(Saved 18-08-23)
Stopping the payload with @thewingedhealer and Team Ghostwatch
When the Reinhardt ulted I thought it best for me to deal with them quickly so I popped ult as well and I honestly thought I’d die to the Winston but I’m so glad it went the way it did! =3
@venenatc @lady-fareeha @justice-lesbian @glowyzarya
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(Saved 18-12-02)
First Ashe POTG with @loliiolli (NSFW) and @theragingsoundofcalm
If a bullet shell falls to the ground in the middle of the woods with no one around, does it make a sound?
@venenatc @lady-fareeha @glowyzarya @justice-lesbian
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(Saved 18-08-16)
Life Saver with @thewingedhealer and Team Ghostwatch
Usually when someone (like a Reinhardt) ults I try to use my boop, especially when he charges, (I admit it doesn’t always go the way I want, but it is worth the try) in an attempt to help my teammates and possibly save them. I also like to ult in moments like this, because the enemy team is usually vulnerable thinking they have the upper hand at that moment. (Also because when someone like a Reinhardt ults why would they be looking up in the sky? =3 )
@venenatc @lady-fareeha @justice-lesbian @glowyzarya
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(Saved 18-07-10)
This random Mercy who decided to give me a rez then cover me got the play and I don’t even know them but I was so proud that a Mercy got a rez and that I helped them get it! If you know this Mercy (PC Player) please tell them I said they are awesome and great job! If anyone wants to play with or against me on Overwatch or even other games, message me because I’m always up for making new friends (Especially because I’m bad at it XD)
[I’m uploading my POV tomorrow =3 ]
@lady-fareeha @justice-lesbian @glowyzarya @venenatc
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(Saved 18-06-26)
I told my team after I did that and was slept, “Sorry all that hard work made me tired I’m just gonna nap here.” *Woke up* “Okay I’m all rested great work guys!” We were dying of laughter, but I’m like blown away that I got away with that in a comp game with no teammate ults just my own.
@lady-fareeha @justice-lesbian @glowyzarya @venenatc
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(Saved 18-07-10)
As I said here is my POV of my Ult and how I have the Mercy to thank for helping me push through and not die(Again) ;P I just love that this Mercy’s name is Hoodie, it kills me, because just like a hoodie jacket this Mercy covered me and had my back XD
@lady-fareeha @justice-lesbian @glowyzarya @venenatc
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