranks right?”
“I don’t want that” he rejected in a heartbeat. “I changed my mind. I prefer to work with you Miller”
“Johannes you shouldn’t let your admiration for me get in the way of your progress. You are meant for greater things than being my subordinate”
“I didn’t consider even once as if I was lowering myself for getting this position” he furrowed his eyebrows. “Where did you even get such a ludicrous idea in the first place?”
“Then why did you ask me that day about your substitute?” Miller asks, nails digging on her arm.
“What are you talking about?” He arch an eyebrow in befuddlement.
“I... I thought at first that you were worried about being replaced because of the rumors but you still looked troubled even after I tried to reassure you that wasn’t the case” She lowers her gaze. “... After that how else was I suppose to interpret it?”
“... You really think very little of me, don’t you Miller?”
“Huh?” Miller snapped her head back in surprise.
“If it was Hunter you would make excuses to forgive and vouch for his “goodness” “ he spats bitterly, his jealousy and hurt hearing its ugly head. “Yet you treat me, someone that has been nothing but loyal to you, as a untrustworthy backstabber”
“Johannes that’s not what-”
“Oh but it is”. He cuts her off. “You didn’t even try to argue it and you sure was very quick to find a way to kick me out.”
Miller winced.
He couldn’t stand this.
For the first time he ignored her pleas as he simply turned and left.
He was scared.
Scared of his worst fears being true.
‘It’s better if I cool my head’ he thought. Maybe tomorrow we can sort things up properly.
But things didn’t get any better the next day.
“Johannes, if Hunter tries anything, stop him” Miller asked him.
This was so unfair.
That guy was half-assed with his feelings, unwilling to fully commit and yet Miller went out of her way to accomodate his needs.
Why couldn’t she do the same for him?
Why couldn’t she fight to keep him the same way?
There was no just fight here. Things were skewered to the other side since the beginning.
It stung how hopeless his situation was.
That his rejection was a foregone conclusion.
“... Hey Hunter, want to go after her?” he provoked.
It was often told to him that he was good at getting under people’s skin so he might as well as put those skills for good use right?
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He sounded pathetic even to his own ears.
But he was desperate at this point.
If Hunter disobeyed THIS order maybe even Miller wouldn’t be able to forgive him for that. 
So, even through it hurt him to speak such terrible things of the person he adored the most in the world he kept pressing on.
Betray her already. Betray her already. Betray her already. Betray her already. Betray her already. Betray her already. Betray her already.
He repeated it like a madness mantra in his head.
Yet, despite hitting Hunter with his best arguments the man didn’t move.
Even if he was half-assed, still on the fence about his opinion over her integrity, he refused to betray her.
‘Ah... This bastard also sees her as a woman’
It was... His total loss.
Miller would pick Hunter in the end.
It was truly unfair.
“…Well, I’m done wasting myself away for her sake so I am going inside.” He adjusts his coat. “I sure as hell won’t let her take all the credit to herself”
He might as well as be the traitor then.
Because it was better to believe that he was kicked out of her life for deserving it rather than accept that he meant nothing to her in the first place.
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He was out of breath.
He had been running for a while now, trying to escape from the clutches of whoever was that thing of nightmares following him.
“Miller was right, she was always right” he smiled bitterly as he remembered how she vehemently emphasized to not let anyone enter the forest.
Miller... At this hour she was probably already out of this hellhole and Hunter surely would have told her everything about his betrayal.
What face did she make when she heard the news? Hurt? Disgust?
Maybe she would order everyone to ditch him and leave him to die here, alone, in this cursed forest.
He couldn’t even get mad or complain if that was her decision because that’s what he had been asking for when he pulled this stupid stunt of his.
His eyes widened in surprise.
Miller... Miller came back for him?
He struggled to get up as he had lost a considerable amount of blood.
But hearing her voice, knowing she was there for him renewed his forces and his hope.
Everything would be alright now.
Miller was here. He was safe now.
“Over here Miller!” he shouted with all the strength he could muster.
“Johannes! Ah I’m glad you are ok!”
She was... Glad?
After everything he did? After he betrayed her trust like that?
He was such a fool.
How could he lose faith on her like that? How could he forget?
This was the same person that mobilized her entire unit to save his life when they were barely acquaitances, that got angry for his sake when he was almost discarded like trash.
“M-Miller, I...” He was going to apologize when he suddenly felt a sharp pain.
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He was... Dying.
“No! No! Please No!” Miller screamed in anguish as she increased her speed.
She wasn’t going to reach him in time.
He knew that because he could see in the corner of his eyes something sharp fastly closing on him.
She wouldn’t be able to save him this time.
Yet he was grateful all the same. Because like that time, when everything looked hopeless she had came for him.
It brought him comfort in his last moments.
No. That was a lie. 
Because whenever Miller was involved he couldn’t help but be selfish and greedy.
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uselessboss · 2 years
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"Ever since Johannes joined Miller's unit he became quite docile huh?"
"Good ridance I say. Glad someone was able to "muzzle" that stubborn asshole and rein in that sharp tongue of his"
"Who would have thought that someone as prideful as him, that always went on about how he would never bend the knee to anyone would follow HER of all people like a tamed pet?"
"You say that as if I was forced into submission when it's quite not the case"
"I do it on my own volition" Johannes smirked at the fluster of the gossipers. "If I follow her every word it's because she gave me reason to agree to it"
The more time he spent with her the surer he was of that.
"That's all I have to say, now if you excuse me I have a meeting with my 'Master'" he snarks.
Master huh.
He might have said that in jest but to be perfectly honest it didn’t sound unpleasant to his ears.
"Was the line to get your tea long Johannes?" Miller greeted him, thanking him as he gave her the black hole she called coffee.
"Not at all, just stopped to have a small chat with some co-workers"
"About what?" She took a sip from her beverage.
"The same talk of recently" he shrugged "About me being your dog or something"
"This again?" Miller groaned.
He chuckled at her annoyance.
She abhored such thought.
From his part and amusingly enough he found himself agreeing to the slanderous gossip to a degree.
He wouldn’t deny it. Miller had him on a leash.
Despite what he said earlier about doing everything out of his own will he had an inkling that if there was anyone that could make him bend the knee this person would be her.
So it was quite curious thought how, despite having the rank and disposition to deserve her power to be quite averse to it.
"For a leader you sure doesn't seem too keen to order people around" he commented. " Why were you vying for this position then?"
"...Yes, you are right, I hate imposing on others" Miller admited. "But even if I dislike this role I still need it because I need authority"
"For the day I cannot give a good enough reason for people to heed my words but will still need them to follow it"
Such a situation seemed unthinkable and ludicrous.
He found out that even he was prone to fail but he had yet to see her the same thing aplying to her.
This is how now he held such abstract concepts that he once scoffed at, like "intuition" and "instinct", with the same regard as his "reason".
Because when something unexpected happened outside his plans Miller was there to fix the problem thanks to her "intuition" predicting it.
He remembered questioning if he was even needed when she proved more than once to be far more reliable than him.
"I am lucky that nothing serious happened before I met you". She had dismissed his compliment. "Thanks to you covering so many possibilities I have more room to act in case something does happen".
She was nothing but reasonable.
It was never be bound to happen.
Is what he thought.
But such a day did indeed arrive and yet things went into a completely unexpected way.
The again, maybe he should have seen it coming because things were always surprising and unpredictable whenever Miller was involved.
"A rescue mission huh? I have the layout of the place, I think-"
"Johannes" she cuts him off.
"Yes Miller?" He immediately replies.
"I have to go. Alone"
"Why is that?"
"...Remember when I once told you about a situation that would require me to use my 'Authority'? This would be it"
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"...But you would issue the order if it came to that"
"Yes. I would" she firmly replied.
The matter was more than settled. Nothing he could do or say would change her mind.
Even so, even if she was forced to use her "authority" to make him obey, she was unwilling to be anything but fair to him, treating his feelings as if they were important and could very much hold weight over her.
She was giving herself consequences for her actions. Regardless of where his stance lied she would accept and shoulder it.
"...Are those one of your 'hunches'?"
"No." She denied, face turning serious. " It's a certainty"
"Then I will do as you say and won't question you about it" he nodded. "Your assessment has yet to fail me so if you say this is the best way then I believe it"
"Thanks Johannes" her shoulders drop in relief. "Make sure no one enters the perimeter until I get back alright?"
To no surprise Miller was quick and successful in accomplishing the rescue mission.
He watched from afar as Miller took care of the people she rescued, checking for injuries, squeezing their hands and whispering in a soothing and comforting tone until their haunted looks subsided and their bodies stopped shaking.
This scene wasn't anything new to him, but he found that he could never take his eyes away from it.
Because it brought him back to the day she had saved and protected him. When he was but a mere acquaitance at that point yet she still offered unconditional care.
He didn't seek companionship nor cared about forming bonds with others. He wasn't one for affections, didn't consider anyone his friend and neither was regarded as one by others even if his relationship with his current colleagues could be considered "civil".
Whatever he had with Miller was an exception to the rule. 
He liked the idea of having a "bond" with her.
The call of her voice snapped him from his reveries.
It seemed that she had finished checking on the civilians and wanted to talk with him in private.
"I'm truly grateful for what you did Johannes"
"I did nothing in special to deserve such compliment, I only did what you told me to do"
"Still, that made me really happy" her eyes lightned up, voice going soft. "...You became someone I grew to cherish so the fact that you did it out of trust really means a lot to me"
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That smile was unlike anything he ever experienced before.
It felt more personal and intimate. Her eyes were the brightest and most lively he ever witnessed, affection and tenderness making it shine like a green flame or a sparkling jewel.
...It was said to never met your idols or people you look up to because you would be left disillusioned with what you found, that you would find their human side disappointing.
This is why he never tried to find more about the human side of the person he admired. Because he couldn't stand the thought of being disappointed with what he found.
Yet, to his surprise he found it immensely appealing.
Maybe even more so than her image as "his boss".
That moment had changed something in him permanently.
He became far more conscious of her.
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Whenever she had to look over his shoulder he became acutely aware of the warmth radiating from her body, rolling like waves and making his skin crawl with goseebumps.
Many times he found himself struggling to fight the urge to lean back and enjoy that pleasant heat or touch the hand that gently, but firmly, grasped his shoulder whenever she wanted to bring his attention to something.
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Stealth missions were pure torture.
Whenever she had to lean close to his ear to whisper something he felt his breath hitch.
Her low voice felt boderline sultry. Her warm breath tickled his ear, and her lips were so close that he could almost feel its touch.
It was quite paradoxal how he could feel chills run through his spine and at the same time feel warmth spreading through his entire body, making him feel feverish.
The smile of that day was also something that constantly plagued his thoughts, awake or not.
These feelings were something unlike anything he ever experienced before.
It was intense. So intense that it made his earlier admiration and worship feel almost muted in comparison.
Her power over him increased tenfold. She didn't even need to do anything in special and yet she could pry such a strong reaction from him.
Was this simply the feeling of respect a subordinate had towards their leader or...
His green eyes flashed with greed.
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uselessboss · 2 years
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“I think I got a good grasp of what you are capable of, but now I need to know more about what you CAN’T do. Is there any limitations or reservations I should be aware of?” Miller asked.
Her voice sounded as affable, calm and collected as before but he could sense a shift in the way he was being addressed.
It was the same aura that permeated her whenever she interrogated someone, no lies, excuses or half assed answers would work on her.
Not that I would have done that anyway.
Because if she could fearlessly expose her weaknesses like that then he wouldn’t back down either.
Plus, he was also curious to see how she would handle it.
“I suppose you could say that my weakness is my inability to get along with other people” he states, very matter-of-fact. “The people around me… They are small, pathetic and worthless".
With one exception.
“Well, besides you, of course"
“And why is that?”
“Your eyes. They are different from everyone’s else. You don’t look down on me, you listen to me and treat me as if I am your equal".
His eyes darken as his face contort in disgust when he thinks of everyone else.
“You understand right? Because you are also surrounded by it. The jealousy, the resentment, people that would rejoice in seeing our downfall, spewing nothing but trash out of their mouths.”
“And how are you sure your peers have nothing worthwhile to say?”
“They could have been more productive, offering suggestions for improvements or disagreeing with counterintuitive measures but they choose to debase themselves by kissing up to a swine in power"
“Just because they don’t say anything it doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say”. She cuts in. “There could be several reasons for them to not voice their opinions , up to and including not being given the opportunity or being discouraged from doing it”.
She looks straight into his eyes as she emphasizes the last point.
“Your argument does not convince me.” Her features get severe. “It’s nothing but conjecture unless you give me proof to back this claim up".
He wanted to argue but he knew he couldn’t refute what she said.
He never bothered to ask nor known his colleagues better. The only thing he could discern from them as their names if even that.
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“…I learned a long time ago that blindly believing in rumors and speculations are a dangerous and harmful thing".
Her voice was nostalgic, her eyes softening for the brief of the moments before she straightens herself, regaining her composure back to her usual sharp self.
“You are also an example of that you know?”
“You have quite a lot of bad rumors surrounding you. About you being an arrogant asshole that is full of hot air, acting high and mighty all the time”. Her lips quirky up in amusement as she relays everything she heard about him. “If I believed that this was all you had going for you I wouldn’t have bothered to seek you out at all" Her smile widens as he looks at her in surprise.
“Yes Mr. Johannes. After our first meeting I immediately looked you up to find more about you"
… He might have underestimated the person in front of him. He thought he had the initiative but she had him outpaced from the get go.
“I still stand that I did the right call when I sought to find out who you were with my own eyes. Otherwise I would have missed on meeting an interesting and intelligent person with a penchant of amusing shit-talking and that would have been my loss”
“What would you like me to do?”
He was soundly defeated. To question her argument would be the same as saying she shouldn’t have given him the light of the day and what a great shame that would have been if it really had happened.
“I want the names of your colleagues and their paraphrased opinion on how they would go about things, their strategies and thought process"
“That’s all?”
“It will be important for comparison’s sake. I want to personally witness your analysis and thought process as you go through this information".
She was definitely up to something.
Everything she had done so far have been for the sake of proving a point to him.
Usually it would have pissed him to no end to have someone try to get the better over him but for some reason when she did it the prospect sounded exciting.
If he didn’t know any better he would almost think he was developing some sort of weird humiliation kink towards Miller, what with how much unexpected enjoyment he was getting by being outplayed by her.
“Did you have too much trouble getting the information I requested?” Miller greeted as they met at their usual spot.
“Just a bit. It took me a while to convince them it was not a ploy to rub in their faces that they were stupid and that it wasn’t a move to stroke my ego” Johannes rolled his eyes. “Received some weird stares too”.
Surprisingly they weren’t as reticent as he assumed but he still felt that it was more trouble than was worth it. He was disappointed in fact.
Their plans were as simplistic and rustic as he thought they would be with holes everywhere, lacking finesse and questionable logic abound.
He covered every and all topics, no word left unsaid as he laid all the counterpoints to their arguments and yet, despite how thorough he was, he was still left feeling like he must have been missing something important as Miller simple listened in total silence, expression unreadable.
“Very well. What’s your verdict after all that?” she broke the silence, completely neutral.
“To be perfectly honest I don’t feel like it did anything to change my earlier impressions. It didn’t feel like there are anything noteworthy to talk about"
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“Did I get anything wrong?” She questioned.
“… No, you didn’t”.
“Before you ask I didn’t research any of them beforehand. I gleamed everything from what you brought.” Her eyes glinted. “There are things that go beyond what a job description says and can only be picked on by paying attention to how people go through their motions, what preferences and field of expertise influence in their thought process”
She gets up, picking some of the folders, placing in front of him.
“Those are noteworthy plans”
“What? I just went into great detail to why they weren’t good enough to be considered!”. He was baffled.
“You probably heard of cases of amateurs beating veterans in chess right? That happens because amateurs choose to do the unthinkable to the stardard of a master and that’s how they manage to blindside them”.
She taps in a specific part of one of the reports.
“You dismissed this course of action because the way the culprit reacted was too outlandish to consider right?”
“Well, but this unlikely scenario DID happen. It was written based on their personal experience”
“How can you tell that?”
“If you can tell this sort of thing when you learn to pick on this kind of detail”
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“The most dangerous individuals are the reckless types. They don’t think or care enough about their own losses as long as you lose something too”.
She makes a sound mimicking a pistol going off, flicking his bangs as she lowers her hand.
“Believe me, I have scars to prove that”.
Was she talking about the burn scars that covered half of her face and her body?
Or some unseen marks that told how far more experience she had than him.
They weren’t even that far apart in age but the discrepancy made him feel too young and immature.
“You said these plans had several flaws right?”
“Yes”. Recently his lack of eloquence was becoming an embarrassing habit.
“Could you make them work?”
“… I think I can, yes”
“Most often than not we are given a less than ideal hand and learning how to work with it is crucial. You were given perfectly plausible scenarios to learn from”.
He feels a chill up his spine as her expression turns strict and cold.
“To me a leader is supposed to look after their subordinates, to direct them and offer guidance to help them flourish”. There was a warning hanging in her voice. “So thinking that there’s ‘nothing to them’ is unacceptable”.
He had wondered how she could easily give away her position and settle for being a figure head.
He could not me more wrong in his assessment.
She was very much in charge here.
I will make the necessary preparations to make your transfer as smooth as possible but I will wait until you finish the task I gave to you. Consider it as a admission test of sorts.
There was no doubt in her voice when she announced that.
He would live up to the expectations placed on him, from both her and himself.
"You have been awfully quiet recently Johannes". One of his colleagues, quipped. "It's kind creepy how talkative you are without insulting our intelligence or acting high and mighty... At least not nearly as much"
"Yes. I was indeed pretty arrogant"
"Who are you and what did you do to Johannes?"
He rolls his eyes at the jab.
"I wanted to rise the ranks because I thought it would be a more befitting position to match my potential but after meeting someone who was truly worthy of their power I understood that I was way up my head".
He still had a lot to improve before he was worthy of being recognized by her.
"...You know, about that plan you once told me, I think we could apply it" he reels in. " I made some minor adjustments so we could pull it off so if you are interested I could explain it in detail"
His colleague raises an eyebrow at that.
"Sure, I can't see what's the harm in it". They finally conceded.
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"What are you trying to pull Johannes?!"
His boss, as always, was shouting hysterically at him.
"What are you talking about?" He says, less than enthused.
"Making others follow along your directions and acting like you are the boss here when you are a lowly subordinate of mine!"
Ah, so that was what it was about.
The difference was like night and day.
In front of him was a paranoid, insecure fool that saw everything as threat to his position, so incompetent in his way of holding his power that he had to resort to underhanded tactics to keep it.
"They followed along because they found my ideas interesting, nothing more, nothing less". He sighed, annoyed for wasting his time and breath. "Now if you excuse me I would rather spend my time in a more meaningful way"
He didn't wait to hear his boss' answer as he just left.
So he missed the look of absolute hatred in the man's face and the promise of revenge.
"Recently I heard different rumors about you" Miller smiled.
Usually this would be the moment when most, him included, would use to rub in how wrong the other are and how right they were but in Miller's case...
"To turn opinion about you around, it's pretty impressive"
It was no sarcasm, she meant the compliment.
That's why he picked that way to show her the results of his work. To relish in her praise and attention.
"...I wonder if I am even needed at all. I have no doubt you can convince anyone to jump inside an active volcano and they would say yes"
"I sure hope not" Miller laughed it off. "... Being a 'sinner' is too big of a hurdle for me to outcome alone. So far you are one of the few exceptions to see past that"
"I am glad I am a special case then".
Her smile dropped a bit at that, concern flashing through her eyes.
"You better watch your back Johannes"
"What do you mean?"
" I got a bad feeling coming from your boss"
"One of your 'hunches'?"
"Then I will keep that in mind" he assured her.
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He was such a fool.
He thought he would have been fine by choosing to go with the colleagues he got in better terms recently but he didn't expect to be betrayed by being led to proced further ahead and being abandoned by them
There was no doubt in his mind that his boss set him up for it.
And now he was going to pay the price for being careless and die like an animal, unable to defend himself nor able to run away.
"I found the police dog!"
He saw the revolver being pointed at him.
He shut his eyes. There was nothing that could be done, not even he could think of a way out of this situation.
A loud sound echoed, the sound of bones cracking and a scream of agony that didn't come from him.
"I am glad I came just in time"
He felt relief wash over him.
"But why are you here?"
"I couldn't ignore my bad feeling so I had to check if you were alright". She explained to him as she crouched down to take a look at his wounds. "My team is securing the area as we speak".
He couldn't believe it.
He lost faith in everything, even himself, but Miller had appeared and came to him in his moment of need.
"How is your current situation?"
"I can't move because of the wound in my leg but besides that and the graze in my arm I am fine"
"I have some bandages and disinfecting tools in my car"
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... She picked him as if he weighted nothing.
He saw her fighting and knew she was physically strong but damn.
He should have been feeling hella mortified, but her strong and secure grip was quite distracting.
Plus none of her subordinates batted an eye at the display, which told him it was a normal occurrence in her team so he felt like he shouldn’t be making a big deal out of it.
It was hard to believe how the owner of such power could also hold such a soft touch.
Miller sat him at the back of her car, being as careful and as delicate as possible while she cleaned the excess of blood from his wounds and bandaged them.
"I think this will help hold everything together" she nods. " But just in case it's better to bring you for a check up to make sure there are no infec-"
He recognized it. The obnoxious voice of his boss. The man's face was red with anger and rage.
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"What kind of lowlife are you?" Miller growled, as she gripped the front of his shirt and lifted the older man, much bigger than her, single handed. "To endanger your subordinate on purpose like that, how can you be such scum?!"
That was the first time Johannes ever saw Miller lose her temper and get angry.
The old fart had nothing on her. His display of anger looked like a weak mewl if compared with the flaming inferno of her rage, the intensity scorching and threatening to consume all.
"B-Big words coming from the resident deranged lunatic"
"We are not done talking" she shot him a glare that quickly made him shut up. " Today's sinner is not me."
She bares her fangs as a warning and a promise, to make clear it was in his best interest to not provoke her because he was the prey to her overwhelmingly predator.
Days later he found out his boss was fired from the force.
He had no doubt in his mind that Miller had a hand in that, doing it in retaliation to what happened to him.
Just thinking about her made his entire body tremble.
But not out of fear like his boss did, it was more...
"Johannes may I have a moment?"
"Your colleagues had good things to say about your leadership skills and your old boss' spot is open for grabs" the higher up explained. "It might be unprecedent for it to happen but do you want to take his position?"
Ah so they wanted to buy his silence by appealing to his ego.
It was a laughable effort in all honesty. Such a thing no longer appealed to him.
" I have to apologize, but I must refuse this position. I would rather work under Miller".
Simply uttering her name made his entire body quake.
He couldn't get enough of it. 
The overwhelming power and influence she had over him.
This feeling which instilled such devotion, adoration and loyalty to a maniac degree... 
He wanted to be utterly consumed by it.
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uselessboss · 2 years
Eating your own words
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Posting this here because I love tumblr’s easy tagging system.
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uselessboss · 2 years
Last Name Guys
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That’s like the only decent art for Johannes and Andrews so might as well post this thing here too.
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uselessboss · 2 years
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Andrews is an absolutely Petty shit and one of the biggest Miller’s simp.
He won’t allow being dead getting in his way of threatening you :V
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