the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana helps Ell prepare their mass quantity of hair before they both take a nice social soak with Heron at one of Vesuvia’s many public baths.
(Ell’iandyr belongs to @foxfirefallout and Heron belongs to @vesuvian-disaster! Link to full size under the cut...)
[ Full Size Render ]
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foxfirefallout · 2 years
If Heron is teaching Ell'iandyr, they're gonna do at least some light sparring at some point, soooooooooooooooooo...9? -vesuvian-disaster
Several months and... ~3500 words later, we finally have an answer to this! The prompt, for anyone playing along at home was 'Sparring turns into sex' (or at least something along those lines). We... took some liberties.
Content warnings: physical and magical fights, non-consensual contact
Minors DNI
Under cut for excessive wordcount...
“Yes. Like that.”
Ell’iandyr repeated the gesture, glancing to Heron for another affirmation. “That’s good. Very good. Now, put some energy behind it.”
The makeshift target that had been set up some distance away burst briefly into flames, blue tongues of heat flickering over the surface before extinguishing themselves with a gesture from Heron.
“I’m still not entirely sure that I could set an actual person on fire,” they commented as they considered the faint scorch marks on the target.
Heron looked at them for a moment, and arched an eyebrow. “You don’t think you can set someone on fire, but you have no trouble--”
“That was different! Reflexive, and entirely unintentional. I… just wanted them to go away.*”
“And that’s why we’re doing this now. Setting someone on fire will definitely make them go away, and at significantly less cost to your own personal well-being.”
“I know… but hitting a target is not the same thing as actually… dealing with a person.”
“That’s why we spar. You are getting better. Even if you don’t feel like you are.”
“I know, I know… just…” Ell sighed and shook their head.
“You’d rather not have to learn at all. I know. I can’t be with you all the time, but I can, at least, teach you enough to keep yourself safe.” Heron offered a slight smile as he ghosted a touch over Ell’s cheek. “I teach you to fight because I care. Let’s get to work.”
For the next half hour, Ell resigned themself to a flurry of fast-paced casting. Spells, counter-spells, shields and attacks as well as more mundane means were all fair game with little time to think before reacting. As it would be in a real fight, Heron had reminded them. Heron had also reminded them, repeatedly, that a real fight would not likely last very long, once the first spell was cast. It was cold comfort for the present, however, as they continued to spar and Heron no longer offered suggestions but let Ell work out their best defense for themself.
“That’s very impressive,” Heron said, nodding his approval at Ell, who had fallen onto their back, but maintained a very solid shield spell. “I think we can be done for the time being,” he added, offering a hand to assist Ell back to their feet as the spell dissipated. They weren’t entirely sure how falling on their ass could be viewed as impressive, but they were reasonably sure that Heron wouldn’t try to flatter them over something like this.
“Thank you,” they murmured as they held on to Heron’s hand for a moment, steading themself while Heron ensured their clothes were clean again with a simple gesture. Ell was still holding on as they moved to the edge of the clearing where a small basket lunch waited for them. They had forgotten that Heron had brought that along, but was grateful for his forethought all the same. These practice sessions always left them feeling anxious and unsettled, even though they knew that Heron would not allow them to be hurt in the course of training. A little bruised, perhaps, but nothing that couldn’t be healed easily. What worried them was the notion that they might have to use the skills they were learning at some point when Heron was not around to help.
Ell was quiet as they settled down, watching Heron pour tea and hand over tasty treats that were among their favorites. “Thank you,” they repeated, accepting some spiced bread, magically warmed, and tea freshly brewed.
“You’re welcome, Ell. You really are gaining ground with these practices.”
“I’m feeling a little more confident, yes. But I still hope I never really need to use any of this.”
“So do I, but I feel better knowing that, if you need to, you can.”
For several moments, Ell concentrated on enjoying their tea, staring into the depths and expecting to see nothing save the bottom of the cup. They weren’t here to do a reading, after all, and seldom looked into their own future unless circumstances seemed dire.
Ell’s thoughts, such as they were, were broken when Heron spoke again. "I'm sorry I'm having to push you through this training. You have a gentle nature."
“I know that you’re doing it because you care. And I do appreciate it. I would rather know.”
Work for a client had taken Ell into a part of the city they did not often venture, but when the older woman came to their shop, pleading for help to find her grandchild, Ell could hardly refuse. Such work did not always end well, but in this case, they were able to locate the girl before too long, and with the grateful thanks (and generous payment) of the family, they headed towards home.
When the feeling of lightheadedness struck them, Ell realized that stopping for food was going to be necessary, if they wished to make it out of the district in one piece. Fortunately for them, taverns and pubs were plentiful throughout the city and they ducked into the first one they came to, placing an order at the bar for light ale and some food before finding a table in the corner.
All the while, they were scanning the place, all the more wary for how exhausted their last job had left them. This was something else that Heron had warned them about, and something they clearly needed to work on. At least their food was served with no incident and they were able to enjoy it in peace.
As they were readying to leave, it seemed that some of the clientele felt that it was time to make the evening more interesting. And, being a stranger in the tavern, it was clear to them, at least, that Ell was the most interesting thing in the room.
“Hey there, gorgeous! Leaving so soon?”
Ell felt someone grasp at their arm, but they tried shrugging it off as they headed to the door.
No such luck.
“Naw… you’re gonna stay awhile,” another voice slurred in their ear as another hand grasped their arm.
“I don’t think so,” Ell managed in their calmest voice as they reached up to remove one of the hands that held them, electricity gathering in their touch. Fire seemed ill-advised in an atmosphere already rife with alcohol fumes and exceedingly flammable furnishings.
The shock was enough to get one person to let go, but the impeding grasp was replaced before Ell could make much headway to the door.The swore quietly to themselves as the tumult of voices grew louder, some jeering the person who’d let go, others commenting on the ‘liveliness’ of their ‘new friend.’
“Is there a problem here?”
This was a familiar voice, calm and orderly in the face of the tavern turmoil. And it was not a voice that expected to wait for an answer.
Though Ell had sparred with Heron and was familiar with his fighting technique, they still could not quite follow all that happened in the next few moments. For them, it was sufficient that they were no longer being held and that no one seemed to have any more interest in impeding their exit.
Seeming satisfied with the result, Heron offered Ell his hand and together they made their way to the door.
Outside, in the relatively fresh evening air, Ell turned to thank Heron, and ask just how he’d come to be in the area. The words died on their lips as Heron leaned close to murmur, “You let yourself run low… we should see if we can do something about that.”
The purr in Heron’s voice, coupled with the now very welcome arm around their waist meant that Ell was developing a very good idea of just what Heron had in mind. In a few steps they were away from the tavern, and in a few more, Heron had led them down a small, dark alley. In a fluid motion, and with no thought of self-defense, Ell found themself pressed against the cool stone of a building, struggling to catch their breath as Heron trailed kisses over their neck, his teeth grazing over Ell’s skin. His hands supported them, running along their sides as they failed to find any sort of equilibrium.
If it was anyone but Heron, Ell would have been in a panic, frantic to get away, to get home. Now, all they could think of was submitting to Heron’s whim, shivering a little as they became intimately aware of magical hands, along with Heron’s own.
“No one’s going to notice us. I promise.” Indeed, the sounds of the street and tavern seemed more distant to them, a vague susurration, rather than the raucous cries they’d heard only moments before. “I’d hate for you to have to go too far. As depleted as you are.” 
The words were murmured against Ell’s neck before Heron bit at their collarbone, then shifted to claim their lips for a kiss. Though they were left breathless by Heron’s intensity, they returned the gesture and were very aware of the flow of energy through the contact; their own magical reserves beginning to regain what had been lost over the course of their evening’s work.
As the kiss deepened, Ell twined one hand in the soft curls of Heron’s hair. There was no reason to worry about Heron drawing away when it was clear that this was exactly what Heron wanted to be doing-- but it was a way to steady themselves, to find grounding in a sensation that was not the caress and grasp of hands that they were now beginning to lose count of.
When the kiss broke, Ell gasped, breathing heavily, but Heron seemed entirely unphased. He did seem intent on keeping Ell breathless,those various hands tugging at their clothes to caress the skin hidden underneath while he continued to nip along the sensitive line of their jaw. 
They curled their fingers in Heron’s hair, their other arm wrapped around his shoulders. When they felt a very firm, decidedly flesh hand grasp their ass, though, they froze for a moment, tensing their own hold on Heron as the reality of the situation suddenly came into full focus for them.
Above them the night sky, what they could glimpse beyond the rooftops surrounding them, was clear and painfully distant, the full moon only just now high enough to shine down on them. At their back, they were aware of each chisel-mark hewn into the stone, catching at the fabric of their tunic. There would be marks, they thought as they blinked and found that Heron was staring at them intently, his breaths still falling with perfect regularity.
“My place is closer. I’d really rather that you did not go home alone tonight,” he murmured, something like an apology in his voice as he eased back, helping Ell regain their feet and smooth their ruffled clothes. Soon, it was only Heron’s hands, none of the magical ones, giving their hair a stroke and trailing over their neck to see if marks had been left.
Though Ell was not entirely sure what had caused the sudden shift in mood, they managed a nod. “I’d really rather not be alone tonight,” they admitted, nerves still buzzing from the combined adrenaline of getting out of the tavern and being very forcibly kissed by the person who had done that for them.
Heron nodded and, arm once again wrapped around Ell, led the way back out of the alleyway and through the district to his own home. It seemed to Ell that the noises they expected to hear were still distant, coming to them through the fog of whatever spell Heron was keeping up. It also seemed that, as they went, their path was entirely clear and no one they passed even glanced their direction. For this, at least, Ell was grateful-- they were not glowing, but they were feeling far more disheveled than they liked, despite (or perhaps because of) Heron’s best efforts.
The chime over the door sounded as Heron opened it, and Cicero scampered forward to investigate them both. When he discovered that there were no treats in the offing for him, he slipped out the door, presumably to find some trouble of his own to get into.
“Did I… discomfort you?” The door was closed again, and Heron was watching them, his face registering hints of concern.
“I was surprised,” Ell admitted. “You aren’t usually so, um, impulsive.”
“Ah. That.” He quirked a slight smile, reaching up to trail his finger’s over Ell’s jaw and neck, noting that where he’d bitten was no longer red, even if it was clear from the change in Ell’s breath that they remembered exactly what he had been doing. “A brawl can leave me feeling… amorous. It isn’t exactly the same as sparing or practicing, so there was no reason to bring it up.”
“I see. Are you still feeling… ‘amorous?’”
“Oh, yes. Very much so.” Heron’s touch ghosted again over Ell’s neck, feeling their pulse racing again even as they tried to appear outwardly calm. “And here we have the prospect of a much more comfortable venue. If you’re inclined.”
“I’m inclined,” Ell replied, closing the little distance that remained to claim a kiss of their own. They brought their hands up to tangle again in Heron’s hair and this time were entirely unsurprised when they felt Heron’s hands moving over their ribs and hips, pausing to grasp their ass.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Heron murmured when the kiss broke, shifting his weight to gather Ell into his arms.
‘Show-off,’ Ell thought to themself as they were carried up the stairs, retwining their arms around Heron’s shoulders, fingers trailing absently along the back of his neck. 
They were not particularly worried about being too much of a distraction while Heron made his way up the stairs, the door to his room opening obligingly ahead of them, and closing with the same consideration. Ell stared at the door for a long moment, relaxing slightly in Heron’s arms as the realization that they absolutely will not be seen sank in. “Thank you,” they murmured, lips brushing over Heron’s cheek as he stepped over to the bed to set them down.
“You’re welcome,” Heron replied, hand ghosting over their cheek for a moment. Then the gesture expanded as he quirked a smile and snapped his fingers.
“Show-off,” Ell murmured aloud as they lounged on the bed, entirely nude thanks to Heron’s spell, their clothes in a reasonably tidy pile on the floor. “You aren’t going to let me get cold, are you?” they asked as they shifted against the fine linen.
“Of course not,” Heron replied as he turned away to undress by more mundane means.
Ell sat up a little more, thinking to help Heron, only to be arrested by the feel of very warm, decidedly magical hands running over their skin.
“Just stay there… you’ve had a long day,” Heron murmured, not turning around as he started to unfasten his tunic. He worked with purposeful slowness, brass eyes flashing in the mirror to watch Ell’s favorable reactions to the most recent spell… and to being watched.
For a moment, all of Ell’s attention was taken up by the feeling of warmth as the hands wandered over them, watching how tenderly the polished brass figments caressed their arms, legs and chest until one slid over their shoulder, a finger crooking under their chin. With gentle pressure, Ell’s gaze was lifted until they could see themself in the mirror, and see also that, though his back was to them, they had all of Heron’s attention.
“I hope you’re not feeling too chilled,” Heron commented as he finished undoing the last fastenings of his tunic and letting it fall away as he watched Ell’s reflection. They were looking a little flushed, lips parted as, one by one, the hands vanished, turning invisible at Heron’s whim.
Ell was still very much aware that they were present however; the warmth was unmistakable, even if they could no longer track the paths of the hands visually. “I’m… I’m fine. Thank you,” they added, lest Heron somehow think they were not appreciative of the effort.
“Good,” he replied as he cast his shoes aside, then began to peel out of his trousers. All the while, though, Heron watched Ell’s reflection, noting their little gasps as the attention of the now-invisible hands grew more intimate. Heron was very well aware that Ell did not care for being handled roughly, but careful pinches here and there, with the promise of more tender attention to follow did not seem to spoil the mood.
Only when his trousers had joined the rest of the garments on the floor did Heron bother to turn around and approach Ell once more. That Ell liked to watch (and occasionally be watched) was something that had taken some time to discover, and the effect that it had on them was more than obvious now. 
Lounging on the bed, Ell sought out Heron’s gaze, shifting to better pose for their audience of one. They were very sure that Heron knew exactly what each of the hands he had manifested were doing, but played into the touches all the same before extending their own hand in invitation. Being watched was delicious, but what would be even better would be to have Heron close and kissable.
For a moment, it seemed that Heron was considering his options before taking Ell’s hand and brushing a kiss over their knuckles. With the same deliberate care he had shown since arriving home, he knelt on the bed, trailing kisses up Ell’s arm as he did so. After a lingering kiss to the crook of their elbow, he nipped delicately, teeth grazing sensitive skin before working back towards their wrist. Another kiss was pressed to their palm before he took one of their fingers between his lips, sucking carefully while he watched Ell’s eyes flutter closed, lost to the myriad of sensations.
The bed was, in Ell’s considered opinion, significantly more comfortable than the stone wall in the alley had been, a point driven home as Heron’s weight settled more fully over them. They could feel Heron’s hips rocking against them, a very deliberate tease as he released one finger, only to begin nibbling at the next. Surrounded by the scent of citron, underscored with a more subtle muskyness, Ell sank deeper, their free hand splaying across Heron’s hip as they began to move with him.
Heron offered a little hum of pleasure as they built upon the leisurely rhythm. There was no reason to rush in the comfort and safety of home, so he focused his attention instead on the magical hands that continued to caress Ell. It was hardly a challenge to summon a lubricant to those hands, nor to ensure that lubricant was suitably warmed before being applied.
With a soft gasp, Ell opened their eyes, focusing on Heron as much as they could through the haze of sensation. “H-heron?” they breathed, fingers clutching at his hip as he shifted again, positioning himself to sink down on their cock.
“Yes. Like that.”
Hands tangled in their hair, fingernails grazing their chest and always, always, the familiar scent of citron enveloping them. Ell’s gaze was becoming unfocused again as they stared up at their lover, flexing their grip at Heron’s hip as he rode them.
“That’s good. Very good. Now…”
When Ell found release, they could offer no warning and their cry was wordless and ecstatic, but even that was too much, too loud, and as their body shook with the pleasure of the climax they held their arm across their face to hide. In the quiet and relative dark of the room, it was too much to feel, too great a gift of pleasure after everything the day had held for them. And still, there were hands smoothing over their skin. Only two hands; Heron’s hands as he eased away only enough to free them, reverent kisses pressed above their thrumming heart.
“Just stay there, Ell’iandyr,” Heron murmured as he refreshed their skin with a spell and eased the fine linen sheets over them. 
Ell was sure that even if they wanted to go home, they wouldn’t be able to manage on their own. Even opening their eyes was a struggle now, their whole world the feel of Heron’s weight as it shifted beside them, of his touch on their face, or smoothing their hair. There was nowhere else they could imagine feeling safer, or more content, than where they were right now.
“You’ve had a long day.”
 *The incident to which they are referring occurred when Ell was out alone and almost mugged. In that instance, Ell’s form of ‘self defense’ was to essentially yeet the attacker into an entirely different timeline/reality. The amount of magical energy spent in that action, however, left them comatose for several days.
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vesuvian-disaster · 2 years
🍻 "tell me your most awkward date story" (Ell to Heron, probably)
@foxfirefallout Let's do some work with the past! 💖
Heron chuckles and covers his face with one hand, "When I was a teenager I was Master Borgia's apprentice alongside Jinana, but he also had students. Pupils he was paid to tutor for their general education and we learned with them for subjects outside of our magical studies."
"There was a girl who fancied me, but I hadn't learned how to...Project yet...I think there are a few instances that went over just as well with more or less drama."
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daisydevorak · 3 years
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Ell'iandyr! Belongs to @foxfirefallout​ (colors might be off a little, if this annoys you, tell me I’ll fix them!)
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epoch-smog · 2 years
🍻 "If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?" (Ell'iandyr is a firm believer in wishes and intention shaping reality, so it's always fun to see what direction others might take.)
Drunk confession asks
@foxfirefallout <:3c
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Midsummer Masquerade, Day 4: Suspension + Magic + (implied) Voyeurism (Heron x Ell’iandyr)
Heron is putting on a bit of a show for onlookers; normally, his use of magic is so incredibly efficient that little or no waste energy is given off as a glow or other effect. It seems that soon, Ell’iandyr will add to the light show with their own ‘special’ effects!
Warnings and link to uncensored version under the cut! 🔞🍋 MINORS DNI
(Heron belongs to @vesuvian-disaster, and Ell’iandyr belongs to @foxfirefallout! They both appear by request. :3)
Warnings: half-visible erect peen, magic handjob, magic neep play.
Full Version
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 Ell arrives looking marginally less uncertain of the crowd than they did last year- some of these are familiar faces now. They find Jinana and offer over the silk- wrapped parcel with a little smile. "I was going to get you another journal, but then I found these..." The silk scarf conceals a small box containing a set of three artistically blown-glass bottles. It's difficult to tell if the shifting colors are an effect of the glass or their contents. "I've been assured of their... efficacy."
Jinana lifts a brow, peering at the bottles with hir magical sight. "My goodness," s/he says, chuckling. "These are bound to add a certain something to those special moments, hmmm?"
"What's this, darling?" Julian folds his long self into a seated position at the low table, doling out three mugs that (thankfully) contain a pear cider, rather than the cocktail of the moment.
Jinana gives him a sidelong look. "Oh, just a few bedroom dreams come true, through the wonders of magic." S/he laughs as the tips of his ears steadily begin to burn red. "Now thank Ell'iandyr for the thoughtful gift."
He coughs, the redness spreading to his cheeks. "Ahem. Er, yes, thank you, we'll be sure to, uhm... ohgodIcan'tdoit" He sinks to the surface of the table in a pile of blushes and defeat, while Jinana laughs, patting his back.
"He tried."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @foxfirefallout
We're not sure how they ended up in this situation... but poor Ell'iandyr seems mortified, while Jinana laughs it off.
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Finally, FINALLY I have collected enough assets to do MerMay!
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This one will go a lil differently from previous Renderpaloozas - I'll be taking requests all week (5/1/23 - 5/7/23), but instead of trying to cram all the renders into the same week, I'll be pacing myself and releasing them throughout the month.
Choices and rules are under the cut. I can't possibly show every variation available, feel free to DM me if you want to see texture options or have any questions!
Requests are now CLOSED.
You can find the request queue here!
Please limit to 2 requests per requestor.
One character per render.
Renders will have a prefab underwater scene as a backdrop.
Poses will be chosen by me.
If you request someone else's OC, I will have to okay it with the OC's creator first!
I reserve the right to close the request window at any time, I am but one little guy and I can only do so much T_T
I will append a request queue to this post as requests come in! If you send a request and don't see it appear in the queue within a day, tumblr probably ate your request :c Try again!
Tail Choices:
Classic Merfolk (choose tailfin)
Seahorse Tail
Fantasy Lionfish Tail
Octo-Mer (fem base characters only, sadly)
Shark Tail (choose arm fins, scars, body paint)
Classic Mermaid (with gills, fem base only)
Eel Tail (with gills, masc base only)
Fancy Tails (choose fin options)
Snake Tails (choose scale options)
Texture Choices:
Color - most of these have a huge array of colors and patterns available. Feel free to DM me about the choices available for the tail you've chosen! I can also make some basic color adjustments to suit. You can also just leave it up to me!
Glossy/Metallic/Pearly/Bioluminescent - I can make the tail have a fancy sheen or bioluminescent markings!
Pearls, gems, gold, silver; rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and body chains; facial and body piercings - I can adorn your mer in jewelry if you like! Give a general vibe and I'll do my best to fulfill it from my large library of jewelry assets. (Otherwise, they'll just have their usual jewelry.)
Armor - I can put armor on the top half of your mer. Choose from fantasy or realistic styles.
Modesty top - if your mer has breasts, they can go bare (will mark the render as Mature) or I can choose a little fantasy top for them to wear. (If your mer goes bare, I can absolutely give them nip piercings btw)
Masc mers can absolutely wear a little crop top too, as a treat :)
Unless otherwise specified, characters will have their usual hair, but you can request a long-haired version for your mer!
Available Models:
Heron @vesuvian-disaster
Marcus Aquila @vesuvian-disaster
Hjordis @vesuvian-disaster
Miloš @xx-sharpfawngz-xxx
Donna @bottomvalerius
Vida @apprenticevida
Turel @fullyfunctionalapprentice
Bastien @daisydevorak
Ell'iandyr @foxfirefallout
Tsedi @joasakura
Arsenic @arsenicxarcana
Coatli @coyoxxtl
Evander @luasworkshop
Yeshe (because it's funny)
Have Fun!
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Apprenticember, Day 31
Name another mc you read about and enjoyed! Shout out your favorite mc!
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We did it lads, we made it through! Thanks again to @ghoulfriendfangs for organizing the event!
Man, there are so many good MCs and OCs out there, I can't possibly name them all! But I will give a shoutout to the Squad and some folks I interact with on the regular:
Donna ( @bottomvalerius ) - the very first MC to interact with us when we were new to the fandom, so this little guy holds a special place!
Lua and Aleis ( @luasworkshop and @fullyfunctionalapprentice ) - TWOFER TUESDAY
Iaaaaaaa ( @xx-sharpfawngz-xx ) - the funkiest of Little Guys, we love them sm
Vida ( @apprenticevida ) - I hope the Life Stuff lets you join us again soon!
Ell'iandyr - ( @foxfirefallout ) - they may be a bundle of nerves but they deserve to have A Nice Time, ok?
Franquelin ( @jellyfish-and-therapy ) - glad to see you getting the info on them out there, and looking forward to seeing more!
Jin/Cedar ( @epoch-smog ) - may that shitpost energy never fail you, we love to see it!
Arsenic ( @arsenicxarcana ) - highly respected Goatman main, if you know me that says A Lot!
Rosie ( @drustvar ) - Chaos knows Chaos when it sees it lmao, it's been fun to read more about her!
Misery ( @misery-lake ) - THEY PAY ME IN WOIMS with a side dish of Destroy That Old Man
Bastien ( @daisydevorak ) - he may not be an Apprentice anymore (tho iirc he did start out as one), but Dragon Himbo deserves an Honorable Mention! 🐲
The list goes on, but my poor little overtaxed brain is at its limit rn, if our MCs have interacted then ilu 💜
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foxfirefallout · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
It's a wednesday AND I remembered that I actually have a wip I can post bits of! This started as an utterly self-indulgent fic and... just seems to keep going. If I ever get it to serious smut, it may get posted in segments, given the tonal shift from beginning to ultimate end. We'll see.
This is featuring Emil (Aemelius), Mel (Rosamel), and Ell'iandyr and is below the cut for... any number of reasons.
Mel eased eirself away from the doorway to get a closer look, while Emil seemed to waver on just what sort of hospitality to offer. “There’s a fire going in the lounge. We were just going to settle in for a bit of reading. Maybe you’d like to join us.”
“I’d hate to drip on your furnishings,” they admitted. While it was true that, normally, they would have been able to dry themself with a gesture, working with their client for most of the day had significantly drained their resources.
“Oh, that’s no trouble. We get all sorts of things on the furnishings. May I?” Emil asked, grinning as he waited for an affirmative nod before he took the liberty of tucking a stray lock of hair behind Ell’s ear. “Really, though. I’m sure that Mel can do something about that for you. Or we can get you some towels and a robe, if you prefer a more hands-on approach.”
“Expediency is probably the… more reasonable approach,” Ell admitted, realizing that they were beginning to shiver a little as their clothes clung to them.
“For now, certainly,” Mel replied as they waved a hand over Ell, drying the clothes with a simple spell. “Will you join us? I picked one of my favorites.”
“I was thinking of retiring for the evening,” ei commented as they traced a line around one of Ell’s ankles.
“Are you hoping for company?”
“I certainly wouldn’t object. Ell’iandyr? Would you like to join us?”
“I’m asking because I’m hoping you’ll say ‘yes,’” Mel added as ei watched a little hint of concern pass over Ell’s features.
Emil gave a discreet cough at this before adding, “You’re not obligated to. Please understand that. I have plenty of rooms where you can be accommodated without any trouble. But I would also be lying if I did not add that it would be our pleasure for you to join us for the remainder of the evening.” All through Mel’s reading, Emil had ample opportunity to observe Ell and their responses to even the most simple of touches, and he was very curious indeed to how they might act and move and breathe in a setting explicitly intended to elicit response.
“I’m… flattered,” Ell finally replied, watching a little smile quirk Mel’s lips as ei continued to trace delicate patterns over the top of their foot.
“You’re flattered… but?” Emil appreciated clear communication-- when he could get it at least. Mel would sometimes talk around topics (though ei were getting better) and it seemed that Ell would need a bit of coaxing, too, to say what they really wanted.
“I’m flattered and… it would be my pleasure to join you for the night?”
“Very good, Ell’iandyr. That wasn’t so difficult, was it?”
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Ell gets a texture update and a few sculpt tweaks, just in time for the Midsummer Masq :3
(Original sculpt by @vesuvian-disaster. Ell’iandyr belongs to @foxfirefallout!)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
39 (kissing tears away) for Ell and Jinana (because apparently I need a dose of feels, maybe?)
[ Touches Prompts ]
"Please don't misunderstand me... I enjoy his company very much, and, uhm, everything else, too..." Ell's features, already slightly flushed from alcohol, become pinker yet. "But I guess... for all of the time we spend together, I just don't know if we're actually... close? I mean... ugh, it's so hard to put into words..."
Jinana clucks soothingly, summoning Saheli with a wave of hir hand to prepare a pot of tea - Ell has probably had enough of the cordials they have been sipping this evening. The unseen force dutifully lifts the teapot from its place in the cabinet, taking it to fill with water.
"I just... oh, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!" This comes out in an increasingly strained series of syllables, the last hardly more than a strangled little sob. Ell hides their face in their hands, clearly embarrassed by this outburst.
Jinana scoots closer, running one hand soothingly down their back as they attempt to get themself back under control. "It's not about being wrong, dear. Heron is just... well, it's very easy for him to put others before himself. It's very easy for him to get so caught up helping someone else that he ends up sort of... protecting them too much, even from himself. He can end up creating a distance, even when he wishes to be closer."
Ell sniffles surreptitiously, dashing tears from their cheeks, but more just come to take their place - this is clearly a dam that has broken, something that has been troubling them deeply. Jinana reaches out, taking their face between hir hands, so that they must look at hir.
"If you love him - and I think that you do - there is something that you must ask yourself. Are you willing to meet him where he is? Are you willing to become the kind of person who is strong enough to help steer him out of his habits when they work against him?”
Jinana pushes the damp strands of hair back from Ell’s face, leaning in to very gently brush hir lips against their wet cheek. At the touch, hir magic leaves their skin instantly clean and dry again.
S/he smiles. “I think that you are... but only you can prove that.”
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
18 from the list of touch prompts (squishing the other's cheek) for... Jinana an Ell?
[ Touches Prompts ]
"Oh, don't get me wrong - I love spending time with him, I don't want that to change. I just don't know that someone like Heron would be interested in me... like that." Ellian'dyr wraps their hands around the tea mug, their eyes cast downward.
Jinana sighs, then reaches out across the table, lifting their chin gently with hir fingers. "Let me tell you something about Heron. He does not spend his time where he is uninterested."
"Well, no, but..."
"But nothing. It's clear that he cares about you. Is it so hard to believe that he is interested in you in other ways as well?"
"I... maybe." They look aside, pale skin warming slightly with a flush.
Jinana smiles. "Then trust me. No-one knows him better." S/he pats their cheek, then pinches it lightly, a playful gesture. "And after all, who could resist such a fetching blush?" Ell's cheeks stain abruptly crimson, and s/he chuckles. "Oh, I'll stop teasing you... and I'll keep your little secret, for now. But you should talk to him."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
"Did you sleep well?" Ell is reasonably sure they did, if only because they don't remember getting here, much less falling asleep.
[ Waking Up Prompts ]
@foxfirefallout 💙
"Ah, we did get a little carried away with the drinks last night - it can be hard to keep up." Jinana smiles. "Heron and I ended up just bedding down here so we could keep an eye on you."
"Here" is a large-ish nest of cushions and pillows, set up in the workspace in the basement of the shop. Anjali is lying amid the pillows, legs in the air and spotted belly exposed, snoring.
"You just wouldn't budge from watching the light of the mana collector - it really is pretty, isn't it?" The mana collector resembles nothing so much as a large furnace of stone and iron, inlaid with complex sigils. Instead of a fire, however, it has a bank of large crystals, glowing with a myriad of colors. It draws ambient power from the natural currents, and stores additional power that Heron and Jinana pour into it regularly, keeping the many power-intensive magical functions of the shop running.
"Speaking of Heron, he's just gone out to get some fresh baked goods for breakfast - he'll be right back. In the meantime, you should probably drink this." Jinana unstoppers a small vial of pale greenish liquid, holding it out to Ell. The light fragrances of fresh mint and cucumber arise from it. "Heron's Miracle Hangover Cure in a vial. You fell asleep before we could get one into you last night."
Ell downs the potion - there isn't much to it, just a scant mouthful. Almost immediately, their color looks better.
The shop bell sounds from above - Heron, returning with breakfast, courtesy of Selasi. "Ah, there's the last piece to a better morning - well, that, and some hot tea. Let's go upstairs and meet up with Heron, shall we?" Jinana offers hir hand, assisting Ell'iandyr up from the nest of pillows.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Ell settles into their seat, hands closed around their glass. It's at least their second- being out drinking with Jinana and Heron means they tend to lose track. "So... tell me about your first kiss." It's hard to imagine it not being a good story. And if not good, at least amusing.
[ Drunken Confessions ]
@foxfirefallout 💙
Jinana gives a little snort. "Oh, now I haven't thought about that in some time." S/he laughs ruefully, setting down hir tankard and leaning forward slightly.
"I was fourteen at the time, with nothing really distinguishing me from the boys - the hips came in later. So you must imagine this small, stick-bug of a teenager with frizzy peacock hair and magic hardly under my own control, shuffling about in whatever oversized and wildly clashing outfit I had chosen for myself that day.
"One of Master Borgia's older students - he was about sixteen - had taken an interest in me, the gods alone know why. Problem was, he'd gotten all his ideas about romance from bad plays or something. When I turned him down, he thought that the best course was to try harder." S/he sighs and shakes hir head sadly. "You'd think he would have known better... but he eventually tried the old 'corner them and go in for the kiss' maneuver.
"I was so surprised that he did actually manage to kiss me - for half a second. Then my magic rose up in me and zapped him so hard he was thrown backward - no lasting harm done, but he did lose most of his eyebrows." S/he laughs.
"Anyway, he stayed away from me for the rest of his time with Master Borgia, so I guess he learned an important lesson about consent that day, hm?" S/he grins and takes a long swig from hir tankard. "Served him right, really - no means no."
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