#Haha Yugo can freely float now
luna-mad-talks · 2 months
Dear Ao3 Wakfu writers...
Please please please please rise up and write for these troupes:
• Yugo with his wings. Now that ss4 ep11 has brought us Yugo being so freely out with his wings I think we as a fandom can write so much shenanigans with them. Someone in the brotherhood giving him head massage and trying to navigate with the wings being sensitive/fluttering, nightlight, them betraying Yugo's emotions even more visibly than his hat ears, Yugo stimming and the wings flapping wildly or just people asking can they touch them and describe what the wings feel like as well as how Yugo feels about this interaction after years of hiding them aarryGGjiinuguercb
• Aftermath of Torture. Yeah okay you can not be telling me ss4 ep9 wasn't torture? Anyways Yugo be riding that war adrenaline but I'd like to think this affected him moreso than he'd thought and after things settled he has to have some long comfirting talks and hugs (and snuggles) to resolve his feelings. Hurt/Comfort
• Body dysmorphia! The transition of his small form to his much bigger one is violent as hell but I'd also like some fics exploring on him feeling trapped/uncomfort in his younger body and finally feeling okay after he grows up :D
• Wedding fics :D (That has "No Yugo you can not wear this to your own wedding I don't care if you made it out of your own wakfu")
• Feral aldult Yugo >:D
• Protective Yugo with Amalia now that they are King and Queen with a whole lot of aldult duties
• Yugo being a dork still (his older expressions are so cute !!!!???!!)
• The Eliatropes being eldritch because I'm a honest sucker for the unnerving entities troup
• Powerful Yugo and people's reactions to him
• Introspection on him and his Mom because wow she just up and left huh (I mean I partly understand,,, but still)
These don't need to be super groundbreaking or plotty or even 100% accurate to the series or anything long at all I just need more Wakfu fanfics please
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