#Eragon x Modern!Reader
where-dreamers-go · 5 months
“Here And There” Eragon x Reader
(A/N: Requested by the awesome @shewhobreathesfire for a clumsy Modern! Reader who has been made an ambassador for Alagaësia and sent out to Mount Arngor.
Warnings: Very minor angst. Mild language. Use of (Y/N).
Word Count: 1,706 words)
Ambassador of Alagaësia, appointed by Queen Nasuada herself, tasked with exchanging ideas of changes in the land through meetings with Mount Arngor’s leader, and follow protocol.
You found it all to be rushed decisions, really. Not that you would risk voicing that opinion out loud. You couldn’t afford to be foolish in that matter even if all of this was a new experience. You would rather live to tell the tale. Then again, you felt safer away from Alagaësia. From the endless list of laws and social norms.
Mount Arngor, or whichever of the handful of names you wished to call it, stood tall against a blue sky. Grassland stretched out all around it with water sources running close by. The new stronghold grew on one of the many peaks at the base of the mountain, looking extremely tiny in comparison.
At least you had found your way easily enough.
Roughly almost three weeks into walking in your new ambassador position left you questioning yourself. Not only in business matters, but how you were around others. Eragon in particular.
The Dragon Rider had evolved more than you imagined and exactly as you hoped. He had grown well as a leader, working within the community.
All out of Queen Nasuada’s reach. Or so you liked to tell yourself.
She would never see you running your foot into a table after Eragon complimented one of your suggestions for organizing storage. Unfortunately, a handful of dwarves and the other ambassador did. At least they never mentioned it.
I need to pull myself together, you thought as you descended the stairs. Went the wrong way again.
You could surely roll your eyes at yourself.
Barely a month and I have a crush on Eragon. Good job. Very predictable. Making a face, you continued on. Just more work for me. But is it really a new crush or from years of…
“Turned around?”
The sudden familiar voice and presence spooked you. A foot moving where it shouldn’t and you stumbled with a small gasp.
One hand reached out to steady yourself on the wall just as Eragon grabbed ahold of your other arm. His grip helped keep you on your feet and away from tumbling down stone steps.
A quiet curse left your lips as heat rose on your neck.
“Thank you,” you said, muscles remaining tense.
“You’re welcome.”
His hold disappeared once you found your footing.
What are the odds? At least I didn’t hurt myself this time. You exhaled slowly.
“Are you alright?” Eragon questioned, brown gaze trying to read your expression.
Setting your sights forwards, you took the next steps down carefully.
“Just…questioning my navigation skills.” You added and then muttered. “And gravity, apparently.”
The Dragon Rider kept pace with you. Quiet only for a few moments.
“I’m relieved you’re alright. It would had been quite a fall.”
“Yeah,” you breathed out and finally relaxed as you found yourselves on flat stone.
Tapestries, lights, and rugs decorated the area. Much the same aesthetic as other sparse places in the grand building. They were truly making it into a home.
“Um.” You glanced over to Eragon. “Thank you again.”
“You’re welcome. Again,” he smiled.
His expression could had melted you on the spot.
“I hope you never find yourself in the same circumstance.”
“So do I.” Clasping your hands together, you took a step in another direction. “I’ll…be on my way.”
“All right. Take care.”
“Yup. You too.”
With a quick nod and smile, you scurried off. Your feet taking you anywhere but where you really wanted to be. For how could you spend more time with Eragon when your increasing feelings for him made your very being act out of sorts?
Great job, you thought sarcastically. You have officially turned into a clumsy, stumbling person under the title of ambassador. And always in front of him. Why? Am I doing a good job regardless? Maybe.
Eragon didn’t even know your full story of becoming an ambassador. You never got to the point, the beginning, of how you met Nasuada.
How would you even start the tale? Would he believe you?
Nasuada hardly did.
Yet look how far you had traveled since then.
Have you done all that Queen Nasuada had asked of you of your appointed position of ambassador? On paper, yes. In the way she probably wanted you to, nope.
There was only so much enthusiasm and professionalism you could show with the list she gave you to do.
Send updates? Sure, but you were living in a world where dragons, humans, Urgals, dwarves, and elves existed amongst others. There was so much to experience and a letter to the Queen wasn’t high on your list.
It’s weird how I got this job in the first place, you thought. If I met someone dressed odd, visually confused, and falling out of a portal then I’d keep them under observation and question them more than a few days rather than checking if they have magic. You sighed, your thoughts running off. Then again, I’m alive. Can’t complain there. Less danger here anyway.
* *
A calm, quiet night lightened any mood held with Mount Arngor. Groups of peoples talking beside a fire and others busied themselves with a personal hobby. It made the common area warm in more ways than one.
Sitting alone by a wall light was better than cooping yourself up in your room all night. You had been welcomed into a community after all, might as well see some of it. Plus you might see the handsome Dragon Rider.
All good things.
Your nose was buried in your notes and a focused curve framed your brow. You bothered no one. Content in your own task even without a desk.
Little did you know, that it intrigued a young man. One who decided to indulge in his curiosity.
Eragon took up a seat beside you. No pretenses. No greeting.
“Who’s language is that?” Eragon asked.
Your hand rose away from the parchment.
Awh, crap.
You scrambled to think of an answer that wouldn’t be a paragraph long explanation.
Peeking over from the corner of your eye, you answered, “Human.”
Eragon leaned over, entering your personal space.
Your eyes tracked his movements and you dared not move.
“I haven’t seen script as that before.”
“My handwriting isn’t that bad,” you joked lightly.
“What? No,” he sat back, “I didn’t mean—.” He paused once he saw your expression.
You smiled.
Narrowing his eyes playfully, he asked, “Do you have to write notes all day?”
“No. They’re mainly for me.” You gestured to the dried ink. “I don’t think Nas—uh. Queen Nasuada…. I don’t think she’d be interested in these notes. I hardly think she enjoys my letters.”
“Why would you think that?” He pressed, an edge of seriousness in his tone. “Does she not want to know everything you do here?”
Tilting your head back and forth a couple of times, you finally answered, “Because I was writing about the weather.”
Eyebrows rose, but Eragon said nothing.
“I’m serious.”
Studying you through his brown eyes was enough to make you a little self-conscious. In the very least, his gaze made you overly aware of the proximity between the pair of you.
“Why would you write about the weather?” His seriousness broke down into full perplexity.
“Because I’ve never visited a huge lonely mountain with a bunch of snow on top. What’s it like when it rains a lot? How many sets of stairs even are there? Can dough rise properly here? How are my sinuses doing lately? Important questions.”
A small smile curved the Rider’s lips.
He thinks this is funny or agrees? You wondered. So many darn questions. And he’s cute. GAH! Not now.
“You should see the mountain in the winter. The winds are strong and the cold bites.”
You hummed in thought, saying, “Perhaps I should inform her of the weather extensively.” You bit back a chuckle. “She kind of threw this job on me without much warning.”
“She trusts you.”
“That’s the thing.” You whispered. “She doesn’t know me well enough or long enough to trust me personally, but…I’m here as an ambassador and I have no idea if I’m doing it properly.”
A concerned frown crossed Eragon’s features.
You did not know where you were going with the conversation, but you needed to tell him something about yourself. Your situation. A hint of the truth.
“You’ve literally seen me trip over my own feet. I cross my fingers and hope I don’t fumble when addressing people, Eragon.”
“You’re new to the position. Not everything turns out as you expect.”
Exhaling, you glanced at your writing. More than simple notes of the weather.
“You’re doing well.” His words were soft. Genuine.
The words of encouragement sprung a lightness in your chest you could not acknowledge without tempting fate with a surge of clumsiness in yourself.
“Thank you, but…uh… I literally talk differently, spent well over a decade as a student, and I’m not from here. And yet she still sent me here.”
“Exactly. What credibility do I have? Why me?”
Eragon turned in his seat to face you directly.
The change in his demeanor caused you to lose grip of your pen.
“Why does where you’re from matter about being named an ambassador?”
Immediately, you opened your mouth to respond with an answer about your true origins, however you said nothing. Mouth closed. You shrugged.
Eragon held your gaze in time of two breaths before speaking again.
“Is there something you can not tell me?”
“I’m not sure you’d believe me if I did, but,” you glanced over to where an Urgal sat down, “this place is very different from what I’m used to. Magic and all.”
“Will you tell me more about where you’re from one day? When you’re not writing about weather.”
“I might…if you help me find my pen.” You leaned over to check near your feet.
“Deal.” Eragon placed the pen atop of your notes.
“Thank you.”
“You’re always welcome, (Y/N).” His voice was warm, inviting.
A flutter in your stomach teased you.
Oh. Why’d he say my name LIKE THAT?
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: 
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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illtakeyoutowonderland · 11 months
I can see you
Modern!Aemond x Reader A/N: This will probably be a series
Summary: You meet the Targaryean brothers at one of your new jobs parties
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It was the first big event at the new company you were working on you had assisted. A big End of The Year kind of party, even though, for you, it had been no more than five months, but it was already December. You had moved from your own city to this new one, leaving it all behind, not looking back. It was rough, but necessary for you. You had applied to various jobs looking for the perfect opportunity, and excuse, to leave and it all had worked out. You were happy with your new job and your little new apartment. Except for this moment when you were cursing for putting yourself into a pair of high heels that you were so not used to walk in, let alone stand up for a few long hours
"Stop it!" Kate whispered to your ear as you switch you weight from one foot to the other, groaning in pain. You were feeling extremely uncomfortable and your feet were killing you "Focus on the handsome men talking and you'll forget your pain" She said cheekily as she pointed to the stage. Of course this parties had speeches. You know, the ones where the high ranks and CEO´s of the company talk about hard work and how amazing it is to work with them. Those speeches. 
"Who are they again?" You asked your friend. This time, not only your own bosses were on stage but another whole family stood on the spotlight. They didn't work in your company, apparently they were just guests? It was all so weird
"They are the Targaryen's" She explained. Apparently they were a whole family of lawers, very well known in the business. Complete strangers to you "The blonde man talking now is Viserys, the father. And that's Alicent, his wife. Then you have Aegon, Aemond and Helaena" She said pointing to the blonde trio that looked as if they were rather be in any other place in the world but there.
"What kind of names are those?" You snorted already forgetting them as your friend shrugged
"The kind I wouldn't mind to see in my marriage licence" She grinned and you both laughed, grateful that the people around you started clapping so no one noticed the two of you. She explained to you how they came for a very long line of wealthy family "Stupidly rich" Were her exact words "Even if they all stop working today they will still have aough money for them and their own grandchildren" She said regarding the sibling's trio
"And why are they here? This is an audit and tax company. Don't they have their own legal or whatever company?"
"Yes, we have our own lawyers" She said as people started to leave the room to go back to the party "But Viserys is, conveniently, an extremly close friend to our own beloved CEO, so they get invited to every party. That and it works for both companies, you know? The give each other enough publicity and audience while being in contact with important clients"
"So this is a Marketing Campaign" You said socoffing "I'm sure that's a very warm friendship"
"That's how the world works, I guess" Kate grabbed a glass of wine, offering you another one but you declined and excused yourself to go to the lady's room. That's what they were calling them apparently
You were heading to the bathrooms, too focused on your own little world, you didn't noticed the voices at first until you reached the bathroom door "You are a disgrace to the family" You stopped in your tracks, you knew that voice, you just heard it. But the joyfull tone it had a few minutes ago was more than gone now. The raw, scoffing laugh of someone else was the only response "Oh, so you think this is funny?!" The man said raising his voice and you walked towards the corner trying to see who was yelling, blaming your curiosity on the expensive champagne you just had, you found a very angry Viserys Targaryean yelling at one of his sons. His back was turned to you, luckily, so he didn't see you. But his son did. What was his name again? Argon? Ergon? Eragon? "You will never get anywhere in life" Viserys said and you look at the older man in shock with his words. You knew this was not of your business, you should've left the seconds you heard their voices but you couldn't move, as if you were the one being scolded. You looked over to the young man again and found him looking at you, expressionless face you thought for a second but his big eyes were on the verge of tears "You are a dissapointment and that's all you will ever be!" Viserys said and took a step back turning around to leave and you knew you had to leave too, before he saw you. You were quick on your steps as you entered the bathroom and heard Visery's steps fade away. 
"What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself as you tried to process and decide if it was a good idea to check on his son or leave it be. You chose the second option "None of my bussiness" You said as you looked at yourself in the mirror after freshing you up and got out of the bathroom and looked for your friends
A couple of hours had passed, a few more glasses of champagne and wine, when you head towards the bathroom once amore time. Once outside again you welcomed the breeze of the night fresh air on your face as you looked to your left and saw a very lonley young Targaryean sitting on a bench on a dark corner, smoking. You weren't exactly drunk but your tipsy state obviously made you more brave as you sighed and accepted the fact that you couldn't just leave him alone without checking how he was
So you walked over there and sat next to him without a word. Half not knowing what to say and half realizing this was a weird thing to do for a stranger, you looked back to the party, focusing on the horizon. He looked at you for a few seconds in silence before he offered you a smoke "No, thank you" You said to him with a smile and the silence was back "I'm Y/N" You said after a few minutes
"Oh, I know" He said with a smirk on his face and you looked at him shocked "I saw you overhearing my conversation with my beloved father" He said in a slight mocking tone "Had to know who you were in case you decided to make his feelings go public. Damage control and stuff, you know? We are a very respectful and loving family after all" His tone was clearly sarcastic and you couldn't help but snort
"I noticed"
"You did..." He agreed but then continued "So, please, keep it to yourself? Apparently we have an image to maintain and I would love not to be publicly recongnized as the disapointment of the Targaryaen House. Not more than I already am" You didn't have to be a genius to recognize the sadness in his voice. He truly believed every word his father had said to him
"Oh, I'm sorry to dissapoint you" You said as you turned to him "But the gossip is already all over My Space profile, can't back down now" You faked grimance and he let out a hard, genuine laugh at the mention of the old platform "Do not laugh, I have a fanbase to maintain" You said laughing as he laughed harder at your joke
"I'm sure you do. Haven't laugh this hard in a while" He said holding his stomach. It wasn't that funny honestly, your joke. You just figured he needed the excuse to laugh "But seriously, please do not post it on Twitter or whatever..."
"Couldn't even if I wanted to" You said to him "I don't have a Twitter account" You said shrugging
"Who doesn't have a Twitter account?!" He exclaimed, surprised at your comment "Let me guess, you are a TikTok Girl?"
"I am clearly and Insta Girl!" You said feigning being hurt as you signal yourself with your hands and he hold up his as a sign of surrender saying sorry "I do have TikTok though, even though I never posted any videos on it" You both laugh and the silence took over one more time
"I'm Aegon" He said after a few minutes and you looked at him "You probably knew that already, just thought I should introduce myself, too" He almost whipered 
"It's nice to meet you Aegon" You offered him a smile and he replied with one of his "And, honestly no. I'm new in town so I have absolutely no idea who more than half of the people here are" You said looking over to the party one more time "That includes you and your family I'm afraid"
"Huh... That's actually refreshing" He said more to himself than to you and then turned his whole body to you "Would you like to go somewhere else?"
"What... what do you mean?" You said surprised at the sudden change of subject
"I mean leave the party, we can grab my car and just go...?"
"Hey Aegon!" Someone called him and you both turned to see his brother looking very annoyed and walking to the pair of you "Come on, let's go"
"Dear brother! Don't be rude, I'm talking to my friend here" Aegon said pointing at you. Aemond looked at you from head to toe and rolled his eyes at his brother "Y/N this is Aemond, Aemond Y/N" He introduce the two of you with a big smile and you waved at Aemond not entirely sure how to react. He gave you a quick nod as he turned to Aegon again
"Come on. Hel and mom want to go home and I cannot deal with any other person or their dramas tonight" He said with a  heavy sigh turning to leave "You can ask for her number and flirt with her any other day"
"Oh, no no. We are not flirting" You said and stood up too fast puting distance between you and Aegon "I wasn't flirting"
"I know" Ageon calmly reassured you and looked at his brother "Told you she's a friend"
"Yeah, right" Aemond said with a scoff but Aegon hold his gaze "You always have someone new, how am I supposed to know you are not trying to get in her pants? Or skirt" He said looking over to your dress and you suddenly felt very very naked
"Aemond!" Aegon exclaimed as he stood up and face his brother "That is enough"
"Ok... I'm gonna go..." You said as you noticed this was, again, a family thing 
"Wait, Y/N" Aegon stopped you "I apologized for my brother" He said giving him a look but Aemond looked bored already "I wasn't trying anything with you, I swear"
"Listen, I just wanted to check on you after... you know" You didn't completed the sentence as you looked over at Aemond not sure if he was supposed to know, but that caght his attention as he turned to look at you "And you are fine, so I'm just gonna leave you two be"
"After what?" Aemond asked but neither of you responded "Aegon, after what? What happened?"
"Father gave me his usual uplifting speach a few hours ago" Aegon said shrugging "You know, the one where he explains in detail how I'm a disgrace to the family and a disappointment. She heard" He pointed at you and you avoided Aemond's gaze "Father is not being very careful on who notices his outbrusts, lately" Aegon finished as he lighted up another cigarette. He noticed the worry on his brother face "I already talk to her, she won't say a thing"
"I'll talk to him" Aemond said not looking at you, as you weren't even part of the conversation. Which made you question if you should intervine or not
"Don't" Aegon sternly said "We do not know how he would react, she could lose her job"
"Wait what...?"
"I don't care! He can't keep doing this..."
"Fuck you Aemond!" You said louder than expected as you walked up to him and both brothers turned to look at you "Fuck you, I do care. It is my job" You hold his gaze for a few seconds. Aemond was in shock you had insulted him while Aegon was smiling broadly "I already told Aegon I wasn't going to say anything. If you don't believe that sound like a you problem. But I will not have my job and career ruined because of a spoiled little boy" It was kind of funny to call him little boy considering he was way taller than you and you were wearing heels at the time
"You tell him, girl" Aegon cheered for you 
"I am NOT a little boy" Aemond said closing even more the little space between you two, anger clearly on his face. And from this distance now you could see him better, how blue his eyes were... eye, his right eye was blue. You noticed the difference with the left one, not as bright and turning a little grey. You noticed his pouted lips and his sharp chin, and fuck was he hot. Saddly, he was an idiot you convinced yourself as you tried to hold his gaze again and noticing how his own eyes were scattering your face
"He is a Twitter Boy" Aegon said trying to lighten up the mood and breaking you both from the little bubble
"Of course he is" You said rolling your eyes earning a laugh from Aegon
"What's that supposed to mean?" Aemond said feeling insulted
"You know exactly what it means" You didn't even know what it meant but you weren't letting him have the last word. Aemond open his mouth to speak again but you ignored him as you turned to walk to Aegon "It was nice to meet you, Aegon" You offered him a smile which he returned and with that you were gone. You walked towards your friends trying to ignore the feeling of two pair of eyes looking at your back as you walk away
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shewhobreathesfire · 3 years
I've been having a comic in my head and I'm writing it down here for future ref bc I can't draw (might commission it)
(you can ignore if you want)
Eragon just finished his first set of training, looking sweaty
Me: is this the moment where you take your shirt off?
Eragon turns around to see me sitting on the ground, eating popcorn
Should be three panels
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Ramen and Hobbits~ Monsta X Imagine
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❖ Monsta X, Jooheon x reader
❖ Imagine, fluff lots of fluff, hint at smut
❖ wc: 1391
❖ Tag List: @atiny-piratequeen​ @queen-of-himbos​ @gettin-a-lil-hanse​ @kimnamshiks​ @atiny-dazzlinglight​
❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Let me know what you think!
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Jooheon sighed, if this was one of his favorite animes, he was certain there would be a large tick mark right on his forehead. Tired, just getting over his cold, and behind in work, this "Ramen cafe" was the last place he wanted to be. Slurping noodles while laughing over the video games, or perusing seemingly endless lines of books.
This cafe at one point must have been a book cafe, or library, mused the young rapper, fingers tracing down the weathered leather spine of an early translation for J.R.R Tolkiens Silmarillion.
"Do you like Tolkien? If you like his works you should check out Christopher Paolini's Eragon. It's written in a more modern style since the author is from this century but still an impressive work." Turning Jooheon blinked at the shorter figure beside him. 
Surprised to find anyone in this remote dusty corner of forgotten shelves, and slightly irritated that his piece and quiet had been disturbed by this unknown intruder. Their obviously foreign accent making him brace, ready to have to interpret for them to the best of his ability, Idol smile spreading onto his lips with a forced tightness. However, the minute your sparkling eyes met his, Jooheon found himself merely staring dumbly, all words and tension gone.
You were dazzling, earth-shatteringly beautiful as you placed a heavy bound book in his hands, explaining about the young female dragon and boy within its pages. How your eyes sparkled, the way your teeth winked at him as you spoke, the cute way you got more excited when he nodded numbly to what you were saying, pushing hair behind your ear as you practically bounced on the balls of your feet.
By god, you were so cute. Jooheon couldn't resist the goofy little smile as you beamed up at him, his heart skipping a beat as a small giggle left your curved lips. When you suddenly stopped speaking and just looked up at him expectantly for a few moments, Jooheon realized he had not truly heard what you were saying. Blinking rapidly to clear his fogged Jooheon laughed nervously, a blush coming to grace his dimpled cheeks and ears.
"Uh I-I'm sorry what was your name again?" He asked rubbing the back of his head as he stalled for time, glancing down to discern the title on the book you had handed him. The way your cheeks flushed however nearly had him blanking out a second time. As you told him your name Jooheons smile only grew.
"Thank you, I appreciate your recommendation, but to be honest I've never read Tolkien either. Could you tell me a bit about it?" Jooheon could have listened to you talk all day, the way your eyes lit up, how excited you were as you explained who J.R.R. Tolkien was, the way he had built these worlds and how he had influenced today's fantasy novels, and on; his arms slowly becoming laden down with the books you recommended. It was such a magical moment as your hand brushed his offering to help hold the heavy texts, heart skipping a beat, skin tingling where you had touched him. But he shook his head beaming, how your small form would fare under the pile of heavy tomes he didn't know.
"I got it, I'm big and strong see?" He winked at you flexing to make you laugh and instantly, losing control of the stack in his hands. Luckily your hands were as skilled as his rapping, for you quickly snatched the book out of the air and helped him prevent more from tumbling out of his arms.
"Why don't we go set these on the counter for you?" You laughed, shaking your hair from your eyes. It was only at that moment that Jooheon noticed the worker's badge on your dress, the words store manager emblazoned above it in gold English lettering.
"Thank you." He said in English eyes crinkling as he smiles.
"Hmmm actually perhaps we should take these to a table instead, less chance of someone recognizing you." Surprised at your open acknowledgment of who he was, Jooheon let you guide him to a table half-hidden behind a bookshelf, yet with a nice view of the computer area, where the rowdy voices of his members echoed out into the air between slurps of ramen and noisy chewing of tteokbokki.
"You know who I am?" He asked surprised, though, in all honesty, he knew he shouldn't have been.
"Am I not supposed to?" You asked surprised, eyebrows raising. "Monsta x is well known, plus your members have talked about you a lot when they visit."
For some reason knowing you were close to his members enough to have spoken about him thoroughly with them made him grumpy rather than happy. The odd feeling was wiped away though as you offered to bring over some snacks.
"I'm technically on break, but if you'd prefer I leave you alone to read-"
"NO!" Jooheon caught himself as he blurted out the words. "I mean no, I'm pretty hungry. What would you recommend?"
Jooheon was double startled when he pulled out his card you refused to take it, laughing and saying not to worry about it, before disappearing with his order into the kitchen area by the front desk.
"It's on the house don't worry about it." You giggled setting down two trays of the best ramen and ramune, once again pushing his card back. A small smile slipping across his face once more as you both ate, your fingers holding the chopsticks worked hard not to make a mess were so adorable to him.
"Here like this." Chuckling after you let a slice of chashu fall once more into the bowl, Jooheon scooted closer arms wrapping around you with ease, adjusting your fingers upon the two long sticks. Neither of you aware of the suddenly extra loud yelp from the members as Minhyuk spotted him at just that moment, smacking Kihyun repeatedly and pointing.
"Oh thank you!" Your blush was adorable and Jooheon made sure to tell you so, poking your cheek and serving up his best aegyo.
Unaware of his member's incredulous stares, Jooheon spent the next few hours leaning in and discussing books he'd never before had any interest in before now.
"It was really nice getting to meet you finally!" Your words eased his sadness at parting, as you locked up the store behind them.
"I'll make sure to read these so next time I visit you can tell me about the next part! Ramens on me too." Your beaming grin warmed his heart, waving to you as he left, books stacked in his other arm.
"I didn't think we were allowed to take books out of the cafe?" Wonho eyed the stack of books in his arms curious.
"She said I could since no one had taken interest in them in years. They're her favorite-" "Please tell me you got her number." Chuckled Changkyun, however as Jooheon stopped in his spot the others burst into laughter.
"It's fine one of us can give you-"
"No! I'll get it from her next time!" I'll woo her on my own thanks." Despite many offers, Jooheon was insistent, though later on when his schedule kept him from visiting and his members teasingly bragged about talking to you he did regret it...just a bit. However the beaming smile on your face when he eventually walked into the cafe proudly carrying the finished novels. The boys thought that your meeting, at last, was a wondrous thing, your personalities blended so beautifully, as well the mutual support and mutual adoration was adorable. That was until the only thing they became able to do when they went out was your cafe, where Jooheon spent hours following you around or huddled in a corner going over books or whatever else caught your fancies that week. But for you and Jooheon, your budding relationship was perfect. Even the secret after hour ramen and chill sessions that went from innocent snuggling and video game playing or reading to uh...well the intended Korean innuendo of ramen and chilling. "Can you be the elf princess to my ranger king?" He asked holding you close as you wandered down the streets together towards home.
"Cheesey!" You teased him, but of course, in the end, you agreed.
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where-dreamers-go · 1 month
Oh I wonder what would happen if Eragon catches modern!reader humming or straight up singing songs from their world.
Hi there.
Well, Eragon's time with music has been with dwarves celebrating while Saphira got absolutely drunk where she sang from Eragon, right? Then knowing elves have musical minds. Elves use magic to sing boats and such into shape. Plus elves performed music at the Blood Oath ceremony, right? But not recreationally. (They have a "critique" on his poem.) Eragon hasn't been around bards in court or in a tavern.
So, with that be said, Eragon wouldn't be shocked of modern! Reader's humming or singing, BUT he would be of lyrics or rhythm. That difference might catch his attention.
Has Eragon heard a song about something that doesn't recall ACTUAL events?
How would Eragon react to hearing about music being a hobby, a career, or a favorite past time to listen to?
The different genres!!!
For example and funnies:
Why Should I Worry - "It's about a dog singing to a kitten named Oliver." The look of confusion on the Dragon Rider's face, imagine.
Beat It - "So, Eragon, do you want to guess what 'funky' means?" "No."
Prince Ali - "I had no idea one person could change their voice so. Are you certain you didn't use magic?" "Eragon, I'll take that as a compliment."
What song would you be humming or singing if you were modern! Reader?
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
I have an evil suggestion: Eragon x modern!reader but they start off absolutely hating each other (and Saphira surprisingly likes reader, but gets influenced by Eragons emotions)
So, right at the introduction phase of meeting someone...
That sounds like a lot of work to hate someone. Gosh.
Like, there has to be very firm reasons. I can't even begin to imagine what would give either one of them reason to hate the other! 😢 And at the start too???
Anyway, here's a Bob Ross quote I found:
Tumblr media
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
I hope this doesn't annoy you too much, but I have so many questions about Modern!reader
Like, would they try to find a way home? Would they want to stay? Would they worry about their loved ones missing them back home? Would Eragon try to help even though he'd obviously want them to stay with him?
Hi. Oh my goodness, the Modern!Reader. The fan of Eragon who has no idea, technically, how they dropped into Alagaësia. Magically, sure, but Reader read about magic, they didn’t know how to use magic. But that portal they arrived through was awesome, however short in its stay.
Modern!Reader has no idea how to return home. Their only small chance would be to tell Angela every detail and hope she would figure something out. Even a theory would be helpful.
During Reader’s first night in Alagaësia, they were feeling homesick and missing their loved ones, friends obviously included. Reader knew how exciting and dangerous Alagaësia was, especially alone knowing sensitive information. There was no telling what could be happening back home.
Once learning about Modern!Reader’s situation, Eragon would be confused and conflicted. Of course, Eraogn wanted to help his friend, but he wasn’t entirely sure magic doorways were real. But he wanted to believe the Reader, but even then what help could he be of getting them home? He didn’t know any complicated transportation magic.
Eragon feels guilty; he wants them to stay and he can’t begin to figure out how to help. All the Dragon Rider knows is that he cares for his friend deeply and he will do what he can to make them fell at home in Mount Arngor.
Reader feels torn; they love experiencing life on Mount Arngor, but they do really miss home and the people there.
Either way, Reader ad Eragon’s friendship would grow.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: 
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @emburbaguette
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
What would happen if rumors would reach the others that Eragon had taken an ambassador (modern!reader) as his partner?
What if it was just rumors?
What if modern! Reader hadn't even heard the rumors yet, but Eragon did?
Reader wondering why Eragon was starting to act awkwardly when others were around them. Like, "Are you okay?"
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
“Dancing And Dragons” Eragon x Reader
(A/N: Oooo a Modern!Reader who knows martial arts. Now we’re talkin’!!! :D And capoeira??? Yes, please. Eragon won’t know what hit him! Hahaha. Okay, let’s go with a new concept—a fresh and different Modern!Reader that’s separate from the mess on my computer. Woo! So just a Modern! Reader. @coffencomputers I got a little carried away writing in dragons. I definitely recommend any readers to read up or watch some videos about capoeira. Warnings: Mention of kicking, but not actually kicking someone. Word Count: 962 words)
Alagaësia, a wide and magical land of fantasy.
So what the blazes were you doing East of there with a dragon hatchling nuzzling your shoe? You had no idea.
What you did know was that you were lucky to be alive. Out of all locations to pop into, at least you were near people and water. More specifically: Mount Arngor.
There were dragons, urgals, dwarves, elves, and a very confused Dragon Rider. The Dragon Rider who stumbled upon you in a clearing and chose not to end your existence. After a lot of fast talking on your part. Thank goodness.
Being in a world of magic when your memories of it were through words on a page was ore than a little mind boggling. It hardly made sense. So you left that bit of information out of any conversation. Sticking to the story of unknown teleportation was working fine. Vague, but believable.
The little amethyst colored hatchling pawed at the toe of your shoe. They were the smallest one you had seen. Cute and curious.
It was a wonder you were allowed to be near any dragon. You were still a stranger. Right? No one knew your favorite color.
“You know,” you told the little dragon, “I think it’s time for some movement.”
The little dragon tilted their head as they met your gaze.
“I can’t sit here forever. It’s peaceful, but I have to move around.” You stood up and walked into the small clearing. “You can join me if you want.”
They made a small snort.
“Alright.” You shrugged. “Enjoy your break from….Language lessons? You’re having those right?”
Tilting their head again, they sat down to watch you.
You took that as a maybe.
Taking a few deep breathes through your stretches helped ease your body from the sitting you had been doing. Nothing fancy.
Once finished, you really started.
Music played through your mind. A slow beat that kept you steady on your feet. Sweeping a leg just over the ground, you held control.
There were no competitions nor fighting.
The rhythm of your internal music picked up. You followed it. Felt it.
Rotating your torso, your foot made an arc through the air as your hand met the ground. Fluid and steady. You did it again. Your movements did not take you far from your starting position.
You smiled.
Getting into a rhythm was easier. To pretend there was live music helped. It added a liveliness to the movements. Fun.
When else would you be turning through move after move and kicks? At home probably.
Being in a fictional world, or what you thought was only so, gave you many reasons for outlets to relax. Sometimes the idea of where you were was a bit much to handle. Both the good and annoying. Time alone with your thoughts was important.
Even dragons needed time to themselves. Hence the half dozen hatchlings watching you go into a hook kick.
You supposed they needed entertainment too. Unless it was them feeding curiosity. Probably the later.
Whether you spoke, walked, or completely pretended to mind your own business, you were on the other end of someone’s curiosity.
“You dance without music?”
“WHOA!” You spun around.
Eragon stood with his hands up defensively. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to scare you.”
“Startled, but fine. Hi.”
“Hello.” He lowered his hands. “May I ask why you’re dancing without music?”
You rose an eyebrow.
“Not that—I mean—I was walking nearby and wanted to know why the hatchlings were gathered here. I haven’t been here long.”
Pressing your lips into a thin line to suppress a smile was seemingly more difficult than half the kicks you performed. To have casual conversations with the Dragon Rider were far more fun without the presence of judging eyes. Usually those who ignored everyone and had pointed ears. Knowing him more than he knew you gave you an unfair advantage. A fun one though. For you at least.
Taking pity on Eragon, you decided against teasing him with word play.
“I wasn’t dancing.”
Eragon’s mouth opened silently.
“But if it looks like dancing,” you chuckled, “then I haven’t forgotten how to do capoeira.”
“What’s that?” He asked and took a few steps closer to you.
“It’s a fighting style.” You smiled.
Oh, did you know there was a question or ten about to roll in. Eragon always did have a question for you. Literally, every day. That’s what happened when your home was nowhere near Alagaësia and he knew. Something you had to live with.
“Are there many styles of fighting where you’re from?” Eragon asked. A curious glint shown in his brown eyes in the afternoon sun.
The excitement of new knowledge smoothed the stress from his features. From Dragon Rider to farm boy in less than three seconds.
“Do you know other styles of fighting?”
“I know of others. I’ve mainly practiced capoeira. I like how it flows. Between moves, you know?”
“Oh.” His eyebrows knit together, thoughts churning. Eyes looked elsewhere.
“It’s alright to ask.”
Eragon’s gaze met yours. A little unsure, but soft.
You nodded encouragingly.
“Is it effective in a real fight?” Eragon asked.
“Yes. A kick can knock someone to the ground. It might seem….unconventional in appearance or…a dance, but that’s the point.”
He smiled.
“And no, I will not demonstrate on or with you,” you said quickly. “I’d rather not be roasted.”
Smiling, Eragon tried covering up his discomfort at the idea. He was still getting used to your humor.
“But….then again.” You crossed your arms under your chest. “If we do it correctly, neither of us will even hit the other. Could be fun.”
The dragon hatchlings chirped and jumped excitedly.
Eragon stilled.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @emburbaguette 
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
This isn't a request I just really wanted to share this conversation I headcannoned between Eragon and Modern!Reader
MR: by taking this knife from me, you do realize my protection now falls on you?
Eragon: I will defend you until my last breath, now give me the bread knife.
MR:... Self preservation isn't your strong suit is it?
Eragon: give me the damn knife.
MR: ok sir
You may do with this what you will.
I was thinking: is it a butter knife?
So close.
Goodness, I think that Modern!Reader being funny, playful, or sarcastic could really bring out Eragon's sassy side.
That would be hilarious. Any way it could be.
. . .
But also this could be a normal dinner conversation. Or Reader is in the middle of preparing a meal no one there has heard of, but gosh darn Reader will have it!!! ... But Eragon wants the bread knife.
Maybe unnerved by Reader's cutting skills?
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
I am also here to ask for an Eragon thing. I'm sorry.
When did Eragon and modern!reader properly meet? Was there a spark right away, or did it take a long time to develop? And how did Eragon realize that he was in love with this (mortal?) Person?
Hello. Oh goodness, the "sorry" made me nervous for a second.
Woo. These are questions I should probably answer after going on the computer document, but I'm going to try to remember because I think we've done a voting on here. Pretty sure making Modern! Reader a dragon rider won. I think, but later on. (I'll have to go through my notebooks to one top margin. Later.)
As of right now the idea is that Eragon and Modern! Reader met when, out of safety reasons, Reader was sent to the new dragon rider community. Those reasons revolve around Reader not wanting to pledge any magical loyalties in Alagaesia. How modern Reader gets to dragon central is still being decided, but I'd love for more Angela involvement!
The levels of confusion that would just double even after Reader showed up would be fun to play with. And I would love Angela to "explain" to Eragon and he'd just be all, "How are they suppose to help us?"
Any spark between Eragon and Modern Reader would take quite some time to develop. He likes a mystery, right?
How did Eragon realize that he was in love with Modern! Reader? Good question. That I don't think I've figured out yet. But how not when. Hmm. Probably by a comment provided by the fabulous Saphira because she realized he wasn't picking up obvious signs.
"You did not know your own feelings?"
"I... I've been busy."
"Too busy to think?"
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
Are there any eragonxmodern!reader updates/requests?
Unfortunately no updates or requests right now.
I did open up the document a couple of days ago and was just like: this needs help. LOL
Help in terms of a more specific outline and less questions of what's happening. It's fine. There's just a lot of me wanting to know what's going on around the modern! Reader before I decide on more personal Reader events.
Was this answer way too long? Maybe. Also hi, again.
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where-dreamers-go · 4 months
"Unexpected And Appointed" Eragon x Modern! Reader
(A/N: A prologue to “Here And There” and an extended version of an Eragon Reaction with “Are you armed?” So back to clumsy Modern! Reader and their first signs of clumsiness, which wasn’t all physical.
Warnings: Mild curse word and use of (Y/F/N) for Your/First/Name.
Word Count: 1,048 words)
A light breeze granted you a delicate mercy as you walked. Easing some of your discomfort.
Your destination in your sights.
How could you stop to rest? You could give yourself the thought later.
Almost there. You could do it. No horse. No boat. Definitely no vehicle to aid you on the last trek of your journey.
Squinting your eyes against the midmorning sun, you could make out figures in fields. Trees adorning the area around.
You can do this. Remember, you thought, be as formal or friendly as possible. Use titles—please.
“Wah—.” You stumbled over a patch of grass.
Easy. Breathe. Just introduce yourself calmly. I’m the ambassador. Don’t blank out and freeze up on Ancient Language. Do your best. You smiled, attempting to encourage yourself as your pack weighed down on your shoulders.
Passing another cluster of trees, you felt odd. As if you were being watched.
Just breathe. Think of another song for goodness sake because if the dragons get in—
“Who are you?”
You quickly turned to the voice.
A tall young man stood three paces away from you with a long gardening tool at his side. The hair on his head was windswept and brown. A light shine to one of his palms.
You blinked as your fear tumbled into a fluttering mess.
The man was almost human.
“I asked: Who are you?” He voiced louder in the Ancient Language.
Clearing your throat, you answered with a round of dry coughs.
Sounding real confident, you thought sarcastically and swallowing. Don’t panic.
He did not move.
Standing in the shadow of a mountain, you held gazes with the Dragon Rider.
Eragon Shadeslayer did not know you, however you knew of him. Not that it helped much as he narrowed his brown eyes your way.
“Are you armed?”
Tilting your head, you did your best to translate the Ancient Language. Learning the language tied to the world took work. Practice in the face of it held a challenge.
Yet, you understood, you hoped and looked down to your arms in confusion. Then you glanced back to Eragon.
“. . . Yes. You can see them?” Your words were unsure. Doing your best in pronunciation.
His features skewed into his own doubt.
There was an obvious miscommunication no matter how small and it was up for debate who slipped up. Awkward when both were strangers.
For a split second, easily to be missed, the corner of the Dragon Rider’s lip curved up.
“Yes. I can.”
Perhaps you would be all right.
Why would he ask that? It—crap. No. I misheard a verb or something. Think. You sighed. Great. I’m all ready making myself look less capable.
Once more, you cleared your throat.
“Queen Nasuada…sent me…to look at the mountain.”
Realization sparked in his brown eyes. Shoulders relaxed and he took a couple of steps forward.
“My name is (Y/F/N).” You nodded. “The ambassador.”
Honestly, you had no idea what the greeting protocol was anymore nor were you inclined to bow after walking all morning.
So what if he was much closer and smiling slightly?
“Greetings. Welcome to Mount Arngor,” he gestured toward the snowy-capped mountain. “I am Eragon, Dragon Rider.”
I KNEW IT! You thought with a smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet y— Oh.” You stopped yourself and continued in the Ancient Language to your best ability. “Good…to meet you, Dragon Rider.”
Eragon nodded in kind and responded, “And you. I was not expecting you for another week or more.”
“I…” You frowned.
How do you say walk? Crap it.
“I walk fast,” you finally answered in the common tongue. “Especially when I hear noises I don’t recognize.”
Leaning on the tool, Eragon mused with a smile, “It was for the best you arrived early. Safer still, a storm looks to be approaching for later in the day..”
“I’ve been doing my best to avoid thunderstorms and parties.” You added. “Being sick while traveling doesn’t help anything.”
The confusion on his face nearly sent you into a laughing fit, you held strong to avoid doing so.
“Not a party per se. I may have met King Orik on my way to Hedarth.” You pulled on your bag’s strap and said, “I’m not sure if I rambled too much or if I somehow made a good impression. I almost didn’t catch a ship without giving a portion of my life story to him.”
Shaking his head with a smile, Eragon rested the gardening tool over his shoulder. He did not add commentary as he turned towards the mountain.
“You must be wary from your travels. I will show you inside.”
“Thank you.” You followed after the Dragon Rider
* *
Wind blew against Mount Arngor as the thunderstorm rolled in. Walls of stone held you and every one residing with the utmost protection.
You laid across a bed. Your new bed and room in the fortress. Safe quarters for the new ambassador. The second ambassador.
Stretching your legs only made you want to groan at more than one event.
One, being the awkwardness of introducing yourself to Queen Nasuada’s first ambassador outside of Alagaësia.
Two, having to recover from both traveling and ascending all the steps into the mountain.
If my legs weren’t fit enough before, you thought, they sure will be.
No one else seemed to be fazed by the stairs.
Tiredly, you took a breath and counted what you were grateful for. Among them and high on the list remained your survival.
Even knowing what a map of Alagaësia looked like, it took a great amount of will power to travel through it and come out in one piece.
Anything to get away from suspicious side glances and Alagaësia’s politics. You thought, and here I’ve been introduced to most people and have only gotten questionable looks from one person. Too bad it’s Eragon. But I expected nothing less when I’m the unplanned and newly appointed ambassador to the Queen. That and I seem to speak better Ancient Language to everyone else.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: 
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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where-dreamers-go · 4 months
Would you mind doing Eragons reaction to the modern reader wearing make up and a nice modern outfit for the first time since they met?
(A/N: Hi there~! Eragon reaction time. I wonder how this would had turned out differently if I had listened to “Makeup” by Jesse McCartney?? Word Count: 172 words)
It had been an average work-filled day for Eragon. Everything went well. Almost predictable. Until he almost hurt his neck looking back to you as you took inventory of necessities.
The physical difference was subtle, however the more he looked, the more he noticed.
Thankfully, the Rider kept quiet.
His mind was the opposite.
Eyes on you, Eragon was taken aback by your appearance. Everything about you had your mark of deliberate style. All purposeful. Different.
They’ve worn that before, Eragon reminded himself. It must be from their home. I’ve never seen anything similar. It’s…really nice on them.
“Something on your mind?” You asked, turning to him.
Eragon’s eyes widened. “What? No.”
You quirked up an eyebrow.
They strangely know me too well for this.
The Dragon Rider did not know what to reply. Too caught up in half complete questions on the choice of your attire and how you were able to paint your face.
“I was…checking on you.”
Yes, they will completely believe that, he thought sarcastically.
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year
Would you mind me requesting Eragon reaction: weather edition?
Reader scooting close and against him in the winter, using him as a human heater?
Begging him to take them picnicking in spring alongside the river and daring him to jump in?
Finding them sunbathing in the summer, in modern summer clothes they learned to make themselves? (Gasp, scandalous!)
Decorating Saphira and Eragons living quarters in the spirit of Halloween while he's away?
(A/N: Modern! Reader strikes again! ...I think.)
Eragon Reactions to seasons/Eragon Reactions: Weather Edition
"Cold?" Eragon asked as you snuggled up against his side.
"Do you want me to answer truthfully or sarcastically?"
Chuckling, he said nothing.
"If it gets any colder I'll be concerned with how close I'll be to you."
"Can you get closer?"
"Don't ever underestimate me, dragon boy."
He shook both you and himself with his laughter.
"You should jump in." You stated a little too casually, picking at your food.
"What? In the water? It's cold!"
"How do you know that for certain? Can you guarantee me that the water is in fact cold?"
Eragon stared at you as if he couldn't understand a word you were saying, but knew it was outlandish. Well, he was looking at you like that. It wasn't a mystery. He remained seated on the ground.
"So, you're not going in?"
Tossing a fruit at your head, Eragon answered with a very strong, "No."
Coming to a stop near you, Eragon had a difficult time deciding whether it not to look at you. It was quite the struggle to watch.
"Where did you find those clothes?"
"I altered some old ones. They turned out better than I thought."
"Your clothes are...quite," he swallowed, " revealing."
"Seeing someone's bare legs isn't going to kill you, Eragon. It's skin...and muscles and bone and--it's fine. I swear! Don't you look at your own legs?"
"Yes! But my legs are... mine and no one else sees them."
"Are legs illegal? It's that why we cover them?"
"No, it's--," he huffed. "That's how we dress."
"Then this is how I dress because IT'S HOT."
Harvesting crops was in full swing. Gathering food for a cold winter.
"Hehehe," you balanced another handmade decoration against the wall.
"What is that?"
You turned to see Eragon eyeing a new painting on the wall. "You're back early."
"Yes," he said slowly and looked around the space.
"That one is a painting of bats. Lovely and spooky."
"Oh, yes. It's terror time~." You sung.
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year
Hello! I was the person who asked about a Capoeira knowing Modern!Reader for Eragon, and I had an ask following that same thought. What would Eragon's first reaction be to Modern!Reader doing a headstand or handstand for the first time in front of him?
Hi again! 🙂
Oh goodness!! A handstand!!!! Okay okay.
Both hands on the ground. The world was upsidedown.
It was how you wanted it. For that moment.
Boredom or that need to just do something. That was you. Or at least what you had. It did not matter whose eyes caught sight of you. The action was for you alone.
"You can do that as well as any elf I've seen," Eragon stated. The Rider was a few steps away from you. Brown eyes watching curiously, as usual.
"Thanks," you said, still in a handstand. "Care to join me, Rider?"
A moment of hesitation or contemplation, you weren't sure which he had. Eragon kept a distance from you. Enough space for movement.
"Did you want to stretch first?" You asked.
"No." Eragon quickly leaned forward and propelled his feet up. A wobble and a huff, he did his best to remain--
"You alright?"
The Rider sighed. Sitting up and brushing himself off.
"Good job either way."
Eragon shook off his frown and inquired flatly, "How does it appear simple when you do it?"
In an ease of motion, you landed on your feet. "Lots of practice. Didn't matter who or what you are."
He hummed. No doubt processing your words. Again.
"If you ever need help. Let me know. No judgement."
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