#Gena undead unluck
iheartginachamber · 28 days
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imnosupaman · 7 months
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ayanarts-01 · 7 months
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doomed yuri
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uu-tella · 1 month
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Happy Birthday GINA!!
This is entirely based on this extra explaining that Gina and Ichico chose Tella's new uniform. I like to think that Gina uses Tella as a living mannequin to play dress up with (and he can't really say NO, can he?)
Art by: @lovethedanielhd
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popizdyao · 1 month
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Джина ♥
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gallade-x-treme · 7 months
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world's most tragic senior citizen hentai 😭
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meowunmeow · 5 months
Sean x Gina must look INSANE to anime-onlys or people who haven't reached the 101st loop part of the story.
Like... Isn't Gina dead? Heck, isn't Sean ALSO dead?? And Gina is a full on elderly while Sean is probably in his early adulthood at most.
Little do they know of their dimwit duos dynamic...
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youwind · 8 months
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mastacell · 7 months
The Unchanging!! 🔥 Undead Unluck Episode 4 Review
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funnychuchu · 3 months
Got some ideas
Sorry I haven't posted much undead unluck art much ;-;
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Undead Unluck Episode 5: United We Negate
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Ah man, this episode was so interesting. Yes, the quality of it is solid, though of course it can't match the animation of the previous episode. That said, it doesn't need to animate to any sort of incredible degree because there's just so. much. worldbuilding. So so much to talk about here that I'm just itching to wander through!
Okay, so Apocalypses book, what an interesting little piece that presents a much great world. Thanks to the comment from Juiz, we understand that there exist a god on the other side of the book providing these rules.
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More interesting to me though is the consistency of the Apocalypse book. "This time", it says, there is six quests with varying requirements. You would have thought that the number of quests would remain consistent, but Apocalypse's own words betray that. Also, the time limit?
They mention they have until the 31st of August, with the current date being the 6th. Twenty-six days as a time frame seems unlikely, so I believe the odds are that Gena's death specifically triggered a new set of quests.
If I were to guess at the framework for the quests, it'd be like this:
You do not have to immediately accept any quests, or do them in any particular order. Not all members have to consent to participation in the quest so nominations and strongarming are possible. Failure to complete all quests results in the addition of a new "Rule" to the world, that part we know. However, Gena's death presents something interesting.
You might be able to argue that Apocalypse would halt all quests because the number of negators was fewer than required with the death of unavoidable, but Juiz says that Apocalypse only opens when there is 11 negators, not that it works when there's only 11 negators. So, to get to the point. Gena's death has a high probability of being a catalyst for this new set of quests that exist in front of the Union. This means that Apocalypse would most likely count the previous round of quests as "failed" and as such would have added a new "Rule".
So lets talk about Rules next!
This is very very interesting, because of what Juiz says. There has been 98 "new" Rules added to the Earth.
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So, what can it mean? Well, it could mean the number of times that quests have been failed, but that's not possible for two reasons. Apocalypse tells Union that the penalty for failure will be the addition of UMA Galaxy, which is not a Rule. Secondly, Juiz mentions the fact that penalties are added every 3 months.
So where does this leave things in terms of a timeline? Well, there's a few options. The simplest is that Apocalypse is able to provide Union members with previous penalties. But then that begs the question, how has there only been 98 rules added, in all of history? Juiz herself states that penalties are added every three months without any intervention, so the probability of this system existing since the beginning of time within the story is highly unlikely. But at the same time, Apocalypse can't have been created at an arbitrary point in time. However, we have the counterpoint of other artifacts being mentioned (and even used). Though it's important to note that the only awareness that we have of them as artifacts is through Apocalypse. I think the most likely answer here is something like time compression, which would in turn further feed into the idea of a loop.
That is, these objects have existed since time immemorial on Earth, but were dormant until a specific condition was met. Since that condition, they've been trapped in a loop.
This would justify the contradictory nature of existence and interaction, as well as provide freedom for Apocalypse to implement rules without any set schedule or purpose and not make a mess of history. Similarly, it would satisfy the argument of an excessive amount of UMAs existing on Earth due to penalties.
Though let's take a closer look at the idea of UMAs, since Apocalypse spills the beans, well, sort of spills the beans. He mentions UMA Burn and Negator Unburn, so you'd think that the existence of a UMA means the existence of its negator, but that's not necessarily true. Largely speaking, that depends on how you view UMAs such as the aforementioned Galaxy, though I personally don't believe that's the case. What I find interesting about the UMAs is their proximity to "Rules". That you might even say that UMAs are either born from rules or create rules.
Then there's the UMA that has been subjugated by the Union to facilitate point to point travel, though we don't have a name for them. If it weren't for Galaxy being mentioned I would have chosen "Space" as the name for the UMA, but the naming sense is more absolute than that. It has to be the most atomic form of the concept for it to really take root, so I think I might end up on "Move" as that UMA's name.
Speaking of providing names, I really want to take a stab at the negations of the other union members!
I'd already given my guess on Shen's, so I'll skip him and start at the top:
Starting with Juiz, they definitely have the most powerful ability. Being able to reflect malice and violence based on the person is very interesting, and immediately brings up the idea of unfair, but I don't think that's it. It's not it. I think their ability was employed because of the rules that exist for Union in regards to harming another member. Because of that, I think it would be something like unequality, unjustice, or
So, onto number 3, the gunslinger guy. I think his interaction in stopping Andy's fingers is the answer to his ability. The lax styling, the overconfidence, it screams of a lack of effort but yet undeniable success. My first feeling is gambling/betting, but that's not raw enough as a concept. Unchance is the first thing that springs to mind with them able to manipulate their own probability, but with the idea of gambling, and my interpretation of their negation as a way of "cheating" in regards to probability, Unfair could be the better fit (and better sounding haha).
Now, number 4, the little robot arms kid. My first inclination was unalive, but that's impossible given Andy's negation. But there has to be something to explain the boy's android appearance. They have to be a human to be a negator, so it can't be unhuman. But then what could it be? I'm not really sure because we don't get much from them as they don't block Andy's finger and they don't really say anything further into the episode.
Skipping ahead a bit we're going for numbers six and seven together because their approaches are very similar. Unavoidable has given me the hints to tackle at least one of these two, and the finger bullet sequence gives me the rest that I need. Mr. Samurai armor is definitely unbreaking or unmoving, though I'm leaning to the former, just because unmoving doesn't necessarily mean they're unable to be damaged. So that means the younger boy that takes action with his hand has to be something that would allow him to stop Andy's finger without damage or anything. Really, he's the only one that's shown to be actively moving (aside from Shen, of course). I really want to say unstoppable, but I don't know if that could negate any and all damage so I don't think it's likely. I'm really drawing a blank on a negation that could incorporate movement, be an internal negator, and avoid taking damage.
Mr. Know it all with the purple hair is easy though, unknowning. Or I suppose unforgettable. Actually no, definitely unforgettable. Their ability to negate the act of forgetting is certainly what it is.
So yeah, an incredible amount of information from a single episode. A very unique cast of negators with interesting ticks such as Juiz hiding her eyes unless she's negating, and all the rules and information imposed by Apocalypse is just wonderful. An absolute treasure trove of theories for me to sift through and ponder about, so I'll definitely be happily occupied until next week's episode!
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iheartginachamber · 3 months
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here's a gif of gina doing a cute lil dance showing her favorite manga book to naggy nico! uwu (she's a fan of fuuko's favorite manga too!)
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imnosupaman · 7 months
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tokiro07 · 8 months
Undead Unluck ep.3 thoughts
[I'm Going Through Changes...and So's This Anime]
(Contents: Ch.4-5 comparison, animation, voice acting)
Ginaaa!!! Or Gena, as they're going with for this version. I guess that's the official spelling now? I don't think Viz is changing theirs, but either way it's going to be annoying going forward needing to deal with multiple "canon" spellings
Anyway, Gina's introduction was really fun! Very full of energy, animation really helps bring her to life in a way that a manga panel just can't. That said, I don't think I really like that they showed her face when she was attacking from the satellite. When we first saw her in chapter 5, it took me a second to realize who she was, but after seeing her fully revealed like that, it's not too hard to connect that the girl in the first and second half of the episode are the same. I guess it's obvious anyway, but still, a little mystique is better than no mystique
There were lots of great bits sprinkled throughout the episode, with the animation and sound effects really adding a lot to the experience. Andy's 5-point landing being slowed down to a step-by-step process rather than happening all at once really drove home how unsettling what was happening was, and of course his Crimson Crescent Moon was sick as hell, I appreciated that it wasn't effectively just two frames (beginning and end with no movement in between). The arc of the swing wasn't what I imagined, I always figured that the draw -> swing -> resheathe was one fluid motion, but in practice they seem to have made it a real iaido technique, which is really cool
Gina summoning her beret had a nice bit of improvement in this verion, with it digitally apparating atop her head. In the manga it just showed up when she asked for it, and I thought maybe they like...I don't know, shot it down to her from space? This was a really cool touch that was completely unnecessary but added a lot of flavor to the scene, even if the mechanism doesn't have a clear explanation (she obviously didn't use the Union's usual warp method since the effect was digital and not cracks in the air, nor does it seem to line up with anything that I recognize from the manga in later chapters)
The highlight of the episode though had to be Gina's voice though. The shift from her bubbly persona to her getting serious was so god damn ominous, and coupled with her immediate display of power really reminded me that she's one of the Union's top members. I don't think it's ever established what her position is, but I'm decently confident that she's pretty high up, especially considering her tenure
If they made that one scene look so good, I'm super excited for next week's episode, they've really convinced me that they'll be able to do it justice! That said, they've been going at a pace of approximately two chapters per episode, and my estimate for next week's would take about three, so...I'm not sure if they're going to rush through it to match the pace I've suggested, or if they're going to stay at two chapters to really delve into it. I could go either way on it since this is going to be a very action-heavy segment, which means they could easily get through it relatively quickly
I've been thinking a lot lately that Gina's been rising the ranks of my favorite UU characters, and seeing her brought to life has definitely given her a boost. I haven't quite settled on her as my absolute fave yet, but damn if she isn't getting close
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ljaesch · 6 months
English Cast Announced for the Undead Unluck Anime
TMS Entertainment has announced the English voice cast for Undead Unluck, a Hulu original anime, ahead of its highly anticipated dub release on December 13, 2023. The cast is as follows: Ben Balmaceda is Andy Jackie Lastra is Fuko Izumo Aleks Le is Shen Daniel Walton is Void Amber Lee Connors is Gena Additionally, Eurie Nam, winner of the Anime Expo 2023 Open Auditions, will have guest roles in…
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popizdyao · 9 months
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I love her sm 😣 yall don't understand
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