#Harley Keener propoganda
harleyification · 11 months
Why are you a Harley Keener Apologist? What is there to apologize for? He's done nothing.
You are SO RIGHT ANON, Harley has done nothing wrong ever, and he is the best part of the entire MCU!! An amazing boy, the best boy, he should get his own comic book series and it should be led by me!!
On a real note though, I put Harley Keener Apologist as my header because I actually stem from twitter (before the twitter-to-tumblr masses joined)! And boy oh boy, do NOT look at the Harley tag there. I have witnessed a lot of hate for Harley despite him being like the BEST ever, and also only having less than an hour total of screentime. Ofc we all know that twitter is a cesspool where anger feeds on anger. Harley hate usually just stems from him having a lot of fans and all of us saying that he deserved to be Iron Lad for a long time. But also like...I won't lie, from the shit I've seen, a lot of Harley haters have at least one good point: the worst kind of people (coughcough white boys coughcough) have a tendency to say that Harley should've been Tony's successor rather than Iron Heart. And their only logical reasoning is that "Harley was first" and "He was closer to Tony", without, ya know...outright stating the real reason why they don't like Riri.
So, a lot of Harley hate is mainly pointed towards racist white boys online who are only trying to use him as their icon to hate on Riri. It's very, very fucking unfortunate, and literally no actual Harley fan agrees with them. As far as I know, and I should know since I made a Harley Keener discord server with the best and most active Harley fans in it, barely anyone actually wants Harley to become Iron Lad in the MCU. We want him to be his own thing. We love and appreciate Riri and we can't wait to see what the MCU does for her. So like, my header mainly is against twitter people who hate on Harley for unjustified character reasons, but also...it's an unfortunate reality that Harley, as a white male character, is being used as an attack against Riri fans. This is something that I've been wanting to talk about for a while though, so I have no idea if it's even still continuing, but...yeah, I stem from twitter, and it's not great to be a Harley fan there.
But overall, Harley Keener has such amazing potential! He truly has nothing to apologize for as a character!! I have mixed feelings of him ever returning to the MCU, but if he ever does I hope that him and Riri and Peter bond as Stark successors! We love the real version of Harley Keener under this household, who is a gay southern boy who would fight for his loved ones!!
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