#HOW IS HE SO cute n fluffy n pink n blushy n doe eyes <3 AND THEN BOOM
bluehwale-main · 1 year
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hey siri play whiplash by nct 127
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luvborne · 7 years
this is, by far, the best thing ive done/said for this sofie to date..... its a log btwn sofie n enrique so y’all are not.... going in blind
calligenia: sent a photoset - Photographs of wild cockato...
what you do not see here today is 9 different cockatoos in different colors and they all have lots of personality and zazzpizz. i can describe them all if you want.
flightlined: First of all. I would love it if you described the birds to me. Only if it wasn't too much though. And second. Yes
I like the really pink cockatoos
calligenia: there are like three of those! 
ok so the first one just. he's very punky to me. he's all black and a little stouter than the other ones? there's another black one in there but that one is like. iridescent. that one's the glam goth one. this one just doesn't have the sheen. even though he's a little short his crest makes up for it? it's the biggest out of all of them. not the fluffiest though. it's tall and the feathers are like. looong spikes. hence! punky! he has a little red patch of skin that's connected to like. the inner corner of his eye to his beak. he's got a really big one of those btw. i bet he eats nuts or something. the red skin is like. the color of a tomato but only if you splattered one out on the counter and let it bleach in the sun like a lawn chair for a few weeks.
flightlined: He sounds... Beautiful. I love his red patch especially
calligenia: just you wait.
should i do the rest all in one go or pause for commentary between.
flightlined: Give it to me all in one go. Hit me. I'll comment on all of them no matter what I assure you and I do hope you do the same
calligenia: here goes nothing.
so. there are nine birds in the total set. one down.the second and ninth ones are similar. like. color wise. their bodies are like! my favorite pink. liiike light blushy pink. and it gets a little brighter and darker near the beak. the beak itself is whitish gray and it has a tiny tiny tiny blue undertone. i only notice because i have an eye for color. it’s like. really really subtle. the wings and the crest are gooorgeous pure white and on the inside part of the crest there’s feathers the color of BRIGHT fire. not real fire that’s just orange. but like. cartoon sunset fire. red and gold and a tiny hints of orange where the red hits the yellow. #9′s plumage is a little more dull though? not even dull just like. a tiny bit lighter. and where #2 has little black eyes like a stuffed animal #9 has lighter brown eyes that are a tiiiny bit bigger. #9′s kind of more graceful looking too? very like. flowy. #2 is kind of stout. they look like if they were a cartoon spy team #2 would be the stupid and kind of ugly but lovable one. like. the jonah hill. and #9 would be the clever dashing debonair one. like. the channing tatum but less buff and more sleek.
#3 and #7 are similar kind of color wise but that’s it. they’re both almost all white. not as pure white as the pure white on #2 and #9 but just about. they have a circle of faded azurey blue skin around their eyes and orange from the inner corner of the eye to the beak. the beak is the same light greyish white but in these ones the blue undertone is heavier. thaaat’s about where the similarities end. the orange on both is a very tropical sunset orange but on #3 it’s a pretty light and faded and she only has it in that little inner corner to beak spot. she has a tiny bit of really light yellow under her wing and under her eye but it’s like. it’s not stark. it flows with the rest of her feathers. she has a body that like. if she was a person she’d be a model. she doesn’t have the same body as any of the other ones and all of her feathers are super neat. she has no crest or anything either. her head is smoooooooth. have you ever seen a budgie? it’s like. the same body type but bigger. #7 looks like if jorgen von strangle from the fairy odd parents got turned into a bird. he looks like proportionally the biggest out of all of them and he’s very. blocky? stocky? he’s a big boy. the orange on him is more intense and he doesn’t have any yellow except for under his eye. the orange on his face goes all around his eye and over the rim of his beak and he has a pinstripe of orange around the inside part of his neck. it’s like. a break in the white. he’s not sleek like #3 aaand his feathers are all like. ruffled. his beak is a lot bigger too. he’s just very tough looking. he doesn’t really have a crest per se either but he has like? a raised brick of feathers? on his head? all white and it’s like. brick shaped. but feathers. i think these two could fall in love. opposites attract or whatever. not usually my personal philosophy buuut i think it could apply here.
i like #4. he looks like the english writer protagonist of some romantic french movie where he falls in love with a mysterious amoureuse (me) and they stay in a tiny parisian apartment together and sleep on a mattress on the floor. he stands up very straight and he doesn’t have much of a crest either but a few feathers at the front of his head are puffed up like those ARE his crest. his body is pink. not quite as red as the blushy pink i like but it’s not a purpley pink either. just. middle pink. and it’s pretty dark. very like? rosey. if you imagine not the light pink roses but the dark pink roses. the top of his head is that same pink but very very light. like. the lightest light pink roses. it starts halfway up his eye and just covers everything above that like a beanie hat. he has a little gray circle of skin around his eye and his beak is the same color gray. it’s light and it has the tiiiniest yellowy undertone on the beak. his wings and only his wings are a darker gray. but not super dark! medium gray but on the lighter side. like. if it was a scale of one to ten and one was white and ten was black this would be arouuund a 5? maybe a 4 and a half or a four. i’m leaning towards four. and his eyes! they’re very big and very lovely with bright things in them. the same light brown as #9 but a little richer i think. he’s lovely.
#5 is like. the classic white and yellow cockatoo. like. if you imagine COCKATOO you’d probably imagine this guy first. white body. yellow crest. black beak and eyes. his beak is all like. not cracked looking? but scuffed. it’s been doing things for a long time. aaand his feathers are a little ruffled and he stands like how people stand when they’re leaning all of their weight on one leg. uneven. but he’s still adorable! he’s very dopey looking to me like if one of those yellow smiley faces got turned into a bird. his crest is like macaroni to me. not that it looks like any particular macaroni but i just get that feeling from it. do you get that? my favorite part of him is this little round circle of lighter yellow he has on his cheek. it’s almost perfectly round and it makes him look like he’s blushing. he’s sooo cute.
OH. BTW. they're all in front of a very plain light gray backdrop.
#6 is black and it has an iridescent sheen but not nearly as much of a pretty one as #8. #8 has a very peacock sheen to the black but this one is more like. indigo. like. peacock but with less colors and very dark so you can’t tell it’s peacock colors. glossy black. and his feathers are super wide? and very ruffled. you can see the sheen more because of that. on his belly there are a couple feathers sticking out where they’re more brownish and less shiny but still like. black. the feathers on his chest and head are the sheeniest. his eyes are dark brown but like! very rich and chestnutty. and they only have a little bit of skin around them. his beak is super light gray and it’s really really big. like. lighter than the backdrop and i can’t see the bottom part. ummmm. he has light but not too light (like light and bright) little yellow speckles all over his face? in a radial pattern. like. it’s like his eye is the sun and the speckles are the rays. same pattern. he doesn’t really have a crest but he has a few feathers that hang off the back of his head a little the way short hair does if you push it back. kind of? maybe they stick up sometimes and it’s a mini crest that’s like. folded back. idk. he’s funky.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST! NUMBER 8. this one has the most beautiful feathers i think. it makes me think of like. winnie if she was a cockatoo:) his feathers are black and fluffy and have the most brilliant sheen to them. like! oil slick peacock colors. blueish green and greenish blue with tiny bits of brown at the bases that aren’t really noticeable. it’s like where it fades into the black. his feathers are puffed up a lot and it makes him look very mysterious because like they hide most of his beak (it’s blueish dark gray btw. bone black). his eyes are very dark brown but not quite black and they have a little bit of blackish gray skin around them but really not much. his crest is all puffed up in a glorious iridescent fluffy mohawk. where #1 had like. the spiky mohawk this guy just has an awesome skewed semicircle of feathers. he’s just very glamorous.he's pretty stocky but i think that's mostly the feathers. and that! is all the birds.
flightlined: Several notes: I've no idea who Jorgen Von Strangle is, a blue undertone actually sounds horrifically beautiful for some reason and I'm glad you managed to find it with your eye for color, I can't believe you want two of these birds to fall in love. Sort of. What is your personal philosophy on love then? If not opposites attract. Four sounds awfully pretentious I must admit. I love him. "Very lovely with bright things in them" is how I might describe Winnie's eyes. I think... Eight is my favorite. For. Reasons I imagine you're well aware of
Did you know that you're quite fantastic Sofie? This was. Unbearably sweet of you to do
calligenia: several notes on your notes: it's ok i think all you really need is the name. it is you're welcome. no comment on the lovebirds (see what i did there). i'm not sure if i have one, i've been called a true rooomantic though? whatever that means. 4 is pretentious and lovely and i love him too. that's adorable and you can steal the line from me if you want. aaand eight is a good favorite to have:)
awwwwwww. it's nothing.
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