#Futureproof Accountant strategies
ranjith11 · 9 months
What is your "Why" for owning and creating Bookkeeping practice
Sharing the importance of running a Bookkeeping practice, here's Neha the Director of Futureproof Accountant talk about her insights on running a systemised business. Empower your business with invaluable insights on systemized bookkeeping shared by Neha, the Director of Futureproof Accountant. In this video, Neha delves into the importance of running a bookkeeping practice that's systemized for maximum efficiency and growth. Discover the "why" behind owning and creating a systemized bookkeeping practice as Neha reveals her expert strategies and tips for success. Whether you're a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, this video is a must-watch to take your business to new heights.
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itommyjaytc · 1 year
Data, data, and more data!
Though I did write a goal setting document with my mentor, it was still difficult to plan for collecting data and then interpret the data. Not only do we not do regular summative assessments in grade 1, but interpreting and thinking of a way to collect reasonable data over the course of several months over different units in math and literacy, as well as the students’ collaborative (subjective) assessment was something to wrap my head around. I used snap words to base the vocabulary off from and long formulas averaging scores over several fields to try and create a logical and futureproof way to show meaningful data and opportunities for growth during the three months of assessment. The most difficult part for me of this assessment is assigning a single number to the student’s achievement score, since there are vast differences in participation, comprehension, and a students ability to use their knowledge, so within the formula for calculating these percentages a subjective achievement percentage is also incorporated.
Though I will be teaching different units in math, I had to do the same type of pre-planning within the subject field, figuring out how I’d be able to use a pre-assessment to start the data tracking.
From the baseline assessment, it’s interesting to see the vast differences in student abilities, and how they very (but not necessary correlate directly) to the support students receive additionally. Within math, I’ve identified students ranging from 11 to 50 per cent out of a full score, and within vocabulary my students range from 13 to 57. On average though the math assessment placed my class at 31% and the average vocabulary score is 25%, meaning there is plenty of room for growth, attributed mostly to the two years of distance learning. These scores are objectively quite lower than in the past several years, though can’t be compared directly as the form of assessment differs. I know the power of data and can therefor say that it’s valuable to have such data and track student achievement, and the more data points I will gather through the course of teaching grade 1, the more I can use the data and modify my instruction. Reteaching and explaining different concepts with different examples and teaching strategies will become valuable as I see more assessment data coming into my spreadsheets.
And what about the data? If you’re logged in with a @Moreland.edu Google account, you can check the anonymized data for the entire progress of my clinical praxis here.
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kansascitymanagedit · 3 years
THIS Service and Support -- How to Choose an IT Support and Support Provider
Choosing an IT service and support supplier can be a daunting prospect. With so many players in the market, the choice is bewildering , and there are so many factors to consider. We've created this guide to help you identify the most important factors to consider when choosing a partner for the IT service and support. Business focus We mention this first because it's the most important factor by far. Do you feel that this THIS service and support provider really understands your business? Do they know how you work , how customers find you and how you meet their needs? Have they really got control of the internal processes you use? You should be able speak to your own personal IT support and service provider using only business language. That is you need to articulate the issues you're facing or the goals you hope for you to achieve, without referring to software, hardware or specific technologies. Your IT service and support companion should be able to build a bridge between your expressed needs and the technical details of the solution , and explain their proposal in terms that you can easily understand. Cultural suit There's more to business focus than just the nuts and bolts of operational detail. Cultural factors are important too. How will this IT support provider work? Be aware that staff members on this IT support and service staff will be at your office, working with your employees, and perhaps teaching them tips on how to use the latest hardware and software.
Changes in IT systems can be disruptive and this is something which many people find difficult. You're searching for those that can provide the proper amount of gentle, patient IT support, no matter the level of technical expertise your team is. Proposals with high quality If you're thinking of investing inside it , or an continuous IT maintenance and service contract you'll need the prospective provider to provide an outline of the method they suggest. When you read it, here are some things to think about: Does the proposal read well? Does the vendor have made efforts to communicate their ideas within plain English in order which you are able to comprehend the proposal as a business person? Are technical terms explained or are you able to ask for clarification from the supplier? Are the costs transparent? Will you be certain your price is the one you'll be paying for your IT service and support without any hidden charges? Can you compare? Have the IT service or help provider provided simple to evaluate their service with like ? Can you verify that their prices are affordable? Are the brands of third parties that are included in the plan are they reassuring? Are the actual IT service and support company offering well-known, reputable THIS brands or solutions that you've never had the pleasure of hearing about? Does it feel personalised? Would you get a sense that the vendor has attempted to design a solution around the IT service and support needs of your business , or are they trying to push you towards the products they favour? Price and value Obviously, price is a factor in your choice of IT service and support partner. Obtain proposals from a few suppliers and compare prices between them by all means but do make sure you are comparing like with like. When prices are different, you should take a look at the actual price. It is essential to understand the core of the business benefit that each proposal offers that is usually considering more than just the cost and also understanding precisely what is going to be provided , and how it will benefit your current company. The old saying goes "buy at a good price , buy twice'. Nowhere is this more true than in the area of IT service and support, where choosing a solution that doesn't meet your needs , or isn't futureproof , can lead to significant costs further down the line. Breadth of expertise IT service and support is a broad church, encompassing a range of areas including networks, servers , email, mobile communications , backup , remote support , data storage, accounting and operational support, VoIP telephone systems and more. The key point to consider is whether a supplier can offer you IT service and support in every area that's relevant to your business - now, and in the future. Attempting to buy IT service and support on price, or to focus on one area of their business when choosing suppliers , can lead to awkward multi-supplier arrangements when requirements change or develop. (To be fair, a multi-vendor environment is sometimes unavoidable , for example in situations where a company has committed to a particular software package and its users are completely familiar with it. )
So as far as possible , aim to 'future-proof' your IT service and support arrangement by striking up a relationship with an IT service and support provider who can meet all the needs you can foresee. And if you do have legacy arrangements in place , opt for a IT support and service provider that has the experience and also knowledge required to handle that. Certain IT support and service providers claim to have an array of expertise however, they are experts in a specific field. Is actually not difficult for companies to create a web page that claims to have expertise in a variety of areas of IT support and service, however their real expertise is far more limited. Find customer reviews that are authentic which confirm the provider's experience in the fields of IT support and service you are usually looking for. Accreditation Qualifications from reputable third parties are an important indicator of a IT service and support provider's skill and application. Accreditations such as becoming a Microsoft Certified Partner are hard-won , only being acquired by firms who can demonstrate consistent, reliable skills and prove their knowledge with the products of a reputable brand. At the end of the day, world-leading businesses like Microsoft are not afraid to risk their name - however, simultaneously they require IT services and assist providers that can provide their products effectively to their customers. Find high-profile accreditations as confirmation that you're working with a reliable, dedicated and highly skilled THE IDEA service and support firm. Integrated capabilities Related to the issue of knowledge breadth is the question of IT service integration and assist. The benefit of having multiple expertise is that it is but the true value comes from any time they are all put together for the benefit of your own personal business. For example , an IT service and support provider who can offer a Unified Communications service is going to be able to integrate your email, fax as well as phone communications into one seamless system, drawing on a range of expertise in the process.
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Similarly, an IT service and support company with skills in networks, servers and remote control backup will be able to develop a coherent, rounded strategy for managing your business information - rather than putting forward piecemeal ideas that make you feel like you're simply buying a product rather than creating a solution that supports your business. Size of team IT service and support providers vary widely in terms of the size of team that these people offer, from small teams and one-person operations right up to much larger concerns with hundreds of personnel. In case your enterprise is small or even medium-sized, you might be tempted in order to go with smaller-sized suppliers or even a one-person business. If you decide to go down this path, be sure to ensure that you've got sufficient insurance coverage in the event involving sickness or absence If you're dependent upon only one person who is not able to support you, you'll be left without a source of when they're off. A smaller group gives security, but there might be problems with capacity If all their customers contact them for IT support and service simultaneously. However, a large concern could offer more assurances (perhaps but at a cost ) However, there is an exchange in the personal contact. You might not become acquainted with the people who are there to support you, or maybe there could happen to be an individual technician that comes to you on a regular basis. For many customers an IT support and IT service provider can offer the top of both options - enough staff for you to offer reassurance of service quality, but the size of the company is not enough to offer a genuine personalized service. Location Although some IT support and service tasks are now done via remote access but being physically located by your IT provider or your support partner remains crucial. In case of urgent situation Will they be able to respond easily and address issues in a timely manner? Precisely what commitments will they take regarding the speed at which they respond? Many IT support and service customers choose to work with distant providers because of price or experience but then discover that they are unable in order to meet those who should become supporting them. Be sure that you will receive the amount of support that you've purchased. Request to view testimonials from customers or case research . You might also consider contact your potential IT support and service provider's customers directly. Get more information Kansas City managed services provider
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360digitmgtrainings · 4 years
360DigiTMG AI Courses
This article reviews the literature on synthetic intelligence -pushed expertise and appears at its results on the way forward for hospitality jobs, and the abilities wanted for the longer term. The purpose of this text is to grasp and describe how developments in AI-pushed robotics and automation will shape the future of hospitality jobs, the talents in demand, and their impression on the design of training and training. For an optimised understanding, literature has been critically reviewed and investigated from different angles, particularly lecturers, technological advancements, developments within the business, and governments and policymakers.
The latter, in its ontology, applies different 4IR applied sciences including huge information analytics, machine studying, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, amongst others. The momentum and maturation of metabolomics is undeniably evident, positively disruptive, and the field has visibly revolutionised the life sciences. The utility of metabolomics spans a large spectrum of the afore-stated sciences, together with biomedical know-how, natural products, and plant biochemistry and—biotechnology analysis to call a few. Like earlier academic technologies, synthetic intelligence in education threatens to disrupt the status quo, with proponents highlighting the potential for efficiency and democratization, and skeptics warning of industrialization and alienation.
This paper, due to this fact, evaluates the standing of AIEd, with particular consideration to clever tutoring systems and anthropomorphized synthetic educational agents. I discuss AIds purported capacities, including the abilities to simulate academics, provide strong student differentiation, and even foster socio-emotional engagement. Next, to situate developmental pathways for AIEd going forward, I distinguish socio technical prospects and dangers via two idealized futures.
Finally, I think about a recent proposal to use peer review as a gatekeeping strategy to prevent dangerous analysis. This proposal serves as a leaping off point for suggestions to AIEd stakeholders in direction of improving their engagement with socially accountable research and implementation of AI in academic methods. In the health and LTC sectors, there are extra bioethics issues which are related to novel technology functions.
In this new period, rising ‘-omics’ technologies have led to a paradigm shift in biological sciences and research. Metabolomics is a multidisciplinary research field, involving a convergence of biology, chemistry, chemometrics, statistics and computer science. 
Education establishments must undertake a brand new futureproof academic system or risk changing into obsolete. The article reveals the detailed literature review on jobs that are at high danger of disappearing and offers a perception into what future jobs may be and what expertise and competences might be required. A new era of methods biology is disruptively rising, holistically describing biochemical events at both organismal and mobile stages.
The literature reveals that AI-driven know-how is developing at a really excessive speed and reveals its intensive utility in tourism and hospitality management and other associated industries. Many of at present’s jobs might be misplaced to AI, automation and robotics, and new jobs with new ability-set requirements will emerge.
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cooldavidkentposts · 3 years
Qld’s full-size electric bus powered by 100% solar
The transport sector accounts for 18.9% of Australia’s carbon emissions, so expanding the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is one of the most effective ways to lower these emissions. Global e-mobility leader and bus operator Transdev has now risen to the task, placing what is claimed to be Australia’s first 100% sustainably powered full-size electric bus on the roads in South East Queensland.
Transdev has been operating the 39-seat e-bus, carrying 61 passengers on TransLink routes throughout Brisbane and the Redlands, since early 2021, under a two-year partnership with the Queensland Government. The bus is 100% powered by ‘harvested’ solar energy from 250 solar panels, designed to capture more than 159,000 kWh of local sunshine onsite at Transdev’s Capalaba depot each year.
ABB Electrification and its installation partners worked with Transdev Australasia to provide an integrated grid-to-plug solution to support their bid to transfer their fleet to electric. All aspects of Transdev’s Queensland depot were evaluated prior to submitting a charging proposal, including analysis of proposed vehicle specification and the number of vehicles being considered, while also accommodating proposed future expansion of the e-bus fleet.
“Given that nothing of this scale had been done before in Australia or New Zealand, having a supplier like ABB that had local know-how backed with international experience was essential,” Transdev Australasia Chief Engineer Marc Cleave said.
“ABB is proud to be playing its part in powering the future of public transport in Australia,” added Steven Amor, ABB Australia’s E-Mobility Segment Lead. “We worked with both Transdev and Australian bus body manufacturer Volgren to develop a charging solution that would enable zero-emission transportation along the bus routes.
“Because buses follow fixed schedules and routes, there is no unpredictability around the range. The anchor decision is the bus charging strategy — because efficient recharging reduces electric bus operating costs. For Transdev, ABB deployed its e-bus ready Terra 124 dual-outlet fast-charging stations that can provide a single 120 kW charge or simultaneously charge two buses at 60 kW [in] under five hours and up to a 300-km range per charge. This solution minimises downtime and improves utilisation of the buses across the planned route.”
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The new electric buses were built at Volgren’s factory in Dandenong, Melbourne, using close to 100 Australian suppliers and almost 90% proportion of local production. The chassis and the 348 kW lithium phosphate battery were manufactured by Chinese company BYD.
Volgren CEO Thiago Deiro said the introduction of zero-emission buses in Australia would have significant benefits for commuters, fleet operators, the health sector and, most importantly, the environment. “The fleet transition to electric buses that we’re now seeing will play an important part in reducing transport emissions in Australia and globally, which is essential for the community in so many ways,” he said.
“Our goal is to not only make the very best electric bus bodies, but to share knowledge and be part of the solution with international partners like ABB and Transdev.”
Transdev was also looking for a digital solution that would integrate with solar-powered panels. ABB’s high-power chargers form part of the ABB Ability portfolio of digital solutions. They benefit from cloud connectivity, which allows network operators 24-hour availability of the charging infrastructure to perform tasks remotely, such as monitoring diagnosis and upgrades to maximise charger availability and ensure reliable and efficient infrastructure.
“Our DC fast chargers run on the ABB Ability Connected Services Platform, which employs Microsoft’s Azure cloud services to enhance uptime, scalability and operational efficiencies, as well as to provide real-time remote support services,” Amor said. “ABB provides EV charging stations and critical EV charging infrastructure components, such as substations, energy storage systems and eco-friendly switchgear. These technologies are designed so that EV charging stations, once installed, will be both futureproof and scalable.
“ABB and Transdev share a similar vision around the potential of e-mobility and transportation to transform society. Our common goal is to accelerate the introduction of emission-free transportation by creating an environmentally friendly bus fleet supported by a standardised, fast, efficient and reliable charging system that will serve Transdev’s expanding electric bus fleet both today and into the future.”
source http://sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/energy/case-study/qld-s-full-size-electric-bus-powered-by-100-solar-1514615547
from WordPress https://davidkent.home.blog/2021/09/09/qlds-full-size-electric-bus-powered-by-100-solar/
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ranjith11 · 9 months
Getting communication from ATO for STP Phase 2 for Xero
Welcome to Futureproof Accountants' insightful video on mastering STP Phase 2 compliance for your business. In this informative session, Neha, the esteemed Director of Futureproof Accountants, delves deep into the intricacies of Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 compliance and sheds light on the vital requirements for effortless government information reporting.
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Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
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Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
from Soft Trending https://ift.tt/2TchAXd via IFTTT
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softtrending02 · 3 years
Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
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Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
from Soft Trending https://ift.tt/2TchAXd via softtrending
0 notes
softtrending · 3 years
Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
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Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
from Soft Trending https://ift.tt/2TchAXd via softtrending
0 notes
softtrending04 · 3 years
Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
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Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
from Soft Trending https://ift.tt/2TchAXd via softtrending
0 notes
softtrending07 · 3 years
Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
Tumblr media
Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
from Soft Trending https://ift.tt/2TchAXd via softtrending
0 notes
softtrending01 · 3 years
Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility
Amusive Digital’s Lily Ray discusses the prevalent trends among core update losers. As well as the strategies she does help her clients improve their E-A-T.
The rivalry for site traffic, users’ attention, and trust are always increasing, and individuals. Now have more options than ever before for finding the information or items they need. That’s why, as a measure of content relevancy and quality, search engines like Google emphasize expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
Demonstrating a high level of E-A-T not only increases your chances of ranking higher for relevant queries. But it also protects your site from losing visibility after a core upgrade and informs people that your material, and by extension. Your brand is a trustworthy source of information.
Lily Ray, the senior director, SEO & head of organic research at Amsive Digital, discussed the tactics that she and her team have identified as being harmful to your E- A-T, as well as ways to bolster it for search engines and users alike, during her session at SMX Advanced titled “Demystifying major algorithm updates in 2021: Where is search headed?”
Practices that can hurt your E-A-T
“One of the overall themes I’ve noticed in my research is the increasing prominence of E-A-T, particularly for Your Money or Your Life [YMYL] websites,” Ray explained. “On the other hand, we have essentially eliminated fake news, pseudoscience, clickbait [and] sites that violate scientific and medical consensus, as Google makes apparent in many of its documents.”
While you may not be writing materials that contradict science. Low E-A-T content can be found across all industries. A handful of the characteristics of such content are listed below.
Omitting attribution and evidence.
Would you trust financial or medical advice from someone who claims to be an expert? But won’t back it up with evidence or reveal their name and credentials? Publishing articles without naming an author or including a byline with their credentials is the internet version of that.
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Sites that omit this information, particularly in YMYL categories like finance, civics, news, and health, are “just making a lot of bold claims without necessarily saying where they got that information from,” Ray said, adding that “there’s no proof or evidence of the claims that they’re making on the site.”And in other situations, the content or counsel they’re delivering throughout the content is downright hazardous. Which is something Google is firmly against.”
Thin content, duplicate content, and doorway pages.
“Another issue my team and I observed while doing this type of research and working with our clients is that a lot of sites that have been impacted by core upgrades over the last several years tend to have a lot of thin, duplicate, or doorway pages,” Ray explained.
Users are likely to have a poor experience on these pages. These strategies may be used by businesses to save time by reusing a page template or to alter ranking signals. These landing pages, for whatever reason, fail to offer the material that people clicked through from the search results. Eroding your brand’s credibility and visibility for search.
Generalist content. 
While creating a range of material on many topics may help you appeal to a wider audience. It’s probable that you’re not expressing a high level of experience or authority in any of them.
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“Another thing I’ve seen is that these generalist sites that are jack-of-all-trades but master of none. A lot of these types of sites are on the decline,” Ray said. We can notice a reduction in visibility for DIY sites. Which are generally low-stakes themes, in the data above. For businesses looking to improve their E-A-T. If you’re posting YMYL content. It’s ideal to create content that relates to your topic area.
Unmoderated UGC. 
User-generated content (UGC) can be beneficial to your SEO. But it can also harm your E-A-T and ranks if left unchecked.
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“One thing we’ve observed on a lot of the badly impacted sites is that they don’t have a good hold on their comments, or on user-generated content throughout the site,” Ray explained. “In some cases, we’ve seen people provide a lot of really sensitive information [in their comments], or perhaps they’re giving really awful medical advice. “So if you’re focusing on E-A-T and people come in and leave personal information or stuff that defies medical consensus or things like that. It can really work against you,” she continued.
Undisclosed affiliate links. 
Affiliate links help certain businesses make cash that supports their content, and they can keep doing so without jeopardizing their E-A-T by declaring the nature of these relationships.
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If your affiliate links appear to be internal links to other material, as is often the case with YMYL content, search engines and people may take issue. “If you don’t make it plain that these are affiliate links throughout the material, and if you use instructional. Your Money or Your Life pages really urge the customer to buy things. “With the product reviews upgrade, and even with the core update in June of 2021. It looks to be the case that Google is really ramping up the importance of strong E-A-T and good usability on affiliate sites and product review sites,” Ray added.
Ways to convey more expertise, authority, and trustworthiness
There are several ways to show search engines and viewers that your material is well researched, accurate, and that your brand can be trusted. In addition to avoiding the tactics outlined above.
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Update, remove, redirect or consolidate your content. 
Marketers might get so caught up in developing fresh content that they forget that quantity isn’t always better than quality.
Ray described the job her teams do for their clients as “updating, removing, redirecting, or consolidating underperforming content when necessary.”By incorporating these tasks into your workflow. You can limit the danger of duplicate content, remove old information from your site, and save time by giving existing evergreen content a new lease on life.
Improve your site architecture.
Ray told Search Engine Land that “the way a website is architected via its internal linking structure and breadcrumbs can actually aid to convey E-A-T. Use a logical parent/child relationship within your categories, subcategories, articles, and goods to help customers and search engines understand you have a depth of expertise on a certain topic,” says the author.
This method, she added, can also be useful for separating information that isn’t SEO-friendly or could harm your site’s overall quality. Such as user-generated content, adult content, or required website content that should be indexed.
Manage your brand’s reputation.
Your E-A-T may be harmed as a result of a bad brand reputation. The reputation of websites and creators is expressly addressed in Section 2.6 of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Which instructs evaluators that “Many websites are eager to tell people how fantastic they are.”Some webmasters have studied the rating standards and have written reviews on numerous review sites. However, you must also search for outside, independent reputation information about the website when ranking Page Quality. Trust reliable external sources when the website claims one thing and reputable external sources say something different.”
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Although Google’s search quality raters have no direct influence over the algorithms or rankings. Their feedback is taken into account when the company plans future algorithm updates, and addressing your reputation will increase the likelihood that users will trust your site and its content.
Find ways to increase transparency and trust.
More and more sites are demonstrating their knowledge as E-A-T becomes more of a requirement to rank highly in specific verticals. Because of the increased competition. Ray believes that “the more you can do to show your users why you should be trusted. The more signals you can put to the page, the better your site will perform.”
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Diet Doctor clearly shows who the author is, who the piece of content was evaluated by, and when the article was last updated in the example Ray presented (seen above). The site also employs pop-up citations after each claim-containing text.
Expertise isn’t built overnight and neither is E-A-T
Whether you’re trying to recover from a core change or just futureproof your content. Keep in mind that the benefits of your optimizations may take some time to see. “Anyone hoping for shortcuts to this process will be disappointed to learn that there are none. Because this is extremely difficult work,” says the author.“Search engines might take a long time to process these changes,” Ray explained. So you might not see the consequences of your work until the next core update, or even the core update after that.”
However, the rewards of increasing your organic visibility and building more trust with consumers may be well worth the effort. The strategies you put in place to improve your E-A-T can also be utilized to improve your visibility in other areas. “It’s not just Google search; they’re focusing on E-A-T in so many various areas of Google,” Ray explained. “So the same techniques you’re doing to rank in organic search. Think about that for YouTube, think about that for your photos, and so on.”
  The post Demonstrating E-A-T: Tactics to Use and Avoid in Order to Improve Search Visibility appeared first on Soft Trending.
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fidobe · 3 years
Quickbooks VAT: The single bundle for all your business arrangements
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With regards to business development, each entrepreneur needs to develop dramatically while incorporating their business modules consistently. To meet ordinary business prerequisites, efficient venture asset arranging is required. Prior to starting with the diverse ERP arrangements we should investigate the importance and meaning of ERP.
ERP represents Enterprise Resource Planning. This product is included incredible and vital business measure the executives utilities that can be utilized to oversee data inside an establishment. While each organization and association working today is remarkable in its manner, they all face a typical test: to remain serious in the present business climate, they need a trustworthy and effective approach to store and access information. That is the place where ERP frameworks become possibly the most important factor.
In spite of the fact that, for entrepreneurs there are a few ERP arrangements are accessible on the lookout nonetheless, Quickbooks UAE ERP is viewed as the best ERP that assists the establishment with growing out of and beat without outside impedance. At the point when Custom Quickbooks VAT Apps backs Quickbooks UAE ERP, its in-house capacity increments and gives start to finish answers for the business.
While performing with the tech monsters, a large portion of the Subject matter Experts need the help of Quickbooks VAT ERP that can give a push to their association through which the entrepreneurs can keep a beware of the everyday presentation.
Quickbooks UAE POS: Brief Introduction
Retail location in Quickbooks VAT assists you with selling out items at an actual shop in a digitized way.
On the off chance that you have an actual shop and as opposed to doing every one of the cycles physically then you can utilize Quickbooks UAE POS. Numerous clerks can run a shop and as an administrator, you can put a few limitations for the clerks like don't permit them to change the cost of any item.
You can contact a wide scope of crowd by taking your business on the web. Quickbooks VAT has an all around constructed E-trade for you which opens up a few chances for your business. You can incorporate installment techniques just as transportation strategies with your Quickbooks VAT to make the site helpful for your clients
Along these lines, there are a portion of the advantages and use of QuickBooks Invoice format UAE arrangement which will help you soar your business development. In the event that you are searching for an ERP arrangement or in any event, utilizing a weak one which can't give you every one of these phenomenal advantages in a solitary bundle then you can generally attempt this Quickbooks VAT application which will positively remove every one of your issues and will give you a supernatural arrangement.
Out of a few advantages of utilizing Quickbooks VAT ERP answer for your developing your business, here we will examine for certain odd advantages and use of the entire bundle.
1. Cost Efficient As talked about above, Quickbooks VAT applications are adaptable, and along these lines, they are cost-productive. How about we examine and analyze the iOS and Android stages for the Quickbooks VAT application. iOS is a powerful and high security stage, and it is sans slack, however the significant disadvantage is that it can't be altered by the client's necessities, not normal for Android.
Quickbooks UAE applications are really adaptable and adjustable. As they are not difficult to alter as per the client's necessities. The interface is so cool and easy to understand that you probably won't require any preparation to gain proficiency with all the customization choice and can be sorted out without any problem. Not at all like other applications, Quickbooks VAT applications are adaptable and give consistent reconciliation across various modules with no additional code or specialized ability. For instance, in the event that you require an application that coordinates office 365 with Quickbooks VAT ERP, you can purchase Quickbooks VAT office connector applications that interface Office 365 undertakings, email, schedule with Quickbooks VAT ERP and adjust all the workplace 365 information as per your necessities.
As talked about above, Quickbooks VAT applications are adaptable, and along these lines, they are cost-productive. How about we examine and analyze the iOS and Android stages for the Quickbooks VAT application. iOS is a powerful and high security stage, and it is sans slack, however the significant disadvantage is that it can't be altered by the client's necessities, not normal for Android.
2. Pliable and Resilient Quickbooks UAE applications are really adaptable and adjustable. As they are not difficult to alter as per the client's necessities. The interface is so cool and easy to understand that you probably won't require any preparation to gain proficiency with all the customization choice and can be sorted out without any problem. Not at all like other applications, Quickbooks VAT applications are adaptable and give consistent reconciliation across various modules with no additional code or specialized ability. For instance, in the event that you require an application that coordinates office 365 with Quickbooks VAT ERP, you can purchase Quickbooks VAT office connector applications that interface Office 365 undertakings, email, schedule with Quickbooks VAT ERP and adjust all the workplace 365 information as per your necessities.
3. Latest Updates The significant test before any ERP arrangement is its futureproofing. You purchase any application bundle today by remembering your past and current difficulties. Sometime, your business prerequisites will develop, and you need to change to another application on the grounds that the old application doesn't uphold the new infrastructural necessities. Be that as it may, stand by, you have Quickbooks UAE applications with you. Quickbooks VAT application engineers continue sending updates to their clients to make the application and ERP viable with the contemporary business situation.
Perhaps the most productive advantage of utilizing QuickBooks Invoice layout UAE is that it is very simple to make advancements in QuickBooks Invoice format UAE. The entire interface is so easy to understand that it very well may be done in a couple of snaps. The client will just need to give an advancement name and set advancement conditions here. When the client furnishes with every one of the necessary subtleties, their task is finished.
There are different conditions dependent on clients, in light of items, amount, least buy, promotion code and so forth which sorts the kind of advancement and makes the entire interaction very effective.
4. Ease of Use With regards to Android, it is loaded with highlights, and its ROM can be altered by the client's requirements. On account of Quickbooks VAT custom applications, the applications can be modified like Android, and due to its natural UI/UX, it gives consistent joining across numerous modules.
With Quickbooks VAT, clients will not need to look for information on changed frameworks or instruments as it gave incorporated answer for the vast majority of your inquiries. Also, your firm will save a fortune in the preparation program of clients on various instruments. As ERP has given a unified bundle for every one of your answers, everything is packaged up into one programming.
5. Miscellaneous You can take care of the majority of your business issues with the assistance of Quickbooks VAT. Regardless of whether you need to monitor the items you have purchased or need to sell them. Regardless of whether you need to deal with the stock of the stock. Quickbooks VAT has got something for all. There are Multiple Quickbooks VAT Business Cases which are effectively driving the market.
This, yet you can likewise deal with the assets of your organizations with the assistance of Quickbooks VAT ERP. On the off chance that you are working with a disconnected plan of action than likewise you can take your business to the following stage with the assistance of Quickbooks VAT POS.
Quickbooks UAE POS: Brief Introduction
Retail location in Quickbooks VAT assists you with selling out items at an actual shop in a digitized way.
On the off chance that you have an actual shop and as opposed to doing every one of the cycles physically then you can utilize Quickbooks UAE POS. Numerous clerks can run a shop and as an administrator, you can put a few limitations for the clerks like don't permit them to change the cost of any item.
You can contact a wide scope of crowd by taking your business on the web. Quickbooks VAT has an all around constructed E-trade for you which opens up a few chances for your business. You can incorporate installment techniques just as transportation strategies with your Quickbooks VAT to make the site helpful for your clients
Along these lines, there are a portion of the advantages and use of QuickBooks Invoice format UAE arrangement which will help you soar your business development. In the event that you are searching for an ERP arrangement or in any event, utilizing a weak one which can't give you every one of these phenomenal advantages in a solitary bundle then you can generally attempt this Quickbooks VAT application which will positively remove every one of your issues and will give you a supernatural arrangement.
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ranjith11 · 9 months
Getting communication from ATO for STP Phase 2 for Xero
Welcome to Futureproof Accountants' insightful video on mastering STP Phase 2 compliance for your business. In this informative session, Neha, the esteemed Director of Futureproof Accountants, delves deep into the intricacies of Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 compliance and sheds light on the vital requirements for effortless government information reporting.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
Is Third-Party Restaurant Delivery Right For You added to Google Docs
Is Third-Party Restaurant Delivery Right For You .lst-kix_list_2-6 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-7 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-0{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_2-4 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-5 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-8 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_2-8{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-3{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-2{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-0 > li:before{content:"● "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-4{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-3{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-1{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-0{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-1{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-7{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-6{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-1 > li:before{content:"○ "}.lst-kix_list_1-2 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-8{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-7{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-4{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-6{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_2-5{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-3 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-4 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-7 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-5 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-6 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-0 > li:before{content:"● "}.lst-kix_list_2-1 > li:before{content:"○ "}.lst-kix_list_1-8 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-2 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_2-3 > li:before{content:"■ "}
Your off-premise restaurant orders comprise a substantial portion of total sales in the industry, accounting for a reported 60% of all foodservice occasions. Even before the coronavirus upended the sector, off-premise dining was a fertile market that promised a bright future. In 2019, third-party restaurant delivery services earned $10.2 billion in revenue spread between several tech-giants. While this is good for customers hungry for delivery options, it can be very costly to restaurateurs. There are plenty of benefits to employing a third-party restaurant delivery service, namely in reaching the broadest possible audience without having to fund your off-premise solution. Still, with the industry facing uncertain times and unprecedented challenges, are third-party restaurant delivery services the right fit for your operation? 
The Cost
There are a lot of costs that go into running a restaurant, from finding the right location to hiring the right people. In the best of times, running a restaurant is a costly venture with razor-thin margins. Since the pandemic, the restaurant industry has lost around $120B, so keeping costs down is imperative. It’s understandable then why some many restaurateurs take any opportunity to reduce business costs wherever possible, including relying on third-party delivery partners to enhance their off-premise potential.
Business owners know that you get what you pay for and that sometimes a good investment takes the appropriate capital to realize. While those third-party vendors can enrich or even create your off-premise strategy, those services come with a steep fee. In early May, a Chicago pizzeria posted a receipt of their transactions with one delivery service that went viral, showing a 63.9% take from a $1042 bill. Those fees are more than excessive, although abnormally higher than typical, which has led to lawsuits and mass shifts in how restaurants partner with third-party deliveries.  
Where Are You Listed?
Knowing the potential costs involved in working with a third-party restaurant delivery service, it stands to logic that you might use that knowledge to make an informed decision on whether or not to collaborate. Unfortunately, there have been multiple instances now of third-party delivery services listing restaurants without or despite their permission. This frivolity presents a host of problems for restaurateurs, from throttling your orders to removing quality from your hands. The good news is that there is currently litigation in motion to protect owners and operators from these types of unapproved partnerships. Until then, let’s examine a few steps you can take to mitigate this situation. 
What Can You Do? 
Taking legal action against a third-party is likely an untenable venture against a profitable company. Even if you win, you will probably have to spend a lot to protect your image. Still, there are two practical efforts to protect your business affairs that anyone can do. 
Check to see if you’re listed.
Promote your off-premise options publicly.
There are many third-party vendors, but if you suspect that your orders are going off-premise without your consent, it’s worth it to check out the most common in your area. Whether you suspect anything or not, make it crystal clear in every way how (or if) off-premise orders are delivered.
You can accomplish this by posting that information on any social media that you use. Consider pinning your delivery options on Twitter or Facebook, and including them in your Instagram bio. Make it clear on your web pages, too, and while guests aren’t likely to place a delivery order on-premise, a small sign somewhere may help minimize any confusion.
As of the time of this writing, more and more of the third-party restaurant delivery competition are becoming subsumed by GrubHub. While company mergers do not a monopoly make, the more this happens, the less control that restaurateurs have over their options. Losing control creates the potential for price gouging, a point of contention at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. Third-party delivery opportunities are essential to a lot of business models, but decreasing your options is detrimental to the long term viability of any partnership. 
Arbitrage describes the process of buying things at cost and selling them for profit. In the case of third-party delivery services, one enterprising entrepreneur saw an opportunity to employ this tactic, purchasing their own pizzas sold at a discount and then “selling” them back to themselves for profit. Beyond the humor in the story, the fact that there are pricing disparities between different third-party delivery services indicates a lack of attention to the finer details that others can exploit. Are third-party delivery services discounting your food? If so, where does that difference come from, and who pays for it? It’s worth learning the answer to these questions to avoid losing out on precious revenue, especially during lean economic times. 
Who Controls the Data?
Restaurant data security is imperative in an increasingly digitized and interconnected world. In the context of your day-to-day operations, any data collected by your restaurant is useful for your marketing efforts. You can gain a lot from data analytics, from how to engineer your menu, to optimizing your staff. Currently, third-party delivery services can collect and keep that same customer data, and they can do so in perpetuity. This ownership gives them an advantage in obtaining customers before the restaurateur can. The issue is at the heart of a legal battle right now, to cede control back to the restaurants, and essential to note when deciding on if (or with whom) you might consider partnering. 
DIY Delivery
If it’s feasible, there are a lot of opportunities to do your own delivery. Ask yourself the following questions: 
What is the potential cost of working with a third-party delivery service versus the cost of funding your own?
Do you have the proper insurances or permits? 
What kind of quality control do you want on food items that leave your restaurant? 
Convenience is King, which is why 31% of guests order through a delivery service twice per week. What these services are doing right is providing an avenue to make these experiences quick and easy. From kitchen automation to off-premise order aggregators, there are a variety of ways to optimize your deliveries. Implementing your delivery service is a great way to futureproof your restaurant by cutting out the middle-man.
There are a lot of reasonable concerns over working with third-party restaurant delivery services. In the short-term, it may be just the fix you need to get over the hump, be that as a new business or one trying to endure the hardships of economic turmoil. Planning for the long term can help you protect yourself and keep the control where it belongs, in the hands of the restaurateurs feeding a public hungry for off-premise. 
How has the pandemic altered your course? Click the link below for our page containing helpful restaurant resources for the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 Restaurant Resources Page  About the Author
Syd is a content marketing specialist, which are fancy words for writing pretty to tell a good story. He likes writing things about food, drinks, and music. He’s a musician himself, a father of two, and loves his wife a whole lot. At home, like the rest of the world right now, he’s finding time to play with the kids and create art.
The post Is Third-Party Restaurant Delivery Right For You? appeared first on QSR Automations.
via QSR Automations https://www.qsrautomations.com/blog/off-premise-dining/third-party-restaurant-delivery/ Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created July 6, 2020 at 08:08PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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cooldavidkentposts · 4 years
Infrastructure matters: shifting towards smart mobility
A well-planned infrastructure will be the key to unlocking CASE’s potential and meeting mobility challenges in Australian communities.
By 2056, the population of Australia will have hit 30 million people, with major implications for our transport systems. In Sydney alone, the NSW Government predicts there will be twice as many daily vehicle and public transport trips as today, and cars will account for around three-quarters of the growth.
With more vehicles on our roads, there are concerns about safety, the environment and congestion.
Nearly 1300 people die in vehicle incidents each year, and 36,000 are hospitalised. Transport is this country’s third-largest and fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Our annual congestion-related costs for the Australian economy will hit an estimated $40 billion by 2031 — twice the 2016 figure.
Fortunately, new modes and infrastructure advances are emerging that will innovate demand management, improve safety and reduce environmental impact. They present Australia with unparalleled opportunities to improve how people move around our cities and regions.
Arcadis’ interactive Future Mobility experience details how evolving infrastructure and transport modes can make every journey seamless, efficient and safe. Most will be facilitated by CASE, supported by intelligent transportation systems (ITS) which, for example, enable innovative approaches to demand management.
Exciting times lie ahead for transport infrastructure owners, designers and operators. But the benefits are only possible if we invest in futureproofing state and national transport infrastructure so it supports smart mobility. This means focusing on three key areas: communication systems, technology choices and shared learning.
Future Mobility will generate monumental levels of data exchange, so a strong communications backbone is essential, preferably using fibre optics or fibre-wireless systems — every road-widening project should include a fibre installation.
While public–private partnerships (PPPs) are useful for sharing the related risks and costs, it’s important to remain technology and vendor agnostic. Interoperability and scalability are essential for long-term sustainability.
Learning from interstate and international case studies is also important. Pilots and studies are taking place all over the world, including Australia. Truck platooning, which uses connected and autonomous technology to improve freight transport safety and efficiency, is being seriously investigated in Western Australia in a government–private sector partnership.
Intelligent communications, electric vehicle (EV) and shared mobility infrastructure will ultimately make journeys safer, cheaper and more efficient, and integrating them into infrastructure planning will unlock their full potential.
New modes and network solutions will reshape environments according to citizens’ specific needs and international enhancements will be adapted to suit Australian conditions. We should expect more innovative urban planning, such as fewer parking zones and more ridesharing vehicle pick-up and drop-off hubs. And as this is a long-term vision, new modes and network advances will probably be adopted incrementally, with interim changes such as dedicated lanes, striping and signing for connected and shared vehicles until every vehicle is fully automated.
It’s a large-scale, fundamental and systemic revolution that will affect every Australian, with no one-size-fits-all approach. Despite the challenges, Australia must embrace smart mobility — it is the most exciting transport evolution in our lifetimes.
While advanced future mobility plans might not be in reach for every owner and operator today, starting preparations now will make it easier to seize the benefits more quickly in the future.
Proactive Future Mobility planning: six key steps
1. Create your vision and strategy
Identify your city, regional and state mobility needs and how emerging technologies and trends might support them, with a high-level, aspirational vision and specific objectives for smart mobility planning.
2. Assess your current ITS architecture, programs and projects
This will define realistic project scopes and establish consistency when expanding. Knowing your capabilities and opportunity areas allows for incremental implementations that maximise resources and eliminate redundancies.
3. Review industry initiatives
Assess plans from other organisations to see what you can use to enhance your area’s mobility environments. Find plans with similar constraints or needs.
4. Determine Future Mobility opportunities
Consider how the latest mobility, safety and environmental applications might enhance mobility in your area’s transport environments. Prioritise initiatives according to your needs and goals and their deployment status — there might be some low-risk, early-start initiatives for immediate action. Look for opportunities to engage the public, private and university sectors for potential partnerships.
5. Secure funding
Successfully integrating Future Mobility with infrastructure represents a big investment, so it is important to consider traditional and non-traditional funding sources for pilots and projects. Private companies, for example, might share deployment costs in exchange for data access.
6. Consider the wider impacts of smart mobility
View targeted projects through institutional, policy and technical lenses. Consider the need for staff training and potential policy, legal or legislative changes, such as revising road rules and associated laws.
Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/Lars
source http://sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/article/infrastructure-matters-shifting-towards-smart-mobility-802777291
from WordPress https://davidkent.home.blog/2020/02/03/infrastructure-matters-shifting-towards-smart-mobility/
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