#GI Surgeon in Delhi
gastro-delhi · 1 year
Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi
Gastrointestinal Cancer
What is gastrointestinal cancer?
Gastrointestinal cancer is characterized by the development of cancerous cells in the gastrointestinal system. The organs that may be affected during gastrointestinal cancer include the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, colon, liver, rectum, and anus. In 2018, the new cases of gastrointestinal cancers were 4.8 million. The number of total deaths occurring throughout the world due to gastrointestinal cancer was 3.4 million. Gastrointestinal cancer accounts for almost 26% of the total cancer incidence globally. These cancers also have a share of around 35% in all cancer-related deaths. Early diagnosis helps in the effective management of the disease.
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What are the various types of gastrointestinal cancer treated in Delhi?
Treatment of all types of gastrointestinal cancers is available in Delhi. Some of them are:
Stomach Cancer: Stomach cancer is the development of malignant cells in the stomach. It is also known as gastric cancer. There are several types of stomach cancer. The most common type of stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma.
Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreatic cancer initiates in the pancreatic tissues. The pancreas assists in the digestion of food and secretes necessary hormones. The most common type of pancreatic cancer is pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma. This cancer occurs in the duct that carries the digestive juice from the pancreas.
Liver Cancer: Liver is present in the abdominal cavity and performs several functions. Liver cancer is of several types. The most common type is hepatocellular carcinoma which occurs in hepatocytes.
Colorectal cancer: Cancer of the colon is known as colon cancer. Cancer of the rectum is known as rectal cancer. Both cancers are sometimes clubbed together and called colorectal cancer.
Anal cancer: Cancer of the anal tissue is known as anal cancer. The most common type of anal cancer is squamous cell carcinoma.
Esophageal cancer: Esophagus is a long hollow structure that extends from the oral cavity to the stomach. Esophageal cancer is the cancer of any tissue of the esophagus.
What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer?
Symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer depend upon the site of cancerous tissues in the gastrointestinal tract.The symptoms of these cancers depend upon the location of the tumor.Some of the common symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer include abdominal swelling and pain, weight loss or loss of appetite, digestion problems, change in bowel frequency or narrowing of stool, diarrhea or constipation, tiredness or weakness, and black o tar-colored stool. Jaundice and difficulty in swallowing are other symptoms.
What are the causes of gastrointestinal cancer?
The exact cause of gastrointestinal cancer is not known. The information about the division of cells is stored in the DNA. However, due to certain factors, this information gets disturbed. It results in uncontrolled cell division resulting in the development of tumors. The tumor then moves to the nearby or distant lymph nodes and other organs.
What are the risk factors for gastrointestinal cancer?
Several factors increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Some of them are:
Gender: Men are at increased risk for developing gastrointestinal cancer than women.
Underlying medical conditions: Several underlying diseases increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Hepatitis A or B infection increases the risk of liver cancer. H. Pylori infection increases the risk of gastric cancer. Prolonged ulcers and gastritis also increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Unhealthy lifestyle: People consuming alcohol, smoking, and unhealthy diets are at higher risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer.
Age: The risk of gastrointestinal cancer increases with age.
How can I prevent the development of gastrointestinal cancer?
Various methods may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Some of them are:
Routine checkups, such as colonoscopy or abdominal imaging, in high-risk patients.
Managing diseases such as gastritis, H. Pylori infection, and hepatitis.
Leading a healthy lifestyle, i.e., limiting the consumption of alcohol, exercise quit smoking, and take a healthy diet.
You should consult with the best GI surgeon in Delhi to know more about the measures to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.
How does the doctor diagnose gastrointestinal cancer?
There are several ways to diagnose gastrointestinal cancer. These are:
Physical examination: The doctor may evaluate the symptoms of the patients such as abdominal pain, weight loss, and loss of appetite.
Laboratory tests: The doctor may advise the patients to undergo blood tests, urine tests, and stool tests to rule out the presence of other diseases.
Other techniques: Techniques such as colonoscopy, endoscopy, MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound helps in determining the anatomical changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Biopsy: The doctor may obtain a small tissue sample from the suspected site and analyze it in the laboratory for malignancy.
Which doctors should I consult for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer in Delhi?
Visit a specialized gastroenterologist for an initial evaluation of your condition. If the specialist suspects that you might have cancer, he may refer you to the gastrointestinal oncologist. The oncologist will perform a comprehensive analysis. If you have gastrointestinal cancer that requires surgery, the doctor may advise you to consult the best GI surgeon in Delhi.
What are the treatments for gastrointestinal cancer in Delhi?
Various options are available for gastrointestinal cancer treatment in Delhi. Some of the options are:
Surgery: If the surgeon can easily reach the cancerous tissue, it is the preferred treatment option. The surgeon may remove the affected part. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy may accompany the surgery in killing those malignant cells that are difficult to reach.
Chemotherapy: The doctor prescribes you chemotherapeutic medicines that kill the cancerous cells. The doctor may use this therapy along with radiation therapy or surgery.
Radiation therapy: The doctor may also advise you to undergo radiation therapy. During the therapy the radiologists target the high-energy radiation on the cancerous cells, thereby killing them.
What is the prognosis of gastrointestinal cancer?
Prognosis depends upon several factors. These are the stage of diagnosis, age of the patient, organ involved, and response to treatment. People with cancer diagnosed at an early stage have a better outcome than those with cancer who progressed in the advanced stage.
How many days do I need to stay for treatment of gastrointestinal cancer in Delhi?
It depends upon the type of treatment and the stage of your disease. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy are outpatient.
You can also search:
HIPEC Surgeon in Delhi Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi Colorectal Surgery in Delhi Laparoscopic Esophageal Surgery in Delhi Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery in Delhi Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgery in Delhi GI Surgeon in Delhi Stomach cancer treatment in Delhi Gallbladder stone Surgery in Delhi Robotic surgery in Delhi Esophagus Surgery in Delhi Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery in Delhi Colorectal surgeon in Delhi Pancreatic treatment in Delhi Cancer surgeon in Delhi
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Gastrointestinal tract pertains to the part of the body which helps in digestion, assimilation and excretion of the eaten food materials. It starts from the esophagus, goes onto stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and ends at anus(the anal opening or the excretory orifice). Its approximate length is 6 meters. It also involves other accessory organs which aid in digestion like, liver, gallbladder and biliary system and pancreas.
TAG- Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor in Delhi, Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi
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This tumor was stuck to the main venis of body (inferair Venacawa IVC). During the surgery a part of vein was also removed. Dr. Neeraj Goel told that this was a complex surgery as it requrie the vein to be bloked for some time which puts heart under stress. Patient who has been suffering from abdominal pain for last few months, was operated at Department of GI Surgery/GI Oncology at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi. After surgery a football sized tumor was successfully removed from the abdomen. Dr. Neeraj Goel (Clinical lead & Senior Consultant) told that these kind of tumors are rare.
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What Are The Causes Of Pancratic Diseases?
Pancratic Diseases
What Are The Causes Of Pancratic Diseases?
Some of the causes of pancreatic disorder are:
Underlying medical conditions : Several underlying medical conditions result in pancreatic diseases. The patients with infection, gallstones, high level of triglycerides, and metabolic disorders are at increased risk of developing pancreatic diseases.
Medications: There are several drugs that causes pancreatic diseases as their side effects. Some of them are estrogen, corticosteroids, antibiotics, diuretics, and medicines for autoimmune diseases.
Trauma : A trauma to the pancreas causes pancreatic injury and may cause pancreatic dysfunction. Trauma may occur during vehicle collision or when hit by a blunt object.
Surgery : In some cases, the post-operative complications may result in hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
Hereditary disease: Certain hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, may result in pancreatic diseases.
Prolonged consumption of alcohol: People who consume excessive alcohol for a prolong period are at high risk for developing pancreatic disease.
Family history : People with the family history of pancreatic disease are more vulnerable to developing the pancreatic disease.
Tags = Pancreatic treatment  in Delhi, GI Surgeon in Delhi
For more information = https://www.gastrodelhi.com/
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What Are The Various Diseases Treated With Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery In Delhi?
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Doctors may treat several diseases with the laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Your doctor will decide your eligibility for undergoing the surgery. Some of the diseases are:
Inflammatory bowel diseases: Patients with this condition have inflammation in the lining of the colon. The surgeon may remove the inflamed section of the colon. The two types of inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Colon cancer: The cancer of the colon may be primary or secondary. The primary colon cancer initiates in the colon. The secondary cancer starts in the other organ and metastasize to the colon. The surgeon removes either the complete colon or the cancerous part of colon.
Rectal cancer: Presence of cancerous tissues in the rectum is known as rectal cancer. The doctor may perform laparoscopic surgery to manage this condition.
Rectal prolapse: Rectal prolapse is the condition in which the rectum displaced from its position and protrudes through the anus. The surgeon performs the laparoscopic surgery to put the rectum back to its original position.
Diverticulitis: Diverticulum is the condition is the formation of pouches on the walls of the colon. Generally, the condition does not require treatment. However, in some cases these pouches get inflamed. This condition is known as diverticulitis. Some cases of diverticulitis require surgery.
What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
There are several advantages of laparoscopic colorectal surgery as compared to traditional surgery. The laparoscopic colorectal surgery results in minimal incision and less tissue damage. The recovery time after this procedure is less as compared to traditional surgery. Further, the scars remained after the surgery are also less as compared to open surgery. The risk of complications in laparoscopic colorectal surgery is less as compared to traditional surgery.
How Should I Get More Information About The Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery In Delhi?
Detailed information about your disease and treatment options will help you to understand your condition better and helps you to take informed decision. Fill the below form to know more details about the laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
Tags = Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi, Colorectal surgeon in Delhi, GI Surgeon in Delhi
For more information = https://www.gastrodelhi.com/
See related blog = https://gisurgeonindelhi.blogspot.com/2022/07/dr-neeraj-goel-is-best-cancer-surgeon.html
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gisurgeonindelhi · 2 years
Alcoholic Liver Disease in Delhi - Gastrodelhi
The liver is the site of alcohol metabolism. Excess to alcohol can overwhelm this capacity and lead to the development of what is called Alcoholic Liver Disease. The damage caused to the liver by alcohol can take the form of fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, or cirrhosis (permanent damage with scarring).
According to an estimate of around 1.4 lakh, people died of cirrhosis related to excessive alcohol consumption in the year 2016. Almost all of the heavy drinkers will have a fatty liver. Higher the amount of alcohol consumption and longer it is consumed bears a direct relation to the development of cirrhosis. Men are likely to have cirrhosis than women due to a higher amount of alcohol consumed. Women have twice the higher risk of developing cirrhosis than men.
Stages of Alcoholic Liver Disease
The spectrum includes a simple fatty liver, acute alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis. It is the natural history of the disease but the overlap can occur.
Hepatic Steatosis or Fatty Liver: There is an accumulation of fat in the liver. This stage is reversible with alcohol abstinence i.e. quitting alcohol and modifying the sedentary lifestyle to a more active one.
Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis: It is the stage in which alcohol causes inflammation of the liver substance. The reversibility of the process depends upon the damage already done. Long term survival in alcoholic hepatitis patients who stop consuming alcohol is significantly greater than the patients who continue taking alcohol.
Alcoholic Cirrhosis: This is the end-stage liver disease which is considered to be irreversible. It is characterized by the scarring of the liver. It is the result of prolonged and severe liver damage.
The patients with fatty liver are usually asymptomatic.
Alcoholic hepatitis varies in severity and similarly the symptoms. Symptoms can be mild such as anorexia, weight loss, abdominal distension, nausea, or vomiting. In severe cases, it can present with encephalopathy and liver failure.
Alcoholic cirrhosis presents with signs and symptoms of liver failure such as jaundice, itching, loss of body hails, bleeding tendencies, hematemesis, ascites (collection of fluid in the abdomen), and encephalopathy (sleeplessness, drowsiness, confusion and if severe unconsciousness).
With the suspicion of the disease the treating doctor will be getting –
Blood tests such as complete blood count, liver function test, coagulation profile, and others.
Ultrasound of the abdomen or CT scan of the abdomen will also be done as the case may be.
A liver biopsy may sometimes be needed.
Fibroscan is also helpful in assessing the severity and progression of the disease.
The mainstay of the treatment of alcoholic liver disease is quitting alcohol. Quitting alcohol may not be easy for many and therefore requires proper counseling and rehabilitation program. Patients with severe symptoms may require hospitalization for workup and management. Alcoholic hepatitis patients usually have some nutritional deficiencies. They require vitamin supplementations and a good protein and caloric intake.
Liver transplantation is required for advanced cirrhosis with decompensation (ascites, encephalopathy, jaundice, variceal bleed). The earlier the option is taken the better the prognosis.
The spectrum of alcoholic liver disease is varied from the reversibility of fatty liver to the irreversibility of cirrhosis. Alcohol silently kills the drinker every passing day. It destroys the social, personal, and professional life of the patient.
Tag = GI Surgeon in Delhi
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health1597 · 2 years
GI Surgeon in Ghaziabad
Dr Ashish Gautam  is a GI Surgeon in Ghaziabad He is well qualified and accomplished surgeon in the field of Gastrointestinal Surgery, which includes all kinds of GI cancer, Liver Pancreatic, Bariatric, etc For Opinion or consultation @ +91- 09871819918
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Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi by Dr. Neeraj Goel ( GI Surgeon in Delhi )
What Is Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is the procedure used to manage the diseases related to colon and rectum. The surgery is performed when the non-invasive methods are not enough to treat the conditions. The doctor will evaluate your condition to determine if you are eligible for undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Obesity, large tumour, history of development of scar tissue after surgery may reduce your eligibility for laparoscopic surgery.
What Are The Complications If The Colorectal Diseases Are Not Treated?
The complications due to untreated colorectal diseases depends upon the type and severity of the disease. Colon cancer, if left untreated, may result in life-threatening complications. Further, the colon polyps, if not treated, may progress to cause cancer. Untreated inflammatory bowel syndrome increases the risk of colon cancer, blood clots, and eye, skin and joint inflammation.
What Are The Various Diseases Treated With Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery In Delhi?
Doctors may treat several diseases with the laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Your doctor will decide your eligibility for undergoing the surgery. Some of the diseases are:
Inflammatory bowel diseases: Patients with this condition have inflammation in the lining of the colon. The surgeon may remove the inflamed section of the colon. The two types of inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Colon cancer: The cancer of the colon may be primary or secondary. The primary colon cancer initiates in the colon. The secondary cancer starts in the other organ and metastasize to the colon. The surgeon removes either the complete colon or the cancerous part of colon.
Rectal cancer: Presence of cancerous tissues in the rectum is known as rectal cancer. The doctor may perform laparoscopic surgery to manage this condition.
Rectal prolapse: Rectal prolapse is the condition in which the rectum displaced from its position and protrudes through the anus. The surgeon performs the laparoscopic surgery to put the rectum back to its original position.
Diverticulitis: Diverticulum is the condition is the formation of pouches on the walls of the colon. Generally, the condition does not require treatment. However, in some cases these pouches get inflamed. This condition is known as diverticulitis. Some cases of diverticulitis require surgery.
What Are The Various Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries Available In Delhi?
There are various laparoscopic colorectal surgeries available in Delhi. Some of them are:
Total Colectomy: During this surgery, the surgeons remove the complete colon. After removing the colon, the surgeon connects the rectum with the small intestine.
Total Proctocolectomy: During this procedure, the doctor removes the snus, rectum, and colon. The doctor forms a stoma and attaches it with small intestine.
Laparoscopic Right hemicolectomy: Right side of the colon is ascending colon. During this procedure, the surgeon removes the right part of the colon. The surgeon then attaches the small intestine with remaining part of colon.
Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy: Left side of the colon is descending colon. The doctor removes the left part during left hemicolectomy and attached the remaining colon with rectum.
Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy: During this surgery, the surgeon removes the sigmoid colon and attaches the descending colon to rectum.
Laparoscopic low anterior resection: During this procedure, the surgeon removes the sigmoid colon and a part of rectum. The surgeon then attaches the descending colon with the remaining part of rectum.
Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection: Complete sigmoid colon or its part, anus and rectum are resected during this procedure. The remaining sigmoid colon is attached to the stoma.
What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
There are several advantages of laparoscopic colorectal surgery as compared to traditional surgery. The laparoscopic colorectal surgery results in minimal incision and less tissue damage. The recovery time after this procedure is less as compared to traditional surgery. Further, the scars remained after the surgery are also less as compared to open surgery. The risk of complications in laparoscopic colorectal surgery is less as compared to traditional surgery.
What To Expect Before The Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
You should prepare yourself for the colorectal surgery. Follow all the instructions of your doctor strictly. Further, seek all the information from your doctor about the outcome and risks associated with the procedure. The doctor may advise you to take only the liquid and stop taking solid food a day before the surgery. Inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking. Your doctor may ask you to discontinue certain medicines. The doctor may also prescribe laxative to clear your colon.
How The Doctor Performs Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
The healthcare team shifts you into the operation theatre after comprehensively examining your health. In the operation theatre, an intravenous line is attached to your arm. The doctor administers drugs and IV fluid through this line. Anesthesiologist will administer anesthesia to make you sleep. A catheter is also attached to your bladder that drains the urine during the surgery.
The surgeon makes 3-5 small incisions into your abdominal cavity. The surgeon may inject carbon dioxide through the ports to lift the abdominal walls. This will help the surgeon to visualize the internal organs more clearly. The surgeon then inserts a laparoscope through the incision. Through the other incision sites, the surgeon inserts the instruments and performs the surgery by visualizing the monitor. If the surgery is for colon resection, the surgeon creates a relatively large incision to take the colon out. After the surgery is completed, the doctor closes the incision with the stitches and places the bandage to secure the wound.
You may stay in the hospital for 2-4 days. The doctor may prescribe pain medications and antibiotics. The healthcare team will monitor your condition and ensure that there are no complications.
What Are The Complications Of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery?
The complications of laparoscopic surgeries have less complications than open surgery. Some of the complications of laparoscopic colorectal surgery are infection, blood clot, risk of anesthesia, injury to nearby organs, blood clots, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, hernia formation, small bowel obstruction, and development of fistula.
How Should I Get More Information About The Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery In Delhi?
Detailed information about your disease and treatment options will help you to understand your condition better and helps you to take informed decision. Fill the below form to know more details about the laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
For More Information https://bit.ly/LaparoscopiccolorectalsurgeryinDelhi
Tag = GI Surgeon in Delhi, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi, Colorectal Surgery in Delhi, Colorectal surgeon in Delhi
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aradhya21 · 2 years
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drneeraj123 · 19 days
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drarunbhardwaj · 10 months
The pancreas is a spongy, tadpole-shaped organ located behind the stomach having the function to make enzymes to digest food and hormones to regulate blood sugar levels. 
Laparoscopy for Pseudocyst Pancreas | Laparoscopic Surgeon
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gastro-delhi · 2 months
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
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Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
He is the Cancer Surgeon in Delhi & adjoining NCR to start full-fledged GI Surgical Services at Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital (now Max Hospital, Vaishali). Presently he is working as Clinical Lead & Senior Consultant GI Oncology, GI and HPB Surgery at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi.
Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi & adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care. He is trained in GI Surgery from coveted GB Pant Hospital. He is a renowned Cancer Surgeon in Delhi with an experience of more than 15 years, He has also done his fellowship in HPB Surgery from South Korea. He performs all kind of laparoscopic GI surgical procedures.
Dr. Neeraj Goel is associated with Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital for the admissions and the operative facilities. With state of the art facilitites at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, He is the only doctor in East Delhi & adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive(both open and laparoscopic) advanced Gastrointestional Procedures.
To schedule an appointment With Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, please contact: Name: Gastro Delhi Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033 Phone: +91–9667365169, +91–9599294453 Website: www.gastrodelhi.com
You can also search for these treatments HIPEC Surgeon in Delhi, Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery in Delhi, Colorectal Surgery in Delhi, Laparoscopic Esophageal Surgery in Delhi, Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery in Delhi, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi, Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgery in Delhi, GI Surgeon in Delhi, Stomach Cancer Treatment in Delhi, Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Delhi, Robotic Surgery in Delhi, Esophagus Surgery in Delhi, Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery in Delhi, Colorectal Surgeon in Delhi, Pancreatic Treatment in Delhi, Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, Esophagus Surgeon In Delhi, Colorectal Surgery In Delhi, Robotic Surgeon In Delhi, Hipec Surgery In Delhi, Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgeon In Delhi, Stomach Cancer Surgeon In Delhi, Gallbladder Stone Treatment In Delhi, Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In Delhi, Pancreatic Surgery In Delhi, Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor In Delhi,
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Gastrointestinal tract pertains to the part of the body which helps in digestion, assimilation and excretion of the eaten food materials. It starts from the esophagus, goes onto stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and ends at anus(the anal opening or the excretory orifice). Its approximate length is 6 meters. It also involves other accessory organs which aid in digestion like, liver, gallbladder and biliary system and pancreas.
TAG- Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor in Delhi, Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi
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Dr. Neeraj Goel is  the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi & adjoining NCR to start full-fledged GI Surgical Services at Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital (now Max Hospital, Vaishali). Presently he is working as Clinical Lead & Senior Consultant GI Oncology, GI and HPB Surgery at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi.
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Typical symptoms of gallstones are pain in the right upper abdomen which radiates to back and may be associated with vomiting. The pain is typically aggravated by the fatty food intake. A minority of the patients present with symptoms of hyperacidity. Sometimes if the stone slips into the bile duct patient may have jaundice or acute pancreatitis.
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gicancercaredr · 1 year
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi
Pancreatic cancer is a challenging and often deadly disease, but with the right care and treatment, patients can recover and lead fulfilling lives. That's where Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, a best oncologists in Delhi and Pancreatic Cancer Specialist in Delhi, comes in. He is one of the most experienced and skilled Pancreatic Cancer Doctors in Delhi and has helped countless patients overcome this disease. One of the key reasons Dr. Kumar is highly sought after is his ability to provide Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi. With access to the latest technologies and treatments, Dr. Kumar ensures that his patients receive the best possible care. Dr. Kumar practices at the Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Delhi. He can help guide you through your cancer journey and provide you with the best possible outcome.
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