#Heroka Leamon
symb1osoarts · 3 years
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I have returned to my Homestuck roots with some redesigns!!! it’s Heavy AU on account that our Tyrianblood over there is male, and the Condesce is Not the empress.
Info for them below the Readmore
GAELLE GAVINA - Sylph of Hope A Jadeblood that wants to become a model, but can come off as incessantly vain, acting as though it’s the end of the world if her clothing gets dirty. She’s That kind of girl. Her Lusus is a Peacock, so it’s easy to guess where her vanity comes from, but she still cares deeply for the people around her. Her hive is a large studio apartment-style Hive in a large Hiveblock by the oceanside. She’s Heroka’s Morail, and Avaros’ eventual Matesprit. Her Strife Specibus are long-range Rifles - she would not be caught dead in the middle of a fight looking a mess.
HEROKA LEAMON - Knight of Rage A Brownblood that has a deep dislike for anything urban, preferring to stay out in the steppe with her Lioness Lusus and her pride, only occasionally leaving to visit Gaelle or Nihall. She’s Gaelle’s Morail, and Nihall’s Matesprit. She is also in an an auspicitism, with Avaros mediating between her and Ceylon. Her Strife Specibus is her claws.
NIHALL MARRIN - Heir of Heart A Limeblood who lives on a lone ranch with his Hyena Lusus where he creates robotics to make life around the ranch easier. He used to have extremely powerful psionics, but Ceylon had forced him to burn them out ‘for his own good’, deep-frying the parts of his thinkpan that controlled emotions, leaving him unable to feel emotions - the chemicals in his thinkpan are still there, but he can’t interpret them anymore. He’s Heroka’s matesprit, but due to his inability to process emotions their relationship is strained. He’s also Pemdas’ eventual morail. His Strife Specibus used to be his psionics, but now it’s large Wrenches.
CEYLON ENELIN - Seer of Time An Indigoblood with a penchant of summoning spirits and contacting the dead. She lives in a Hive that spans across the inside of a Ravine by the Oceanside. She has a talent for predicting the future, being right more often than not, which has given her a large amount of pride, and an inability to take criticism - especially when someone tells her that her actions/opinions are wrong. She used her abilty to summon spirits to possess Nihall, making him burn out his psionics, causing a deep rift in the friendship circle. She’s Pemdas’ matesprit and Avaros’ morail. She’s also in an auspicitism with Heroka, with Avaros mediating between them. Her lusus is a large crow, and her Strife Specibus are Spirits that she summons.
AVAROS ESTELL - Prince of Void Tyrianblood, and Heir Apparent to the Empire. He’s laid back, friendly, and doesn’t take himself all too serious for the most part - a fault in character is what most would describe it as, but he’s never cared too much what others think of him. He lives in his Palace Hive in the ocean, living close enough to the shore to visit his friends, and occasionally asking them to help him hunt Lusi to feed to his cthulhian Manta/Stingray Lusus. He also has the most obvious crush on Gaelle, frequently stumbling over his words and blushing so hard his entire face is Tyrian when around her. His morail is Ceylon, and Gaelle’s eventual matesprit. His Strife Specibus is a metallic stinger he wears on his middle finger, coated in the toxin his Lusus produces - it’s a weapon fit for an Heir is how his Lusus puts it.
PEMDAS RADIUM - Mage of Space A Ceruleanblood with a brilliant mind, living in a large Hive with her Parrot lusus. She has a fascination with anything science, from physics and mathematics to biology and chemistry, and everything beyond that. She hoards knowledge out of a genuine thirst to learn all there is to learn about Alternia and all the planets beyond it. She can be a little scary when someone is being annoying when she’s trying to patch up their wounds. She’s Ceylon’s matesprit, and Nihall’s eventual morail. Her Strife Specibus are Scalpels.
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