#Ekko is the only of my favorite champs I don't play
anothertina · 1 month
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Can't believe I got TD Ekko on his BF's birthday
I'm so lucky 😭
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chronobreak · 10 months
Fun ARAM story from yesterday:
I queued up and got Ezreal! I was absolutely thrilled to finally have a setting where I could play my favorite League champ without feeling bad about being actual trash with him (my highest grade with him is D+)… then someone asked me to switch.
I accepted the trade ofc - I couldn’t justify keeping my boy from someone who might actually know how to play him - but I’m still sad about it :(
Why are all the League twinks so hard to play…
Ahhh for real, some champs are so cool but then you need a masters degree to be able to play them D:
I do pretty much always accept trades in aram, but I make an exception for Ekko & Ezreal since they're THE all time favourites. But I also totally understand not wanting to decline a trade with someone only to do poorly while they're on your team haha...
Still, aram is a great spot to play champs you're not confident on for sure! Much nicer environment for practicing, and if you do badly no one can really blame you since the champs are random anyway - can't be perfect at everyone. Don't feel bad playing whoever you feel like :D
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liquidhunny · 7 years
for the league ask thing all of them, but you don't have to do all of them if you want. :)
LOL GDI -- I’m doing this in between commissions so why not~ hahahah I DID most of it :^)
1- First champ played? Besides Ashe through tutorial, ANNIE was my first. I was a one trick at her (Flash+Ult)
2- First main? Same answer as the first: ANNIE
3- Season when you started? season 3
4- What got you into league in the first place? my ex-gf was the one who started playing, and I was curious b/c her time was mostly on that and not on me. (we were in a long distance relationship and she’d play the game while we’d talk on skype back in the day lol)
5- Current rank? Silver 5
6- Highest rank? Silver 1. I’m really trying for Gold this year~
7- Current main? Sona or Karma
8- Odd pick fave? Malphite tank support. Only when my duo or other team mates say “we need a tank b/c Top or Jungle decided not to pick one” 
13- Ever got stuck in a rank? yes, back I was placed in Bronze and it took MONTHS cos I was hard stuck there lol
14- Met anyone you met on league irl? YES! Many of them~ and we all met up at an anime con or NA LCS
15- Last league game score? S on Sona~
16- Last champ played? Sona
17- Most champ played? Morgana
18- How many mastery 7s? currently 4.. 2 are in mastery 6′s and 7 champs are mastery 5
19- Ever cosplayed a league champ? Yes, Fnatic Annie (based on OhNips artwork)
20- Ever had a penta kill? No.. best I got was a quadra w/ Miss Fortune lol
21- Favorite champ? ANNIE always~ she’s the only champ I got most of their skins!
22- Favorite skin? Winter Wonderland Annie
23- If you could perma delete a champ, who would it be? Yasuo lol.. I can actually take on a Teemo lol
24- Current instant ban? no (?)
25- Least favorite champion? Yasuo.. kek
26- Aram, twisted tree line, or Summoners Rift? Summoners Rift of course!
28- Ever gotten so tilted you broke something? Not really. punched my desk tho lol
29- Ever been reported? no
30- Ever been banned? nope
33- Most expensive skin owned? DJ SONA (but I got it through loot -- it took so many loot boxes through earning from games to get enough essence for her..)
34- Longest game? 1 hr 10 min
35- Longest amount of time playing consecutively? 22 hrs. me and duo were rank grinding throughout our weekend lol
37- Favorite midlaner? Syndra
38- Favorite adc? Vayne
39- Favorite support? Annie
40- Favorite top? Rumble
41- Favorite jungle? Xin Zhao 
42- You’re worst champ? Pantheon (I’m horrible at ulting)
43- Favorite lore champion? Jinx/Ekko/Vi
48- What’s your favorite league ship? Draven x Sona (thanks to Zulidoodles)
49- What’s your favorite LCS team? TEAM LIQUID ALL THE WAY. and then FLYQUEST is my 2nd squad lol
50- Ever used RP to buy a champ? nah, thats what IP is for lmao
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