#Eidra Park
tv-moments · 10 months
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The Diplomat
Season 1, “Some Lusty Tornado”
Director: Liza Johnson
DoP: Julian Court
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meret118 · 1 year
Please Watch The Diplomat!
Netflix decides if they are going to renew a show based on how many people watch all episodes the first month it's on. If you liked The West Wing, you will like this too! In fact, I think it's better than TWW, because it's set more in the real world, and doesn't contain sorkin's misogyny. Plus, a woman is the main character! The creator worked on TWW and Homeland, and this show combines the best elements of each.
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Kate is a career diplomat who was working on getting people who helped the US out of Afghanistan, particularly women. She's ordered by the Biden stand in president, played by Micheal McKean, to take the appointment of ambassador to the UK, a post normally given as a reward to powerful donors, and one requiring speeches and shaking hands more often than actual work. She's determined to make a difference while there however.
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Her marriage to Hal, a former ambassador and high profile diplomat in his own right, is ending(?), but he's going with her for the first few weeks while she gets up to speed for PR purposes and support. They're both having trouble in this switch of roles as they try to define new boundaries.
Their relationship is entertainingly codependent and complex. They have terrific chemistry, and are totally believable as a long time couple who love each other, but don't know if that's enough anymore.
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Speaking of chemistry, Austin Dennison is the Foreign Secretary who's far more qualified to be PM than the blowhard BoJo stand in he serves. He wants to trust Kate and work with her toward common goals, but the Iraq war and more has damaged US/UK relations.
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Stuart Hayford is Kate's Deputy Chief of Mission, a job Kate's more used to doing herself, and is having trouble relinquishing. He's also receiving orders about Kate from the WH Chief of Staff.
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Stuart is in a secret relationship with CIA Station Chief Eidra Park. She's used to dealing with secrets, but some of the ones he's keeping may be more than their bond can tolerate. She expects Kate to be the typical political appointee, and has to rapidly adjust her opinion.
The center of the show, and where it shines, is its focus on the politics of the world we live in as the characters deal with terrorism, intrigue, corruption, and political text and subtext. The few times the show stumbles is when it forgets that, and focuses on the relationships too much. That's rare though, and the show normally does a good job of integrating both into an engrossing whole.
No country is presented as perfect, and if there are heroes they're more likely to be the unsung career foreign service employees more often solving problems in spite of elected officials and political appointees rather than because of them. I highly recommend it!
ETA: The final episode ends in a cliffhanger. It didn't bother me, especially since the outcome seemed obvious to me, but I wanted to mention it.
ETA 2 - It's been renewed for a 2nd season! Yay! :)
ETA 3 : I'm so glad people watched it. I'm excited to see season 2. :)
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katybunnyrabbit · 6 years
Tuesday August 14th 2018
Dear Diary,
I think the Tower is sending people over the edge...They attempted a D&D game on the tower.
[21:50]Swords Man: So... you guys wanna play D&D? [21:50]Camilla Maimhov: Is the FFXIVCC allowed? [21:51]Monori Akashiya: I put on my robe and wizard hat [21:51]Laplace Daemon: I attack the gazebo [21:51]Monori Akashiya: Wait this is Balmung [21:51]Manabu Shimamura: i roll to set the tower on fire [21:51]Monori Akashiya: I take off my robe and wizard hat [21:51]Swords Man: Sure.  Ok, so you attack the gazeboo, roll to hit [21:51]Pahja Rhaplanca: I'll attack your gazebo. [21:51]Khannov T'hab: :3c [21:51]Aegir Hlerson: I roll 1d20 to seduce Monori's robe and wizard hat [21:52]Swords Man: Ok so you hit it,  what you didn't see is it's a mimic.  Roll a Dex saving throw.  And you now have unarmored defense as a feat cause Balmung. [21:52]Aegir Hlerson: I would like to activate my trap card [21:53]Swords Man: WRONG GAME AEGIR FOR THE 3rd TIME [21:53]Idrael Fairclough: I play pot of greed! [21:53]Aegir Hlerson: I will not break the masquerade! [21:53]Swords Man: Idreal, you're banned [21:53]Idrael Fairclough: oh. [21:53]Khannov T'hab: jace the mind sculptor [21:54]Swords Man: Jace isn't banned but you should feel bad for milling half a persons deck [21:54]Camilla Maimhov: I'm making a Gymnastics test with Attribute Boost (AGI)! [21:54]Swords Man: Look i can only do so many references here. [21:54]Idrael Fairclough: well I play open the vault, and since I have only myr's in my deck they're all back on the field [21:55]Idrael Fairclough: nyeh [21:55]Orrin Halgren: final part of the tower is so cruel [21:55]Aegir Hlerson: Swords, I would like to purchase Parks Place for $500. [21:56]Swords Man: You can, please pay the bank 500.  Good thing too cause NO ONE WILL EVER LAND ON THAT STOP HAHA! [21:56]Camilla Maimhov: 7777 clemency, I'm feeling lucky today
[21:57]Foxygirl Foxera: go to jail go directy to jail do not collect 200 bucks [21:59]Swords Man: You can collect all the jail money you want.  I'll throw out a megavolution gengar. [21:59]Camilla Maimhov: Make a SAN check for every time you fall [21:59]Swords Man: Roll for spot hidden.. THAT YOU WILL NEVER SEE [22:00]Swords Man: Oh yeah.. i know them all. [22:00]Idrael Fairclough: well you know what. I use magical missle. [22:00]Swords Man: ON the darkness [22:00]Idrael Fairclough: yes [22:00]Swords Man: I need to get out more.. i'll see you guys later. [22:01]Camilla Maimhov: Don't forget - you're here forever [22:01]Raenef Verdandi: Forever...... :( [22:03]Foxygirl Foxera: my ninja timing off [22:03]J'aqois Sparrow: Is there even anything up there? [22:04]Swords Man: The person of your dreams and a bottle of wine, and dinner [22:04]Eidra Del: Also possibly their husband.
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