#Hardin-Jefferson High School
gigijb1969 · 1 month
Rockets 2024 and The Texas Rocket Trail Ended in Southeast Texas/Smith Point Saturday, May 11
Saturday marked the end of the Rockets 2024 Season with the second and final day of launches in Smith Point. The weather was cloudy, windy and a little cooler than Friday. We had rockets loaded on the rails for testing by 10:35 Saturday morning and we stayed steady until later in the day. At that point we had a lag as the last few were slow coming out of Stage 2. Luckily tests were done and…
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seanhowe · 5 years
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Against Woodstock
“Rock Imperialists” by Mark Kramer, Liberation News Service, 1969 NEW YORK (LNS) The list of stars who will show up at the Woodstock Rock Festival this August is mighty impressive—as fine as any ever. There's everyone: Joan Baez, the Who, Joe Cocker, Janis Joplin, the Jefferson Airplane, Ravi Shankar, Blood Sweat and Tears, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Richie Havens, Canned Heat, Arlo Guthrie,, Tim Hardin, Johnny Winter, the Band, Iron Butterfly, The Grateful Dead and the Incredible String Band, for example. The arrangements to help you spend three days in the wilds sound as impressive as the list of stars—free campgrounds, ample water and outhouses; free rice kitchen for the poor and hungry; catering by Nathan's of Coney Island craft booths which might just be bivouac head shoppes, and which might be craft booths. So the rock imperialists deliver the goods. When you want a banana, United Fruit sells a good banana. And when you want a rock festival, Woodstock Music and Art Fair, Inc., sells a good rock festival—at $7 a day. The Guatemalans who grew the bananas get to eat an occasional bruised model. And the street people, the denizens of the lower east side, of the Haight, let them eat free rice and maybe they'll hear the sounds wafting out past the gates. But they made the culture which the rich fops imitate. Walk down St. Marks Place in the East Village and dig the crowd on either side of the velvet rope which separates those with the bread ($10 a couple) to get into the Electric Circus from those who beg spare change to buy a knish. On the rich side, the same outfits as on the poor side, except ironed and cut from finer cloth—bell bottoms, groovy vests, mucho hair, svelte girls in granny glasses. On the poor side, it's hip...on the rich side, it's a shuck, it's an imitation of Hip. It's fancy boutique clothes cut to look like the old surplus clothes which the street people once wore out of poverty, thereby creating a style. For some, the dress constitutes a case of 'going native' for a night on the Bowery. For others it's simply high fashion. The impulse for kids to dress 'well' is plugged in nasty trend-setting magazines like "Seventeen" and supported by the huge cloth and garment companies, the cosmetics companies and the hygiene-freak companies. The sales job for fashion is easier than others—for the styles come complete with a built-in image. Marlboro has to spend millions to rope together its cancer-sticks and he-manhood. But the Fashion-Makers have it easy this year, because the clothes styles which they plug were once part of a genuine revolutionary and romantic lifestyle. So America's teenagers are exploited by big companies that hold 'lifestyle' out as bait. "BUY THIS AND YOU WILL BE..." You will be what? Hip? You'll own another piece of snappy clothing, you'll be able to crowd the poor girl down the block still further, you'll earn your ticket to daydream about running toward him through tall fields of hay, arms stretched toward the sun—the kind of daydream they push in ads for cunt deodorant. And the kind of daydream they push on album covers. “But (you say) album covers are great. I trip, and look at album covers, and…etc." But it ain't that way. Rock may have come from the Street people, along with styles that grew out of buying surplus clothing, and daydreams that grew out of mystic studies and sunshine state habits. And the communication between the performing artists and you may still bear the same free-you-up message. But in between you and the performer, there's billions of dollars that you're paying and (for the most part) he's not getting. Who is getting it? The huge companies that own the record empires. Here's the puzzle: the same companies that own the recording contracts and record studies which make 'liberated' music, also own government contracts and subsidiary companies which make electronic bombing equipment, spying equipment, death equipment which is used in Vietnam and in our other colonies. The companies don't care how they make money, as long as they make the money. If they can make it from anti-war youth culture by coming on hip, they'll do it. And if they can make it from killing Vietnamese and killing off thousands of years of Vietnamese culture with expensive weapons systems for the government, they'll do that too. For example, CBS owns Columbia records, Masterworks, Blue Horizon, Odyssey, Harmony, Date, Okeh and several other record companies. They have invested heavily in defense contracts as well, working especially in the areas of laser beams, radar, spy photography, underwater detection—the sorts of technological work which keeps up the arms race and makes fat profits. It's the same story with most of the other major record companies. Like true imperialists, they'll go wherever the market is, talk whatever language (be it Vietnamese or hip-ese) needs talking, sell whatever people will pay for, as long as they make a profit. Does this mean you shouldn't buy records? No, of course not. If you wanted to live in this country without supporting the death machine, you couldn't eat or turn on an electric light. What it means is that you should understand a few facts of life. When you sit down with a sandwich (made of food processed by big business) and when you take a bite of the sandwich and start listening to music of YOUR culture, peddled for the profit of THEIR culture, then dig it! That's the corner they've got you backed into. Supporting the very things you hate the most in order to get the few things you want. There's a revolutionary movement growing in this country to fight just that form of oppression. What has this got to do with Woodstock? You might go there and have a fine time, but just remember that someone is making a million on your fun, and it isn't the performers, many of whom come for little or nothing. We interviewed the promoters setting up the Woodstock Festival, at a press conference arranged by the mid-town publicity company they hired. The conference itself was a slick operation. It passed itself off as a consultation between "leaders of the rock community" and the underground press on how to have peaceful good times for everyone. They didn't need to consult with anyone. Way back in April they had hired a federal law enforcement official, Wes Pomeroy, whom they described to me as "a very progressive kind of cat." A very progressive kind of cat who had worked with Johnson on the Safe Streets' Act, and with Republican bigwigs in planning security for their '64 convention at the Cow Palace. That's who the investors ("leaders of the rock community”) consulted with when they wanted security for their investment, not the underground press people. Even though the press conference handout reads, "We have called a special meeting of the underground press and rock community leaders to discuss ways of developing safe and harmonious pop music festivals.” Mike Lang and Artie Kornfield and two other partners put up half-a-million bucks. They're expecting big returns from ticket sales, a cut of concession sales, and also from selling TV and movie rights. Artie used to head Columbia Records. He told me, “I’d dig my daughter to be able to eat too." What about the street people? Mike says "We're not turning our backs on these people—we've got to feed them.” And let them in? “Don't you feel you're exploiting hip culture for your own gain?” Artie said, "Much of us have the same goal, We want to be able to cut out—not take shit—and go live in the country," Except that for most, it is a dream, not a goal, as long as Artie collects from every freak who wants to hear his music. And except that now that so many people want to cut out, they might find it easier to get together and put a stop to the conditions they want to escape. What about the riot that happened at the LA rock festival, Artie? "We are them—when they attack us, they are attacking themselves. If you talk about an army, it's got a lot of different wings. We're just another wing.” Maybe Artie and Mike are fooling themselves and maybe not. But they have extracted from the movement those things which can make them some money—talent, excitement, revolutionary energy, identity with hip looks and talk. But they have missed the heart of the movement. The revolutionary energy of rock and of the movement is a response to oppression—it grew out of the blues, out of the poor white country music, out of the emancipated poverty of the street people and their drug scene, out of the anger about national leaders representing corporate interests, while killing people, anger about how students get lied to and treated in public schools. The movement is made by and sung by people who oppose exploitation, whether by war elsewhere, or by high prices, racism and low wages at home. The movement is not represented in any way by rich investors getting richer by the profits of rock festivals—even if the investors do look hip and talk hip and know hip people. By the way, if you do go to the. Woodstock festival (actually, the grounds are located in Wallkill, N.Y.), Wes Pomeroy has a staff of 400 security people working for him, in and out of costume. When he was asked about kids smoking dope there, he said, "We'll do nothing to protect them. There will be narcs there, same as everywhere—they're going to have to pay $7, too." photograph by Henry Diltz
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tlubulldogs · 4 years
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Please welcome Bryce Jewell to the @tluathletics Family!! Jewell comes to TLU from Beaumont, Texas where he attended Hardin-Jefferson High School. #TLUBulldogs #TLUbaseball #PupsUp (at Texas Lutheran University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCL-7s_jIT1/?igshid=qyo8na1irw0f
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The Killing of Rhonda Hinson Part 24
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Detective James “Flash“ Pruett, formerly of the Burke County Sheriff’s Department, and his dog, Paiute.
Special Investigative Reporter
For The Record
 When presented with competing hypotheses that make the same predictions, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. – Occam’s Razor
 It was in mid-December 1994, when 44-year-old Detective James “Flash” Pruett of the Burke County Sheriff’s Department began to look into the killing of Rhonda Hinson.  
Arguably the most perspicacious of all the investigators to scrub the case, Detective Pruett commenced his inquiries subsequent to an order from Sheriff Richard Epley.  “…Sheriff Epley instructed all investigators to look into the Rhonda Hinson homicide,” he wrote in his extensive case notes.  
Immediately, he located Rhonda’s grandmother, Julia Price—Judy Hinson’s mother—and interviewed her on Monday Dec. 19, 1994, six days after what would have been her granddaughter’s 32nd birthday. At the time, the 89-year-old lived alone in a home located on Rora Avenue in Valdese, approximately a mile from the Hinsons’ residence on Hillcrest Street.  
During the interview, Detective Pruett mainly listened as Ms. Price talked.  She provided little more than biographic information about her granddaughter; but Flash did inquire as to Rhonda’s confidantes.  “…I did ask who Rhonda would confide in or tell her innermost thoughts.  Julia said Rhonda was very close to Chris Price [Dr. Christina Hardin], her first cousin who is a schoolteacher in either South Jefferson or North   Augusta, S.C.  She said Rhonda told her problems to her during a family visit.  Another friend of Rhondas’s, Jill Turner [Mull] is married and living in Charlotte, NC.”
Additionally, Ms. Price did confirm that her granddaughter “spent a lot of time with the McDowell Family, would go to church, eat lunch, and come back home on Sundays.”
On Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1995, Detective Pruett purposed to locate a blue Chevy Nova that the McDowell Family owned in 1981. His objective:  to examine the automobile for any traces of Rhonda Hinson’s blood.
Flash contacted Shelia Robinson, secretary at Wilkies Grove Church, to inquire after a similar car belonging to her father-in-law, Jack Robinson.  She recalled observing a vehicle matching the description at his house but averred that he had sold it a year earlier.  
“I decided to talk with Jack today, and I located him at East Burke  High School.  He is a teacher there, and I was able to talk with him in a conference room near the front office.  Jack said he indeed had a blue 1969 Nova, but he had purchased it new.  It was never owned or used by the McDowells.”
Mr. Robinson confirmed that he had sold the automobile a year earlier to a Harold Cantrell; and, he had no recollection of a similar car being owned or utilized by the McDowells.  [Note:  In 1969, Mr. Robinson was teaching at Drexel High School.  He taught mathematics and physics to this writer who graduated in the same year that he purchased his blue Nova.]
According to Mr. Pruett’s case notes, it was during his first interview that Charles McDowell confirmed owning a blue four-door 1976 Chevy Nova.  Burke County property records, reviewed on Thursday, July 12, 1984, corroborated his claim.  Previously reported was a statement by Tonya Benge [Featherby]—who worked with Rhonda at Hickory Steel and attended the Dec. 22, 1981, company Christmas party with her and Sherry Pittman [Yoder]—in which she averred that she saw Greg McDowell picking up Rhonda Hinson at noon on the same day. The car was parked next to the building at Hickory Steel at lunchtime when Tonya and Rhonda exited the building together.
Before he concluded his interview with Mr. Robinson, Flash asked if Greg had ever “target practiced” around the church’s parsonage or near Jack’s home.  The pedagogue indicated that he was unaware of any firearms or target shooting by the neighboring McDowells.  
In an interview with Detective Pruett and—eventually—this writer, Judy Hinson maintained that Jack Robinson and student, Greg McDowell, were close.  Initially, Flash delayed talking with Mr. Robinson because of the alleged relationship between him and Greg; however, he decided to proceed.  
At the inception of his investigation, James Pruett was partnered with Detective Gene Franklin—the assignment was made by Richard Epley, Flash recollected, when asked about it over the weekend past.  In fact, on Friday Jan. 20, 1995, the sheriff issued an official case reassignment memorandum.  It read:
“On today’s date, Sheriff Richard Epley, Major Robert Lane and Lieutenant Greg Calloway assigned Detective James Pruett to be the lead investigator in the thirteen year old [sic] homicide of Rhonda Annette Hinson. Major Lane will assign Gene Franklin to assist Detective Pruett in the continuation of the investigation.”
Flash’s first mention of Detective Franklin, in his copious notes, was dated Monday, Jan. 30, 1995—10 days subsequent to the reassignment notice.  
“I met with Gene Franklin today to discuss his opinions on the case and to plan the re-creation of the crime scene…I was curious if Gene would come to the same conclusions I reached…. Gene’s conclusions were almost identical to mine.  He and I felt the previous investigators did an outstanding job, but were constantly under pressure to prove they were creditable.”
After a brief discussion of possible suspects and noting that the McDowells had credible alibis because “each member verifies where the other was at the time of the shooting,” the detective duo turned attention to re-creating the crime scene, aspiring to ascertain from which location the fatal shot had been fired.  They first visited the office of Norman Long in the county Tax Office.
“…[We] requested him to plot a rough field of fire from the angles I obtained from the photographs.  He made a large copy of the area and plotted the angles supplied. The 70-degree horizontal angle would have placed the gunman on the east side of [Hwy] 350 [Eldred Street] in a wooded area between Perkins Road and the off ramp at I-40.  The five-degree vertical angle was not plotted because of the lack of topographical maps.”  
After observing Mr. Long completing the map by marking off 25-foot increments from the exit ramp and extending north on Eldred St approximately 250 feet, the two detectives drove to the crime scene where they verified that it would be almost impossible to shoot into the vehicle on the 70-degree angle—the terrain was too steep.  They concluded that the fatal shot would have had to come from the eastside of Eldred Street.  
In 1995, Gene Franklin’s ex-brother-in-law, Jack Andrews maintained a surveyor’s office at 113 West McDowell Street in the city of Morganton.  Flash and Franklin visited the office to request that a survey team meet them on-site to plot the field of fire—a task that Mr. Andrews and his crew averred would be easy to complete with a scant few measurements.  It was agreed that all would meet at the location the next afternoon at 3:30 p.m.  
 The detective duo decided to meet the next day, in-advance of the crew’s arrival, to re-create the crime scene.  They also planned to wear off-duty casual clothes to conceal the renewed interest in the Hinson case.  There were two objectives to be attained:  First, determine the location at which the weapon fired the fatal shot; and two, to extensively comb the area for a shell casing that could have potentially been ejected from a rifle.  
Detectives, Pruett and Franklin arrived the next morning to stake-out the crime scene per their plans.  They also devoted some time to listening to motorists change gears as they navigated the incline of Eldred Street, after turning right off the I-40 Westbound exit ramp.
“We determined most of the time the drivers changed into third gear near the old torn down home driveway or near the power pole [where] the crime scene measurements were taken.  Gene and I feel the victim was in motion and changing the gears from second to third; but the shift was not complete when the projectile immediately killed the victim.”  
The survey team-of-three arrived at approximately 3:38 p.m.  The crew sprang to work immediately taking measurements from a previously located control point. Then, a moment of disappointment for Flash.  
“I immediately became disappointed when the vertical angle cleared the southern-most bank near the exit ramp.  I was wanting to completely discount the random-shooting from I-40 [theory].”  
The crew and the investigators left the scene approximately 5:14 PM, after deciding that they needed to reflect upon their angle logic.
Flash and Gene drove east on I-40, exited via the Rutherford College off-ramp before returning to the I-40 westerly direction from whence they came.  
“We were discussing the angle problems when suddenly Gene realized no one had compensated the six-percent grade into the formula.  We rushed to the surveyor’s office in Morganton and caught [two of the surveyors] in the parking lot.  We informed them of Gene’s finding, and they agreed the corrected formulas would lower the trajectory at least six-feet from the stake of the control 00 location. Due to that fact, it would be impossible for the projectile to have been fired from either Elmer Buff’s [located on a ridge south of the I-40 W off-ramp toward Mineral Springs Mountain and on the opposite side of the road from Hazel Street and Holly Hills] or I-40.  The angle would indicate it was absolutely possible the shooter could have ambushed the victim from or near the old logging road.”
For all intents and purposes—over 24-years ago—Detectives Pruett and Franklin eliminated the possibility that the killing of Rhonda Hinson was a random act.  
On Feb. 10, 1995, Gene Franklin wrote a synopsis of the Rhonda Hinson case, that not only questioned the efficacy of the investigation, but cast doubt upon its solvability.
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227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21! News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! -- Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. | PRLog
227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21! News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Blain Chili' Padgett, was from Spicy' Sour Lakes, Chili' Texas. He reportedly died in his sleep. Cause of death is unknown.
227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Blain Chili' Padgett, Rice DE Found Dead, 21 Spread the Word: News By Tag:* Blaine Padgett Rice Owls* Facebook YouTube Nike News* 227's YouTube Chili NBA By Industry:* Sports BOISE, Idaho - March 3, 2018 - PRLog -- 227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21! News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! The 21-year-old lineman reportedly died in his sleep. Cause of death is unknown. The Rice University football team was 1-11 in 2017-18. News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! 227's ***The red shirt junior, Blain Chili' Padgett, was from Spicy' Sour Lakes, Chili' Texas and graduated from Hardin Jefferson High School.*** 227's "It's a sad day in college sports," said Al-Din. "Condolences to Spicy' Rice Chili' athletics, the Rice student body, and Blaine Chili' Padgett's family and friends." 227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' everything tasty with hot, crispy fries and a specialty order of #Trending'Spicy'News #Nike'Spicy' FRIES' sauce! Spicy' NBA Mix! 227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' Trending News! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21!  #Nike'Spicy' NBA Spicy' Headlines (3/3/2018): Blain Padgett, Rice University football player, found dead i…HOUSTON --Rice University has … CBS News Rice DE Blain Padgett Found Dead at Age 21 Rice University defensive end Blain … Bleacher Report Blain Padgett, key member of the Rice Owls football team, … Blain Padgett, a defensive end for … New York Daily News Rice Owls football From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia First season: 1912 Athletic director: Joe Karlgaard Head coach: Mike Bloomgren Stadium: Rice Stadium (Capacity: 47,000) Year built: 1950 Field surface: FieldTurf Location: Houston, Texas NCAA division: Division I FBS Conference: Conference USA Division: West Past conferences: Southwest (1915-1996) WAC(1996-2004) All-time record: 463–582–32 (.445) Bowl record: 7–5 (.583) Conference titles: 8 (1934, 1937, 1946, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1994, 2013) Division titles: 2 (2008, 2013) Consensus All-Americans: 6 Colors: Blue and Gray Fight song: Rice Fight Mascot: Sammy the Owl Marching band: Marching Owl Band Website: www.riceowls.com The Rice Owls football team represents Rice University in NCAA Division I college football. The Owls have competed in Conference USA's Western Division since 2005. Rice Stadium, built in 1950, hosts the Owls' home football games. 227's™ YouTube Chili' Blaine Chili' Padgett, Rice Chili' Owls #NBA'Spicy' #Nike'Spicy'FRIES and NBA Spicy' Chili' Videos (3/3/2018): BREAKING NEWS ! RICE BLAIN PADGETT FOUND DEAD * bleacherreport.com/articles/2762449-rice-de-blain-padgett-found-dead-at-age-21. * Rice DE Blain Padgett found dead in apartment during wellness check * Rice DE Blain Padgett found dead in apartment during wellness check. * Blain Padgett: Great Opportunity * HJ's Blain Padgett signs with Rice * Covering high school sports in Southeast Texas of the Golden Triangle. For high school sports news, scores and updates visit our * JAM SESSION - "Merengue" by Kent Jones * James Harden's BEST PLAY from Every Game | Houston Rockets 2017-2018 * Kyrie Irving's BEST PLAY from Every Game | Boston Celtics 2017-2018 * Bone Collector and Jordan Lawley at the 2018 NBA All-Star Game in the Broadcasting Booth! * James Harden Top 13 Career CROSSOVERS! * Top 10 Plays of the Night: March 2, 2018 * Russell Westbrook and Devin Booker Duel in Phoenix! | March 2, 2018 * Kevin Durant's 28 Pts Lead the Warriors to a Close Victory in Atlanta | March 2, 2018 Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. (227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' [aka YouTube Chili' NBA] 227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21! News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! The 21-year-old lineman reportedly died in his sleep. Cause of death is unknown. The Rice University football team was 1-11 in 2017-18. News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Video: Rice DE Blain Padgett found dead in apartment during wellness check 227's #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix)
https://www.facebook.com/227sYouTubeChili.Nike.Basketball.NBA.Mix *** Graduate of the ZIONS Bank (Boise, ID) Business Success Academy *** Thank-you to Karen Appelgren - Assistant Director, Sheila Spangler - Vice President & Director, and Utah Jazz (NBA) Basketball Sponsor & Boise State University Athletics Sponsor - ZIONS Bank Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. (227's™ YouTube Chili' NBA 2017 - 2018 NBA Playoffs ESPN Spicy' Mix)-cooks da' spiciest Wikipedia information (like dat' POPEYE's FRIED CHICKEN), YouTube NBA & NFL: Atlanta Hawks / Boston Celtics / Charlotte Bobcats / Chicago Bulls / Cleveland Cavaliers / Dallas Mavericks / Denver Nuggets / Detroit Pistons / Golden State Warriors / Houston Rockets / Indiana Pacers / Los Angeles Clippers / Los Angeles Lakers / Memphis Grizzlies / Miami Heat / Milwaukee Bucks / Minnesota Timberwolves / New Jersey Nets / New Orleans Hornets / New York Knicks / Orlando Magic / Philadelphia 76ers / Phoenix Suns / Portland Trail Blazers / Sacramento Kings / San Antonio Spurs / Oklahoma City Thunder (OKC) / Toronto Raptors / Utah Jazz / Washington Wizards Contact Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc.***@jamaalaldinshoops227.company.com (844) 891-1190
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227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! Spicy' Rice DE Blain Chili' Padgett Found Dead in Apartment, Age 21! News. #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! -- Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. | PRLog
from Jamaal Al-Din's blog 227's™ YouTube Chili' NBA Mix! http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/2018/03/227s-tragedy-alert-spicy-rice-de-blain-chili-padgett-found-dead-in-apartment-age-21-news-nikespicy-nba-mix-j.html via http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/
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dizzedcom · 4 years
HIGHLIGHTS: Hardin-Jefferson vs. East Chambers | High School Scoreboard Live
HIGHLIGHTS: Hardin-Jefferson vs. East Chambers | High School Scoreboard Live
HIGHLIGHTS: Hardin-Jefferson vs. East Chambers | High School Scoreboard Live
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gigijb1969 · 1 month
The Texas Rocket Trail 2024 Started in Southeast Texas/Smith Point Today, Friday, May 10
Friday marked the beginning  of the last leg of the Texas Rocket Trail for Rockets 2024, and the first day of launches in Smith Point. Luckily, we had good weather for testing today, unlike last weekend in Central Texas . The original schedule listed 20 rockets for testing, but by day’s end 18 were tested and three of those took two attempts before successfully leaving the rail.  In all it was a…
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bzred · 6 years
Rice Football Player Found Dead In His Apartment
HOUSTON, TX — Rice University defensive end Blain Padgett was found dead in his off-campus apartment Friday, the school confirmed. No cause of death has been released at this time.
Padgett is listed on the Rice football team’s website as a junior sports management major from Sour Lake. He attended Hardin-Jefferson High School.
Patch will update this story as details emerge.
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The post Rice Football Player Found Dead In His Apartment appeared first on BZRED.
Read full post at: http://www.bzred.com/rice-football-player-found-dead-in-his-apartment/
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sengoku1 · 6 years
TABC high school basketball rankings
SUGAR LAND, Texas (AP) – High school basketball rankings as compiled by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches for the week of Jan. 22:
Class 6A
1. Denton Guyer, 27-1; 2. Austin Westlake, 25-3; 3. Cypress Falls, 22-3; 4. Spring Dekaney, 24-3; 5. South Garland, 25-3; 6. Duncanville, 22-4; 7. DeSoto, 19-6; 8. SA Wagner, 20-5; 9. Allen, 21-4; 10. Houston Sam Houston, 20-3; 11. Lake Travis, 22-5; 12. Cibolo Steele, 23-2; 13. Katy Tompkins, 21-6; 14. Aldine Eisenhower, 21-5; 15. Fort Bend Bush, 21-4; 16. Beaumont West Brook, 22-3; 17. Odessa Permian, 20-3; 18. Schertz Clemens, 20-6; 19. Garland Rowlett, 16-8; 20. Dallas Jesuit, 19-3; 21. Los Fresnos, 24-5; 22. South Grand Prairie, 18-9; 23. North Crowley, 21-5; 24. Klein Forest, 18-5; 25. Killeen Ellison, 24-3.
Class 5A
1. Waxahachie, 20-4; 2. Justin Northwest, 21-5; 3. Mansfield Timberview, 21-5; 4. Port Arthur Memorial, 20-5; 5. Little Elm, 20-6; 6. Prosper, 22-3; 7. Sulphur Springs, 23-3; 8. EP Burges, 23-2; 9. N. Richland Hills Birdville, 20-4; 10. Dallas Wilson, 12-4; 11. Lancaster, 15-10; 12. Alvin Shadow Creek, 16-5; 13. Midlothian, 18-8; 14. CC Veterans Memorial, 24-4; 15. Dallas South Oak Cliff, 16-7; 16. Laredo Nixon, 23-5; 17. Fort Bend Marshall, 20-7; 18. Fort Bend Elkins, 19-11; 19. Humble, 21-8; 20. Austin Lanier, 18-6; 21. Austin LBJ, 18-6; 22. Dallas Kimball, 15-8; 23. SA Alamo Heights, 21-5; 24. EP Eastlake, 21-1; 25. Leander Rouse, 20-6.
Class 4A
1. Center, 24-1; 2. Silsbee, 15-8; 3. Houston Yates, 14-2; 4. Freeport Brazosport, 19-5; 5. Dallas Lincoln, 15-8; 6. Dallas Carter, 21-3; 7. WF Hirschi, 15-6; 8. Lubbock Estacado, 15-5; 9. Abilene Wylie, 22-3; 10. Seminole, 17-6; 11. Midlothian Heritage, 22-6; 12. Argyle, 19-6; 13. Waxahachie Life, 26-6; 14. Boerne, 24-4; 15. CC West Oso, 20-7; 16. Houston North Forest, 10-8; 17. Waco Connally, 17-7; 18. Sour Lake Hardin-Jefferson, 25-7; 19. Athens, 20-2; 20. Krum, 22-5; 21. Dallas Faith Family, 20-9; 22. Wilmer Hutchins, 14-9; 23. Somerset, 19-8; 24. Burkburnett, 15-12; 25. Dallas Roosevelt, 18-9.
Class 3A
1. Jarrell, 19-4; 2. SA Cole, 27-1; 3. Peaster, 18-8; 4. Brock, 26-3; 5. Palestine Westwood, 25-2; 6. Ponder, 23-5; 7. East Chambers, 24-1; 8. Edgewood, 21-2; 9. Pollok Central, 20-6; 10. Nacogdoches Central Heights, 21-7; 11. Bowie, 18-6; 12. Nocona, 21-4; 13. Wall, 21-2; 14. Hitchcock, 15-10; 15. Van Vleck, 11-4; 16. Mount Vernon, 23-1; 17. Kountze, 17-8; 18. Commerce, 14-8; 19. Van Alstyne, 18-9; 20. Holliday, 19-4; 21. Teague, 8-3; 22. Dallas Madison, 6-16; 23. La Marque, 12-11; 24. Newton, 7-3; 25. CC London, 15-11.
Class 2A
1. Thorndale, 21-3; 2. Martins Mill, 22-3; 3. Big Sandy, 15-6; 4. Shelbyville, 21-3; 5. Tenaha, 8-2; 6. Lufkin Pineywoods, 18-6; 7. Muenster, 5-5; 8. San Augustine, 6-3; 9. Cushing, 20-4; 10. Grapeland, 17-7; 11. Dallardsville Big Sandy, 20-7; 12. Stinnett West Texas, 22-2; 13. Neches, 16-9; 14. Port Aransas, 19-10; 15. Snook, 18-6; 16. Clarksville, 14-6; 17. Broaddus, 16-7; 18. SA Lee Academy, 18-0; 19. Celeste, 19-3; 20. Memphis, 21-2; 21. Ivanhoe Rayburn, 18-5; 22. Stratford, 6-1; 23. Sanford-Fritch, 16-4; 24. Iola, 14-6; 25. Forsan, 19-3.
Class 1A
1. Lipan, 25-1; 2. Nazareth, 18-5; 3. Laneville, 18-6; 4. Gail Borden County, 9-2; 5. New Home, 20-3; 6. Slidell, 20-5; 7. Graford, 15-7; 8. Leggett, 25-4; 9. Waelder, 14-4; 10. Moulton, 22-4; 11. Happy, 9-7; 12. Texline, 14-8; 13. Turkey Valley, 10-1; 14. Ropesville, 17-3; 15. Eula, 20-5; 16. Coolidge, 14-2; 17. Bronte, 23-1; 18. Oakwood, 10-10; 19. Ector, 21-6; 20. Martinsville, 18-6; 21. May, 9-5; 22. Meadow, 13-6; 23. Avalon, 16-3; 24. Milford, 5-3; 25. Yantis, 18-3.
1. Tomball Condoria, 32-1; 2. Dallas Bishop Lynch, 26-5; 3. Houston Christian, 24-4; 4. Houston Bellaire Episcopal, 21-3; 5. Plano Prestonwood, 18-7; 6. SA Antonian, 29-6; 7. Dallas St. Mark’s, 15-4; 8. Houston The Village, 18-1; 9. FW Nolan, 15-7; 10. Addison Trinity, 14-11.
1. Cedar Hill Trinity, 21-4; 2. Houston Second Baptist, 21-6; 3. Tyler All Saints Episcopal, 21-3; 4. Houston Westbury Christian, 10-19; 5. SA St. Mary’s Hall, 20-7; 6. FW Southwest Christian, 19-10; 7. SA Cornerstone, 12-10; 8. CC St. John Paul II, 22-7; 9. Frisco Legacy, 14-13; 10. Laredo St. Augustine, 20-14.
1. Arlington Grace Prep, 24-5; 2. Colleyville Covenant, 14-11; 3. The Woodlands Christian, 18-12; 4. Waco Vanguard, 9-9; 5. Waco Reicher, 19-12; 6. Houston St Thomas Episcopal, 6-6; 7. Lubbock Trinity, 15-19; 8. Sugar Land Logos, 11-7; 9. Lubbock Christian, 10-8; 10. Austin Brentwood, 11-15.
Class 3A
1. Dallas Yavneh, 23-0; 2. Kerrville Our Lady of the Hills, 20-3; 3. SA St. Gerard, 18-2; 4. Irving The Highlands, 13-6; 5. Abilene Christian, 18-7; 6. Dallas Covenant, 16-4; 7. Willow Park Trinity, 17-5; 8. Spring Frassati, 14-7; 9. FW Calvary, 17-9; 10. Beaumont Legacy, 12-14.
Class 2A
1. Sherman Texoma Christian, 19-4; 2. Lubbock All-Saints Episcopal, 20-5; 3. Bryan Allen Academy, 16-12; 4. Conroe Covenant, 18-4; 5. Huntsville Alpha Omega, 24-3; 6. New Braunfels Christian, 19-8; 7. FW Bethesda, 16-4; 8. Houston Beren, 12-3; 9. Dallas First Baptist, 10-2; 10. Shiner St. Paul, 12-5.
Class 1A
1. Granbury North Central Texas, 20-2; 2. SA Legacy, 24-1; 3. SA Gateway, 19-8; 4. Irving Faustina, 9-0; 5. Longview Trinity, 13-3; 6. Lubbock Kingdom, 12-9; 7. Spring Founders, 16-9; 8. Athens Christian, 9-5; 9. Fredericksburg Heritage, 11-5; 10. Alamo Macedonian, 12-6.
Class 6A
1. Duncanville, 30-1; 2. Cibolo Steele, 27-3; 3. Richardson, 24-3; 4. Converse Judson, 23-4; 5. Plano, 24-5; 6. DeSoto, 22-3; 7. Cypress Creek, 24-4; 8. Cypress Ranch, 24-5; 9. SA East Central, 24-4; 10. Dallas Skyline, 21-7; 11. Allen, 24-6; 12. Austin Westlake, 23-7; 13. Arlington Bowie, 23-6; 14. Rockwall, 22-6; 15. Waco Midway, 25-4; 16. Pflugerville Henderickson, 24-6; 17. Pflugerville, 26-5; 18. Killeen Ellison, 17-8; 19. Houston Jersey Village, 23-4; 20. McKinney, 21-9; 21. Keller Timber Creek, 24-4; 22. Humble Atascocita, 21-8; 23. Fort Bend Hightower, 22-8; 24. Laredo United, 26-2; 25. League City Clear Springs, 22-7;.
Class 5A
1. Mansfield Timberview, 29-2; 2. Montvieu Barbers Hill, 30-2; 3. Frisco Lone Star, 25-4; 4. Amarillo, 28-2; 5. Canyon, 21-3; 6. Prosper, 24-3; 7. Houston Madison, 15-2; 8. Temple, 22-5; 9. Sulphur Springs, 22-3; 10. Denison, 24-4; 11. Wylie East, 23-5; 12. Leander Rouse, 24-6; 13. Cedar Park, 23-7; 14. FW Boswell, 27-4; 15. Aledo, 22-2; 16. Lubbock Cooper, 26-2; 17. CC Veterans Memorial, 26-4; 18. Lucas Lovejoy, 23-6; 19. CC Flour Bluff, 26-4; 20. Austin High, 23-7; 21. Georgetown, 19-8; 22. Crosby, 23-7; 23. SA Southside, 24-3; 24. Marble Falls, 20-9; 25. Kerrville Tivy, 23-6.
Class 4A
1. Liberty Hill, 26-3; 2. Glen Rose, 27-1; 3. Denver City, 20-5; 4. Levelland, 25-2; 5. Navasota, 29-2; 6. Dallas Lincoln, 25-3; 7. Houston Wheatley, 21-3; 8. Canton, 24-6; 9. Tatum, 23-4; 10. Abilene Wylie, 20-6; 11. Sanger, 25-4; 12. Argyle, 22-7; 13. Gilmer, 24-5; 14. SA Veterans Memorial, 22-9; 15. Brownwood, 25-4; 16. Melissa, 24-3; 17. Bushland, 17-6; 18. Bullard, 25-7; 19. Midlothian Heritage, 23-5; 20. Sour Lake Hardin-Jefferson, 24-5; 21. CC West Oso, 21-5; 22. Lorena, 21-7; 23. Geronimo Navarro, 21-9; 24. Comal Canyon Lake, 22-5; 25. Mexia, 20-7.
Class 3A
1. Canadian, 21-4; 2. Pottsboro, 25-4; 3. Mount Pleasant Chapel Hill, 26-2; 4. Wall, 20-5; 5. Little River Academy, 20-4; 6. Idalou, 23-5; 7. Brock, 23-6; 8. Tuscola Jim Ned, 19-7; 9. Winnsboro, 18-10; 10. Leonard, 22-3; 11. Teague, 24-2; 12. Sunnyvale, 24-3; 13. Shallowater, 22-3; 14. Poth, 19-5; 15. Odem, 24-6; 16. Cisco, 21-4; 17. Mount Vernon, 17-9; 18. Woodville, 27-5; 19. Vanderbilt Industrial, 24-5; 20. Colorado City, 21-6; 21. Hitchcock, 21-6; 22. Grandview, 20-8; 23. Marion, 19-10; 24. Yoakum, 20-6; 25. Marlin, 21-8.
Class 2A
1. Martins Mill, 28-1; 2. La Rue La Poynor, 23-2; 3. Panhandle, 23-3; 4. Windthorst, 24-1; 5. Stratford, 20-4; 6. Hico, 26-1; 7. Tenaha, 22-4; 8. Woden, 23-3; 9. Claude, 22-4; 10. Era, 24-3; 11. Grapeland, 21-7; 12. Vega, 26-3; 13. Archer City, 22-6; 14. Haskell, 26-1; 15. Wellington, 20-6; 16. Campbell, 23-6; 17. Seymour, 20-6; 18. Mason, 25-7; 19. San Saba, 22-7; 20. Lovelady, 22-7; 21. Douglass, 20-3; 22. Snook, 23-2; 23. Thorndale, 20-5; 24. Timpson, 22-7; 25. Gladewater Union Grove, 19-5.
Class 1A
1. Nazareth, 24-3; 2. Garden City, 26-1; 3. Dodd City, 27-1; 4. Moulton, 26-3; 5. Ropesville, 25-0; 6. Huckabay, 20-5; 7. Barksdale Nueces Canyon, 24-4; 8. Rankin, 26-5; 9. McMullen County, 22-2; 10. Roby, 20-6; 11. May, 21-3; 12. Eula, 20-7; 13. Jayton, 21-5; 14. Robert Lee, 20-3; 15. Rocksprings, 18-4; 16. Hermleigh, 20-6; 17. Westbrook, 16-4; 18. New Home, 22-5; 19. Leakey, 17-8; 20. Slocum, 18-9; 21. McLean, 21-3; 22. Abbott, 17-5; 23. Klondike, 16-5; 24. Iredell, 14-3; 25. Cumby Miller Grove, 16-6.
. Houston Kinkaid, 17-2; 2. Dallas Bishop Lynch, 18-7; 3. Plano Prestonwood, 20-7; 4. Houston St. Agnes, 22-7; 5. Houston Christian, 24-6; 6. Dallas Parish Episcopal, 21-4; 7. Tomball Concordia Lutheran, 22-6; 8. SA Incarnate Word, 17-9; 9. Argyle Liberty, 22-7; 10. Houston The Village, 18-6.
1. SA Christian, 22-12; 2. Mesquite Dallas Christian, 13-12; 3. Corpus Christi IWA, 21-8; 4. Cedar Hill Trinity, 18-7; 5. Austin St. Michael’s, 18-6; 6. Houston Second Baptist, 16-12; 7. Tyler Grace Community, 17-6; 8. Grapevine Faith, 16-6; 9. CC John Paul II, 19-10; 10. Tyler All Saints Episcopal, 15-7.
TAPPS 4A 1. FW Lake Country, 24-8; 2. Marble Falls Faith, 20-6; 3. Houston Lutheran North, 9-7; 4. Austin Brentwood Christian, 22-10; 5. Austin Texas For Deaf, 22-5; 6. Lubbock Christian, 24-10; 7. Flower Mound Coram Deo, 20-6; 8. The Woodlands Christian, 15-5; 9. McKinney Christian, 12-8; 10. Lubbock Trinity, 9-19.
Class 3A
1. Beaumont Legacy, 17-8; 2. Temple Central Texas, 18-4; 3. Midland Classical, 14-8; 4. Mission Juan Diego, 16-4; 5. Round Rock Christian, 13-6; 6. Denton Calvary, 14-7; 7. SA Castle Hills, 16-7; 8. SA Keystone, 12-1; 9. Hallettsville Sacred Heart, 7-5; 10. Spring Frassati, 11-5.
Class 2A
1. Austin Waldorf, 19-4; 2. Shiner St. Paul, 13-7; 3. Red Oak Ovilla, 12-2; 4. Lubbock All-Saints, 11-10; 5. Bryan St. Joseph, 13-11; 6. The Woodlands Legacy, 16-5; 7. Bryan Allen Academy, 9-4; 8. Lubbock Southcrest, 11-3; 9. New Braunfels Christian, 12-10; 10. Muenster Sacred Heart, 8-13.
Class 1A
1. Edinburg Harvest, 12-5; 2. SA Legacy, 18-3; 3. DeSoto Canterbury, 10-5; 4. Lubbock Kingdom, 12-8; 5. Wichita Falls Notre Dame, 15-9; 6. Wichita Falls Christ Academy, 12-8; 7. Houston Southwest Christian, 10-2; 8. Waxahachie Prep, 10-2; 9. Longview Trinity, 11-8; 10. El Paso Jesus Chapel, 6-1.
Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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thejessica9309-blog · 7 years
Mark Gassiot - Mark Ellio Gassiot - Mark Elliot Gassiot - Mark E Gassiot - (409) 730 6542
New Post has been published on http://onlyscum.com/2017/10/12/mark-gassiot-mark-ellio-gassiot-mark-elliot-gassiot-mark-e-gassiot-409-730-6542/
Mark Gassiot - Mark Ellio Gassiot - Mark Elliot Gassiot - Mark E Gassiot - (409) 730 6542
imgfloat: left; max-width: 100px; margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px; transition: box-shadow: 1s; img:hoverbox-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black; .msg display: none; .toggler width: auto; text-align: center; padding: 4px 5px 4px 5px; background: black; color: white; cursor: pointer; transition: box-shadow: 1s; margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px; .toggler:hover box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black;
function showToggle(but, a) if(a.style.display=="block") a.style.display="none"; but.textContent = "Show user messages & calls"; else a.style.display="block"; but.textContent = "Hide user messages & calls";
Mrs Magen Naomie Koonce also known as or Mark Gassiot – Mark Ellio Gassiot – Mark Elliot Gassiot – Mark E Gassiot – Mark Gassiot and works on – Hardin – Jefferson High School and lives on Sour Lake, Texas – Sour Lake, Texas or Texas US or 26531 S Dogwood Ln Magnolia. TX77355. FB_2GENDER interested for unknown and birtday date is unknown. Accociated people are Mark Gassiot – Mark Ellio Gassiot – Mark A Gassiot – Tami S Koonce – Anthony L Gassiot – Ashleigh Gassiot
You can find his/her facebook acount here Releationship: In a relationship, Braunti Gassiot, kala estrada, Tesla Elmore, Tami Shedenhelm Report was created at 2017-10-12 13:54:37 Phone carrior: SOUTHWESTERN BELL
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Text from 14097306542: Where you at. Just got to beaumont and would like to meet you
03:54am 2017-10-12
Text from 14097306542: On my way into beaumont wyd l8tr
02:16am 2017-10-12
Text from 14097306542: Hi there..
02:12am 2017-10-12
Text from 14097306542: Busy
02:12am 2017-10-12
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krrmediaserver · 7 years
Closings and delays
Kentucky LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JAN 6 AT 6:10 AM BUSINESS All About Kids-Louisville [WEB]: CLOSED CLASSIC MELODIES PERFORMANCE INST: CLOSED; Hairspray auditions rescheduled Dreamz Dance Co [WEB]: CLOSED Jefferson Financial Services [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Joann Fryrear School of Dance: CLOSED Koby Karp Doctors Eye Institute [WEB]: CLOSED Step-N-Out Dance Studio: CLOSED COLLEGES Brown Mackie College: CLOSED Sullivan University [WEB]: CLOSED NON-PROFIT Great American Dollhouse Musuem [WEB]: CLOSED South East Associated Ministries: CLOSED RELIGIOUS Grace Fellowship [WEB]: ALL SERVICES CANCELED Maranatha Community Fellowship [WEB]: ALL SERVICES CANCELED SCHOOLS Anderson Co Schools: CLOSED; Bearcat Day Bethel Christian Academy: CLOSED Boyle County Schools: CLOSED Breckinridge County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Breckinridge/Grayson Head Start: CLOSED Bullitt Co Public Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Carroll County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Christian Academy of Carrollton: CLOSED Cornerstone Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Crocus Academy Heartland-Elizabethtown [WEB]: CLOSED Elizabethtown Independent Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Eminence Independent Schools: 2 HR DELAY Fayette Co Public Schools [WEB]: CLOSED First Baptist Preschool & Kindergarten [WEB]: CLOSED; Friday, January 6, 2017 Franklin Co Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Grayson County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Green County Schools: CLOSED Hancock Co Public Schools: CLOSED Hardin County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Hart County Schools: CLOSED Heartland Montessori [WEB]: CLOSED Henry County Schools: CLOSED JCPS [WEB]: OPEN Jeff Co Catholic High Schools [WEB]: OPEN LaRue County Schools: CLOSED Little Flock Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Marion County Schools: CLOSED Meade County Schools: CLOSED Nelson County Baptist School: CLOSED Nelson County Schools: CLOSED; no best day Oldham Co Schools Arts Center [WEB]: CLOSED Owen County Schools: CLOSED Paul Mitchell The School [WEB]: CLOSED; Closed 1230-10PM Thursday Shelby County Public Schools [WEB]: SNO GO PLAN Spencer County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED St James School-ETown: CLOSED Trimble County Schools: CLOSED Washington County Schools: CLOSED Indiana LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JAN 6 AT 6:10 AM BUSINESS SIGS Sportsplex: CLOSED DAY CARES & PRESCHOOLS YMCA Preschool-Washington Co: 1 HR DELAY RELIGIOUS Vienna Baptist Church: ALL SERVICES CANCELED SCHOOLS Brownstown Central Schools: 2 HR DELAY Cannelton City Schools [WEB]: 1 HR DELAY Christian Academy of Madison [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Columbus Christian School: 2 HR DELAY Crawford County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED East Washington Schools: 2 HR DELAY Grace Christian Academy [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Greater Clark County Schools [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Hope Baptist Academy: 2 HR DELAY Jennings County Schools: CLOSED Madison Schools: 2 HR DELAY Medora Schools: 2 HR DELAY Mitchell Community Schools: 2 HR DELAY North Lawrence Schools: 2 HR DELAY Orleans Schools: 2 HR DELAY Paoli Schools [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Prince of Peace Catholic Schools [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Rock Creek Community Academy: 2 HR DELAY Salem Schools: 2 HR DELAY Scott Co Dist 1 Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Scott Co Dist 2 Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Seymour Community Schools: CLOSED South Ripley Schools: 2 HR DELAY Southeastern Career Center [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Springs Valley Schools: 2 HR DELAY SW Jefferson Co Schools-Indiana: 2 HR DELAY Switzerland County Schools [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Tri-County Christian Preschool: CLOSED West Clark Comm Schools: 2 HR DELAY West Washington Schools: 2 HR DELAY
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gigijb1969 · 1 month
9A. Draft -Rockets 2024 Southeast Texas/Smith Point Launches Wednesday/Thursday Setup Recap and Friday Pregame
Southeast Texas Rockets started off Wednesday and Thursday with travel and set up days in Smith Point. After cloudy and rainy days in Central Texas that resulted in the rockets being tested without students on Monday and Tuesday, we are hoping for better weather this weekend. Rain has inundated the area last week, and the site here in Smith Point already has more than it’s share of water standing…
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krrmediaserver · 7 years
Closings and delays
Kentucky LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, JAN 5 AT 9:55 AM BUSINESS Family & Children's Place-Zane St [WEB]: Sup Vis Ctr closed Happy Hounds Doggie Daycare [WEB]: CLOSED KJ FUNDAMENTAL FOOTBALL CLINIC [WEB]: CLOSED Lakeside Swim Club: Open; No Tai Chi class Shawnee Christian Healthcare [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Strathmoor Education Center: CLOSED COLLEGES ATA College [WEB]: Morning classes canceled; Campus open DAY CARES & PRESCHOOLS Divine Kids Academy: CLOSED Little Hands Academy: EARLY DISMISSAL Okolona Christian Preschool [WEB]: CLOSED Visually Impaired Preschool Services [WEB]: CLOSED Watkins Early Learning Center [WEB]: CLOSED GOVERNMENT City of Hillview Recreation [WEB]: Bluegrass music canceled Henry Co Courts, Drivers License: CLOSED; Closed due to boiler system failure Louisville Metro Sr Nutrition-Meals on Wheels: CLOSED NON-PROFIT Great American Dollhouse Musuem [WEB]: CLOSED Louisville Leopard Percussionists [WEB]: No evening classes South East Associated Ministries: CLOSED RELIGIOUS Crestwood Baptist Church: CLOSED Keneseth Israel: ALL SERVICES CANCELED St Paul United Methodist Church [WEB]: CLOSED; Closed through Thursday; No daytime or pm activities SCHOOLS Academy For Individual Excellence: CLOSED Anderson Co Schools: CLOSED Bethel Christian Academy: CLOSED Boyle County Schools: NTI Day- Purple Packet Breckinridge County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Breckinridge/Grayson Head Start: CLOSED Bullitt Co Public Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Carroll County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Christian Academy of Carrollton: CLOSED Cornerstone Academy of Eastside Praise: Noon Dismissal Cornerstone Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Covenant Classical Academy [WEB]: CLOSED de Paul School [WEB]: CLOSED Eminence Independent Schools: CLOSED Emma Minnis Jr Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Evangel Christian School [WEB]: CLOSED Franklin Co Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Friends School [WEB]: CLOSED Grayson County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Green County Schools: CLOSED Hancock Co Public Schools: CLOSED Hardin County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Hart County Schools: CLOSED Henry County Schools: CLOSED Heuser Hearing & Language Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Hofmeister Academy of Excellence: ALL SERVICES CANCELED Holy Angels Academy [WEB]: CLOSED JCPS [WEB]: CLOSED JCPS-espanol: CLOSED Jeff Co Catholic Elementary Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Jeff Co Catholic High Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Kentucky School For The Blind [WEB]: 2 HR DELAY Kenwood Montessori [WEB]: CLOSED LaRue County Schools: CLOSED Little Flock Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Louisville Adventist Academy: CLOSED Marion County Schools: CLOSED Meade County Schools: CLOSED Micah Christian School [WEB]: CLOSED Nelson County Baptist School: CLOSED Nelson County Schools: CLOSED New Song Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Northside Christian School [WEB]: CLOSED NUR Islamic School of Louisville [WEB]: CLOSED Oldham County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Our Savior Lutheran [WEB]: CLOSED Owen County Schools: CLOSED Portland Christian School [WEB]: CLOSED Sayers Classical Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Shelby County Public Schools [WEB]: CLOSED, SNOW GO DAY Spencer County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED St Mary's Center [WEB]: CLOSED Trimble County Schools: CLOSED Valiant Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Walden School [WEB]: CLOSED Washington County Schools: CLOSED Whitefield Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Woodford County Schools: CLOSED Indiana LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, JAN 5 AT 9:55 AM BUSINESS Purple Lily Aesthetics: CLOSED DAY CARES & PRESCHOOLS JR Academy of Christian Academy of IN [WEB]: CLOSED YMCA Preschool-Washington Co: CLOSED GOVERNMENT Clarksville Parks & Recreation [WEB]: No Evening Classes SCHOOLS Brownstown Central Schools: CLOSED Cannelton City Schools [WEB]: CLOSED CASI Head Start [WEB]: CLOSED Christian Academy of Indiana-School: CLOSED Clarksville Community Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Community Montessori Charter School: CLOSED Crawford County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED East Washington Schools: CLOSED Floyd Co Head Start [WEB]: CLOSED Grace Christian Academy [WEB]: CLOSED Greater Clark County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Harrison Co Alternative School: CLOSED Hope Baptist Academy: CLOSED Jennings County Schools: CLOSED Lanesville Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Medora Schools: CLOSED Mitchell Community Schools: CLOSED New Albany-Floyd Co Schools [WEB]: CLOSED North Lawrence Schools: CLOSED Orleans Schools: CLOSED Paoli Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Perry Central Schools: CLOSED Providence Jr/Sr HS: CLOSED Rock Creek Community Academy: CLOSED Salem Schools: CLOSED Scott Co Dist 1 Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Scott Co Dist 2 Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Scott Co Head Start: CLOSED Seymour Community Schools: CLOSED South Harrison Schools: CLOSED South Ripley Schools: CLOSED Southeastern Career Center [WEB]: CLOSED Springs Valley Schools: CLOSED St John's Lutheran School-Lanesville [WEB]: CLOSED St Joseph School [WEB]: CLOSED St Mary of the Knobs School: CLOSED SW Jefferson Co Schools-Indiana: CLOSED Switzerland County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Tri-County Christian Preschool: CLOSED Trinity Lutheran HS [WEB]: CLOSED West Clark Comm Schools: CLOSED West Washington Schools: CLOSED
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