#Eternights Mona Version
asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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Sooo... what should we do? Wait for death?
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I like it that the things we collected at the Scavanger-Hunts are on her table. I just recently got that mug for her.
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Uh... yeah? ^^' Only two left.
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I gave them the name "Okay Team" and they actually like it XD
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We are act 3 now (sorry, I was wrong before) and found a new member of the Harem... *achem* I mean for the Team. Yes, that was totally what I wanted to say XD
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And probably also a pain in the ass ^^'
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Once again, someone who has powers escaped the infection for now.
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Well... I mean... we all learned just a moment ago that they are off living material so... makes sense for it to be spooky, right?
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Our team grows fast all of a sudden ^^'
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They have fallen down and upon landing she touches his... uhm... special body part by accident. Ups XD
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Sometimes I think it's so weird how the overall feeling of this game switches from absolutely dark and scary and deep to a hilariously stupid comedy show.
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Its dark outside and I want to get out of this game but... I forgot to save and now I am stuck with Min on my back, while doing another Minigame.
You know what? I don't care. The last automatic save should not have been too long ago. Its really enough for today with this game.
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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How did I miss the "puzzle - part" in the description? Because had I known I would definitely not have bought that damned game ^^'
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Oh you've gotta be kidding me!
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Uh... ^^'
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Does... anyone get this? Because I sure don't.
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Took me only 15 tries or so ^^'
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The nightmare never ends. And that is only the final dungeon of the first wall ^^'
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This Boss has two levels and I suck at both of them ^^' He is too fast, and keeps avoiding my attacks, which means it takes ages to get anywhere in this fight and his attacks are strong and mean. Sometimes when he manages to hit you, he immediately hits you again, before you can even recover.
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I may or may not (as if!) have decided to cheat myself through the game.
So... only problem we have now is the decision if we should kill or save this weird-looking girl... which is still an easier thing then those puzzles or those monsters.
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Like... how many infected people we have killed at this point? How many more we will have to kill to get through this? How many people have died by now overall? How many people will be alive after this disaster? Stuff like that? SERIOUSLY! Where should we take these happy thoughts from?
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Hey! We just adopted a child (the Trails player in me feels right at home now, thanks to that XD), you can not swear here!
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Seriously tho, this isn't so far off from adopting a girl who wants to gut us like a fish (I will NEVER forget that one XD), or one who is an artificial Septerion or one who is a Humunculi. I am absolutely used to randomly adopting weird children thanks to Trails ^^'
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Because the little girl found it cute ^^'
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And the game forces us right back into the dungeon V.V
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And back out again ^^'
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Uhu... ^^'
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Because... shipping? XD
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How bold XD (Just joking. I can see where this is going.)
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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They said this game would play in a post-apocalyptic world. It didn't look like that at first, but I guess now it makes sense. Just makes you wonder what people survived and why? Why did we not get infected, for example?
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DUDE! Would you please stop that? I am already scared enough as it is! (I can so not play this game when it is dark outside ^^')
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How high are the chances that among the sole survivors, there is a freaking idol whose concert we just wanted to visit in a few days?
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Seems like Yuna really has a steel forehead XD
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So this really is persona just with Zombies? ^^'
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I wouldn't mind if someone would accidentally kill that girl ^^'
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We are running through that freaking nightmare of a dungeon in desperate search for B12 wherever this is supposed to be an we are running into a shitload of Zombies UNARMED I may add and the game doesn't even let me save. Do you know what that means? If you get killed here, you will have to start this whole thing all over again.
This is like playing the Prologue of Nier: Automata. (*screaming internally*)
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It... really does look bad.
Okay... that Lina girl actually got just brutally killed and now I do feel a bit bad ^^' She does somewhat deserve it for being so damn mean and annoying and all that... but... then again... a slap in the face would have been sufficient enough I think, killing was going a bit overboard... ^^'
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I wanted to give that guy one last nice memories before those zombies are killing us ^^'
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So Yuna is a healer... nice. Weird that its a character named Yuna, but still nice. Can never hurt to have a healer in a post apocalyptic game ^^'
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Yeah... because it wasn't scary enough already ^^'
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This is the woman from the first scene. She actually saved us now but then put us in chains so... what is it now, woman? Save us or kill us?
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B-But just mere seconds ago the woman in black shopped my arm off.
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H-How? I should be bleeding to death!
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Well... I mean... in most games they don't warn you about that before you get your powers XD
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SURVIVE?! Did you miss the part about bleeding to death because my arm was cut off?
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Yeah. What a surprise. But given that I know for a fact that you are not per se my friend and are just using me, I am pretty sure I don't want to be alive that much right now ^^' Because I mean... this can only end in my characters death eventually, right?
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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The omnipus music makes the game sound pretty scary so... we are better safe than sorry ^^' (Not that I would have chosen a harder mode otherwise anyway XD)
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What the hell did I get myself into? Gore? That is so not my thing ^^'
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No idea whats going on, but that woman stole that shiny ball thingy and said "You brought this on yourself" so this is probably our cue to ask if she means our character and what exactly he or whoever she is talking about means ^^'
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I have absolutely no idea ^^' Should we call ourself Anonymus? XD Jokes aside, I call him Seth.
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Anti-Aging sounds nice XD
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After what seems like a slight waist of time I am now free to control my character but I have NO FREAKING IDEA what I am supposed to do ^^'
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Do boys really have that weird kind of best friend? ^^'
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Something tells me I will regret every decision I make in this test XD
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Its like Tumblr these days. I get messages from those s*x-Bots all the time. All woman addressing a man... and I wonder if instead of blocking that I should just answer "Sorry, I am more into bros than hoes" just for the fun of it ^^'
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Am I going to be a gilmore girl and steal a boat? XD
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Allllright. That was sudden. But... it has to start somewhere... right? ^^'
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So... apparently something went wrong with that Drug-Making thing and with that scary dream we had, I say everyone coming in contact with that stuff becomes... a... zombie or something?
Seriously, what have I gotten myself into? ^^'
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So... we are actually going?
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I guess we will never find out how this weird date would have gone ^^'
By the way, yes, this game, even tho it looks not exactly pretty, has some decent animated cutscenes. I am not sure why they did not use them at the start of the game.
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That is your biggest problem? I feel like the wall is hardly a bad thing compared to what happened to that poor police officer.
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So... its a dating slash killing Zombies game? ^^'
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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So my mood is really bad lately (likely because its the dark time of the year, or the fact that I freaking hate the cold, the stress that I have lately and some other issues that pop up here and there) and it makes me constantly pissed of and it easily makes me get into rage mode. So I rage quit Story of Seasons a wonderful life the other day because some crops died on me - yes, that was the reason, embarrassing, I know.
Anyway... this mood also seems to push hard on my impulse-buy shopping-addiction issue and so for some reason I've bought this game Eternights and I have no freaking idea what I've gotten myself into, to be honest. Its supposed to be like a dating slash action game with dating and dungeons. So I guess a bit like Persona in a sense. But uh... not sure if I won't regret buying this ^^'
It has good reviews tho.
So let's give it a try, while my gaming laptop next to me is desperately trying to install the huge amount of sims4 packs I own XD
Tag will be Eternights Mona Version for now. I might make it into something shorter along the way if I keep playing this. (By the way, just so you know, it was on sale! I did not buy it for the full price.)
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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It still doesn't fully explain why Chani hasn't turned evil yet, given how he received his powers only now.
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If this game had some sort of a map, that would have been great...
I need a small break from this game. Those dungeons are not funny.
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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Oh god! Please tell me this is not a freaking puzzle! I hate puzzles so damn much T.T
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Oh joy its a color puzzle. This one is easy of course, but I've been there before in P5 and I can tell you they will get harder.
So when you game over the game just puts you back before the fight that kills you. Good to know.
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I... would like to find a way to heal myself ^^' Yunas powers aren't the strongest and even if they were, they need you to have full mana or whatever that is.
Yesterday I've read somewhere that this game is way too easy but I am game over again. It really sucks.
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Well... its actually your fault for not introducing yourself sooner, Mam.
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No, just your cute bra with the teddy-bears... uh... I mean... NO I definitely saw absolutely NOTHING XD
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Excuse me for defending my best bud - even tho he is an asshole and was an idiot. But still, you gotta protect the people you love and care about.
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That was a freaking one-time accident. It was supposed to become an Umbrella!
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That is good... right? ^^'
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Oh. So it IS good. Great.
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Oh look! A timelimit. Now... where have I seen this before? Riiiight! I mean, we knew that this was another person/company (whatever) trying to jump on the train of success of Persona games, so I am not really surprised.
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Well, it was getting exhausting that he was constantly running after us awkwardly while actually being completely powerless.
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Oh... this is so not what he wanted. Poor Chani.
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Please don't ^^'
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She seems to be easy to please.
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This game is as realistic as it is weird ^^'
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What the F is going on here this time?
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Riiiiight XD If you say so.
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asoulofatlantis · 5 months
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That... doesn't really sound like fun ^^'
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That is so not funny ^^'
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Who the hell is driving this train? Are there any other survivors? WHY are we not infected? Should I continue? ^^'
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Its a valid question. I mean... if you die tomorrow, you do not want to have any regrets, right?
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Our train just crashed without a reason. Its one thing after another in this game ^^'
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While I would love to find out what happens next... it is getting dark outside and I can finally save so... uh... maybe tomorrow ^^'
(Yes, I am a scaredy cat and I do not care if you laugh about me.)
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