#Fabio knows Valentino is like that out of his own volition because their parents little corner store sure as hell was no sweat shop
catherine-sketches · 2 months
Me: God I love Valentino’s design but he is such a pice of shit
My brain: don’t worry we have Good Valentino at home
The Good Valentino at home:
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So I gave Valentino a nice twin! Meet Fabio everyone!!!
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In hell because he did the straightest thing you can do: kill a man (several men actually), Fabio is also involved in the sex work industry but in the “small brothel that has medical insurance and strict consent rules where he keeps all of his workers hidden from the exterminations and Valentino and his bullshit”
He meets the Hazbin gang after the battle with the angels when the writing on the wall tells him the Val and his weird stalker tv boyfriend and their lesbian mean friend will start a power grab and turf war and he feels that his small safe brothel will not remain as such for long. So off to the hotel he goes with his 20 or so girls, guys and non-binary pals.
Angel nearly has a heart attack when he sees him at the door for obvious reasons
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