#Got Requests: SBTM
colonel-insomniac · 3 years
The Boy In The Bubble
@zanderlancer I finished!! Long awaited, but I think I like how it came out, and I also managed to work in all the lines you requested!! this is my first request really, so if you arent happy with it let me know and I can rework it!!
“It was 6:48, I was walking home. Stepped through the gate and I’m all alone, I had chicken on the plate but the food was cold, then I covered up my face so that no one knows…”
Bobby had never really fit in with the people in his town. The other people thought he was too extroverted, too trusting. They seemed to love to tell Bobby that he was a boy in a bubble, that no one in the town was genuinely friends with him, that he ought to break out of his fantasy world. Bobby always brushed it off though, took the negative statements and pretended it didn’t affect him. He didn’t want pity from others. If everyone was using him, well...he likes helping people, so it isn't an issue anyhow. 
“How is this my fault?” Bobby wondered aloud to the dark air as he kicked the door shut behind him. He felt no need to cover up his face, no one was home, so no one would see. Padding to the kitchen, he digs out some ice cubes, placing them in a bag and holding it to his eye. As he slumps on the couch, he feels his cat Gary climb onto his lap. The tabby chirps at him, and Bobby nods his head, hugging Gary to him.
“Oh Gare-Bear,” the boy sighed, “How do I get myself into these situations time and time again?” The hand that wasn’t occupied with holding an ice-bag to his eye scratched the cat’s head. In response, Gary purred, and simultaneously meowed, as though responding to the boy. 
“I didn’t want trouble, I’m the boy in the bubble, but then came trouble…”
Bobby Porter does not get into fights. People see him as the consistently optimistic boy who is too naive. But his temper at times flares, and the one thing he will absolutely not stand for is people being rude to his friends. 
Of course, maybe approaching William Fitzgerald while he was surrounded by his posse of friends might not have been the smartest choice. But watching alongside Patrick and Sandy as his buddy Edward was basically publicly humiliated was not okay. Maybe the furthest thing from it, in all honesty. 
So Bobby did what he thought was right and marched forward. As he recalls Pat grabbing his arm in an effort to stop Bobby, the boy lifts his chin slightly, still adamant that his decision was right. 
"When my mom walked into the living room, she said, "Boy, you gotta tell me what they did to you," I said, "You don't wanna know the things I had to do" she said, "Son, you gotta tell me why you're black and blue…"
Bobby remembers the surprise that passed over Williams' face before he disguised it with disdain. 
"You need to leave Edward alone now." He had said through gritted teeth. 
"Oh really? And why is that?" The pretentious musician replied, arching an eyebrow. 
With a brief glance at Eddy, Bobby felt his anger strengthen. A crowd had begun forming, and he wasn't sure where Pat and Sandy were at that moment. "Because Edward is by far the most talented person ever, more talented than your pretentious self could ever be." Bobby spat the words out, and relished the surprise flitting on the taller guy's face. 
His satisfaction was short lived, however. The next thing Bobby remembers is the feeling of something hitting his eye and him falling backwards. A nervous hush fell over the crowd as they waited for Bobby to retaliate. 
"I said I didn't want trouble, I'm the boy in the bubble, but then came trouble…"
Bobby scrambled to his feet and threw a right hook at William. Logically speaking, Bobby knew that it likely was not William who punched him, but he knew this was the musicians fault. 
William stumbled back, cursing out Bobby as he clutched his cheek. 
"And my heart was pumping, chest was screaming, mind was running, air was freezing, put my hands up, put my hands up, I told this kid I'm ready for a fight…"
There's a knock at the door that startles Bobby out of his daze. Gary hops off his lap and trots to the door, sticking his head out the little cat door he had installed. 
He knew Patrick and Sandy were likely the ones outside. He also knew they didn't agree with how he'd handled things. But he picked himself off the chair and opened the door, and was surprised when he saw Edward there as well. So surprised, he accidentally lowered the bag of ice. 
Sandy winced and Pat looked away. Eddy looked down at his shoes, his clarinet case clutched in his hand. Flushing with embarrassment, Bobby steps aside and gestures for them to enter. "Bobby, Eddy here has got somethin' to tell ya." Sandy broke the silence, glancing at Eddy with a nod. 
Curious, Bobby leaned forward in his chair. Ed rolls his eyes and looks away "Thank you for standing up for me. And...I'm sorry about earlier." 
"Punch my face, do it 'cause I like the pain, every time you curse my name, I know you want the satisfaction, it's not gonna happen…"
After hitting William, Bobby saw another fist flying at him, and ducked out of the way, and directly into a different hand. This time, however, Bobby didn't fall back. Instead, before his attacker could pull his hand back all the way, Bobby had grabbed a hold of his wrist and managed to pin it behind the guys back. 
The idea of kicking this guy briefly fled through Bobby's head, but instead Bobby shoved the guy away, flinching when he touched his cheek and it came back slightly red. 
As Bobby went to retrieve his backpack he'd dropped, he heard Eddy mumble "I didn't ask you to do that." 
The shorter boy spun around, head slightly tilted to meet Eddy's gaze. "Eddy, how is it that this is my fault now? I stood up for you, I didn't see anyone else do that. I thought I did something good." Bobby stormed away after, entirely wrapped up in the overwhelming exhaustion and pain. 
"Knock me out, kick me when I'm on the ground…" 
Peering at Edward before slumping in his chair, Bobby shrugged. "It's not too big a deal, because I think it was the right thing to do." 
Mostly because Bobby couldn't see from his left eye, he didn't realize Patrick was kneeling at his side until he felt his best friend's hand gently tugging at the bag. 
Defenses instantly raised, Bobby pulled away. He felt guilty at the heartbroken way Pat looked. "I— Patrick, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in any way, I just…" Bobby bit his lip and looked down. 
Bobby stood, and in a whisper, said "please, could you guys leave me alone for now?" He moved toward the door, intending to go on a walk, but Sandy appeared before him. So he backed away, only to bump into Pat. "Don't you get it lil' dude?" Sandy giggled. 
"You aren't going anywhere." Patrick finished for Sandy, and wrapped his arms around Bobby. 
Noticing Eddy trying to exit the scene, Sandy pulled him into the hug, trapping him in the embrace. 
"It's only gonna let you down, come the lightning and the thunder, you're the one who'll suffer, suffer…"
Content in knowing that his friends weren't mad at him, Bobby allowed himself to feel the swell of genuine love for his friends, and addition to the feelings he's already felt for Sandy and Pat. But that's for another time.  
In the end, he surmised, it doesn't really matter what anyone wants to tell me because these people mean the world to me. 
Like my spongebob fics? Read more in The Sun Is Still Shining on AO3
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colonel-insomniac · 3 years
Love, Fool
A request, but!!! here!! :D 
“Mama tells me I shouldn’t bother, that I ought to stick to another man…”
Edward Telford could think of a million reasons to not like Bobby, his next door neighbor. And at the top of that list, is the noise levels, because Bobby never knew how to be quit, apparently. And yet, as with everyone else, Bobby had managed to worm his way not only into Edward’s life, but—unfortunately for Ed—his heart as well. 
Which isn’t to say Edward is keen on that thought. Liking the boy comes with a lot, practically comes with liking Patrick as well. Sandy, too, but he could tolerate her, she was smart, and not a nuisance. 
No, if Eddy was perfectly honest, he was not a man that was uptight and high strung all the time. That’s just what happens when no one quite appreciates Edward’s efforts. Edward set his cup of coffee down with a sigh. There was no arguing it, he liked Bobby, despite all his...quirks. 
“A man that surely deserves me, but I think you do…”
Edward remembers the events of the volcano. Too well, in his opinion. Bobby had been the only one to believe in everyone else, all while being unsure when it came to believing in himself. 
Bobby pushed further and further, and yes, while panic was a result of stress, and that caused the fighting, the icing on the cake came after Patrick and Bobby publicly fought. What had been Patrick’s followers wasted no time with the new of their savior accepting his role, and the townsfolk were able to piece everything together. 
The news of the fight kinda shocked Edward. He knew that their were high tensions of course, but didn’t realize quite how high they were getting between the close friends. Edward never thought he’d live to see them fight again, their arguments always few and far between. 
“So I cry and I pray and I beg for you to love me, love me, say that you love me…”
Edward sighed again, pushing away the memories of it all. Everyone else had seemed to move on. Of course, the slumbering numbskulls on his couches didn’t help occupy his mind. They’d come over with the intention to enlighten Edward about something or another. Halfway through whatever nonsense had been on screen, he found himself at the foot of the couch while both Bobby and Patrick slept. 
He downed his now cold coffee with a grimace, setting the mug in the sink and climbing the stairs, intent on getting ready for bed. Stopping on one step, he turned around and quietly walked back to the kitchen. Mama didn’t raise a boy with no manners, and so he ought to leave a glass of water for each of them. As annoying as those twins of nightmare might be, they were his neighbors, and the only people to really think of him as their friend. 
As Edward approached the coffee table to place the glass cups, he could have sworn he heard a mumble. He merely shook his head, now’s not the time to lose my mind, Eddy chided himself. He leaned away from the table, and took one step towards the stairs before hearing a mumble yet again. 
It would appear that Bobby was mumbling in his sleep, and all Edward was able to piece together was “Don’t leave me alone.” It made an uncomfortable shiver run up his spine, mostly cause he knew that Bobby was dead asleep. 
"Leave me, leave me, just say that you need me..."
Edward sighed and perched on the edge of the couch, holding his breath. Heart pounding in his chest, Edward carefully lowered a hand onto Bobby Porter’s hair, and patted. The younger man stilled at the touch, and Ed watched as Bobby’s hands seemed to impulsively reach towards Patrick, who’s head rested on Bobby’s legs. 
The peace that he could essentially sense flowing through the two boys and to his hand nearly made Edward pull away. He hadn’t felt such peace since the thought of graduation, finally getting away from what didn’t matter anymore. He thought he’d be able to pursue his dreams since he was finally done, but no matter how hard he tried, no one appreciated an artist trying to portray their struggle with their mental health and identity.  
“I don't care if you really care, as long as you don't go..."
Edward never knew what to really say, and perhaps that was the issue at its root. He wasn’t good with words, so he figured some form of art would definitely communicate his thoughts. And in Edward’s mind, it did. The townsfolk chalked him up to narcissistic, and didn’t give him the chance to explain. 
But Eddy had to take the chance. Maybe hesitating would never be fruitful, and as much as it would pain Edward to even think of, maybe Bobby had a point. Even if his point never makes sense, Edward thinks. 
Even though he wasn’t exactly sure of what his feelings towards the sleeping boys on his couch were, Edward whispered “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.” 
The twin smiles that appeared nearly sent Edward tumbling off his stoop on the couch armrest. 
Like this? Read more of my stuff on The Sun Is Still Shining on AO3
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colonel-insomniac · 3 years
im gonna have the requests done by tomorrow yall!
its been admittedly hard to get into the groove of wanting to write (among my other hobbies as well) but we are back on track and I will write as much as I can to have both prompts done before midnight tomorrow. 
also i quit my job like two weeks ago for reasons I will not get into other than obvious classism and racism, so i guess ive kinda been recovering from that too! but im back, im at peace with my choice to leave bc it was the right move to make in my opinion. I promise I have not forgotten your requests and thank you for your patience it rlly means the world to me!!
gonna tag @zanderlancer and @squidbobgirl for their patience because they were the ones who requested!!
also to be expected in the new year: me finally finishing my shassie fics and finishing rewriting  book one of The Other Planet: Azurelle
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