minzbins · 2 days
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hyojin is an angel (real) 😇
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kunfetti · 2 months
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mizugucci · 7 months
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mjamie · 8 months
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i’m crying
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exidgifs · 2 years
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onfdata · 9 months
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fruitcore-png · 1 month
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Hyojin☀️🍎 (4/6)
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jenoddity · 2 months
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hui-data · 5 months
official_ptg tiktok update – 240117
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eternalgyu · 4 months
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖genre. crack, fluff
.𖥔 ݁ ˖warnings. swearing
.𖥔 ݁ ˖pairing. onf x fem!reader
.𖥔 ݁ ˖a/n. I think I saw someone do this for riize before valentine's Day and wanted to do it then aswell but I got a little distracted HELP anyways here is is!! also this isnt an accurate portrayal of any of these characters and u guys should know that
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. lots of food talk cause hyojin loves food. best friends to lovers and they do get married so yeah </3. pairing. hyojin x fem!reader. wc. 2k. request. no. a/n. this was supposed to just be like military husband hyojin headcanons cause i was watching all of his military performances and falling in love with him all over again but i ended up doing a whole bunch of headcanons for him and i'm not sorry abt it lmao 😭 and esp written for @wheeboo the self proclaimed wife of hyojin 🧐
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best friend!hyojin who instantly becomes so close with you because of your shared interests. he loves to geek over food and video games and singing and space with you and he could never imagine he'd meet someone who loved all the same things as he did. you two get sucked into long discussions that last 2 hours, and then 4 hours, and then 6 hours, because neither of you wants to end it early. despite his busy schedule as a trainee, he always finds time to text you during breaks, and you're his biggest supporter until he finally can debut.
best friend!hyojin who never noticed just how beautiful you were until a couple months into your friendship where he finds himself spacing out just staring at you. he loves the way the light shines on your skin, warming it into the prettiest shade ever. he loves how your eyes sparkle in delight whenever he suggests you both get something to eat-- a habit you both share for your love of food. he loves how immersed you get in conversation, completely unable to stop talking once you've started conversing about one of your obsessions. not that he would ever want you to stop.
best friend!hyojin who is obsessed with your voice. whether it's when you're explaining something so animatedly, or the little sounds of delight you make when eating something delicious, or how sincere you sound whenever you are faced with a heavy topic. he loves how you can be lighthearted and fun when it's allowed, but also serious and mature when needed. and he loves that you're not too serious, but a perfect balance between both, always matching his energy and love for laughter and teasing.
best friend!hyojin who the members tease relentlessly because of how often he talks about you. they all (especially seungjun) are convinced that he has a crush on you and will never let him hear the end of it. hyojin himself doesn't deny the fact, but he can't bring himself to verbally say it out loud, whether to his bandmates or to you. he doesn't want to ruin what you two already have, regardless of the way his feelings for you keep growing every day.
best friend!hyojin who's mind practically shuts down when you mumble out how much you've loved him for months while drunk. he had been trying to get you to bed safely, all while listening to your intoxicated rambling about different topics. you switched from aliens to barbecue to how much you hated your college classes to your feelings. hyojin has no idea what he's supposed to do with how fast his heart is pounding, or how he'll ever face the consequences of the conversation in the morning when your head is clear.
best friend!hyojin who brings up the topic carefully and a bit timidly, absolutely terrified that whatever you said after 3 rounds of drinks was entirely the opposite of how you felt sober. when you bashfully confess that yes you had meant everything you said when drunk, hyojin can barely process the information.
boyfriend!hyojin who asks you to be his girlfriend after taking you out to get your favourite food because he knows that's the only way he'd ever want someone to ask to date him. he smiles so fondly at you when you accept his offer, excitement and a little impatience for what the future will hold, but he's not scared of a thing because he knows he has someone who he loves wholeheartedly by his side now.
boyfriend!hyojin who's love language continues to be similar as when he was just your best friend. he loves long conversations and hours playing video games or trying new foods together. when you're both painfully full from delicious food, you'll curl up together and watch him play mario kart; something that yuto had especially gotten him interested in recently. hyojin complains whenever you distract him with a cheek kiss and make him crash, but he secretly loves how much you love to distract him.
boyfriend!hyojin who invites you to the recording studio with him to watch as he records an album. after every take, he always asks for your opinion, even though in your mind every single time he sings anything it sounds like the most angelic thing you've ever heard. you could absolutely never get tired of hearing his heavenly vocals, and he has to get used to you asking him to sing for you almost every day. he doesn't mind, though; he could never mind when it's you asking for something. unless you're asking for his food-- that's where he has to draw the line. even if you are his girlfriend.
boyfriend!hyojin who always has to hear your daily concerns about his scalp health. after the third time he had sported bright red hair, you had started to get worried about him permanently damaging his scalp. and while you still love the look on him, you're quick to research helpful hair products for him to use. on days when he's absolutely too tired from practice to do almost anything, you always offer to wash his hair for him, giving him a head massage which turns into a neck massage which turns into a full back massage all because his body is so sore and worn out and you hate to see him in any type of pain.
boyfriend!hyojin who always plans dates even when his schedule is a bit more packed than usual. you're not sure how he's able to balance everything all at once, but he does it seamlessly, and it becomes one of the many many things you adore about him. he always does his best to text you every day, just to see how you're doing. even when he comes back home so late that you're already asleep, and leaves early before you're awake, he'll leave sticky notes around the room for you to find when you wake up or a good morning text reminding you that he loves you.
boyfriend!hyojin who has been keeping a ring that he had bought months ago hidden in his bedside table drawer, pondering over when the right time to give it to you was. he's confident that you'll say yes, but he wants to try to make the moment as romantic as possible, just to show you how much you mean to him. he asks seungjun (who self-proclaimed he was an expert at love despite being single) how he should go about it, and starts to plan out the whole proposal a few weeks in advance.
fiancé!hyojin who's new obsession is calling you his wife even though you've barely started planning for the wedding. every time he sees the ring on your finger, he feels so thankful to have met you and be able to call you his, and although he was already romantic as your boyfriend, he becomes even more so as your fiancé.
fiancé!hyojin who helps plan the wedding with you, wanting to be involved in every aspect of it but still allowing you to choose almost everything from the venue to the flowers to the decor. he gives his opinions on wedding dresses before sending you off with your bridal party to pick one without him knowing. he's determined that he will not see you in a white dress until you're walking down the aisle towards him-- a moment he's dreamed of since he first became your boyfriend.
fiancé!hyojin who can't contain the amount of love he has for you when he sees you walking down the aisle. the dress is gorgeous, but it's nothing compared to your beauty and he tears up watching you with the biggest smile on his face. he holds your hand so preciously throughout the ceremony, his eyes never leaving yours. he thinks he's never been so in love with you before this moment, and he's certain that his love for you will only grow after he can call himself your husband.
fiancé!hyojin who's vows are filled with all sorts of lighthearted stories and moments from since you were friends until now, as well as bittersweet retellings of the times when you've meant the most to him. the way he reads them to you-- laughing at all the absurd moments you've had together; how you confessed to him while drunk; his constant nagging paired with your constant worrying being a combination for unlimited headaches-- has you falling in love with him all over again. you relish in his cute giggles filled with so much love for you, but you also cry at how sincere and genuine his words sound, knowing that he spent weeks writing and rewriting what he wanted to say to you on the day.
fiancé!hyojin who cries just as hard as you did hearing your vows. he regrets having the ceremony so long because all he wants to do is slide another ring your finger and adorn one of his own and be able to kiss you and call you his wife, but he has to wait until after the vows to be able to do it. when he is finally able to slip the ring on your finger, his eyes hold so much affection for you that it's almost dizzying, and you're unable to contain your smiles as you get closer to finally being pronounced husband and wife.
husband!hyojin who kisses you like he's never kissed you before when the officiant finally gives him the go, holding your waist so carefully and dipping you elegantly down just enough to get the perfect wedding kiss photos. he hears the camera shutters click, capturing the moments, and he smiles, knowing he'll be able to look back on your first kiss as husband and wife however often he wants.
husband!hyojin who sings all your favourite songs to you during the reception. he has a setlist planned, but also takes requests from you, putting on his best performance for his beloved wife, unable to take his eyes off of you watching him in your pretty dress.
husband!hyojin who cherishes you every day, especially leading up to his military enlistment, knowing he'll be forced apart from you for the longest time since you had met. he loathes the day he'll have to say goodbye to you, but he's determined to do his best and get back to you as soon as he can. on the day of enlistment, he hugs you tighter than usual, and kisses you with as much passion as he possibly has in his body, before smiling and waving goodbye to you as if the whole ordeal was just another normal day.
military husband!hyojin who texts you whenever he's allowed to use his phone, and calls whenever you're available to. he wishes he could be with you more than anything, but he's excited to be able to see you during his musical performances that are quickly approaching.
military husband!hyojin who knows you'll be in the audience to see him in the musical, and so his eyes search for you as soon as he's up on stage. he smiles so big when he sees you in the front row watching him, and his eyes never leave you throughout the entire time he's performing. you soak up the sound of his lovely voice which you hadn't heard in person for months.
military husband!hyojin who when he's finally discharged can barely keep his hands off of you. he was never the clingy type, but the lengthy separation has him kissing you whenever he gets the chance, and holding your hand whenever he can't. you treat him to his favourite meal as a post military celebration, and you've never seen him so happy since your wedding day.
husband!hyojin who works twice as hard at everything he does after his enlistment, knowing that there's nothing more that can separate him from you. he lives every day in a reality that had only felt like a distant dream when he was in the military; waking up every morning with you by his side, and falling asleep every night with you safely in his arms. he's thankful every day for how lucky he got with you, and he makes sure he knows how much you mean to him. but in the end, he's still your precious, nerdy, lovable best friend who you met as a teenager, dated, and was lucky enough to marry and call your husband.
↳ onf taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @seunghancore,,
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minzbins · 2 months
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HYOJIN Bye My Monster / dancEAR
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kunfetti · 2 months
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mizugucci · 3 months
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yutito · 2 years
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exidgifs · 2 years
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exid ♡ fire making film 
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