#Everyone who's ever posted fun and easily digestible info about asexuality is a hero
wordsofdiana · 2 months
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Today is International Asexuality Day, a day devoted to raise asexual awareness, so it seemed like a good time to make you all aware of this asexual.
This is a label I’ve used privately and happily for quite some time, but I thought it was time to share this part of my self with the rest of the world, and I especially wanted to come out here on tumblr because I wanted to thank everyone who’s ever posted about asexuality in any form for helping me figure out this huge part of myself.
I didn’t know asexuality existed for most of my life. When I first heard about it, it was explained as meaning someone who has never had sex. Since I had sex before, I figured that didn’t apply to me and moved on. I’d also heard for so long that women don’t hit their sexual peak until their 30’s, so thought for most of my life that my interest in sex would come later, and eventually I’d understand why people are so into this sex stuff. But 30 came and went, and nothing changed, except that I was still on tumblr and I’d see posts describing the range of asexual identities and people discussing their personal experiences, and when I realized that this identity actually did fit me, that I did belong to it, I felt such a sense of relief. I’ve felt more like myself since I embraced it. I’m happier, more comfortable, less stressed all the time. A few months ago I told my partner and that went incredibly well. We’re communicating more and figuring out how this works for us, and our relationship is stronger and better than it’s ever been and I love him so much for that. It’s a journey I’m still going on, but it’s been a really great one so far.
In conclusion, I’m happy and proud to be Ace. Thanks to everyone who helped me get here and I hope your own journeys are going well. Asexually yours, Diana.
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