#FanWoman rants about
FanWoman watches
Man, I love tropes
Even some of the objectively stupid ones
(those are some of my favorites actually. I NEVER get tired of the Look-Out-My-Lady-Love! I-Shall-Ballroom-Dance-You-Out-Of-Dangerrrr! It makes me cackle every time) is that a trope even? or is that a Device? anyway...
The trope that I would LOVE to see die screaming in a fire is the Mandatory Childbirth trope
You MUST reproduce or you'll be sad and poor in your old age, or your husband will marry a new harlot, or people will make clucking noises behind your back while you walk down the street with your hawthorn berries, or, or, or, blah blah blah
BuT FaNwOmAnnn it's HiStOriCalllll !!!1!!1! Women had toBLAH BLAH BLAH
Yeah it's historical, and the costumes are fantasized, the hair is dead wrong half the time (pretty as hell but not strictly accurate), EVERYBODY is shaved and plucked into oblivion, nobody is fat, they're speaking more-or-less modern (fill-in-the-language-from-the-country-in-which-the-show/movie-was-produced), and there is neither evidence of indoor plumbing nor a visible chamber-pot ANYWHERE
It's historical FICTION
The only way you could get it any further removed from reality is if you added a dragon.
And, while I happen to be currently talking about a specific East-Asian show, the West does this too. All the DAMN time. It's just got a different flavor over here.
And, the times I've seen it utilized, it either didn't makes sense historically (if he's got concubines why ain't he in with 'em? why does She HAVE to do it?) or it's such a side, side, side plot that the story arc would completely stand without it) or it COMPLETELY goes against EVERYTHING that was written into the character previously (lookin' at YOU Firefly).
So like, idk, why are we still even doing this?
And it weirds-me-out even more when the writer is a woman.
Like, you would think that a woman writing wouldn't want to be seen herself as just fancified breeding stock so, why would you go out of your way to do that to your character when you could Fiction your way out of that or avoid it entirely.
I mean I get it when men do it because so few men have any awareness whatsoever that women have wants and dreams and desires and interests entirely separate from the biological process of reproduction. And so many of them think we're just baby-crazed automatons (lookin' at you AGAIN Firefly. And Torchwood a little bit).
But, man, when a woman writes that sh*t it just skeeves me out.
Anyway, I'm watching an aristocratic lady's maid do her level best to "protect" her Lady (who has had a catastrophic and nearly terminal miscarriage) by making damn sure that she gets pregnant AGAIN....which (as of THIS point in the arc anyway) will most likely kill The Lady.
Protect her
By killing her
Man, and I KNOW that sh*t's only gonna get worse.
ok and before anyone @'s me
Yes, I know the maid wasn't in on the convo with the husband and the doctor in which doc said that another pregnancy has a like 99% probability of killing The Lady. But common f*cking sense would say "Oh, Lady collapsed in a litre-and-a-half puddle of blood and nearly DIED. Perhaps we shouldn't do that again soon"
Also, maid, common sense should have suggested that husband and wife would have had a little "I'd rather you not die right now" discussion which was a piece of marital intimacy that would have been NONE OF YOUR F*CKING BUSINESS as a maid even if you DID raise Lady from childhood. Why do you think you have a right to stick your nose into someone else's marriage?
ok, side note audience knows that a rather-you-not-die convo never happened and husband (in a squirly move) rather than just staying celibate for a while is secretly feeding her contraceptives. Ok, THAT'S bad form dude. Really, REALLY bad.
But the maid doesn't know ANY of that, she's just stickin' her nose in where it doesn't belong because Mandatory Childbirth.
idk maybe it's just me because I'm SO childfree, but this sh*t just irritates the hell out of me.
Apologies to anybody who hasn't or isn't gonna watch Monarch Industry/ Rebel Princess because that's where ALL of that rant came from (although Oh! My General was in there too a little bit)
Sorry y'all that was a lot
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weirdgurlvermil 7 years
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Listen to Corey Taylor ASOB end up ranting into thin air about idiot drivers 馃槀 God I love that man, I have to be extra careful out on my mobility scooter because if moped & motorbike riders think they don't get looked for, trust me absolutely none of the useless lazy twats that don't use indicators look for mobility scooters. If I am using mine on the 8mph speed I am meant to be on the road, are you kidding me?! I'd rather just be a polite human & move out of the way for people walking & prams etc, because a) I don't trust 98% of drivers b) I don't trust my mouth when they start on me when they are in the wrong #aseriesofbleeps #asob #beatsone #beatsoneradio #coreytaylor #cmft #unclefm #music #heavymetal #musicislife#musicsaveslives #musictherapy #metal #rock #musicfan #lovemusic #livemusic #breathemusic #fanpost #fangirl #fangirlingsohard #fanwoman (at Yorkshire Wildlife Park)
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So wait, wait, wait
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So here's what I don't understand:
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