#HND is funny cuz Nicky’s hobby is breaking in and disturbing a man who just wants to sleep on a bench
rumbleonthemill · 7 months
I still laugh at this HND image. This is the original:
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They changed the glue color to green (I’ve never seen green glue, ever) soooo I did a little photoshop
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This is glue, always been since we play HN. no, if I’m playing the game, I’m not misunderstanding it, because I’m a mature adult and I can separate the adult-to-adult jokes(which don’t even originate from me, but the old fandom) and actual canon gameplay elements, where you throw glue. Chill.
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And this is either ketchup, tomato, or jelly, only after that would I associate to blood (why would anyone keep blood in a glue jar?) I made this edit for fun. I still wonder if someone dev force-removed the chest hair and the white glue??? Poor Sosed.
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