#Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay (Sherpa) were the first human beings to ever reach the summit of Mount Everest. This is the only proof. It
aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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chester-johns123 · 4 years
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In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay (Sherpa) were the first human beings to ever reach the summit of Mount Everest. This is the only proof. It is a photo that Hillary took of Norgay with his axe. Norgay offered to take one of Hillary but he declined. The stayed at the summit for 15 minutes.
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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aiiaiiiyo · 4 years
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In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay (Sherpa) were the first human beings to ever reach the summit of Mount Everest. This is the only proof. It is a photo that Hillary took of Norgay with his axe. Norgay offered to take one of Hillary but he declined. The stayed at the summit for 15 minutes. Check this blog!
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