#Hair Plantation Cost in Delhi
Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services is one of the affordable providers of Hair Plantation Cost in Delhi and invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery.
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Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Delhi
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Are you looking for Hair transplantation and Restoration treatment in Delhi? If yes, then go for Dr charu’s hair transplantation and restoration clinic, Its located in Safdarjung, South Delhi, India, We use best latest techniques in Hair Surgery.  Dr. Charu Sharma Dubey, Medical & Cosmetic Dermatologist, is the Medical Director at Clinic Skin Solutions. Dr. Charu has done her M.B.B.S. from the prestigious college, University College Of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, New Delhi. She later pursued her post graduation in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology at the Safdarjung Hospital (New Delhi) one of the premier hospitals of the country. She did senior residency at Hindu Rao Hospital. She was actively involved in clinics research and academics at these institutes.
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movealley · 3 years
What to bring from India
When you hear the word “India”, a picture of a distant and mysterious country, hidden from everyone, with its own unique culture, customs, traditions and way of life appears in the imagination. Life in this state seems to flow in two directions. In cities, it moves forward along with civilization, but far from them, it seems to have stopped, and tourists who have visited these places for the first time say that they are in a village lost in the jungle, where people are in no hurry and live in their little world. This unique country does not let go, you want to get to know all of it, visit the most secret corners, see its most amazing beauty, enjoy local dishes. But time passes, the vacation ends, and tourists understand that they will not be able to fully cognize it even in their entire life. And everyone wants a piece of India to always live with him, recalling these amazing moments. This South Asian state’s wealth can be enumerated endlessly, but every guest should definitely try what traditionally praises India and not forget about it.
The phrase “Indian tea” has already become a household name and is associated with the unsurpassed taste and bright aroma of tea leaves, which warms the body with its warmth and fills the soul with love, tones the body. The taste of real Indian tea remains in the memory forever. The Hindus have been cultivating the drink since 1863. Manufacturing features are carefully hidden and passed on from generation to generation.
Among all the variety of varieties, everyone can find something for themselves. Tea can be purchased both in the tea shop and directly on the plantation and it will be really Indian tea, and not what ordinary people are used to drinking under its guise. Traditional high-grade Darjeeling will brighten up any evening or conversation.
In addition to the usual varieties, there are also truly exotic ones. You can enjoy them by visiting the legendary Indian teahouses, which are so often mentioned in books and movies. Buyers will be pleasantly surprised not only by the quality of the products, but also by the very low prices. You will have to pay no more than 17 units of the American currency for a kilogram of precious goods. A box of a fragrant drink will be a worthy gift.
Fiery food connoisseurs will find a wide variety of spices. Traditionally, spicy coriander, aromatic cinnamon, and aromatic saffron are associated with India. But there are also more refined and rare names that will turn any dish into a work of culinary art and fill the room with a unique smell, from which you can definitely swallow your tongue.
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Bright spice background, top view. Collection seasoning and herbs of Indian food
Small “bazaars”, shops will give the opportunity for tourists to walk around, bargain and choose something interesting. Hindus call spice mixtures with the beautiful word masala. Spices are of first-class quality and affordable prices. The largest spice markets are located in Kerala.
Alcoholic drinks
India is a real paradise for rum lovers. The most popular variety is Old Monk, which is distinguished by its exquisite mild taste and a chic spicy aftertaste. The drink is sold in plastic bottles. Goa is famous for its large selection and low prices. Rum infused with local scents and absorbing the energy of India’s famous region will give vivid emotions.
Natural cosmetic
To emphasize the beauty and return the breath of youth, Indian cosmetics made from pure and natural materials will help. In cosmetic shops, tourists can choose soaps, scrubs, balms. These products will make the skin soft and supple. The well-known henna is also in demand, which in India, it has a special quality, strengthening the hair roots and giving them a copper color. Natural Indian cosmetics will impress any representative of the weaker sex, give her freshness and beauty.
For many years, Indian carpets have been considered a useful thing in everyday life and a real artistic creation. Only natural materials are used in the manufacturing process, so the carpet will serve faithfully for many years. This product is not cheap, but it fits surprisingly into the interior. Carpets can be found in bazaars, where especially nimble ones will make a purchase for a lower price. In India, it is customary to bargain. This is something of a tradition.
The carpet will take its rightful place in every home. Its luxurious patterns and excellent materials will fill your home with a holiday. Excellent blankets, rugs made of silk, cotton, wool, buyers can find in Kashmir and Jaipur.
Traditional medicine of India is characterized by a variety of means for strengthening the internal forces of the body, increasing its tone. Trishun is used to restore immunity, and nim is used to treat viral diseases. You can get rid of a bite or burn with Kailas Jeevan. Ashwagandha will improve the functioning of the whole body. An unusual toothpaste with a specific pungent taste can be a good souvenir.
Handicraft products
The life of any country is associated with the worship of some kind of cult, image. For the Hindus, such a cult is Ganesha, an ancient deity who personifies good luck and victory over difficulties. In the imagination of local residents, this is a man with an elephant’s head. In the manufacture of figurines, stone, bronze, copper or sandalwood are used. The prices for them are quite reasonable and depend on the material and size. This work of art can be purchased in Kolkata, Agra, Jaipur and other Indian cities.
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Lord Ganesha , Ganesha Festival
Local pottery also flourishes. The clay kullars, which are vessels for liquid, amaze with their graceful shape and delightful graphics. Craftsmen make them by hand, and the intricacies of creation are kept secret. Delhi is famous for household items. It is made from blue clay and is crack resistant. Unique firing technologies are used. The pottery is decorated with images of animals and birds. The presented figurine will take its rightful place in the house and become a symbol of good luck, joy and prosperity.
Indian incense
Indian incense will create a unique charm and romantic atmosphere. They are sold in many districts and provinces in gift shops and cost mere pennies. But at the same time, they will fill the house with pleasant aromas.
Exquisite expensive jewelry is always the dream of any lady. Jaipur was and remains the center of India’s precious industry. Products interspersed with precious stones will delight tourists with their luxury. Silver can be found at low prices in Rajasthan. The sellers are friendly and will always help in choosing. It is better to buy products made of precious stones and metals in special stores, not in the markets, to not buy a fake.
Especially popular are the kundan and meenakari products, gold items decorated with national ornaments. Any man will be delighted with weapons adorned with exquisite materials. There are gold bazaars in India where you can buy high quality gold, but in large tourist centers one should beware of counterfeits.
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Beautiful handcrafted stylish Designer Indian Mojari from Jodhpur-Rajasthan, Styled for comfort Creamish Designer Royal Mojari, Mojari is recognized as the most classic footwear for men
Traditional for India are “jute” slippers made of leather with embroidery. This product acts more like a souvenir than a necessary wardrobe item. It can be worn when attending Indian national events.
Essential oils
India is surrounded by delicious scents, a piece of which every guest wants to take with him. Indian essential oils are made from bark, herbs and spices and have a special scent. They are sold in small glass vessels encrusted with crystals, small stones and beads.
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Aromatherapy, spa, massage, skin care and alternative medicine concept. Herbal essential oils in glass bottles
Ayurvedic products
The country is rich in cosmetic products in the production of which herbal ingredients and Ayurvedic remedies are used. We can mention such well-known brands as “Dabur”, “Ayur”, “Biotic”. The mixture “chyavanprash” is very popular, which is famous for its rejuvenating and healing effect. It can be purchased in Kerala or Delhi.
Silk clothes decorated with handmade embroidery and beads will give every woman the opportunity to feel the attention of the opposite sex and feel like a real princess from an Indian fairy tale.
It is impossible to list all the variety of products, souvenirs and products that this South Asian country is rich in. You can only touch, feel all the luxury of this wealth. India is a truly unique country with a rare philosophical attitude towards life. India is where time is wasted and there is no need to look at the clock. This is the place where destinies intertwine and dreams come true.
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10 Things to remember while considering for Hair Transplant
“The right advice by the most trusted Hair Transplant Surgeon in Gurgaon” ~ Dr. B.K. Garg
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By Admin : 21 Febuary 2020
Growing awareness, societal pressure and rising number of people suffering from baldness or thinning hair are key reasons why hair transplant has a wide potential in the Indian market. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes hair follicles from one part of the body to plant it to another part of the body. In India, the procedure is mainly used to treat baldness in men and women.
According to a demographic study on Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) in India, about 46 percent of men between ages 21 and 31 suffered from MPB. Studies and statistics show that Indian men are now tackling the issue of baldness as early as their 20s. Hair is a sensitive issue for men and women of any age. Receding hairline and hair fall are the main concerns among people and are driving factors for high demand in the hair transplant industry.
Recently in Bollywood, three movies were launched (Bala, Ujada Chaman, and Gone Kesh), the storyline where the protagonist suffers from baldness. This highlights how premature balding is a serious problem faced by many. Bala and Ujda Chaman both movies are lensed through the perspective of under-confident young men. These movies show how society pressures the importance of appearance.
While the demand for affordable hair replacement procedures is rising, India is becoming a hot destination for hair transplants because of the cost-effective medical procedures. Indian market is expected to grow a CAGR of more than 25 percent in select metros like Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore.
So, let’s know more about
10 Things To Remember While Considering For Hair Plantation
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Table of Contents
The hair which is transplanted, is it permanent?
What is the success rate of hair transplant surgery?
How to choose the best hair transplant surgeon for you?
Which solution is the best for you: Your available options?
What is the cost of a hair transplant?
What are the complications or risks of the surgery?
Does transplanted hair grow?
Is it normal to lose transplanted hair?
Will I need another hair transplant procedure in the future?
Is it a painful procedure?
Know all about it from the most trusted hair transplant surgeon ~ Dr. B.K. Garg
1. Let’s Begin With The Most Common Question: The Hair Which Is Transplanted Is It Permanent?
Hair transplantation or restoration is recognized as an effective solution for people suffering from baldness. To answer your question, yes it is a permanent effect and that’s the main reason why hair transplantation is considered the most effective option for restoring your hair.
During the procedure, your physician will remove healthy hair follicles from thicker parts of the scalp, or other parts of the body. It is then grafted to fill in your thinning or balding areas. The main reason for hair fall is the hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the reason behind the hair fall you are experiencing. However, the transplanted hairs are resistant to DHT and they’ll continue to grow even though the non-transplanted hairs around them continue to fall out. The procedure is carefully performed in order to match the patient’s natural hair growth pattern. Hair transplants are a permanent natural solution for all these reasons.
For optimum results, you must choose a doctor who is an expert in the field and well experienced.
2. Important Facts One Must Know: What Is The Success Rate Of Hair Transplant Surgery?
A hair transplant is an invasive procedure that needs to be carefully carried out. There are two methods to carry out a hair transplant:
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
The success rate of the procedure is determined by an overall percentage of fibers that are successfully transplanted. In the case of FUT, the doctor transplants the follicular grafts to the receiving site at a success rate somewhere between 95 and 98 percent and in some cases even a 100 percent success rate. While in FUE, when the appropriate volume of follicular units is transplanted so that adequate coverage is achieved, this FUE Hair Transplant ought to result in a 100 percent success rate.
The success rate mainly depends upon the expertise of the surgeon performing this procedure and donor site. So the success rate that can be achieved is 100% if the procedure is done correctly by an expert surgeon.
3. The First Step Is Always The Most Important Thing To Consider: How To Choose The Best Hair Transplant Surgeon For You?
Hair transplant is a type of cosmetic surgery and a poorly executed hair transplant surgery can have a catastrophic psychological effect. You must ensure that you have selected a properly qualified surgeon. It is important to learn more about your surgeon in terms of years of experience in this field, his dedication, success stories, reviews, etc.
At Iconique, Dr. B.K. Garg performs hair transplantation on a regular basis. He has pioneered the art of stitchless hair restoration in India. He has to his credit almost 7000 successful hair restoration procedures. He is a fully credentialed Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon and is affiliated with all leading peer-recommended Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Societies in India and the world.
If you’re considering a hair transplant at Iconique, do not hesitate to ask questions to clear any doubts such as:
Is hair transplantation a suitable solution for me?
Is an FUE or FUT transplant more suitable for me?
What will the surgery be like?
How do I prepare for the surgery?
What will be the recovery period for me?
How long will it take to see the results of my transplant?
What would be the cost of the procedure?
At Iconique, during your first consultation, our surgeon will discuss the details of the procedure, precautions and risk factors with you.
4. Which Solution Is Best For You? Your Available Options:
With androgenetic alopecia affecting so many people, there is no specific cure for this condition. Currently, there are few available treatment options including, natural remedies, lifestyle changes or a few drugs effective for minimizing the effect.
If you have a receding hairline or a diffuse hair loss, getting a hair transplant could potentially be a good idea. Like any other surgery, you need to understand the effects, costs, and limitations of the procedure before you go ahead. If you have minor hair loss and a good amount of donor hair, a hair transplant will definitely improve your appearance.
There are two types of Hair transplant treatment available:
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT): A transplant of the follicular grafts to the recipient site
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Wherein individual follicular units are removed from the donor site to be transplanted into the recipient site.
Boosted FUE enables the creation of larger donor pools by harvesting follicles from areas other than the head (legs, arms, etc.). The main difference between FUT and FUE hair transplants is that in FUT the surgeon plants a strip of donor skin, whereas in FUE individual follicular units are excised directly from the scalp. FUE is considered more advantageous due to its 100% natural look, painless and quick treatment with faster recovery time. Because of minimal scarring, FUE is particularly suitable for people who like to keep their hair short.
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5. Let’s Talk About Some Numbers: What Is The Cost Of A Hair Transplant?
The actual cost of a hair transplant treatment depends on various factors such as the skill and experience of the surgeon, technique used (FUT or FUE), types of equipment and reputation of the clinic. In Indian metro cities, the traditional FUT technique usually costs between 25 to 40 rupees per hair graft. The advanced stitch less procedure (FUT technique) can cost anywhere between 40 to 100 rupees per graft. While an FUE treatment cost ranges from anywhere between 35 to 75 rupees per hair graft.
At Iconique, we customize the treatment plans according to your specific needs. Our expert team ensures that you get the best results, with no further treatment required and very little post-surgery side effects. Dr. B K Garg takes care of the patient’s needs and gives the best feasible solution.
6. Know About The Risks: What Are The Complications Or Risks Of The Surgery?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure with few risks involved.
The procedure is minimally invasive and done under local anesthesia. But patients may suffer from redness or swelling post-surgery. Your doctor will suggest antiseptic and soothing cream to relieve this inflammation and swelling in a few days.
Another concerning risk is hair growth which is non-uniform and in a non-aesthetic way. However, if your doctor is well trained and expert in the field, you do not have to worry about these risks.
Wounds from surgery may cause slight bleeding, itching or discomfort. Comparatively, the FUE process is less intrusive and your doctor will give you antibacterial cream to prevent any infection on the site.
In a few cases, grafts may fall out and require repeat surgery. Sometimes, a patchy look may result if hair continues to thin out. If this happens, additional surgery may be required. That’s why it is important for you to approach a well-reputed clinic for the best service.
7. Does Transplanted Hair Grow? The Science Behind Hair Plantation:
One needs to understand the basic principles to recognize the possibilities and limitations of this procedure. In FUE, hair (the individual follicular units) is harvested from a donor site. The hair grafts are implanted into tiny slits (or incisions) in the balding recipient area. The mild trauma associated with this process can push the hairs into the resting phase of their growth cycle.
Considering these hairs have more growth cycles in-store, they recover and regrow, usually during the first 3-9 months after a hair transplant. Also, these transplanted hairs are immune to hair fall hormone DHT. Some patients see surprisingly early and rapid growth depending upon their hair growth cycle.
The process is well refined and requires the precise placing of individual follicular units and, in the hands of a skilled surgeon; you will see the result of the natural growth patterns that will appear on your head.
8. Is It Normal To Lose Transplanted Hair? Everything You Need To Know About Shock Loss:
Shock loss occurs when a patient suffers from hair loss of either hair from the donor site or hair near the transplant site. Typically the shock or stress from the surgery causes the natural hairs to go into a resting phase of their growth cycle.
The main reasons for shock loss are damage caused to the nearby healthy follicles, stress to the scalp by surgery or simply a broken hair shaft.
There are two types of shock losses after a hair transplant:
Falling of transplanted hair: This is common and most importantly a temporary effect. In this scenario, your transplanted hair follicle goes into a resting phase and starts to grow back to normal in a few months.
The patient may experience an accelerated loss of their natural hair: Natural hairs, which are prone to shock loss, are those that are supposed to fall within the next few months to years. Surgery stress could be the reason behind this shock loss effect.
In the first case, it is important to be aware that it is just the hair follicles which fall off as a result of the trauma but not the roots and is not indicative of any permanent damage on the hair. Hair will begin to grow stronger within a few months after this initial shock loss phase. Any hair loss after a successful transplant is very much a rare occurrence and shock loss is a perfectly natural part of all hair transplants. You need to keep patience until your hair grows back.
9. Answering One Of The Most Searched Queries Of Hair Transplant: Will I Need Another Hair Transplant Procedure In The Future?
There are a few reasons why a hair transplant patient may require undergoing more than one procedure:
Hair loss: Hair restoration surgery does not stop the patient’s native/natural hair from continuing to be susceptible to the causes of hair loss. This causes more bald patches that need to be fixed. The patient may require additional hair transplant surgery in the future to maintain its optimal aesthetic appearance.
Poor growth: This happens when planted grafts placed do not grow as expected. This has nothing to do with the technique used by your doctor but depends on the growth pattern and cycle of an individual patient. Touch up process can help by filling in any areas that are not thick enough or grown enough as expected.
Another approach is taking medications to reduce the hair fall and prevent further loss. For longer-lasting results, some people require follow-up transplants.
10. Is It A Painful Procedure? Pain And Pain Management Plan:
During surgery: Patients suffer some discomfort during the FUT procedure. The local anesthetic will be used to alleviate any pain during the actual hair transplant treatment. Many patients have shared their experience about FUE procedure saying they felt contact but no pain during an FUE hair transplant.
Post-surgery pain: Postoperative pain in most of the patients occurs after hair transplantation surgery. Especially in hair transplantation performed with FUT, patients suffer pain and discomfort. This is because the scalp tissues have been subjected to trauma, which will inevitably cause redness and some swelling during the first few days. Muscle pain may also occur depending on the lying position during this period. Post-surgery, your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent and reduce pain. For the best results, a patient must follow their surgeon's instructions. Doing this will increase their chances of a successful hair transplant.
At Iconique, we ensure that you make your surgery as relaxing and comfortable as possible. During this entire treatment, we will support you to make the hair transplant surgery and recovery as a pain-free experience.
Source URL: Hair Transplant Clinic
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Best Hair Transplant Clinic – Why & How to Choose With Proper Planning?
Thin or no hair, hair transplant has become an aid to enjoy the youth. More and more individuals are opting hair transplant treatment to look at their best. It is one of the procedures that fill the areas with thin or no hair and makes you look more confident. With the advanced technology, our doctors have been greatly performing such treatments and techniques have also changed recently to bring the successful results.
Why Choose a Certified Hair Transplant Clinic?
The process of getting the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi requires a lot of investigation and research. An individual who is going through this treatment must not do limited research and choose the one that must include the different techniques and procedures best for hair plantation results.
Like all other surgeries, hair transplant has also a few risks like bleeding and infection. It’s essential for the people to talk with a professional doctor before about the risks and improvement you are likely to get from such surgery. Only a certified surgeon from Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi can help you decide if it’s a good option for you or not.
Tips to choose the right Hair Transplant Centre
-    As undergoing hair transplant is a huge decision, one should not be taken it lightly. The most important thing to choose the right surgeon for this job. This can be done by making a selection of a reputed center that is highly experienced in performing such treatments.
-    Another thing is to check which hair transplant procedure should be right for you. Always prefer to choose the surgeon that performs such treatment with advanced technology. A center must make use of best quality equipment and resources.
-    Cost is another factor you need to understand when selecting the Hair Transplant Center. It all depends upon the hair transplant surgeon and clinic you are choosing and how much treatment you require.
-    If hair transplant center is all that help you cover all the bald areas of your head, then it’s your responsibility to make an attempt to get an early appointment with a reputed hair transplanting surgeon.
-    When you are near to choose the best hair transplantation center, you must go around checking for the testimonials and reviews from the previous patients to proper knowledge about this treatment. Getting reviews from the client help you reach the right surgeon good at the work.
 As money is the most important factor, you must make sure not to avoid quality treatment in ease to save a few thousand. There are a number of best hair transplantation clinics that offer inexpensive treatments, but it doesn’t mean that the cheapest clinic you are choosing is the best. It is advised to visit the clinic that offers you the best and most hygienic treatment. Hope, the above-mentioned tips help you get the best hair transplant in DelhiNCR within the budget that you really need to spend on your hair transplant.
Book Appointment: +91-9205329071 Visit: www.delhihaircare.com Email: [email protected]
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How Does Hair Transplant Work
The procedure of hair transplant is used to implant hair to balding or hair loss areas that went hairless due to the genetic or the conditional hair loss factors. This is the surgical procedure that involves a donor area, as well as the recipient part in between the transferring of hair roots, is established. The donor area is usually the back and sides of the scalp that contains the DHT-resistant hair roots are mainly used in the procedure in order to get the best permanent grafts via the FUT technique. The techniques, whether it is FUT or FUE, facilitates the extraction job of obtaining the grafts only from the safe donor part, i.e., the occipital & parietal part of the scalp, but it is the fact only the FUT/ strip method of the surgery ensures you about the permanent outcomes as the roots are only extracted from the strip excision.
Usually, the hair transplant cost in Delhi comes under the budget-cost decision, but the involvement of the advanced technology and modern equipment raise the cost a bit high and greatly influences the patient’s decision.
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How Does Hair Transplant Work is briefly Described below: -
1.      The Hair Roots are extracted via the Technique/Method: The method of extraction is performed in two ways, i.e., the FUT technique and the FUE hair transplant. The extraction is performed in such a way that a surgeon obtains a feasible number of grafts to fulfil the job of the plantation. The FUT gives the best long-lasting roots that are destined to remain permanent in nature; whereas the FUE does the same job via the dynamic punching that may or may not give the sustainable roots. However, it is always recommended to go for the FUT technique if you wish to receive the best hair transplant results.
2.      The Hairline Designing defines the success of the Procedure: The hairline designing is what that defines the space and location for the graft implantation. The hairline design is performed by the skilled surgeon who has a great understanding of the aesthetic sense of the procedure. The hairline has a key role in the procedure that defines the naturalness of results as every angle and direction of the graft placement can make the implantation relevancy. The hairline must be in a direction that matched with the patient’s facial profile, age, gender, and the last, but not least the profession.
3.      The Implantation of roots Fulfil the Restoration Job: The implantation of the grafts into the recipient areas of the scalp is the final step that defines success as well as the closure of the procedure. Now, the hair loss affected area got fully covered with the live hair roots and one can enjoy the natural growth of hair. The hair roots adopt the natural characteristic of hair as they grow, takes the length, change in colour over time and one can cut, trim, colour or shave according to his/her wish and expectations.
 The Results after the Hair Transplant Procedure one can experience is jotted down below:
    The regrowth of original hair from the area where the hair was lost.
    The undetectable and the most natural hairline make it hard to distinguish between normal and transplanted hair.
     The transplanted hair grows like normal hair and adopts the natural colour, texture, and length of the hair.
     One can trim, cut, and shave, and style the transplanted hair as it is patients’ own hair that is regenerated via the process of hair root transfer.
On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant is the best option of treatment for the patients suffering from the genetic baldness and also helpful in regenerating hair for those patients who experience the accidental, burn or any other conditional hair loss from a particular hair growth area.
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movby-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://travel.movby.org/latest-travel-blogs/goa-india-summer-sun-palm-trees-endless-beaches/
Goa India - summer, sun, palm trees & endless beaches
Goa India is the perfect entry point for an India premiere.
Because Goa is different from all the other places I visited during my Rajasthan tour. Where in the 60s hippies and dropouts romped, lure beautiful beaches, cozy bungalows with sea views and chilled cafes and restaurants. Poverty, dirt and chaos like in Delhi I have not experienced in this smallest Indian state. And also the people are different here, not so unpleasantly curious or even intrusive, because they are used to tourists. Indian and Western influences merge here into a diverse, exciting mix. The south of Goa India – the right choice for those seeking peace Dreamy, wide and very clean beaches paired with homely wooden huts, from which you can look directly at the seemingly endless sea, characterize the image of South Goa. Early in the morning, when the first sunlight reaches the west side of India, the mood is especially beautiful and peaceful. Then even the water is warmer than the air. Again and again my eyes are on yoga classes or individual yogis, who greet the morning with the sound of the sea. Or the patient fishermen hoping for a great catch. It is striking that the people here including the hotel employees are more restrained than, for example, in Rajasthan. This is very accommodating to me because the constant answer to the classic questions about “Where are you from?”, “What are you working on?”, “Are you married?” Was getting a bit annoying.
Agonda – the quietest and most animal beach of Goa
One of the few places in Goa that does not allow music at night is Agonda. For me, as a peace seeker without knowing it before, a direct hit. The small, manageable place consists of a single street, lined up with many ramschige, but also some nice shops, restaurants, cafes and small Ayurveda centers. For a taxi from Goa airport here you pay 1,900 rupees. Inform yourself first in your accommodation. It may offer you a cheaper price than the fixed fares at the airport. The beach is never really busy. Until the evening, when the surrounding hotels provide their food leftovers to the hungry cows of the area. Then it is sometimes fought with the use of sharp horns. A crazy spectacle, cows on the beach and in the sand to see! The only negative side effect is the smell of waste, which is then in the air. But I have to admit, I have a very sensitive nose. Others do not seem to have disturbed that. My days here in southern Goa I spend in Jardim a Mar in a simple, but clean bungalow with partial sea view. The relaxed atmosphere in the restaurant with its comfortable lounge furniture I find very relaxing. After the sometimes hectic and loud Udaipur a real treat. The bell-shaped parasols make it easy to laze around. And what could be better than to start the day with this view and a delicious breakfast ?! Incidentally, you can also visit the restaurant as a non-logging guest. The Indian dishes and juices are really highly recommended. My favorite café for any time of the day is Zest. “Powered by plants” can be read on the employees’ T-shirts. Vegetarian and Vegan are therefore also on the menu. For just 70 cents you get a fresh coconut, for 1.50 euros a Capucchino. I especially liked the Coconut Chai Latte, the colorful Pink Smoothie Bowl for breakfast and the Nourish Bowl for dinner. In any case you will be well fed, even with pizza, pasta and healthy smoothies.
More pretty beaches in the south of Goa India
To explore the area, I recommend renting a scooter. But you actually need a driver’s license. I own one, but nobody has checked it yet. A scooter costs around 350 rupees per day without gasoline. Cola Beach A fantastically idyllic beach is the Cola Beach north of Agonda. With the scooter you need about 15 minutes. There is no signage, so check out the route on Google Maps, so as not to miss the turn to the left or ask for directions. A bumpy path then leads you to a small parking lot. From here it goes down to the beach. Again and again gaps in the bushes clear the view of this hidden oasis. The pretty wooden bungalows on the palm-fringed lagoon immediately make me want to move in here. Wonderful peace prevails in this remote little paradise. Only a few restaurants, which are part of the accommodations, provide some life. Picturesque are also the huts, which promise a direct sea view on a small hill above the beach. Walk along the beach, and you will reach a secluded bay, which I personally find much more beautiful than the wide beaches of Goa. Here you can really stand it. So if you’re looking for seclusion and tranquility for a few days, Cola Beach is the place to be.
Galgibaga Beach
Another panorama, which does not correspond to the classical picture of Goa, is the Galgibaga Beach in the south of Agonda. You are looking for palms here in vain. For a dense pine forest borders directly on the fine-grained, kilometer-long sandy beach. Due to its immense width, the people in front of the sea seem tiny like ants. The bored-looking lifeguard has laid his feet up relaxed in his cobbled, shady hut. He will probably not have many wagers with the few visitors. Here you can spend a few days in one of the nice guesthouses. After the somewhat tiring scooter ride here (is always tedious when you’re alone and always has to ask for the way or search) I would really like to awaken my spirits with a fresh coconut or a freshly squeezed watermelon juice, but currently has the power out , So unfortunately no vitamin-rich refreshment for me. Well, then it goes on or back with a stop in the most famous place South Goa.
Palolem Beach
At Palolem Beach I try my luck again. But here in vain. The electricity was also canceled here. I wonder why fan and TV are running well. Compared to Agonda here is much more going on. There are no free spaces in the row of colorful beach huts and restaurants. Many fishing boats are waiting for their deployment. In between, cows keep their siesta, dogs are looking for something to eat. Although this beach, located between wooded headlands, is also very wide and the visitors spread very well, I’m in this place clearly too much going on, and I prefer to flee into my manageable Agonda. But if you’re more into nightlife and more action, then you’re in the right place.
The north of Goa India – animated hippie lifestyle
From the south to the north, a taxi takes me past cashew plantations, colorful Portuguese colonial houses, and houseboats in the lagoons. I feel a bit relocated to Sri Lanka, especially because of the incredible number of beautiful palm trees. Unconsciously, I also chose a place to stay on a quieter beach in the north: the Anahata Retreat on Palolem Beach. The restaurant in the sand with its shady sails, white ball lamps and wooden seating gives a cool, relaxed beach feeling. My frontline bungalow leaves nothing to be desired: Here you can dodge in the evening in the sound of the waves in deep dreams and in the morning to greet the day with the sea view.
The 16 bungalows are built of natural woods of the environment (mango, coconut, bamboo), nestled in the beautiful lush nature. Yoga retreats with or without Ayurveda are offered, but even if you are not a yogi, you will feel very comfortable here. Starting next year, activities such as surfing, stand-up paddling or kayaking will also be offered. Incidentally, Anahata means chaka of the heart and consciousness. Ashwem Beach has both: quiet and party. But here in the northern part it is quieter. The crowd is mixed, but especially Russians seem to like it here. In contrast, some hippies keep Goa’s past alive. Rasta hair, unabashed, sunbathing “topless” and supposedly particularly stylishly dressed men leave me a little smile.
Indian and international delicacies
In the restaurant are above all healthy and excerpts from the western kitchen on the menu. Smoothies, crunchy salads, pasta, vegetables, pizza or fresh fish, the choice is yours. I especially enjoyed the vegan plate with falafel and beetroot humus very much. Also at breakfast you can expect a variety of delicacies. At the buffet you can enjoy a super healthy cereal made from fresh fruit, coconut and roasted seeds, including watermelon seeds. On order eggs, pancakes or Indian breakfast are prepared. All this is also available in vegan form. For lunch and dinner you can choose between fresh fish, pizza, salads or even Indian snacks. My vegan plate of falafel, beetroot humus, vegetable cookies and quinoa is a tasty, mild change from the usually spicy, Indian cuisine. However, if you are in the mood for Indian dishes, I can recommend L’Amore to you a few more hotels. It sounds Italian, and there are some pasta dishes, but the main part of the menu is Indian. Here I have eaten my beloved Palak Paneer (cheese in spinach sauce) and Garlic Naan (garlic bread) with pleasure. With the scooter to the (almost) paradisiacal beach To explore the area on my own, I rent a scooter for a day. Here, however, he costs 500 rupees. Everything seems a bit more expensive than in the south. My destination: Paradise Beach in Maharashtra, the state north of Goa. If you enter it on Google, but two appear. The upper one is also nice, but not really exceptional. The right one is at Redi Beach. The first impression is already fantastic: turquoise waters in all shades, sandbars rising out of the sea as islands and sun full. Really Wow! On closer inspection, however, you can see a lot of garbage. Since it is a public beach, it is of course not cleaned. The water, however, is wonderfully clear and wonderfully refreshing. I can not resist the temptation to climb the already rusty Baywatch stand. The view from up here, while a fresh sea breeze blows around my nose, is fantastic! Below, a cow walks leisurely, accompanied by a horde of great dogs.
Arambol & Mandrem – recommended for a short stop On the way back, I make a short stop in Arambol and Mandrem. Small places that offer opportunities for shopping and eating. In Arambol I can recommend the Body & Soul Health Kitchen next to the Surf Club. Arambol has become a haven for backpackers and creatives, often spending a few weeks or months here. The locals like to move out of their houses out of the city and earn good money by renting. A super massage, which does not reach the Ayurveda Sri Lanka cure or our Maldivian holiday, but is still very good, you get in the Shanti Spa. An hour costs Rs. 1,300, and in the adjoining shop you can find pretty colorful clothes not just for the beach. Shanti is very dedicated and deals with individual problem areas. For example, I got the hot stamp for my back pain. The beach of Arambol is similar to that of Ashwem as well as the one in Mandrem. So here you will not miss anything if you do not leave your cozy lounger in Anahata. By the way, there is a clear difference to the south, that there are several beach vendors, who first send you into a conversation and then sell you something. Chains, henna tattoos, shawls, coconuts … I just lay on my couch for two minutes when I was already besieged by them. A bit exhausting. Goa India – a healty, relaxed world in India Goa is definitely a great place in India for a few wonderful days on the beach. So many bungalows in all variations right on the sea, you probably hardly anywhere else. Whether on a quiet beach or with a bit more action and excitement, on the seemingly endless kilometers of beach Goa you will find your perfect place.
Have you been to Goa before? Then leave us a comment and share your favorite places with us!
  The post Goa India – Summer, Sun, Palm Trees & Endless Beaches first appeared on Good Morning World.
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