#Exorcism Sorbet
bebopbop · 3 months
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Exorcism Sorbet! The gems are gummies.
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amethystsoda · 6 months
Recipe 10 complete! I was genuinely surprised at how delicious this one turned out! The nectarine of the jam combined with the peach soju and fresh mint really made for a winning flavor combo 💚🍧
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juiceboxfrogs · 12 days
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Laios with Exorcism Sorbet!
This was the prettiest looking food omg I want some irl
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mangetsuame · 28 days
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I'm still working on the Dungeon meshi RPG I promise
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Senshi Dungeon Meshi is the best character ever of all time
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biteapple · 3 months
i never actually saw the exorcism sorbet in color (did not watch the anime yet) so i actually imagined it to be a ghostly white with a pale barely visible glow on it and tasting like lemon sorbet with brightly colored gems bugs on it for pops of color lol
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grainjew · 3 months
Nikaposting Pt 1: Crypto-Religion
This is the first of a series of posts about Nika & associated religious practice in the One Piece world. As I write and post the rest of the series, I’ll add links to this header.
Pt 2: Symbology & Syncretism | Pt 3: Joyboy was Shandian | Pt 4: Sun God Tropes
Enormous credit to @oriigami for being my discussion partner through all of this and having a substantial influence on the final product. Check out our ao3 series Joyful for a narrative rather than analytical take on the Nika tradition, and definitely go read her OP blog @kaizokuou-ni-naru for meta and translation fun facts.
The Nika Cult is a Crypto-Religion
Terminology note: I will be using cult in these posts in the sense of “cult of worship,” rather than in the modern pejorative sense. Additionally, I tend to use “tradition” rather than “religion” as a general term, because “religion” is a messy and difficult to define concept, while “tradition” is much more inclusive of traditional practices, folk beliefs, and cults of worship that may not be considered religions by Western scholarship.
Raise your hand if you saw Kuma’s church and Bible, concluded “oh, the Nika stuff is basically One Piece Christianity,” and moved on with your life.
It’s an easy assumption to make, and for all I know authorial intent may well stop there. I’m not Oda. I’ll never be able to guess what goes on behind those fish eyes of his. But a second look at the worldbuilding around both Nika and Christianity in One Piece brought me to a very different conclusion: that the Nika cult is a crypto-religion and is, in Kuma’s case, using the outward appearance of Christianity as camouflage.
First of all: We have ample evidence that Christianity (or some variation of it- I’m fascinated by the implied existence of such things as One Piece Jerusalem and the One Piece Council of Nicea) does exist in the One Piece world, and is both fairly widespread and quite legal. Flevance was pretty explicitly Catholic (Law went to church as a kid), Miss Monday and Mother Carmel masqueraded as nuns to imply harmlessness, many if not most of the graves shown in the series are crosses, whatever Usopp was on about with that exorcism equipment, and, yes, Kuma’s church and Bible.
Even mentioning the Nika cult, on the other hand, is grounds for the government to assassinate you with extreme prejudice.
A crypto-religion is what happens when a religion is suppressed to the point that its practice is grounds for exile, torture, and/or execution: Some people will convert. Some people will flee into exile. Some people will die. And some people will outwardly adopt the dominant religion, but will continue to practice their own traditions in secret; ie, they’ll create a crypto-religion.
One of the more famous examples of this is the post-Spanish Inquisition crypto-Jews of Spain and Portugal, who converted to Christianity in public but kept what Jewish traditions and rituals they could in private. To this day, descendants of these conversos whose families have been Catholic for centuries are discovering that their family tradition of lighting two candles on Friday or not eating pork on Saturday are in fact the legacy of a violently suppressed heritage. There are countless other examples of crypto-religions throughout history, both among Jews (my own personal field of knowledge) and among other traditions (for an example that would be known to Oda, the crypto-Christians of Japan).
There’s no way the Nika cult could have survived except in cryptic form. If it ever had physical infrastructure in the form of temples or pilgrimage sites, the government would have sought them out and demolished them long ago if they were not adequately disguised, especially in World Government member states like the Sorbet Kingdom. Likewise, anyone foolish enough to speak publicly about Nika will be summarily assassinated.
In fact, I have doubts that the Nika cult ever existed outside cryptic form, at least in a significant or long-lasting manner. It was specifically introduced as a slave tradition, likely nigh-exclusively oral, practiced in secret either from its inception—if Nika was a figure created by slaves, including the buccaneers—or for a very long time—if it was the cultural or ethnic tradition of the buccaneers, which spread from enslaved buccaneers to non-buccaneer slaves because Nika was a figure that resonated with them. I tend the favor the second option, but either has merit.
As @oriigami said when we were talking about this, Kuma has a church. Kuma has a bible. Kuma worships a god about whom absolutely nothing is written except in the oldest texts.
Additionally, I’ll expand on this more in pt 2 of this series, but the pendant Kuma leaves for Bonney, a large circular sapphire surrounded by eight smaller circular sapphires, matches the circular symbol inset into the crosses of his church. Bonney immediately identifies the pendant as a sun even though it really doesn’t look like one, and it can be surmised therefore that it’s a Nika amulet, and the sun with disconnected rays a Nika symbol. Following this read, and especially because this symbol occurs across the world in other contexts (see pt 2 for my thoughts on that), its presence in the church is a very careful bit of architectural sleight of hand on the part of whichever of Kuma’s ancestors built the place- echoing a very common practice of real-world crypto-religion adherents to mark the true nature of their allegiances and houses of worship in ways only those in the know might recognize.
And on a storytelling level, Kuma’s entire presence in the narrative and in the world has been a tragic saga of appearing to be one way until he’s revealed, again and again, to be the opposite. It makes thematic sense for him to be fooling the world about his faith as well!
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ansatsu-sha · 2 months
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Exorcism sorbet to drive away evils / Dungeon Meshi S1E5
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dungeondaily · 3 months
Dungeon Menu: March 20
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Naturally Delicious Treasure Insect Snacks, Exorcism Sorbet, Court Cuisine: Full Course Meal (painted), Boiled Mimic
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fictionalfoodpolls · 2 months
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bebopbop · 3 months
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Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hotpot
I made this a while back and didn't think to post here because I never thought anyone would see it. But folks seemed to like the Exorcism Sorbet so here is the hot pot I made to celebrate the anime coming out! I've been following the Dungeon Meshi manga for years now and am so happy with the anime adaption. Great excuse to cook fun stuff. I have a few more dunmeshi recipes backlogged and some Witch Hat Kitchen ones I'll post as well. ^_^
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radiation · 3 months
If you could eat any monster from dungeon meshi, which one would it be and why?
Not a particular monster, but the dish i wanted the most was FAIRY RING CHANGELING'D ASSORTED MULTICULTURAL DUMPLINGS. Oh my god. I think a lot about how dumpling style food from every culture covers most of my favorite dishes, and Im also someone who prefers sampling food here and there instead of eating a lot of one thing. So seeing this panel just made me like extremely excited
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I have to think harder about a particular monster..I really wanna try stuff with slime and Im delighted by all of the uses for it. The man-eating plant tart uses slime gelatin as a binding agent and it looks so good.
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Also not a monster but the exorcism sorbet was so delightful, the way they made it made me smile and it looks so good
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Unfortunately I quickly feel sick if I eat too much of one thing (especially really savory food) and I really like light foods, so although most of the dishes in dungeon meshi looked amazing they are probably a bit too heavy for me to eat more than a couple bites of so I really loved seeing unique light dishes like these here and there
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charmsponies · 2 months
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Exorcism Sorbet!
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avesseloflanguage · 1 month
NEED exorcism sorbet to drive away evils rn
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