#Herbert fux
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Jack the Ripper (1976) - Italian Poster
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Der Gorilla von Soho | Alfred Vohrer | 1968
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mariocki · 10 months
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La figlia di Frankenstein (Lady Frankenstein, 1971)
"The creation of life is the greatest achievement. To hesitate or have doubts, to be scared now, would mean all my work up to now has been pointless. This... is my life."
"But creating life, isn't that God's task alone?"
"Here on earth, man is God."
#La figlia di Frankenstein#lady frankenstein#Frankensteinathon#italian cinema#Horror imagery#body horror#mel welles#Edward Di Lorenzo#Aureliano Luppi#rosalba neri#joseph cotten#paul muller#Herbert fux#Riccardo Pizzuti#Mickey Hargitay#Lorenzo Terzon#Marino Masé#Renate Kasché#Andrea aureli#Ada Pometti#Petar martinovitch#messy italiano take on the Frankenstein mythos. apparently the genesis of this was one guy's attempt to get into Neri's pants‚ throwing#money at various filmmakers to get this off the ground. it wasn't enough and New World Pictures ended up supplying some of the cash making#this a weird combination of Italian horror and US exploitation but somehow coming in on the lower end of either spectrum#poor Neri does her game best despite the indignity of the background (apparently said would be seducer was actually very attractive but his#rich douche persona made her despise him) and the director wasn't well liked by the cast and crew. a messy time and a flawed result but not#without fun aspects; the first half is a traditional walk through classic Frankenstein mode but the second half goes a little more nuts#as Neri succeeds her father and starts designing a husband while the og monster is out shredding ppl up with his bulbous head in tow#she and Cotten are the big names but i have to say it's Muller's performance that most impresses‚ as the nervous sycophant helper#who serves first father and then daughter adoringly and unceasingly. a silly little thing but not un fun
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kinonostalgie · 4 months
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Herbert Fux
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Lady Frankenstein (1971) / Horror film / Joseph Cotten, Rosalba Neri, Paul Muller, Herbert Fux
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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These people are murderers. All of them. It's their very business to rob innocent people of their honor, often too take their lives. Otherwise nobody would buy their papers.
The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum (Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum), Volker Schlöndorff and Margarethe von Trotta (1975)
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yessferatu · 3 years
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Jack The Ripper (1976), dir. Jess Franco
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badmovieihave · 5 years
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Bad movie I have Eugenie 1970
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fourorfivemovements · 4 years
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Films Watched in 2020:
62.  Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält/Mark of the Devil (1970) - Dir. Adrian Hoven/Michael Armstrong
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merelygifted · 4 years
Hours before the photo was taken the mayor urged residents to stay at home in a video shared by the city council.
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justfilms · 7 years
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Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält - Michael Armstrong & Adrian Hoven 1970
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acdvsocialistas · 4 years
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Relator da Operação Calvário, o “iluminado” magistrado, dois dias após ter sido sorteado para a função, aparece numa selfie com o advogado Francisco das Chagas Ferreira. Pois bem, esse sujeito além de ser advogado do enrolado ex-governador Ricardo Coutinho, também está sendo acusado por crimes praticados e desvendados pela operação, que agora serão julgados por Gilmar. Chagas foi preso, mas, dois dias depois, beneficiado por um habeas corpus do ministro do STJ Napoleão Nunes Maia, foi solto. O mesmo ministro também concedeu liberdade a Coutinho. Segundo as investigações, Chagas recebia dinheiro de organizações sociais e gerenciava a propina diretamente de seu escritório. Na foto, ele parece bem tranquilo ao lado de Gilmar. da Redação O jornalismo em que você confia depende de você. Colabore com a independência do Jornal da Cidade Online doando qualquer valor. Acesse: apoia.se/jornaldacidadeonline RICARDO COUTINHOOPERAÇÃO CALVÁRIOFRANCISCO DAS CHAGAS FERREIRA 1434 COMPARTILHARAM ISSO Siga-nos no Twitter! COMENTÁRIOS MAIS EM DIREITO E JUSTIÇA ADI contra “juiz de garantias” cai para ministro Luiz Fux: “In Fux we trust” LUIZ FUX 28/12/2019 ADI contra “juiz de garantias” cai para ministro Luiz Fux: “In Fux we trust” Mais um golpe na Lava Jato: Câmara articula 2ª instância só para casos futuros LAVA JATO 27/12/2019 Mais um golpe na Lava Jato: Câmara articula 2ª instância só para casos futuros “A Justiça está de férias, a PF não”, diz Alexandre Garcia, e indicia Lula e comparsas em mais um inquérito (veja o vídeo) POLÍCIA FEDERAL 27/12/2019 “A Justiça está de férias, a PF não”, diz Alexandre Garcia, e indicia Lula e comparsas em mais um inquérito (veja o vídeo) Marco Aurélio defende a Lava Jato e ataca Toffoli: É uma inacreditável conversão ou mera hipocrisia? 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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Der Gorilla von Soho | Alfred Vohrer | 1968
Albert Lieven, Herbert Fux
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© Alexander Tuma
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kinonostalgie · 4 years
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lushscreamqueen · 3 years
LADY FRANKENSTEIN 1971 on The Schlocky Horror Picture Show
OPENING: Why hello there, Welcome to the Schlocky Horror Picture show. Nice to see you again. You look great. Have you lost weight? But seriously folks. When only the monster you make can satisfy your strange desires you know the movie is going to be worthy of TVS. So when Dr. Frankenstein is killed by the monster he created, it's only natural His Daughter continues his crazy experiments. Well THAT sounds reasonable enough. So sit back kick of your shroud and enjoy with me now, Lady Frankenstein.
BREAK: I have a message for you from the great beyond. And then after the ad break more of our this movie, LADY FRANKENSTEIN.
MIDDLE: Lady Frankenstein, or to show you how incontinenal I am, La Figlia di Frankenstein opens in a graveyard by night. Just like me really. With grave robber Lynch played by Herbert Fux , and yes, that is his real name, transporting corpses to the big spooky castle on a hill. Hellloooo Castle Hill (waving) Anyway it's seems more than a little ironic that Fux left acting shortly after this movie to pursue his political ambitions as the local Representative of the Green Party of Austria. I guess it was the extreme recycling that inspired him. He came back to acting when he realised no-one voted for him. Baron Frankenstein is ably played by Hollywood screen great Joseph Cotton. I guess he needed the cash because it is a far cry from his AFI roles in Citizen Kane, The Third man, Fantasy Island and sadly return to Fantasy Island. Rosalba Beri began her film career at the age of 15 with a role in the film " I Pinguini ci guardano" The Penguins Watch Us in which the animals at the zoo watched the humans around them and cultivated some very interesting thoughts. Sounds like just another day the TVS studios to me. She changed her name several times in her career and by this time was called Sarah Bay . As Tanya Frankenstein she is not bad. But she's not great either, she does throw herself into the tacky role with such relish that she comes off pretty damned thrilling. Yay nudity. Baron Frankensteins's daughter Tanya is herself a super-intelligent scientific sort who dislikes being left out of the loop of her father's horrific experiments. Of course, as the movie was created by men, any supposition that it might serve as a truly Feminist tract or even a fair representation of how women think and act is rather suspect, if not foolhardy.
Paul Muller as Dr Charles Marshall is prettier than most "Igor's" tend to be. And even though the character is a Doctor in his own right he, is still that guy that fishes a brain out of a jar. It, it is a step up from his previous film Vampiros Lesbos, but not much. In fact most of Mr Mullers movie involve naked women and dead people and there are 232 of them. But then isn't that the reason we are all here on a Friday night and not SBS? Add the usual's suspect like Mickey Hargitay, aka Mr. Jayne Mansfield, aka The Crimson Executioner as the obligatory police officer to flesh out the cast and a few minor Italians and you have a reasonalble good movie. Ok I lied, but thankfully screen writer Edward Di Lorenzo did find his muse and move onto his truly talented writing with Space 1999 and then…he do have to blame him for some of Miami Vice.
The film is often compared with the Frankenstein cycle made by the Hammer Studios (1957-72), and may also have been an influence on Paul Morrissey's controversial Flesh for Frankenstein (1973) It was rescued at the last minute by a cash infusion from the notoriously tight-fisted Roger Corman, "Lady Frankenstein" is a low budget affair filmed in Italy by American Mel Welles. Screen veteran Joseph Cotton, slumming near the end of his career, gets top billing though he's killed off 35 minutes in. It's all sort of downhill from there really. The dubbing was apparently done in the States by Corman's people and this leads to the quirky anomaly of a film set in an early 19th Century England where the townspeople talk and sound like the cast of a post-Civil War western. All in all, It's bad, good, fast slow and has some sexy Italian ladies. And with that let's return to that 1971Classic Argentinian film "LADY FRANKENSTEIN"
CLOSING: So it's really Sarah Bay film at the height of her beauty, who really steals your heart, spleen, liver, and all the fun bouncy bits. Her Tanya is a calculating, self-centered bitch that's willing to drive a man to murder so she can enjoy a good-looking bonk. Who wouldn't? The scene in which she wickedly seduces the child-like Thomas was, for me, the high point of the film. Teasingly undressing in front of me…him…I mean him…Phew! Her lap dancing while a tortured Charles watches from behind a curtain. And then to have Charles then sneak up and suffocate Thomas with a pillow. It's just like that scene from with Scott and Charlene from "Neighbours". The bit that got cut out before it was broadcast. Tanya's reaction as poor dumbo Thomas dies, sensuously biting her hand to stifle her own …..(Silent stare at screen) ….. Evil never looked so sexy….and…ahem...cough cough on that image. So until next week from the Nigel Honeybone and the SCHLOCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. "Toodles!"
By Lushscreamqueen Nov 12, 2008
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