#He buys Taako SO many flowers don't worry
noodyl-blasstal · 2 years
TAZ Bingo time!!! From @taznovembercelebration Prompt: Joking or Serious  _________________________
Kravitz had lived with Taako for three years. He had been in lust with Taako for two years and three hundred and sixty five days. He had been in love with Taako for one year and forty seven days.
Taako, thankfully, didn’t seem to have noticed.
The lust part was easy to explain. Kravitz isn’t dead, he has eyes. The love bit was more of a surprise. It crept up on him until, deep in the throes of music practice, Taako dancing along wildly inappropriately for Britten’s First Suite for Cello, he thought ‘I love this idiot.’ After that, it was obvious.
Kravitz and Barry’s “I’m In Love With a Tacco Twin and All I Got Was This Lousy Whatsapp Chat” provided some comfort. It turns out there was, in fact, a gif for most situations. At least now if he screamed into the void when Taako made him eggy bread because he knew he missed home, or walked around the flat in nothing but a towel, the void yelled back about how it loved Lup.
Tonight, Taako had decided to 'borrow' one of Kravitz's t-shirts and was wearing a particularly tiny pair of shorts. The chat was busy. Barry was suffering a similar fate apparently. It was getting harder to reply though, Taako seemed intent on taking over the entire sofa whether Kravitz was on it or not. Usually Taako would kick his feet into Kravitz's lap, or even snuggle up beside him… but now the man was lying across his lap and Kravitz was panicking. Surely he couldn't see the screen from there?
His phone vibrated on the arm of the sofa, the name of the chat appearing on the lock screen. Kravitz angled it away and tried to remember exactly how to breathe. It was fine, that was only visible for a split second, Taako couldn’t have read it in that time, he definitely didn't see.
Taako moved fast. “You have to tell me right now, is this serious?” He demanded, grabbing Kravitz’s phone.
Every ounce of moisture left Kravitz’s mouth. Was there an opposite to flash flooding? Flash drying. Why did they not see this coming? Barry had so many PhDs, Kravitz was generally pretty smart… He could just have set his messages not to preview, he could have stopped messaging Barry and focused on the hot boy in his lap wearing his shirt, he could have named the chat literally anything else.
“Krav? Kraverino? Kravatappi? You have to do words now, my guy.” Taako was looking up at him, barely containing a grin.
"It's… I." Kravitz said with grace and decorum. Great start. Nailed it. Master of love confessions! At least Taako hadn’t run away and locked himself in his room.
Taako snorted. "Okay Stud, that one's on Taako. You have to do words relating to the question." Taako raised his eyebrows and waited.
"It's not a joke." There, an answer without any direct admission. That didn't actually count as telling him!
"You're in love with Lup????" Taako gasped, horrified.
"No, I'm in love with you, you idiot." Kravitz rolled his eyes and shoved Taako's shoulder, grinning at how ridiculous the accusation was. Then the realisation of what he’d just said hit. That fact was supposed to go to his grave. That was not supposed to be actual words he said at Taako. At least not without flowers and macarons, maybe some sky writing? Okay, back on task, he could fix this. He could make this okay. "Like, in a… a friends way?" He added, convincing no one.
"Oh, okay, a friends way, so you wouldn't be interested in, say, smooching this beautiful face?" Taako asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"No?" Kravitz said, staring very intently at Taako’s lips. Fuck. He buried his head in his hands. If Taako couldn't see him then this couldn't be embarrassing. That was science. Immutable fact.
"Oh, okay, so you also wouldn't be interested in a WhatsApp chat I may or may not have named "I'm in Love with my Oblivious Roommate and Therefore I Live in Hell"?" Taako asked, mildly.
"I might, maybe, be interested in that." Kravitz said hopefully, peeking past his fingers to be sure Taako wasn't joking. He winked at Kravitz. Smug bastard.
"Interested in that in a friends way?" Taako asked. Kravitz was going to expire. Taako was never going to let him forget this.
"Could we forget this happened and I'll surprise you with flowers tomorrow?" It was worth a shot. Taako liked flowers!
"Nope" Taako popped the p viciously. "You can still buy me flowers though." He added. Kravitz pretended to roll his eyes. "Now, about that smooching, handsome?"
"Hold on, just got message Barry first." Kravitz grabbed his phone and just about managed to send 'torture=flirting' before a throw pillow thudded into the side of his head. “Right, where were we?”
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