#Eugenio Galindo
eugeniogalindo · 7 months
Staging of Leukemia
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Unlike most solid tumors, leukemia is not classified by stage based on tumor size or spread. Different staging systems exist for each leukemia subtype. Overall, leukemia staging consists of multiple criteria including the type, count, and degree of maturation of specific blood cells, as well as the presence of enlarged lymph nodes.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) staging is based on the type and maturity of affected blood cells. The two main types of ALL are B-cell and T-cell ALL. Each type is staged according to the maturity of the blood cells. For example, B-cell ALL is classified as early pre-B, pre-B, common, or mature B-cell. T-cell ALL is classified as pre-T or mature T-cell.
There are two staging systems for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The French-American-British (FAB) system consists of eight stages based on blood cell type and maturity. Stages M0 to M5 refer to cancers that develop from immature white blood cells like myeloblasts and promyelocytes. Stage M6 refers to acute erythroid leukemia, where malignancy originates from immature red blood cells, whereas stage M7 develops from megakaryoblasts, or platelet-forming cells. Alternatively, the World Health Organization (WHO) stages AML based on prognostic factors such as genetic abnormalities, comorbidities, and cellular differentiation.
Doctors can stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) using the Rai or the Binet system. The Rai system is used in the United States. Comprising five stages, it assesses the severity of CLL based on three criteria: lymphocyte count, enlargement of lymph nodes, liver, or spleen, and development of blood disorders like anemia or thrombocytopenia. Rai stage 0, or low-risk CLL, is characterized by high lymphocyte count only, whereas stage 1 also includes enlarged lymph nodes. The liver or spleen may become enlarged in stage 2. Anemia and thrombocytopenia may develop in stages 3 and 4, or high-risk CLL.
In Europe, the Binet staging system focuses on enlargement of lymphoid tissue. Stage A describes CLL cases where some lymph nodes are swollen, stage B includes swollen lymphoid tissues in more than three areas, and stage C - like high-risk CLL in the Rai system - features anemia or thrombocytopenia.
The staging system for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is composed of phases that describe the number of immature white blood cells, also known as blasts, found in the bone marrow and bloodstream. Chronic CML is the earliest stage, where blasts account for less than 10 percent of total blood cells and patients present mild symptoms. In accelerated CML, blast growth progresses rapidly and results in more severe symptoms, such as weight loss. The most aggressive stage of CML is the blast phase, where blasts account for at least 20 percent of all blood cells and patients exhibit symptoms as severe as those with AML.
Doctors conduct various tests to accurately stage leukemia. They use diagnostic methods such as blood tests, bone marrow biopsy, and imaging modalities. A complete blood count, or CBC, determines the number of different cells in the bloodstream, and plays an important role in evaluating the severity of leukemia. Similarly, a bone marrow biopsy, taken from the patient’s hip bone, allows doctors to detect and identify the type of leukemia cells present in the bone marrow. Imaging modalities like x-rays and positron emission tomography (PET) scans can locate leukemia metastases in other parts of the body.
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mt-noticias · 2 months
Somos una fórmula de la que me siento orgullosa: Maki Ortiz ante riobravenses
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- Los candidatos Eugenio Hernández Flores y Maki Esther Ortiz Domínguez se reunieron con empresarios, agricultores, comerciantes y líderes sociales. "Mi especialidad son los resultados y aquí en Río Bravo lo vieron ustedes", aseguró Eugenio "Geño" Hernández Flores, compañero de fórmula con la Doctora Maki Esther Ortiz Domínguez; juntos trajeron a Tamaulipas la mayor infraestructura de salud, ejemplo de ello el Hospital General de la ciudad, entre las obras por las que las familias guardan aprecio por ellos. Maki Ortíz, destacó la razón por la que son candidatos en el Plan C para llegar al Senado, "somos una fórmula de la que me siento muy orgullosa, la del Verde es una estrategia que hizo la Doctora Claudia Sheinbaum para poder conseguir el 70% en la cámara de Diputados y de Senadores, para establecer reformas, por ejemplo la jubilación con el 100% salarial". "Hicimos, Eugenio como gobernador y yo como subsecretaria de salud, los hospitales, Canseco de Tampico; Torre Cantú de Altamira, de Alta Especialidad de Ciudad Victoria, 279 del IMSS y Materno Infantil en Reynosa, Hospital General de Valle Hermoso y Miguel Alemán Valle Hermoso", dio a conocer la candidata con experiencia para servirte, quien también fue acompañada por Casandra Priscila de los Santos Flores, candidata a Diputada Federal de la coalición MORENA-PT-PVEM, Luego de la bienvenida por parte de la exdiputada Norma Alicia Treviño Guajardo y de la Doctora Eva Lidia García de González, y con la presencia de los exalcaldes Bernardo Gómez Villagomez y Juan De Dios Cavazos Cárdenas, además del coordinador local del Partido Verde, José Gilberto Galindo Guerrero, y del empresario Benito Alanis Márquez, aseguró Maki Esther Ortiz Domínguez: "lo que nos interesa es servir, hacer el bien", al mencionar que van a la Cámara Alta para, "hacer Leyes que repercutan en los 120 millones de mexicanos". Los candidatos a Senadores por el Partido Verde se reunieron con amigos del campo, empresarios, comerciantes y líderes sociales, de Río Bravo, con quienes establecieron un acuerdo para el progreso de México, votar el 2 de junio por la fórmula que encabezan para seguir avanzando con la cuarta transformación. "Gracias a Maki hicimos el Hospital General de aquí, ella como Subsecretaria federal Y ahora con Claudia Sheinbaum vamos a hacer equipo y también con el gobernador Américo Villarreal Anaya y el futuro presidente municipal de aquí", dijo el Geño a los riobravenses este jueves 4 de abril, acordando "yo le voy a echar las ganas y ustedes van a poner los votos". #RioBravo #MakiOrtizDominguez #EugenioHernandezFlores #RumboAlSenadoPorTamaulipas #PVEM #PartidoVerde #EnTamaulipasLa4TsePintaDeVerde Read the full article
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armatofu · 8 months
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En la época del imperio romano, estando el norte de África bajo su dominio, la llamada provincia de Mauretania. En la actualidad, se asientan los territorios de Marruecos y Argelia, cuya población estaba compuesta de pueblos bereberes, dedicados al pastoreo seminómada. Muchas de estas tribus, se rebelaron contra el yugo romano, produciéndose importantes y sangrientos conflictos; así como la muerte de autoridades allí enviadas por Roma. Ante esta situación de rebeld��a, el senado romano con el fin de sofocarla y dar un castigo ejemplar, envía sus legiones para apagar y acallar esta desobediencia de los norteafricanos. Con este propósito, el ejército imperial prende a los principales líderes de las revueltas y, públicamente, a los rebeldes les infringen duras torturas y les cortan sus cabezas, como escarmiento y ejemplo ante el resto de la población. Por su parte, a los que no tuvieron una participación activa y solo siguieron o encubrieron a los demás, para que no se produjeran motines en el futuro y sirvieran de aviso a siguientes generaciones, los desposeyeron y les extirparon sus lenguas de raíz. Así, nunca podrían deleitarse ni celebrar que se levantaron contra Roma. Niños, niñas, mujeres, hombres, ancianos y ancianas: todos, quedaron sin lengua. Posteriormente, se les expulsó de su tierra, siendo trasladados y embarcados en naves romanas. Estos pasajeros cautivos que viajaron en condiciones infrahumanas, al acercarse a las costas las islas Afortunadas, los arrojaron y abandonaron. Allí quedaron hambrientos, depauperados y harapientos; dejados a su suerte y solo con algunos animales para subsistir. De esta manera, la leyenda explica como se poblaron las islas Canarias. Esta leyenda viene recogida desde muy antiguo en las crónicas, concretamente en Le Canarien (siglo XV) se menciona a los deslenguados. Por su parte, Abreu y Galindo, en su Historia de la Conquista de las Siete Islas de Canaria, aparte de relatarlo en su capítulo V, afirma que esto se encontraba en un “libro grande” desaparecido de la biblioteca de la Catedral de Santa Ana en el real de Las Palmas. Viera y Clavijo pone en duda esta interpretación poco objetiva y no ajustada a la realidad, calificándola como una anecdótica. También se ha utilizado para explicar el porqué del silbo gomero, todos sabemos la importancia que tiene la lengua en su ejecución. Desquitando toda esta aureola mágico-fantástica, lo que la investigación ha podido constatar es el origen amazigh (bereber) de los primeros pobladores de las islas, comprobado principalmente en estudios arqueológicos, filológicos y bio-genéticos. Asimismo, que su arribadas -presumiéndose varias- serían entre seis siglos antes y uno después de nuestra Era. Sin embargo, queda una cuestión importante por resolver: ¿cómo y de que forma llegaron a las islas desde el continente?
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elreporteromovil · 9 months
"Geño" es hombre libre
Francisco Medina Guerrero CIUDAD VICTORIA.- Esta madrugada, tras salir del  Reclusorio Antonio Sánchez Galindo ubicado en el Municipio de Tenango Del Valle en el Estado de México, el ex gobernador Eugenio Hernández Flores manifestó; “me siento muy bien”. Entrevistado vía telefónica, Hernández Flores añadió; “listo para una vida renovada, listo para seguirle”, fueron las primeras palabras del ex…
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Dr. Eugenio Galindo reflects on McAllen Oncology's recent grand opening event
Kicking off 2019 in style with McAllen Oncology's grand opening celebration in January,
Dr. Eugenio Galindo
, a veteran of the oncology field for more than three decades, reflects on the highly successful event, staged in association with the Texas city of McAllen's Chamber of Commerce.
"We had over 375 patients and their families in attendance, as well as several representatives from the city's Chamber of Commerce," reveals
Dr. Galindo
of the grand opening celebration which took place in January. "It really was an amazing event," he adds.
Oncologist Dr. Galindo continues, "At McAllen Oncology, we offer complete cancer care in a state-of-the-art facility which includes an innovative community infusion center with private suites and a diagnostic imaging center and laboratory."
McAllen Oncology is the only cancer center of its kind in South Texas, says Dr. Galindo, explaining more about the clinic following its grand opening. "Our ribbon cutting was a great way to kick off 2019," he adds of the event which took place earlier this year, on January 11.
The beginning of January marked a busy month for the South Texas city of McAllen. Other events which took place, in association with the McAllen Chamber of Commerce, included the Mediforce, LLC grand opening and ribbon cutting, the Rio Grande Regional Hospital ground-breaking, RGV Electrical Supply's grand opening and ribbon cutting, the Jalapenos Bar & Grill grand re-opening and ribbon cutting, and Ric Brown Family Funeral Home's 1st year anniversary and ribbon cutting, as well as grand opening and ribbon cutting events at Skinn Bar and ProSports Massage Clinic.
With a membership of 2,000 and a staff of 21, the McAllen Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1924 as an evolution of the McAllen Businessmen's Club, which, 13 years earlier, and founded in 1911, drove the initial creation of the City of McAllen.
"The McAllen Chamber of Commerce," adds Dr. Galindo, wrapping up, "is the largest chamber in a 15 county area, broadly regarded, I'm proud to say, as the most cutting edge, innovative, and progressive chamber in the region."
Dr. Eugenio Galindo is
certified in medical oncology through the American Board of Internal Medicine and has served in the Rio Grande Valley for more than 28 years. The medical director for McAllen Oncology, Dr. Galindo completed his fellowship at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and is an active participant in bringing the very latest in cancer treatment and screening to the Rio Grande Valley area. Fluent in English and Spanish, Dr. Galindo has also authored several influential medical publications on the subject of oncology.
Caroline Hunter
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disturbingnuisance · 5 years
Dr. Eugenio Galindo reveals details of upcoming <b>Gastrointestinal</b> Stromal Tumor Awareness Day
Oncology specialist Dr. Eugenio Galindo shares details of annual Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Awareness Day, organized by the Life Raft Group. from Google Alert - gastrointestinal https://ift.tt/2XdTeNI
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caw-caw-motherfker · 5 years
Valley Cancer <b>Doctor</b> Arraigned On Sex Assault Counts
A Valley cancer doctor has been arraigned on sexual assault charges he was arrested for back in December. Dr. Eugenio Gerardo Galindo was ... from Google Alert - Back Doctor http://bit.ly/2Yg7u4F
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alejandrotommasi · 4 years
De Lun a Vier 9:30 pm @canalestrellas #hoyvoyacambiar @serielupitadof @lupitadalessio @rgalindo5 @gabrielareyro @torresmarianaof @ferdinandoval @telchari @alejandrotommasiof #tv #tbt #tnt #tmt @telenovelastelevisamx @telenovelasactoresyactrices @telenovelas.series.peliculas @telenovelasmexicanasmexico @mundodetelenovelas @telenovelasmx @todotelenovelas #television #instagram #instagood #instamoment #instago #instapost #instacool #instapic #instagramers #in #instagramers #instapic #instalove #instadaily #instalike #followforfollowback #instalife #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforfollow #likers #mexico #cdmx Facebook Lun a Vier 21:30 Hrs Hoy Voy a Cambiar Oficina Ruben Galindo 1er piso del CIRT Lupita D'Alessio GABRIELA ROEL Mariana Torres Ferdinando Valencia Ari Telch Dmente teatro Alejandro Tommasi Immunotec Televisa Canal de las Estrellas @serielupitadof Lupita D’Alessio Oficina Ruben Galindo 1er piso del CIRT Mariana Torres @Ferdinando al Ari Telch Dmente teatro Isadora González Alejandro Tommasi Immunotec Germán Mendoza Victoria Viera Oficial Christian Ramos Mex Karla Farfán Eugenio Montessoro Ana Ciocchetti Raul Olivo Giovana Fuentes Series de televisión que enganchan y no puedes dejar de ver hasta el final Televisa Telenovelas #instapic #instagramers #in #instagramers #instapic #instalove #instadaily #instalike #followforfollowback #instalife #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforfollow #likers #mexico #cdmx https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6ows0jrEFyQtV2ciP1oB7aSWknqxHj8qN2Pk0/?igshid=1qir4rmseer5a
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phgq · 5 years
CA confirms appointment of 113 senior military officers
#PHnews: CA confirms appointment of 113 senior military officers
MANILA -- The Commission on Appointments (CA) confirmed the ad interim appointments of 113 senior officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) during its plenary session at the Senate of the Philippines in Pasay City on Wednesday.
Confirmed with the rank of Colonel are 85 senior officers of the Philippine Army, namely: Allan Jose Taguba; Lennon Babilonia; Marion Angcao; Marces Gayat; Walter Icaro; Francis Anthony Coronel; Rodrigo Magallanes; Benjamin Daniel Tianco; Erwin Salibad; Nicolas Quemado Jr.; Ali Luis Macarawis; Edgar De Los Reyes; Hubert Acierto; Michael Banua; Allan Napisa; Francis Marlon Wong; Armando Diango; Leroy Daanton; Lambert Jonathan Gesolgon; Michael Liclayo; Evan Bermudo; Felix Ronnie Babac; Jose Vladimir Cagara; Jose Ambrosio Rustia; Renato Osorio; Raymund Dante Lachica; Enrique Clemente; Romeo Cabanalan; Ehrlich Noel Paraso; Eugene Badua; Roberto Bunagan; Billy Dela Rosa; Alvin Luzon; Emmanuel Cabasan; Gerry Besana; Emilio Pedro Jr.; Rowell Velasquez; Apollo Jun Lamaton; Gasanara Sultan; Prudencio Iddoba; Ismael Mandanas Jr.; Eugenio Julio Osias IV; Antonio Dulnuan Jr.;
Markton Abo; Arnel Floresca; Niceforo Diaz Jr.; Zacarias Battalla Jr.; Eric Guevarra; Beerjenson Aquino; Lauro Oliveros; Nelson Buhay; Gilbert Roy Ruiz; Ramon Flores; Francis Carandang; Ruben Matillano; Redentor Mojares; Rommel Cordova; Leonardo Pagaduan; Patrick De Villa; Roderick Balbanero; Emmanuel Mirafuentes; Diosdado Peji; Francis Carter Sibal; Mario Genosa; Patrick Cinco; Ferdinand Compay; Luisito Perez; Axel Hillarin; Glenn Alvarez; Miguel Ceballos; Jenie Heyasa; Edgardo Villanueva; Henry Belen; Nedy Espulgar; Denis Tanzo; Arnulfo Ferdinand Bajarin; Lauro Banusing Jr.; Danilo Dupiag; Primo Ferrer; George Domingo; Emerlito Angulo; Noly Lapizar; Rolando Palomar; Antonio Rota Jr.; and Noel Delerio.
Also confirmed with the rank of Colonel are the following 12 senior officers of the Philippine Air Force: Richard De Guia; Paulo Teodoro; Rosemawattee Remo; Nomer Tumesa; Rover Sobrino; Thurman Fanugao; Arnold Tapia; Irvin Tanap; Rosemarie Tanap; Enrico Chavez; Nieves Gat-eb; and Ferdinand Encomienda.
Meanwhile, 13 Philippine Navy senior officers were confirmed with the rank of Captain, namely: Gerry Garrido Jr.; Alex Gianan; Lorenzo Bolor Jr.; Charles Meric Villanueva; Andro Val Abayon; Jose Petilla Jr.; Joel Tamayo; Salvador Henry Quinto; Felipe Bautista; Virgilio Ruiz; Nestor Galindo Jr.; Jonathan Zata; and Ariel Leonida.
Also, Alexander Gigantone, Enstein Calaoa Jr., and Gieram Aragones are three Philippine Marines senior officers confirmed with the rank of Colonel.
"Promotions of senior officers in the AFP signify not only the advancement of military officers in their career as soldiers, but it also implies the bigger and more crucial responsibilities that they have to carry in support of the AFP’s mission of protecting the people and securing the state," said Captain Jonathan Zata, AFP public affairs office chief. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "CA confirms appointment of 113 senior military officers." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1087280 (accessed November 28, 2019 at 04:44PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "CA confirms appointment of 113 senior military officers." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1087280 (archived).
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eugeniogalindo · 4 months
The Role of Tumor Boards in Cancer Care
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Tumor boards represent a crucial asset in cancer care. A tumor board gathers medical professionals and experts who convene to examine and explore treatment strategies for individual cancer patients. Typically, this group includes specialists from various fields, such as surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, and medical oncologists.
Various healthcare professionals, such as nurse specialists and social workers, might also participate in these discussions. A tumor board aims to pool together knowledge and innovative ideas to provide the best possible care for the patient's benefit. Primarily, tumor boards focus on cases that have exhausted standard treatment options or involve rare tumor types where established treatments might not exist.
Tumor boards can be conducted in person at hospitals or cancer centers or conducted virtually through video calls or asynchronous discussions using messaging software. In virtual settings, contributors share their opinions and suggestions for patient treatment options, allowing others to comment and collaborate until final decisions are made. A patient's privacy is strictly respected. Only individuals necessary for their care are involved in the discussion.
Before a tumor board meeting, those managing the case gather details for the patient’s case summary. This summary includes a timeline of their cancer history, starting from the diagnosis date, treatment information, imaging results, surgeries, and non-cancer-related medications to be mindful of potential interactions. Sometimes, this data is organized in a Gantt chart for clarity.
The summary also covers molecular profiling findings, which are crucial for identifying genetic changes or other alterations that might respond to specific treatments. Molecular profiling can be conducted on tumor tissue or through a blood test (liquid biopsy). If molecular profiling hasn’t been completed before the meeting and there's available frozen tumor tissue, it can still be tested, although results might take time.
Once the case summary is ready, the lead scientist or doctor researches treatment options. These can range from FDA-approved therapies for the patient’s cancer type to treatments for other cancers targeting specific alterations, investigational therapies, surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Options might include single-agent treatments or combinations, like two drugs targeting different alterations. A brief report detailing these options and their rationale is circulated among the participants before the tumor board meeting.
During the tumor board, the lead scientist presents the case summary and options, initiating discussions to reach a consensus on the best course of action. After the tumor board, the lead scientist drafts a detailed report outlining the options, which may be shared with the patient and their physician for consideration and discussion.
A tumor board not only helps craft the best treatment plans aligned with the patient’s treatment history and preferences but also aids in implementing these plans. For those seeking a second opinion, the board can suggest specialists and assist in scheduling appointments. In terms of treatments and clinical trials, it helps determine eligibility, facilitates trial enrollment, and explores access to therapies that might not be covered by insurance.
In certain hospitals, a tumor board evaluates all cancer cases at the outset of treatment planning. In contrast, in other hospitals, the tumor board concentrates on cases where a doctor seeks explicit input from the other members of a patient's medical team. Patients seeking to arrange a tumor board review of their case should consult with their healthcare provider to inquire if they offer tumor board assessments suitable for their situation.
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matrimonios 1825 parte 2-1/2
001 oah 2523 pt.3
002 168221
004 slate
005 continua
 006 nasario carrion & josefa loera / calvillo
 009 cruz duenas & petra mancilla / colima
 015 pantaleon munoz & ana maria chavez / aguascalientes
 018 jose maria mendoza & josefa (?) / ?
 024 prudencio garcia & antonia jimenez / salinas
 028 jose maria barragan & luisa rodriguez / moyahua
 033 eugenio ortiz & regina medina / aguascalientes
 041 atanacio rodriguez & leocadia medina / aguascalientes
 044 castolo santiago & dionisia hurtado / jerez *tree 045
 049 atanacio renteria & hipolita zuniga / sayula
 055 miguel contreras & juana ruiz / mascota
 060 benito velasco & refugio villalobos / calvillo
 063 pascual garcia & francisca vegara / tepic
 069 cacildo ornleas & juana maria ponce / teocaltiche
 075 ? & ?/ ?
 079 pedro gutierrez & maria san jose jimenez / teocaltiche
 086 testimonio de rafael portugal
 127 gabriel melendres & sixta mendez / ?
 131 manuel lopez & emiliana lopez / cienega
 136 andres estrada & luisa de aro / moyahua
 141 ygnacio bernal & maria gutierrez / compostela
 146 gregorio vasquez & maria (?) lopez / tonaya
 159 sirildo jimenez & atanacia ascencio / arandas
 163 jose maria artola & josefa gonzalez / villanueva
 173 manuel cardenas & catarina torres / tuxpan
 177 luis valera & josefa mesa / valparaiso
 182 domingo pinedo & maria gil / ?
 189 albino medina & eusevia flores / tepatitlan
 196 fernando berumen & maria panfila berumen / ahualulco
 206 apolonio tinagero & ursula guerrero / ojocaliente
 213 ygnacio angel martinez & josefa loza / arandas
 222 francisco llamas & guadalupe medina / tepatitlan
 228 tomas perez & guadalupe robalcava / ameca
 235 margarito martinez & rosalia hernandez / purifacion
 243 juan delgado & maria jesus delgado / ojocaliente
 253 manuel morales & juana rubio / ?
 261 marcos castellanos & rafaela gonzalez / zapotlan
 265 vicente castellon & agustina jimenez / mascota
 272 jose maria navarro & maria luz porfiria chico / ?
 275 pablo gonzalez & micaela garcia / panuco
 281 gregorio lopez & leonarda chico / ?
 283 miguel orozco & rita becerra / tepatitlan
 292 manuel asquergue & maria de los angeles cabrera / jocotepec
 296 rosalio lopez & juliana macias / ojuelos
 301 guadalupe mendoza & josefa orozco / matehuala
 307 antonio gaspar & catalina francisca / ystlahuacan
 310 vicente mariel & juana oripero / san cosme
 315 jose guerrero & gregoria navarro / ocotlan
 324 antonio navarro & petra arias / guadalajara
 330 francisco yerba & maria de los santos / atoyac
 336 antonio estrada & antonia estrada / lagos
 342 manuel herrera & ursula raigosa / tabasco
 349 bentura arando & maria santos barajas / analco
 361 trinidad aguayo & saturnina avila / teul
 368 jose maria landa & maria petra del refugio samamiego / mesquitic
 375 remigio fonesca & juana aldana / lagos
 382 santos marquez & teresa marquez / colotlan *marquez 386
 390 jose maria raimundo & maria josefa raimundo / lagos
 396 victor sandoval & maria jauregui / jalostotitlan
 401 ygnacio villalobos & petra lechuga / trinidad de sotos
 411 jose maria pablo tapia & ysidora garavito / lagos
 416 ygnacio medina & barbara morillo / tabasco
 421 jose maria rojas & maria luisa bernarda velasquez / tecolotlan
 428 manuel macias & ascencion palma / lagos
 434 juan jose santa ana roman & tomasa garcia de la cadena / fresnillo
 438 jose gaban & guadalupe alva / colima
 444 juan antonio navarro & ygnacia galindo / tepatitlan *tree 449
 451 monico banuelos & josefa de la cruz / monte escobedo
 453 roque (?) & margarita ramos / lagos
 461 clemente rodriguez & francisca mora / nochistlan *tree 461
 465 celedonio de la torre & josefa ruiz de esparza / aguascalientes
 468 encarnacion mendez & petra diaz / arandas *tree 469
 478 jose maria yanes & patricia jauregui / teocaltiche
 485 feliciano silva & dolores silva / jerez
 493 lucas garcia & antonia lopez / colima
 500 jose maria gomez & isabel neri / jalostotitlan
 506 calixto ramirez & matiana ramirez / san cristobal de la barranca
 514 manuel eradilla & leocadia aguilar / ejtula
 519 jose alva & apolonia macias / encarnacion
 526 domingo correa & trinidad herrera / tepechitlan
 530 monico gonzalez & guadalupe vargas / yahualica
 536 ? & ? / ?
 549 leonardo ferreria & rosa salinas / jerez & tepetongo
 559 rosalio cornejo & maria trinidad cornejo / jalostotitlan
 564 dionisio aguilar & cruz radillo / tonica *tree 566
 569 casiano fletes & maria jesus beltran / san sebastian
 575 santiago ravelo & ygnacia gutierrez / encarnacion
 581 jose maria trejo & juana maria menbrila / zapotiltic
 590 pedro michel & estefana gonzalez / tuscacuesco
 608 jesus velasquez & gertrudis velasquez / salinas
 619 vicente sapian & josefa rebollero / tuxpan
 625 anastacio ruelas & dolores montejano / cienega
 630 continua
631 oah 2523 fin
632 end of roll
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eugeniogalindo · 5 months
The Lifesaving Power of Bone Marrow Transplants
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Bone marrow transplant is a life-changing intervention, offering a second chance to those facing life-threatening blood-related illnesses. The human body's resilience and the marvels of medical science converge in this transformative procedure.
A bone marrow transplant involves replacing damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells. This intricate process is a lifeline for individuals grappling with leukemia, lymphoma, or other blood disorders where the bone marrow malfunctions, hindering its ability to produce healthy blood cells.
The procedure is a complex orchestration of medical expertise, resilience, and hope. First, the patient receives intensive chemotherapy or radiation to obliterate the diseased marrow. Then, the healthy stem cells are introduced into the body, where they navigate to the bones and initiate the production of new, healthy cells. It's a meticulous dance, balancing the destruction of diseased cells while nurturing the growth of new ones.
What makes bone marrow transplants remarkable is their potential to be life-saving. Survival rates vary depending on several factors, including the type of disease, the patient's overall health, and the donor match. For instance, the survival rate after a bone marrow transplant for acute myelogenous leukemia (a type of cancer) surpasses 50 percent at five years post-transplant, according to research published in JAMA Oncology.
Conditional upon surviving the critical initial period following the transplant, the chances of a long-term recovery substantially increase. The body's vulnerability marks this period as it navigates through the effects of the intense treatment and adapts to integrating new cells.
One of the most critical elements of a successful transplant is finding a compatible donor, a match whose bone marrow closely aligns with the patient's tissue type. This search for a compatible donor is often akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. However, organizations like Be The Match actively work to increase the pool of potential donors, enhancing the likelihood of finding suitable matches.
The impact of a bone marrow transplant extends far beyond mere survival. It promises a renewed life free from illness, a chance to cherish everyday moments, and envision a future brimming with possibilities. The Mayo Clinic underscores this transformative power, emphasizing how bone marrow transplants can cure diseases or prolong life while improving the quality of life for many individuals.
Moreover, ongoing advancements in transplant science continually refine this procedure, enhancing its efficacy and reducing associated risks. Research efforts aimed at understanding the immune system's intricacies and refining transplantation techniques open new doors of hope for patients worldwide. These advancements broaden the horizons, offering new avenues to explore for those in need.
Yet, while the potential of bone marrow transplants is immense, challenges persist. The process is physically and emotionally taxing, demanding unwavering perseverance from patients and their support systems. Complications, such as graft-versus-host disease (a condition where the donor cells attack the recipient's body), underscore the need for continued research and improvement in post-transplant care.
People's resilience shines through in the stories of individuals who have undergone this transformative procedure. They stand as testaments to the strength of the human will, showcasing the resilience needed to navigate the challenges and embrace the gift of life a bone marrow transplant offers.
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eugeniogalindo · 5 months
Different Factors Influencing Breast Cancer Treatment
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Roughly 240,000 American women and 2,100 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for American women and trails only skin cancer as the most common cancer for women in the United States.
On the global scale, there are more than 2 million new breast cancer diagnoses made each year and 685,000 fatalities. Individuals have several options when it comes to treating breast cancer, though several factors influence the optimal approach to treatment.
Different types of breast cancer are treated using other methods. The majority of breast cancer diagnoses involve carcinomas. Carcinomas in the breast are usually called adenocarcinomas, namely ductal and lobular carcinomas. A carcinoma is a tumor that forms in epithelial cells, which are found throughout the body’s tissues and organs. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, doctors may suggest surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and other options.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is far rarer by comparison, accounting for between 1 percent and 5 percent of all breast cancer cases, according to the American Cancer Society. Medical professionals strongly recommend chemotherapy as a means of stunting the growth of aggressive IBC tumors. Because of the aggressive nature of the disease, IBC also requires surgery and several additional forms of treatment, including targeted drug therapy and more chemotherapy.
Other types of breast cancer include triple-negative breast cancer, Paget disease of the breast, and angiosarcoma. Phyllodes tumors contrast with carcinomas in that they are typically benign tumors, though they can form malignant tumors among the breast’s connective tissue.
Treatment options also depend on whether the cancer is localized or has spread. With this in mind, it is beneficial to identify breast cancer at the earliest stages. Women between the ages of 40 and 44 should receive annual breast screening or more frequent screening if they have a family history of breast cancer. By age 55, women should consider mammograms twice per year. Men typically do not require regular mammograms unless they live with a genetic mutation associated with male breast cancer. Moreover, there are many methods for performing self-examinations at home.
In addition to regular screening, individuals should be wary of common symptoms that may signal breast cancer. Any new lump or growth on or under the skin of the breast should prompt an immediate visit to the doctor’s office. Breast cancer can manifest as swelling or hardening in a specific area of the breast. Some individuals may also encounter red, dry skin, particularly around or on the nipples. While various conditions can lead to breast pain, if the discomfort persists for more than a few hours or days, seeking medical attention is crucial.
If breast cancer is diagnosed by medical professionals, there are various treatment options that can be explored. Surgery involves physically accessing and removing cancer from the body, while chemotherapy consists of the administration of a strong drug that shrinks and sometimes kills cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs are offered in pill form and as intravenous medication.
Radiation therapy draws on the power of high-energy rays to target and kill cancer cells, ideally with as little damage to the surrounding tissues and organs as possible. These primary treatments are often combined and may be used in tandem with hormonal therapy, which denies cancer cells the hormones they need to grow, and biological therapy, which involves doctors activating the body's immune system to combat invasive cancer cells and facilitate the healing process from other cancer treatments.
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eugeniogalindo · 6 months
Perspectives in Patient-Centered Care
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Patient-centered care is a revolution in healthcare and is gaining much traction among patients and healthcare providers. An important development in health care, the patient-centered healthcare delivery approach is predictive, preventive, personalized, and participative.
The transformative patient-centered approach is based on four pillars that form the cornerstone of clinical medicine: predictive, preventive, personalized, and participative. It redefines the dynamics between patients and healthcare providers and transforms the level of care provided. It marks a shift from the traditional passive patient paradigm to one in which patients actively participate in their healthcare journey.
Patient-centered care redefines the dynamic between patients and healthcare providers, elevating the quality of care. The approach shifts from the traditional passive patient paradigm to one in which patients actively participate in health decisions. It's no longer about a "one-size-fits-all" approach to health care but rather an intricate, collaborative process where the patient takes the lead in the management and design of their treatment.
Health care can often seem bureaucratic and devoid of human touch, but patient-centered care emphasizes empathy in the patient-physician interaction. At its core, patient-centered care acknowledges the values, convictions, and preferences of each patient. The uniqueness of patient-centered care is also manifest as it reduces the often bureaucratic nature of traditional health care delivery that lacks the intimate human touch. Patient-centered care emphasizes empathy in the patient-physician interaction.
Patient-centered care requires a shift in the culture of healthcare institutions. It's not just about respecting autonomy; it's about actively promoting it. The personalized care approach to care creates an environment where patients feel heard and empowered to co-create their healthcare narrative.
Patients are not passive passengers; they are navigators of their healthcare journey. They set the course with realistic goals, assume ownership of their health, and have the tools and knowledge to sail through the process. By actively engaging patients, healthcare providers ensure that the treatment plan is uniquely tailored, yielding superior health outcomes. This environment builds trust and patient satisfaction.
The bedrock of patient-centered care is communication that goes beyond the ordinary exchange of information. It involves active listening, empathetic responses, and shared decision-making. Patients should be active participants in the decision-making process, working from a position of knowledge. Patient-centered health care focuses on the patient's values, beliefs, and needs. It promotes good communication, patient involvement, emotional support, and timely access to care.
The emotional and psychological health of patients is as vital as their physical health. In patient-centered care, healthcare providers also serve as empathetic counselors. They understand that illness includes navigating emotional issues. This empathy builds trust, reinforcing the therapeutic relationship and elevating patients' overall well-being.
For people with multiple long-term conditions (multi-morbidity), care can be complex, which often makes delivery and management costly and challenging. Healthcare providers often do not tailor care to meet the needs of multi-morbidity. Patient-centered care has the potential to improve outcomes for such patients.
By understanding the medical details of each patient, patient-centered care ensures that patients receive support for each health condition. Patient-centered treatment and management also lead to more job satisfaction for healthcare providers. In addition, the approach helps build an ongoing partnership between healthcare providers and patients through regular interaction, resulting in a more individualized and caring treatment.
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eugeniogalindo · 8 months
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