#Goldman why do you use so many idioms T^T
cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s R&S - So-called Disparity (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (“所谓差距”) will not be released in EN or any server as it’s one of the cancelled R&S which came with the Dream Heart Lake gacha event!🍒
This is a full translation, so you can follow along with the narrator if you want to!
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Summary: Goldman recognises that the gap between him and Victor isn't actually that large - it simply spans the Amazon River.
Cancelled Victor R&S:
> flashback 
> six out of seventeen
> paradise on earth
[ Chapter 1 ]
Goldman entered that university as the third highest scorer in his entire province. Before that, he always felt like students who jumped off buildings in high school were mentally weak, and were making a fuss out of nothing. It was only after entering university that he knew how blessed he was to be a frog in the well.
Goldman has always had a pretty good mentality. A normal person would require a semester to get used to the psychological gap of being a big fish in a small pond instead of a small fish in a large pond. However, Goldman only needed two weeks - to be more exact, thirteen days, to adjust. 
In his own words, it was something like this: “There is sky above the tallest mountain, and there is land under the deepest sea. This is very normal. I’ll never do something which puts me at a loss like jumping off a building. I, Goldman, have an eighty year old mother and an eighteen year old girlfriend--” before he could finish speaking, the neighbouring scholar snatched the reins of the conversation.
“I couldn’t tell at all. Just because you say something, it doesn’t mean it’s true. Show me a photograph!” The air in the surroundings of the dormitory, which was originally full of pretension, was altered by Goldman’s words.
In a sense, Goldman had a talent for being a “coordinator”.
The first time he heard of the name “Victor”, Goldman had experienced life as a university student for a month.
“Do you know the guy from 207? The one from the economics department... I can’t remember his name right now, but he’s the one who dresses very stylishly and always has a group of ladies running behind him.”
“Ah, I’ve seen that guy before. I think his surname is Gu. What about it?”
Goldman continued cutting voting slips for the student union, but his ears had long since developed a mind of their own, eavesdropping on the two people engaging in idle conversation. 
“He seems to have invested in a business run by a few third year students, and they even promised to return him thrice the principal amount in a month.”
“It’s obviously a trap.”
“Let me finish. I originally thought so too, but that guy actually bought a new car!”
“Could his family be wealthy to begin with? Come to think of it, being able to buy a car means the amount he invested as a principal sum must have been quite a lot.”
“Who knows. Anyway, he has been advertising for those third year students recently.”
“Are you stirred?”
“I am, but it was a recruitment for an intern assistant. The opportunity to earn thrice the amount is gone, tch tch tch.”
“If you think about it, If we could learn how to earn thrice the principal amount, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to be an intern.”
“It’s not rare to see such businesses come to a premature end halfway. What if you end up wasting your time if you can’t prove that you did an internship there?”
“That’s true. Also, I’m not even certain what it is they do... it feels a little weird and scary.”
The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener heard it. That night, Goldman knocked on the 207 dormitory, and heard the name “Victor” from the man whose surname was Gu.
Even though he just experienced the blow of seeing a Gold Olympiad medal in the room of this scholar, Goldman was not to be trifled with. If other people didn’t dare to test the waters, he won’t be the first one to stupidly try.
Which is why in the following year, Goldman adopted a wait-and-see attitude. 
[ Chapter 2 ]
Goldman interacted with Victor in person in his sophomore year, after he thought to look for an internship.
At that time, the newly established company which was still in its incubation stage was not Goldman’s first choice. But as a full-time sophomore, it was difficult to guarantee the prerequisite GPA in order to receive an offer from the top 500 companies. Which is why decided to try knocking on the doors of the new company.
At first, what went through Goldman’s mind was - if this company was unable to develop, he’d just go somewhere else. After all, there was still time to find other internships.
In the end, halfway through the interview, Goldman realised that the issue wasn’t whether he wanted to join the company, but whether it was willing to give him a fighting chance. Those who fluently recited their prepared lines and rehearsed repeatedly said that they failed to be accepted into the small company called “LFG”.
In actuality, Goldman’s self-introduction was cut short not even after thirty seconds, by a sharp-eyed man with short black hair.
“I only have one question. What will you do?”, with an emphasis on the word “you”.
Goldman noticed that when the young interviewer asked this question, the other interviewer had a hand to his forehead.
In just two seconds, Goldman was left dumbfounded. However, as a student leader from the student union for such a long time, he reacted quickly after a slight pause, and started talking grandiloquently about his experience of attracting financial support for businesses.
This was an experience Goldman felt proud of and thought could prove his capabilities, which was why he was full of confidence as he talked about it. 
He didn’t expect that... it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the interviewer, who, at a glance, looked like he wasn’t good to get along with.
“I’m asking what you, Goldman, will do.” It wasn’t even a question this time. Separated across the table, Goldman could easily sense the other party’s brimming impatience.
“Ah, Goldman, don’t be anxious. What Victor means is that if you weren’t endorsed by the school, do you think that company would still support you? And what is the reason for that?”
Thanks to the other interviewer, Goldman’s interview could continue. 
When Goldman left the company, whatever impression he had of that “saviour” was merely an outline - his short hair was dyed brown, and he looked pretty easy to get along with. Apart from that... he couldn't remember anything.
The thing he remembered was that sharp gaze, that impatient tone, and that emphasis on “you”.
Oh, so that’s Victor. 
Always observant, one moment didn’t slip past Goldman: the interviewer with the genial expression looked at the CV on the desk before calling his name. 
But Victor didn’t.
On hindsight, Goldman wasn’t sure how he managed to pass the interview. Perhaps it was because Victor chose based on impressions?
Just like the moment he met Victor in person - even though he was stunned by Victor’s aura, there was a sense of expectancy and admiration in his heart. 
Vice versa - Did Victor also experience something back then - a shred of “good feeling” which explained why he allowed Goldman to pass the interview?
But Goldman would never have the courage to verify the answer to this question with Victor.
Even more so when the reputation of LFG grew, causing Goldman’s courage, which wasn’t very large to begin with, to shrink even further.
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[ Chapter 3 ]
In the year of his graduation, Goldman had a few choices:
One - pursue postgraduate studies in his major as the top of his class. Two - accept one of the offers from the world’s top 500 firms. Three - continue staying in LFG and working together with Victor.
Goldman eliminated the first option - he was in no mood for further studies. Back then, the reason why he entered the country’s top university was to find a good job in the future. Now, since he already had the second option in front of him, doing a postgraduate wouldn’t mean anything to him. 
Goldman had a long struggle between the second and third options. He even specially called his parents in his hometown to seek their opinions.
“Being a trainee is essentially meant to train me to become part of the management in the future. If I go to that company, I just have to work hard and one day, I’ll make it big.”
“Mm, and a large platform means a stable job, and a broadened view. As for the salary... it’s around this amount at the start.”
“If I stay at my current company? I’d probably continue getting scolded by my boss every day. Although the prospects aren’t bad, it might close down anytime.”
“Boss? Oh, actually, he’s a senior who’s older than me by two years. I’ve interacted with him for two years, and he’s all right, just that his temper is a little bad.”
“How do I have a bad temper? Mum, you have no idea that compared to him, your son is piteous little sheep who hasn’t even learned how to hurt someone!”
“And I wasn’t mistreated or bullied. Your son’s skin is tough like iron! It’s not like you don’t know it. Also, I'm not the only one who gets scolded by him. If he only scolds me or can’t tolerate me, why would I follow him? Your son isn’t that silly.”
“Anyway... I feel that following him has enabled me to learn quite a lot of things. I’ve also thought about it - to use my youth to give it a try, and if I really can’t do it, I’ll find another job.”
“My classmates from different fields? They’re either inheriting a business, or going overseas for advanced studies, and can’t give me any advice at all.”
“I’ve been so worried these two days. Mum, which one should I pick?”
Talking garrulously on the phone, Goldman was best described as “a baffled person on the scene.”
[Note] The first part of an idiom is used here - “当局者迷,旁观者清”, which loosely translates to “The person at the scene is baffled, but the onlooker sees clearly. It refers to how outsiders tend to have a better perspective on matters.
He was completely unaware that he had already made an important decision during his discussion with his mother. 
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[ Chapter 4 ]
Although Goldman had indeed made a decision after graduation that only a hot-blooded youth would, he wasn’t the type of person to get frenetically excited over something.
As a man, he even allowed himself to wallow in a gloomy mood for a few days each month. This “dejection every month” became all the more inevitable when his understanding of Victor gradually deepened.
At the very beginning, he wanted to learn things from Victor, and from LFG. Honestly speaking, Victor did teach him how to get multiple returns on a principal sum in a short period of time, and he was also exposed to the many rules of the market. But there were still many things that he just couldn’t get a hold of no matter how hard he tried. 
For example, strategising. For example, structuring.
The gap between himself and Victor... how should he put it, it wasn’t that large - it simply spanned the Amazon River. Even though the gap wasn’t as frightening as the Mariana Trench, it was still a distance that he couldn’t cross through sheer hard work. 
How did the proverb go? All roads lead to Rome, but some people were born in Rome. Whether it was Victor’s thinking or his vision, these were things Goldman couldn’t learn.
Sometimes, he felt discouraged when thinking about it. Despite being born into a good life and having handsome features, Victor was still so hardworking. In that case, was there even a point for a normal person like Goldman to work hard?
On one particular day, when he was harbouring such a dejected feeling, he accidentally spilt coffee outside Victor’s office. To make matters worse, Victor was sitting in the office, witnessing the scene of the coffee being overturned.
Goldman was certain that he would get chewed out by Victor: Just like the time when he made a mistake and missed an underselling opportunity, had an incorrect financial leverage, and pasted wrong labels on documents, etc...
Or maybe he’d hear a clicking of the tongue, or receive a glare. But he never expected that this time, Victor’s response only comprised of four words: To err is human.
“Boss, are you talking to me?” At that time, Victor was not yet LFG’s CEO. 
“...who else? Would I be talking to myself?”
Oh, it’s that familiar tone and familiar taunting, there’s nothing wrong - that was what the junior thought.
“Boss, are you in an especially good mood today?” At that time, Goldman was not yet as overcautious as he is.
“...I guess so.” A pause followed. When the senior opened his mouth again, it was uncertain whether it was an invitation or not. “The company going public is something that is more or less done discussing. When the time comes, I’ll need a CEO assistant.”
Such a light tone caused both parties to involuntary think of what happened during the interview a few years ago.
“...if you do that again.” his gaze was cast towards the mess on the floor. Victor’s tone was as calm as always. “I’ll do an external recruitment.”
Only after three seconds did Goldman understand what Victor was saying.
In just three seconds, the Amazon River became the limpid, clear stream outside his old home.
In this mirror-like stream, Goldman suddenly saw himself clearly:
Actually, Goldman had never sought to possess Victor’s air of a monarch.
To him, it was enough to be acknowledged by such a “king”.
After three seconds, apart from “dejection every month”, this little assistant had another motivation to press on.
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Other cancelled R&S: here
Lucien’s cancelled R&S (by other user): here
131 notes · View notes
cheri-translates · 4 years
How would you rank your favorite guys?
1. 💙 G A V I N 💙
> If I had to pick between S1 and S2 Gavin, I’ll choose 🔥 S2 Gavin 🔥
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2. Kim
> Kim is a perfect blend of Gavin’s seeming coldness (and hotness), Shaw’s devil-may-care attitude, Victor’s bluntness, Lucien’s elusiveness and Kiro’s charisma. I can even picture him having Helio’s voice 👀
> In case you don’t know who he is, he’s one of the experts LOL:
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3. Sparky
> Included him into the list since he canonically has sentience in the R&S [Best Partner]. HE’S SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS
4. Victor
> Essentially the full package - can cook, is ridiculously rich, intelligent, is the owner of perfectly sculpted abs, is very down-to-earth with his advice, his CN voice is delectably smooth like a thousand puddings jiggling together in perfect synchrony, has the most adorable cat, etc.
> The only reason why he isn’t No. 1 is because he isn’t Gavin
> And also because he uses too many idioms and it’s a pain to translate T-T
5. Shaw
> I have no doubt that he will soar up the ranks once he gets more dates :> He has overthrown Gavin before (for a while after his birthday date) and he can definitely do it again
6. Eli
> Yummy. 
7. Goldman
> I have a soft spot for cute awkward guys who are inexperienced in love but try their best
8. Lucien
> His clutching-chest-in-pain moments are 💯
9. Savin
> It’d be really fun to get this workaholic to loosen up and enjoy life :>
10. Kiro and Minor
> They are both far too best friend material for me T-T
11. Officer Landsman
> Why would you need Officer Landsman when there’s already Officer Gavin and Officer Eli :>
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