#FJDNFDJ Yuta is absolutely gonna plop 👻👻👻stickers on the console!!!!
justiisms · 2 months
*taka has decided to spend the day with yuta~! for the first hour he's been content as he silently reads beside him, however a worried and uncomfortable looks slowly begins to appear on his face, the boy getting more and more antsy as he desperately tries not to bother him before he simply just can't take it anymore! he turns towards him and bows his head low, tears already beginning to well up in his eyes*
"I am sorry Yuta, but I think something must be wrong with me today. I-I am not sure why, but something just feels... off. I know it is a silly thing to admit, but I cannot shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. Like something is watching me..." *of course this is all a certain spirit's doing, shinigami having been s t a r i n g at the poor boy for quite a while before flying into his chest and popping out of his back! and then doing it again! and again!! and then once more before he finally cracked, shinigami now laughing as she 'sits' on taka's head!!*
Yuta has been enjoying today with Kiyotaka just as much! Aside from maybe the occasional small exchange of words here and there, he's been reading in content silent with him~ At first, he didn't notice the look of increasing distress on his bro's face, until turning his head to face him when he sees him bow his head his head low. "Taka...?" Confusion and concern instantly appears on Yuta's face at this suddenly change in his mood, as he sets his book down on his lap, so he can rest a hand on his back and rub it. "H-Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay...?"
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He nods in understanding as Taka tells him what's unnerving him... and the moment he says that he feels as if something is watching him, Yuta didn't have to question it: he already knew who was responsible for that, before even needing to look at said mischievous spirit!!! ("Shinigami.") As he continues rubbing the poor boy's back, he is squinting hard at her as he sees her pop in and out from his chest!!! ("Shinigami!!! C-Cut that out! You're scaring him...!")
And then he sees the poor boy start to cry! And the cackling spirit just sitting on his head!! Now giving a slight glare, Yuta wraps both arms around Kiyotaka and pulls him in for a tight hug.... while then using one of those hands to slightly reach up and furiously start bapping at her!!! ("S-Stop laughing! You made him cry! And we were just having such a nice afternoon, too... I think you know what punishment you're getting later for this!")
He'd scold her some more, but right now, he wants to try calming his poor studious bro down, as he softly mutters: "Th...There, there... it's okay, Taka, you're safe. You're okay... I'm sure that feeling will go away, soon. Just take some deep breaths, and tell yourself that nothing is really there... In fact, how about we relocate to the kitchen and have some tea? That might help. Either way, I'm right here by your side. Don't worry..."
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