#HIGHLY considering making presley a girl in my rewrite 5% bc pharaohs were kinda divine and egyptian gods were pretty gender fluid--
void-writing · 1 year
Thinking about Mummies Alive again and that if the show was more true to ancient Egyptian mythology then Scarab would have run afoul pretty much the entire pantheon by killing Rapses.
Like...so many of the gods were devoted to protecting the Pharaoh, and cosmic balance was also a big thing in their cosmology. So I feel that Scarab’s whole “oh I’m going to murder the son of the man with the largest and most blatant amount of divine favor--who would have inherited that same favor--and use his soul to cheat death” scheme would have spat in the face of what the pantheon stood for.
Also, for a guy who’s utterly terrified of dying, I find it hilarious that he regularly allowed Ammut, the Devourer of Evil Souls, to just chill in his house on the regular. Honestly, any underworld deity would probably want a piece of Scarab, especially any that were particularly concerned with tombs and the desecration of the dead.
You know that Anubis once flayed Set and wore his skin as punishment for trying to desecrate Osiris’s body further, right? And Bes was a guardian of children? Scarab’s ass would have been grass.
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