#Garrett romanced Fenris and learnt blood magic from Merrill Anders looked at him and his eyes twitched
greypetrel · 1 year
How bout 8, 10, 13 from the ask game for your Hawkes (or just one of em, if you prefer) ? :3
Hello! Thanks for asking!
No no, Garrett deserves some love too, and Raina will start screeching from her trashcan if I leave her out, soooo... :P
Tis the prompt list
8. Who is your OC’s greatest enemy/rival? Why? Is the feeling mutual?
Raina: She surprisingly has no rival or mortal enemy. She WILL get in a fight if you poke at her enough... But rivalry? No, man it's too tiring. The two people she really can't stand and go closer to that, tho, are Meredith and Elthina. Meredith because she's "a self-righteous bitch who is convinced she has the right to use other people as pawns in her silly game". Raina didn't react very well on Meredith basically blackmailing her in doing work for her if she didn't want her brother to be taken to the Circle and her arrested for housing a (...2 blood...) mage(s). Elthina because of her pure lack of will to do anything about it, even when people told her, asked her to please maybe talk to the fucking Knight-Commander. No?
Garrett: Garrett is too chill to have enemies. He can't equally see Elthina in any good light because her inaction let things go maybe more south than they should have, he would have respected her more had she tried to do more, even if she failed. He has a rocky relationship with Anders, they start on similar basics and agree on more than one thing, Anders taught him Spirit Healing. Their opinion differed pretty quickly, namely on Fenris and Merrill and on the whole "I won't tell you I'm about to make the Chantry explode but still have you help me anyway". Which is as close a rivalry as he can have.
10. Where is your OC’s favorite place? Like if they were having a bad day, where would they run off to?
Raina: She is the local queen of awful coping mechanism. So the Hanged Man to drink and start a fight. She just likes the chaotic energy and no one giving a shit about who's Champion of what. There are friends if she wants to, there are private corners if not, Beowoof is allowed to enter, she can sing aloud all she wants, and if not, there's always some thugs to start a brawl with. Alternatively: She curls up between the roots of the Tree in the alienage. It's peaceful and quiet and if she closes her eyes she can pretend she's still a child in Lothering, napping under the oak in the courtyard. Until Merrill comes around with something to drink and... Well, until Merrill finds her and drag her inside.
Garrett: He honestly like the Wounded Coast. He doesn't like much cities, he prefers the countryside, so every trip outside town is a big yest for him. He likes to take off his shoes and feel grass between his toes. Give him a garden, give him some quiet corner with some green he can tend to.
13. Is your OC left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous? Also, can they flip a pancake without dropping it?
Raina: She is ambidextrous, but she can't flip a pancake without either breaking or dropping it. No. Honestly look at her do you think she can cook? In a modern day AU she'd live on frozen meals and instant noodles, come on.
Garrett: Right handed, can flip a pancake without dropping it, can make delicious pancakes but prefers waffles because they can hold more sauce.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Always happy to aid in procrastination c: Likewise, as many or few as you'd like!
Essentials 4 for each of them
Codex 8 for Alyra
Party 1 and 4 for Raina
DA:I 3 and 8 for Aisling
DA:I 11 for Radha
*Procrastinator highfive*
I did every of them, they were very interesting! And got me thinking quite a lot, thank you very much!!
I'll cut it down at some point because it's very long, but...
Tis the prompt list!
4. What is their moral alignment?
Alyra: True Neutral. Raina: Chaotic Dumbass Good. Aisling: Neutral Good Radha: True Neutral
8. How do they feel about the Deep Roads?
Alyra: Seen them, done that, fare them well. She did what she had to do. She thinks it's a horrible place, why dwarves loves to live underground and so close to the Deep Roads is completely beyond her. Yes, yes, it's defensible, but what about: what happens if you get snowed in, uh? She's not easy to upset, but the Brood Mother creeped her out like few things ever could. She started cursing like the worst of the sailors when they found another in Amaranthine. Another who can talk. Justice stares in shock.
1. Who does their preferred party consist of?
Fenris, Isabela/Varric, Merrill. Anders used to be a part of it as well but… Next question.
4. Are there any companions (or advisors) they don’t get along with? Have any of them ever left the party?
She tried to like Sebastian. She really, really did. She's a pretty chill person, if you're not a horrible human being or hurt her loved ones with no reason, she'll be ok with you even if there are disagreements. What she can't stand are people shying away from responsibilities and looking at problems without doing nothing about it. She has a hard time understanding him or agreeing with him. Beside the fact that Raina has no love and very little respect for Elthina, she sees her as an ostrich with her head under the sand and that's everything she hates in a political figure. It's… She'd like him better if he was sure he didn't want the throne and fought to stay there. The constant indecision grates on her nerves. And when he threatened to move war to Kirkwall if she didn't kill Anders… That was it for her. (She never condone Anders' action, but sieging a city? How many casualties for one men that she also EXILED? "Dude, congratulations for having finally taken your head out of the gutter, but what the actual fuck." cit as an answer to the threat) So: Sebastian left the party.
Anders was shown the door after the Chantry. They started by getting along so well! They laughed and joked together, they were friends. And then, Anders fell, she turned him down because "…Dude… I'm a lesbian…" (read as: I accidentally triggered his romance. Don't ask me how, I did it with Alistair -yes.- and I did it with Anders). Things started to crack between them. Add Merrill. Add the fact that she made friend with Fenris. That Garrett learnt blood magic from Merrill and got with Fenris. Raina tried to stay friend with him because she genuinely see him as a lonely person who doesn't really deserve loneliness (if he just could be a little less of a dick towards Merrill and Fenris maybe…). But, not telling her what did he need the weird ingredients for, involving her nonetheless and killing innocents… She couldn't bring herself to kill him, but she showed him the door to exit the city and not come back.
3. How do they feel about bearing the Anchor? For what did they declare the Inquisition stood for?
She feels it as a responsibility. It's not pleasant, it itches and hurt and yes, it's useful in battle, but it also trapped her into responsibilities she would have liked to choose. What's done is done, tho, no matter crying over it. It's her duty and Deshanna didn't raise a coward. Better in her hands than in others', anyway, she never complained. She told the Inquisition stood for its Inquisitor, declared herself an elf standing for Thedas, made the Inquisition a place for inclusion, all under one flag and purpose. She broke her head over this in the next years, oftentime thinking it was an egotistical choice dictated more by emotion than reasoning, and overall a poor political declaration: thinking about it better, without the surprise of being chosen as Inquisitor even being an Elven Mage, she'd probably get back and say the Inquisition stood for Order. Because the Inquisition was never about her, it was for peace and it was, for her, an orchestrated work. During the Exalted Council, tho, she rethought about it and thought that it would have maybe have been worse. Declaring the Inquisition stood for Order, potentially, could have made it harder to disband it all just because the Inquisitor left. If the Inquisitor is the centre of the organisation, tho...
8. What did their Nightmare appear as in the Fade? What was on their gravestone?
Her gravestone had one single word etched on it: "Adandonment". It was a very plain gravestone with no flowers or mementos on it, dirty and overgrown, one of those you can see of unidentified soldiers. The ones nobody recognised and nobody can remember with their names. Forgotten. It could have been anyone's, one could tell it was hers out of exclusion. Her Nightmare appeared as corpses of people she knows, died very gruesomely, wounds and blood still fresh and gushing right after death.
11. How do they feel about Morrigan?
She doesn't trust her. Well, ok, Radha is very slow to trust. She relies in knowledge and learning things, and is… Suspicious as a precaution. Will smell a lie from a miles away. And Morrigan is fairly evident, to her, that hides more than she says. But like, clear as day. She won't trust her for this, because ok, Aisling likes her and likes Kieran. Her affection for her son seems genuine and if she lets Aisling close to the boy, chances are that she's safe. She doesn't really like her passion for elven culture and mystery about her sources on it: By all means, you have not one but two Dalish, one is a First and the other the daughter of a Keeper, why aren't you telling us more? Where did you find the informations? What else do you know? She… Doesn't hate her, she doesn't think she's a bad nor evil person. She doesn't really like how reticent she is. The Well for her was a big NOPE, for her it wasn't a choice and she drank, as Inquisitor, Morrigan lost the chance to gain her trust there and then.
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