loverofpiggies · 1 year
Do you still think about Gloomverse? I know you've been focused on other projects but your designs permeate my brain & I absolutely adore your writing style! I hope one day you get the drive to continue it again, but until then i'm already very happy with how the story stands for now! You've already done an amazing job
Hey there! I do actually think about Gloomverse pretty often <3
I hope I get the drive to continue it too, my life has been insane and I have to focus pretty heavily on my main convention job for a bit to get myself in a better financial spot. But I miss the characters and miss the world a lot. ):
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It occurred to me that we can actually offer a link to the public tumblr groupchat now, so here it is!
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artsy-sunday · 4 years
We’re gonna try and use @storybot to make a collaborative fanfic in here:
Feel free to stop by!
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pearly-sims · 8 years
My shitpost contribution to the series Gloomverse by the lovely @loverofpiggies (Also might want to turn your volume down a bit, it's kinda loud)
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loverofpiggies · 1 year
Since Gloomverse wont be updated anymore, is there anyway we could know where the rest of the story was planned to go?
I really always wanted to know what was up with the Harold and Wallis in the Hereafter chapter
I totally get it, and thank you for contacting me to ask about this!
The only reason I've been hesitant about posting what I planned for the story, is that I really, really hope to come back to it one day. If I finally reach a time where I feel like it's thats going to happen, I'll post a huge summary of what I had planned.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, I'll let everyone know!
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loverofpiggies · 2 years
Hii. I remember being a fan of gloomverse back in 2015 and now looking back I hadn't even realized untill recently SmackJeeves had been wiped. Are there any archives of it up to the current state where you stopped updating? Couldn't one very clearly through the tags.
I have it all on webtoon! Yeah the SmackJeeves thing was a nightmare, some new company bought it and ran it into the ground. ):
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loverofpiggies · 2 years
Hey guys- tumblr is a broken website and deleted this nice long thing I was writing you guys! Of course, of course.
But. I read everyone’s comments on my last post about discontinuing GV, and... I appreciate the support so very much ;0;
I’m always excessively hard on myself about this sort of thing, and it broke my heart too that I just. Can’t seem to get back into the story I loved so much. So, thank you for all your kind words. I read everything with tears in my eyes, I won’t lie.
And I AM doing much better then yesterday, a few of my friends were alarmed and contacted me, and. I didn’t mean to alarm anyone. ): I have a tendency to not realize how horrible I’m feeling for a long time, until I do some weird cryptic post, or message to someone, and just sorta crash. It’s not the best coping mechanism or anything, but I gotta be honest I got no clue how to curb it, since I never realize how bad I’m doing until I need a day to be real miserable and cry. So, oops! Sorry about that.
A related note, but. Part of what lead to that, is after I’ve moved back to New Mexico and have been working on my home, well. Some sad stuff under the cut, if you’re up for reading that.
My mom had a stroke a few weeks ago.
She’s doing better overall, but it was a massive shock to the whole family, especially right before Christmas, which is definitely her favorite holiday. It was heartbreaking to see her stuck in a hospital during that time, and just. See her struggling so much.
I only live 10 minutes away from her rehabilitation, while the rest of the family live almost 40, so I’ve been visiting her the most. I’ve been learning how to help her walk, sit, stand, ect, and I’m leaving in about a half an hour to do another learning session with her. I’ve been trying to be the fun, sunshiny one to help make her happy and laugh, and luckily it’s been working, and I’ve seen her spirits go up! But, it’s hard on me sometimes. Christmas was insanely hard and I ended up in tears, my whole family is struggling and it’s just. Been a real hard couple weeks. ): I am so happy I moved here before this happened though, that way I can be there for her.
And I know I’m not alone with the Covid situation, but 2020 was so hard, and so many hardships have happened since then, things that have completely upturned my whole life. I know I’m not alone in that, and I still have so many things to be grateful for, but. It hasn’t been easy. It’s a big part of why I just, can’t write a story right now. Besides, if I did, the writing would be terrible.
I am eternally grateful for the job I have, that I’m able to visit my mom as she needs, even if running a business solo is a LOT of work. But I’m able to shift things around and see her. I’ve also been delivering her food, since the food they give her isn’t.... well, all that great, and she’s barely hungry right now.
I will say, despite all that, I’m surrounded by incredible friends and family to help me during all of this. Despite feeling like crud, I’m really very happy for everyone and everything I have right now. So, thank you again. ;_;
And, I know I haven’t been active on here like at ALL, but the truth is I’ve been working on something, that mostly keeps all the visuals and everything hush hush. I also don’t want to post anything publicly about it, and then maybe be unable to finish it, so I’m mostly doing this project for me.
A while back I posted some visuals that indicated I was making a video game, and well. I still am! Everything has switched to pixel art, and I’ve reworked the game physics. I have the story set in stone, and I’m really genuinely excited to work on it. But unlike comics, you can’t just. Post a page up and do it slowly, you sorta got to complete the whole thing before putting it out.
I’ve learned how to program a ton of stuff, I just finished learning very basic save points and I’m working on the visuals for a menu, and I’m trying to get all the more frustrating things out of the way so I can focus on the story, and the level design.
This is SUPER SUPER early in development, but. I wanted to give you guys something as a thank you. The playable character’s name is Willow, and the other child is Nina!
Tumblr media
So, thanks again for reading if you did, I appreciate it. I hope everyone is doing ok, and if you’re not doing ok, that’s ok too. Love you guys <3
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
hey umm i made this for fun and i hope you like it and you’ve been busy so take care! :D
㇏(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)人(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)人(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)㇒
-by Lis CQ’s Response: you cant make indigo cool like this thats a crime
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
So, I'm really starting to miss Gloomverse. I completely understand if you're not ready to bring it back yet--for the past 2 years, we've been in a really bad timeline and when it hasn't been bad, it's been weird--but going back and seeing that the last update was 3 months ago, I do want to politely ask if you have any tentative ideas of when you might return to it?
Hey! This question is totally valid. And honestly, it means a lot to me how much you enjoy Gloomverse. ;_;
The truth is, I've been more stressed the last two months, then I've been through most of the pandemic. Just, a lot of bad shit has gone down, and my creativity is in the absolute gutter. That, and conventions coming back, have sort of put everything else in the back seat. My life has been upended in more ways then one. All I can say for sure, is that I love Gloomverse. I know I plan to finish it, but I'm scared to push myself back into it. I'm not fully sure when I can return to it... I worry if I returned to it now, the quality would suffer. If I'm not in a good place, it makes working on stories absolute torture. 3 months ago though, that's so sad. Even I didn't realize it was that long ago... I'd love to get back into it maybe in the fall? My summer convention schedule is going to be the most absolute insane thing I've done in my whole time doing conventions-- I've never had so much crunch, so I'll be really focused on surviving that. The fall however will be a lot less happening in my life, so I think I could focus on the story then. I'm sorry it's been on a hiatus as long as it has. Truly I'm sorry. ): I'm just.... sad a lot, and it's really hard to do much of anything. I've been putting a bigger focus on things that aren't long-form stories- new pencil bag designs, a new clown-based enamel pin kickstarter, ect ect. Things that I can just design thoughtlessly. But who knows. Maybe I'll sit down and look back through my pages soon.
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
Just a quick little mental health post! Still staying away from social media, feeling the absolute best- and today, I even got some inspiration and started brainstorming Gloomverse again.
In between all of that, I’m actually also still doing my mountainload of conventions and even considering looking to purchase some land. So even if I wanted to draw, I don’t have time.
I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep (The pandemic really fucked over my creativity hard) but just, letting myself not draw comics for a long time seems to be doing the trick. I hope I can start drawing new pages soon <3
Thanks as always everyone, you’re the best!
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
Hey yall! A nice post
Real quick, wanted to explain something for everyone!
Through the years I’ve made various posts about a characters sexuality, or non-sexuality in Gloomverse, when people ask me questions. I usually just respond with my thoughts at the time, and move on to other things. But there’s been some confusion going on I wanted to clear up! The main thing is, don’t take those old posts as gospel. When I wrote those posts, that would be 100% what I believed at the time, but anyone who writes a long form story knows, things can change on a dime, or a character can shift from a background character to a major character. (Mooching Hobo was actually this sort of character! He was designed on the spot in an old version of the story, and oops he’s now plot relevant)
Heck, an idea about a character can change within hours, or a spark of inspiration can switch something in minutes! I have plenty of things set in stone for Gloomverse, primarily the long term story- I’m much more focused on that- but in the comic itself, I’m letting a lot of the character writing itself be much more fluid. So, yeah! Don’t take those old posts too seriously. I’m gonna make sure not to answer questions about character sexualities anymore, just in case. But if I forget, and I respond to a question like that? Just, take it with a grain of salt, and wait to see what happens in-comic instead.  Writing a single story for years and years will lead to bumps or changes on the road that I won’t even remember I’ve made! That’s just sorta the name of the game. So, thanks in advance everyone, and I hope you have a beautiful day!
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
Heya CQ! I'm really into Gloomverse, and I am really wondering... How tall are the characters??? (Also keep up the good work I love them so much!!!)
I must confess- I don’t actually know. I get so excited writing backstories and complicated character motivations and you know, all that spicy character stuff, but ask me to plan an accurate calendar? Nope. Birthdays? Height chart? What’s that? Essentially if you look too close your brain will fracture from the lack of canonical height differences between characters in each panel. And DUDE THANK YOU! I might not be the best at certain things in my comic, but I try my best to make the writing as solid as I can, and facial expressions and foreshadowing and just character interaction are my real bread and butter, I think.
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
Christmas is over, and the sales have finally slowed down. Once I pack up the final packages (and give myself a few days to just, pass out and relax-) Gloomverse will start getting worked on again. Thanks as always for yalls patience <3
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
You know that “recently boxes are popular with us” panel? That’s your characters. If the heights seem off it’s just cause they were standing on boxes, obviously
Ah yes this is actually what is happening! Also sometimes other characters will kneel down or crouch, its a big hit in the world of gloomverse
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loverofpiggies · 3 years
Gloomverse Updates
Hey! Orders are slowing down just a bit now, but of course Christmas is coming up so I’m planning for that. Seems like chances are high I won’t be able to start updating the comic until January. ;_; I’m sorry yall! Trust me, all I’ve wanted to do is draw, instead of looking at boxes and packing tape all day. So essentially, when I’m able to finally settle, I’m happily gonna start updating again!!
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loverofpiggies · 4 years
As a transmasc person I am loving the new pages! Thank you for the representation, I’m glad I have something happy to think about in these very stressful times.
;0; I’m really genuinely happy that I can provide something happy for people! (Yeah I’m quite stressed too, I getcha!!)
I am not trans, but I had long conversations with my good trans friends (And my nonbinary cool ex roomie), who helped me make sure I wrote everything out as correctly as I could. Our world is diverse, so I want Gloomverse’s world to be diverse too! And that diversity should be properly represented, so the people in those groups just feel included, and normal. As opposed to. You know, societies and social groups telling them they’re not. (I got some of that from coming out as gay, you know how it be.) I just know how nice it is just to be treated as a normal human being in media, so I REALLY workshopped this. My initial ideas for Purple opening up turned out to be a bit transphobic, writing wise, and I’d hate to do representation in an offensive way, especially towards groups who have things so hard. So once again, SO glad I had good friends to explain it to me, and steer me the right direction. I love them very much! (I’m not naming them, in case they want anonymity)
I also wanted to make absolutely sure, in-story, that people knew he was trans. I didn’t want anyone to try and handwave it away and claim he wasn’t. I also learned people have a tendency to do that, too, so these next few pages are being *very* explicit that yes, that’s what he is.
Also I think i mentioned this in a post before, but. Purple was planned pretty much from the start to be trans, but I wanted him to open up about it when it was the right time. I didn’t want him to be a check on a ‘diversity checklist’ bingo card. I wanted people to learn who he was, that he was smart, worked hard, made mistakes, had a messy break up, loves science.... and oh! He just happens to be trans.
I’m just really happy people are happy with it. I really wanted to do right by you guys. ^^
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